Bad news

I was playing with Aliyah my phone beeped it was a text from Zayn

From: Zaynie ❤️
Hey jaan we need to talk can i come over?

I got scared what if he wants to cancel the wedding?

To: Zaynie ❤️
Okay but whats wrong?

From: Zaynie ❤️
Tell you when i come i am almost here

I gasped and looked at myself i looked like crap i ran to my room and brushed my hair i wore jeans and a hoodie and wore a headband i wore mascara and eyeliner i went downstairs and heard a door bell i opened the door and saw Zayn looking sad "whats wrong?"

"Come outside" he said i came outside and sat down on the bench "my boss really liked my work so he gave me another company to work in and its one of the best companies" he said "thats really good" i said "yeah but the problem is the company is in Colorado" he said "Zayn no i thought you said we didnt have to move after we got married" i said "Aleezay obviously we have to move" he said "not to another state i dont even know anyone there i will feel so odd" i said almost crying "baby i know but we have to go it will benefit our future" he said "my family will be so sad and i cant live without them Zayn do you know how far Chicago is from Denver?" i yelled "look i know its hard but you gotta deal with it" he said and left

I sighed and tears started to fall down i wiped them and went inside "Al is everything okay?" Fatima bhabhi asked "n- i mean yeah i am fine" i said and ran upstairs i closed the door and sat on my bed in a month i wont be in this room i am gonna have to move to another house i threw my book and started to cry "Beta its your mom open up" she said she opened it "i heard you have to move" she said "yup i guess i have to go its all your fault! your the one who is sending me away!" i yelled my brother came running in "Aleezay you do not speak to mom like that!" He yelled "oh please bhai at least you dont have to move in another state" i said "at least respect mom" he yelled "whatever i will never forgive you for this thanks for ruining my life" i said and left

I got my keys and drove to the park i sat on the bench i looked around and i put my knees by my chest i started to cry my phone started to ring i ignored it and put it away i walked around the park and saw couples smiling and laughing

After 5 hours

i sighed and started to walk back home i saw a lot of cars and polices i ran inside "MOMMY BAJI IS HOME!" i saw Aliyah crying and screaming "ALEEZAY MY DEAR WHERE WERE YOU?" she said and hugged me Zayn looked at me angrily i ignored him and went upstairs "Aleezay come here" Zayn said coldly i didnt listen he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back "why? why are you acting like this"? he asked "Acting like what? Zayn you dont know how i feel leaving my family and going to state i have no idea about its too hard for me" i said "i understand but you are acting like we are going there forever! its only 5 years and we will be back in Chicago and my parents might move there too" he said and i sat down "listen jaan your not going alone i am here with you and i am going to be there for you always and forever!" he said and held my hands i looked up at him "please just forget everything and act normal" he pleaded i sighed and wiped my tears "i am sorry i acted like this" i said and hugged him he hugged back "i cant live without you" he said and kissed my forehead
