10. Coffee & Biscuit

His pov:

I drove back to my office as i got a call from my PA Manish Gupta that the bastard i've captured since 4 years was trying to kill himself. I will kill him myself but death is such an easy thing to give him. I'll make that bastard suffer until his last breathe.

My PA Mr. Manish Gupta was the most loyal of all the workers here. That's the reason i trusted him the most and he handled my legal and illegal works.


"It better be important." I said as irritation conquered over me.

"Sir, He tried to overdose himself with the medicine the doctor prescribed for his headache. His breathing is slowing down, Sir. I request your presence." Manish said from the other side.

"I'll be there in 20!" I said cutting the call.


I was so damn frustrated as he tried to do this on my date, while i was enjoying my time with mu buttercup.

I will beat the shit out of him. Bloody hell!

I drove myself to the office and took the elevator which was only built for me. I was drenched in water but my blood was boiling from inside. I cursed him under my breathe. I reached the basement and starting taking my steps towards the secret door which only my PA, the Doctor and My friends knew about.

By the time i reached the room, i saw the Doctor and Manish standing right next to the bed of that bastard. The doctor was checking him and giving him some glucose running through the pipes into his veins.

"Is he alive?" I asked looking at the doctor.

"Yes. No risks but he should rest."

"No, he shouldn't. Make him well enough so that he can drink and eat by himself. And take more blood from him, the patient must need it."

"Mr. Agastya he is not we-"

"Do you hear what i'm saying?" I gave him a death glare and he agreed.

"Why do you do this, Sir?" Manish asked.

This bastard tried to humiliate me in one of the car race. No one ever won when i was in the competition. I was the best! But he proved me wrong. Later, when i got to know he cheated, i tracked him down.

And got to know he do several illegal business and one of them included sex raketing. I respected women a lot and this part of him made me hate him even more. And found him one random day lying unconscious on a street.

"A personal matter." I answered to the long gone question of Manish.

"Sir, i meant why do you treat him this way?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused looking up at Manish as he never questioned any of his work he was given to do.

"The coffee & biscuit treatment. I mean you could just shoot him straight in the head and he'll be gone forever."

"Oh, that" I said understanding what he meant.

I've been beating him mercilessly and fed him nothing but Coffee and biscuit in the past 4 years. And donating all his blood to the hospital, to the people most in need of blood.

"You see, death will be too easy for the sins he have committed, Mr. Gupta. He deserve a slow and death pain."

"He's gaining consciousness." The doctor said taking my attention.

"Take his blood." I almost and ordered.

The doctor started doing what he was asked to and i asked Manish to get him coffee and biscuits. I was watching the blood coming out of his system into the bloodbag which felt so satisfactory.

"Why don't you just kill me already? What have i done to you?" the bastard finally opened his eyes and said.

"You were the one who said in the roaring tone 'I CANNOT DIE, I'M VIKRAM OBEROI' when the first day you reached here."

"I still am Vikram Fucking Oberoi. Let my father know and he'll burn your world down to ashes." His voice came to be shaky.

"Haha." I laughed on his stupidity. "You're not the Vikram i know. Look at you, can't even speak properly. Awww small baby, wanna go to his dad?" I mocked him.

"I'll kill you!"

"Kill me then?" I said challenging him but he got unconscious.

The Doctor filled 2 bloodbags and i told him it was done for now and he may leave. Manish returned with the coffee & biscuit.

"Sir, he slept?" Manish asked.

"Mn-hn" I hummed still looking at the lifeless soul.

"What about his treats?"

"Keep it on his side table. When he'll gain consciousness and feel hungry. He'll munch on it."

I said and started walking out of the room as the place where i've kept him was nothing but a dark room with a bed, a table and a light which in enough to see how many humans are present in the room.

It was already 11 when i reached home and went staight to the shower. Shower helped me clear my thoughts and anger and finally i was relaxed. I came out of the shower to the room and saw Lakshya there.

"Bhaiiiiii" He screamed looking down and turned around.

"What?" I said looking down and saw i wasn't wrapped in a towel.

"How irresponsible of you bhai"

"Who asked you to enter my room without knocking?" I said wrapping the towel. "What do you need?"

"How was the date?" He asked turning around.

"It was... umm-"

"Shy? Shy? Mhmm??" He said making me blush.

"Get lost and let me rest. I haven't eaten anything after breakfast."

"Let's order?"

"Leave." I said irritatingly.

"Fine, there's no use of being good for this cruel world. No one appreciates." he said leaving the room.

I lay on my bed, unlocking my phone and starred at my doll. She was so beautiful in real that i couldn't believe her existence. She was too good to be true.

I couldn't sleep like other nights but there was an urge inside of me, some restlessness that i couldn't ignore. So, i thought of messaging her but couldn't form a message.

"Slept already?"

No.. too formal.

"I was thinking about you"

Urgh, am i that cringe?

" I cannot sleep"

Eww, i look like teenager crushing on school's prefect who's scared to message her. And suddenly my phone buzzed.

"What are you typing since so long?"

I saw the message on my screen and couldn't believe she messaged me. I almost jumped and rubbed my eyes for a clear vision. But i read the same thing.

"Did you sleep with the phone on?"

My phone again buzzed with the message and now i needed to form a message.

"Not yet. What about you? Can't sleep?" I sent the message.


"Where did you get my number from?"

" I could ask you the same thing."

Damn! My gurl's so outspoken.

"Had dinner?" I messaged ignoring her previous message.

"Yes, you?"



Because i would rather eat you.

"Because i don't feel hungry."

"But you should not skip meals."

"Says the girl who has skipped more breakfast and dinner that i could count on?"

"How do you know that?"

"Just a random guess"

Our conversation continued and i didn't know when i fell asleep while talking to her and woke up with 58 missed calls and 90+ messages which all said the same thing.

"Hello?" "You slept?" "With phone on?" "Heyy?" "Hello?"

I almost got a mini heart attack with this.

"Are you talking to some other girl?"

Damn! She crazy? No, baby why would I? I only love my buttercup.

"I am sorry, Buttercup. I slept with my phone on."

I messaged her and went back to sleep as it was just 5:00 in the morning and i needed some more sleep to function. I saw her last seen and it was right to the time of her last message which said: "Don't talk to me if you have side chicks"

I smiled at her possessiveness and i kinda liked it. I could feel my ears geeting warmed up as i remembered the moment after the drive with her.

Oh! How buttery she was!


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Sorry that the update is coming after very long. It's been almost a week. I apologize. I will be posting one more chapter as an apology.

Thank you for reading.

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