Family Party

"Zayn please dress Imran" i said "Jaan i am not even showered" he said "Zaynn i have to do my makeup" i said "Fine give me his clothes" he said "by the way your having a nice hair day. I am proud of you" he winked at me and left i chuckled

I picked up Imran he was 8 months now he can crawl and sit up

Time flies like no otherr!

Him and Zayn just look like twins i am not even kidding except he has my smile

I kissed his chubby cheek "Imran please stay little" i said he giggled i laughed Zayn came inside

"Uh jaan kind of having a trouble with my tie" he said he was stuck i laughed "Omg Zayn! I taught you how to do it" i said "its confusing me!" he said in frustration i chuckled and helped him

The whole i saw Zayn looking at me "Zaynie please look after Imran i have to go pack Imran's stuff" i said he nodded "Aleezay hurry mum wanted us to come early" he said "I am coming" i said and went upstairs. I got Imran's diaper bag and his toys also extra clothes


"ALEEZAY BHABHI!" Waliyha and Safaa yelled and hugged me. I havent seen them for so long "Hey you two! How was your trip to Mexico?" i asked "Omg it was so hot" Waliyha said i smiled "Yeah Mexico is super hot" i said "Imran looks so cute" Safaa said playing his cheeks i smiled "Here, Play with him he missed you two" i said and gave her the baby Imran started to cry "He's just a little moody today cause he didn't take his nap" i said "Go put him to sleep then" Wali said "I dont know if he will sleep and Zayn told me not to put him to sleep cause his friends want to meet Imran" i said "He will be in a bad mood then" Doniya said "Go get Zayn" i said she nodded and left

"What happened?" Zayn asked Imran reached for Zayn he took him from my arms "Hes in a bad mood should i put him to sleep?" i asked "Yeah just for a bit though my friends can wait too" he said i nodded "Go to my room and put him to sleep" he said "Okay" i said

Zayn's POV

I saw my friends Jay, Jesse and Ray "Dang your still young man! your married and have a baby but still you look the same!" Jay said i laughed "Thanks ! how are you doing?" i asked "Great man just busy with my work and business" he said i nodded "Wheres your wife and Imran? i want to see that little boy" Ray said "Aleezay went to put Imran to sleep cause he was moody he didnt take his nap so he will take his 1 hour nap and then he will be fine" i said "Okay sounds good" They all said

"Zayn where's Aleezay?" Dad asked "Putting Imran to sleep" i said "Why so early?" Mum asked "Mum its his nap time" i said "Oh okay" she said Aleezay came down with Imran "He actually wont stop playing so i just brought him downstairs" Aleezay said we all laughed Imran was screaming in excitement when he saw me i picked him up "Zayn i will be right back" Aleezay said i nodded "Hes so cute!" My cousin Aaroosa said

"Aleezay did you eat?" i asked "Yeah i did. Did you?" she asked i nodded "Imran is having the time of his life over there" I said and pointed at him he was laughing and playing around she smiled "Aww thats so cute" she said "He grew up so fast" i said "Tell me about it. In a couple of years he will be going to school. Life goes by really quick" she said i chuckled "True that" i said

Aleezay's POV

"Aleezay i have been throwing up and i am dizzy" Doniya said "Go see the doctor" i said "I will" she said "Tell me right away if theres any good news" i said excitedly she laughed "Hows Waseem bhai?" i asked "Hes good you didnt see him?" she asked "Nope" i said "Hes here but i think hes outside with Zayn and people" She said "Oh i cant go outside cause i have to watch this little munchkin" i said and picked up Imran "Hes so chubby like seriously look at his double chin" Doniya said "Omg i was so chubby when i was little" i said laughing she chuckled i checked the time it was 12:00 "Omg its 12! I said "Why?" She asked "Its Jawaad's birthday" i said "Oh you going to your parents house?" She asked "No not tonight but i am going tomorrow cause Jawaad is having a birthday party and he invited his nephew" i said changing Imran's clothes he was wearing a onesie, "Aleezay wanna leave?" Zayn asked "I really don't care its up to you" i said "Imran is bothering you or hes fine?" he asked "Hes pretty much doing nothing i changed his clothes and hes just staring at me" i said laughing Imran had no expression he was just staring at me Zayn picked him up "Nanna (grandma) wants to hold him i will be back and then we will leave okay?" he asked i nodded and smiled


We got home i put Imran in his crib and put his stuff away i changed my clothes and wore my pj's i turned on the baby monitor and then laid down in bed i was watching "Modern Family" (my favorite show of all time you need to watch it if you havent seen it!) Zayn came in the room he was talking on the phone.

"Jaan what are you doing tomorrow?" Zayn asked we both were cuddling he was holding my hand "Well tomorrow i have to take Imran to his uncle's party so thats what i am doing. What are you doing?" i asked "Work i will be home early though" he said "Try to come to Jawaad's party he will get really happy if you come. Your like his best friend" i said he smiled "I will try to come" he said i nodded "Al your hair has gotten too long get a haircut" he said "Omg Zayn mom use to taunt me and now you have started. I thought you liked long hair on me" i whined "I do but its too long.Get layers and bangs and other stuff" he said "I will see. Go to bed you have to wake up early" i said and closed my eyes

"Good Night Angel" Zayn whispered

"Good night" i said

