Bye bye Flax

Rushbell sat around for a while with the Owsla until an unknown rabbit approached them. He was a young adult buck, not handsome but with a certain charm. His short, dark grey coat was shiny and healthy, he had a large piece of snow-white fur around his neck. Rushbell and Cottontail judged the strange rabbit,

"You new around here?" Asked Rushbell.

The rabbit's attention was slowly given to Rushbell, "yes" he answered softly.

Rushbell did not like the sound of this rabbit.

"If you are new, you have to report to Tarlock" reminded Cottontail, trying to be helpful,

"He is aware of my existence here" replied the rabbit.

Foxglove laughed, "aware of my existence... Bahhh, where you from?" He sneered.

Tarlock soon joined the new rabbit by his side, "this is Stonepelt, he is your new Captain" introduced Tarlock quickly,

"Tarlock?... You can't be serious, this buck is a total loser 'he is aware of my existence'... He sounds like Tigerlilly when she talks about Flaxenflare!" Judged Foxglove.

Tarlock was just about to say something when Captain Stonepelt stopped him, "It's ok... We will get along fine, in time" he muttered.

Tarlock smiled and disappeared into a burrow, "now... Come, I would like to be your acquaintance. If that is ok with you fine rabbits?" Asked Captain Stonepelt, with a friendly tone.

Almost all the Owsla rabbits burst out laughing at their new captain. Captain Stonepelt caught sight of a rabbit that did not laugh at him, he just seemed to stare at the ground, playing with strands of grass between his small claws. Stonepelt stood strong and walked over to the rabbit. A warm shadow appeared over Hunter, he never even looked up.

Stonepelt tried to speak to the rabbit, "young rabbit?... Why are you upset?" Asked Stonepelt with a gentle tone.

Hunter did not answer the wise and noble Stonepelt. Hunter turned his body away from his captain,

"It's probably not my place but I feel it must be said. Young buck, whatever has happened. You don't want to share. I don't just want to be your captain, I want to be your friend too. You can tell me anything, I won't judge..." Comforted Captain Stonepelt, taking a few steps closer to the young buck.

Hunter turned his head to face Stonepelt. The stone-coloured rabbit gave him a gentle smile, "... Or even just to listen" added Stonepelt.

Hunter gave Captain Stonepelt a huge smile, "thanks Cap" murmured Hunter.

The bay and black rabbit stood to attention for his captain, "Captain is present... Stand to attention" shouted Hunter to the rest of the rabbits.

The Owsla rabbits all stood to attention, "good" muttered Stonepelt.

Tarlock took Riverjay a walk around the warren,

"You have a new captain for your Owsla if you are still interested" mentioned Tarlock.

Riverjay did not want to go back to the Owsla, "I think you will really get on with this buck, when I saw him I thought of you" Discussed Tarlock smiling.

Riverjay thought for a moment, "can I watch first?" Asked Riverjay, nervously.

Tarlock nodded, "I can't watch with you, I have stuff I that needs my attention... Do what you feel is right" soothed Tarlock as he started to stroll away.

Riverjay stood and watched as Stonepelt took the warm-up before he took them out for a patrol.

"Right, I wanna see some real welly out there... I wanna see some confident young bucks out there!" Yelled Stonepelt as the rabbits hopped off in twos out of their warrens.

Riverjay sat and watched them leave. Stonepelt caught sight of Riverjay out the corner of his baby blue eyes. Stonepelt held back and approached Riverjay,

"Hello... You must be Riverjay" confirmed Stonepelt trying to gain his trust,

"Yeah, I am just going to finish grooming myself..." Muttered Riverjay.

Stonepelt made a face, "oh..." waiting for Riverjay to finish,

"You coming with us?" Asked Stonepelt, tilting his head a little.

Riverjay stopped grooming himself and sauntered after the rest of the rabbits without a word. Stonepelt trotted to catch up with Riverjay,

"Stick with me kid... I will look out for you" he said with a brave look.

Ivy smelt something in the air "other rabbits?" He thought, but he did not report it.

All was so silent, even the wind was mute. The bushes that surrounded the Owsla started to rustle as if something was inside... Suddenly a small army of rabbits burst out the bushes and started to attack them,

"It's an ambush!" Cried Redstream, running straight to Foxglove who was already pinned to the ground by some another rabbit.

Stonepelt looked around for Riverjay, he was nowhere to be seen. Stonepelt caught sight of what looked like the ambush leader (a large, ugly rabbit). The large, ugly, rabbit had Riverjay cornered up against a tree. Stonepelt ran to his aid. Riverjay coward in fear as the big rabbit's claw was raised into the air. Stonepelt bashed Riverjay out the way before the devil's claw took more innocence. Stonepelt caught the ambush leader's claw, he stared the beast directly in those burning red eyes. Stonepelt threw the beast's claw away, sending the creature from hell flying backwards. Captain Stonepelt had a cheeky smile on his face as he lunged at it, tearing one of the beasts long ears off. The beast's scream burned the ears of its fellow rabbits, scurrying away into the darkness, closely followed by its demon followers.

Stonepelt smiled and strolled over to Riverjay,

"You ok?" Asked Stonepelt helping him up.

Riverjay glared at Stonepelt, "why did you do that?... Plus that blood will stain your gorgeously coloured white tufts of fur, around your neck!" Cried Riverjay, who was felt indebted toward Stonepelt.

Stonepelt tipped his head, "well why not?... You are part of the family we have here. About this blood... You think you could give me some tips on getting it out?" Questioned Stonepelt, straightening his head.

"Well, I am not too great at this... I am only here because I have too much respect for Tarlock..." sniffed Riverjay, lowering his head to the ground.

Stonepelt shook his head up and down slowly, in understanding, " Right, I am guessing Tarlock somehow managed to convince you to continue here. Here is the thing kid... Tarlock won't waste energy on a hopeless case. He probably sees something in you, something worth saving. Tarlock saved me too... Saved me from my drunken self. I will now do the same for you because I see your potential too..." he explained with his soft, gentle, voice.

Riverjay lifted his head up to look into his eyes. "I have a few things that might work... You know, to get that blood out your pelt... That will make you look fab, I also have a few suggestions about your coat, its beautiful shiny colour is not showing properly. I have something that can help show it's true colours..." Thought Riverjay aloud.

Stonepelt agreed, "come along" the captain checked the rest of the bucks,

"Anyone hurt?!" Yelled Stonepelt.

"No, Sir" answered Rushbell, poking his small head up from checking his comrade rabbits,

"We need to report this to Tarlock" added Redstream, who stood beside Foxglove.

"No" snapped Ivy, cowering down, before standing up straight,

"You lot will come with me!" He growled...
