7. It's His POV

His pov:

I had been looking at my wallpaper since the past 30 minutes which had the picture of my doll, Arika. I have had her picture on my wallpaper since when i got the phone. I kept changing the wallpaper as she kept changing her instagram profile picture.

"Why didn't you go to their house? You could've met her." David said catching my attention.

He's been asking the same questions since my parents left for the breakfast at Singh's House.

"I wouldn't know what to say if i meet her." I said still looking at my wallpaper.

"You mean, you could've said the dumbest shit around her if she comes in front of you?" Shivansh asked.

Between both of my friends David was more mature and sincere. Shivansh has always been the one who irritates a lot and has a very bubly nature. But whenever, Shivansh was at work, he would give all his focus to his work, only.

"Mhmm" I hummed.

"Can you stop looking at your wallpaper and talk to us?" David said being iritated.

"No" i replied still looking at the wallpaper where my doll is hiding her face with one of her hands. I guess it's a candid photo taken by her friend/family.

"So, now it's chicks before dicks?" Shivansh said.

I looked up from my phone and glared right into his eyes and said.

"Call my girl a chick again and I'd chop your dick off and feed it to the crows."

"All we are saying is you could give us your time if we are here. You can get to meet her tomorrow after your parents arranges your meeting with her." David said.

I finally turned off my phone and tossed it over the bed beside me. I straightened up and said.

"You request has been considered, Mr. David kapoor. Anything else?"

"Your big pleasuring favor." David said being sarcastic.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Kapoor"

"So..???" Shivansh said making me confused.


"Whar are you wearing tomorrow for your date?"

"I don't know, maybe a suit?"

"I wonder if you're going on a date or a business meeting?" David said.

"Then what should i wear? Track pants?" I said mocking him.

"A white shirt and blue jeans would do it" Shivansh said.

"A well-tailored suit to women is what a lingerie is to a men" I said winking at him.

"Thinking about such things already?" David asked.

"Have thought more than it" i said smirking.

"Care to share your wild thoughts?" said Shivansh.

"I'd love to but sad, you're not my girl" i said faking a sad face.

"Suck my dick" Shivansh said being irritated by my behaviour.

"I don't eat shit"

"Only when it's yours" Shivansh said.

The whole day passed in roasting each other. Till the time my parents came back home David and Shivansh had already left. I heard them talking in the living room and went towards them desperately.

"How did the breakfast go?" I asked catching their attention.

"It was beautiful" My mother understood my words and answered.

I blushed.

My parents knew since my childhood i liked Arika. But they never understood that i loved her since the day i saw he for the first time. I still remember when i met her for the first time she was wearing a pink colored frock and eating lollies. She was 3 at that time and I was 7! She shared some of her candies with me and since then i knew She's my to be wife.

My parents understood my obsession with Arika, last week. When they caught me red-handed staring at my wallpaper which had her picture. I was blushing like an idiot and too deep into her eyes that i didn't hear my father entering the room and standing behind me.

"She'll meet you tomorrow but she doesn't knows it yet" Father said.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"She does not wants to marry for now. Her mother said that she'll convince her to meet you" Mother said.

"Okay" I said and came back to my room.

I'm not the kind of a person who stays in his bed all day, i just didn't felt like going anywhere today. Staring at the ceiling, i thought to my self.

I wonder where my baby brother is, haven't seen him since morning. I hate to admit it but yes, life without siblings is boring.

I called him and he picked up.


I could hear the music and girls voice from behind but i chose to ignore.

"Where are you?" I asked being as polite as i could be as i knew this person was wasted.

"Miss me, already?"

"Very much. Come home."

"I'm getting laid tonight, will be home at 2AM."

Again? Bastard! I wonder what girls sees in him. He's unemployed who drinks, stays up till late, comes home whenever he wants to and drives car as he has some extra lives.

"Come home, Now! Or i'll-"

"And you have a goodnight, big brother" He said disconneting the call.

I could've killed him for his attitude if he weren't my mom and dad's second child. But what could i do? My parents are the reason he is what he is today. Spoiled 24 year old brat who still acts like a teenager and probably doesn't have any fashion sense.

After half an hour, the door to my room clicked open and i saw him standing in grey sweatpants and white shirt. He wasn't walking properly and was about to fall and i got up to catch him.

"What are you doing? It's midnight, Mom and dad must be sleeping. Don't make sound."

He smells bad. I helped him in walking by taking his weight on my shoulder.

"I thought you wouldn't come home until 2AM."

I said keeping him on the bed.

"The girl i was trying to get laid with, dumped me because she heard a rumour about me."

"What kind of rumour? Tell me, I'd burn the person down to ashes to throw dirt on your name."

"Awww, so sweet of you big bro, but it's okay. Some wanna throw dirt on my name, some wanna moan it, that's life"

"Woah! How come you learnt that much about life?" I said making him comfortable on the bed.

"If she didn't had sex with me, someody else wil-" He drifted into sleep.

I covered him with duvet. And laid beside him. I couldn't stop thinking about meeting Arika tomorrow. I picked up my phone and looked at her pretty face until i drifted into sleep. That's how i make myself sleep when i can't.


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