Chapter 9: The Monster You Created

The next day you woke up with you guest bed empty. 

Did you dream that stuff last night? You could then confirm that it was real when you saw how roughed up Promo's guest room was.


You and Vi did the thing.

Wait! Speaking of Vi, you look to the side then up front noticing that it was just only you alone.

You try to sense her presence, but all you got was nothing.

Everything was all empty.

Could she... abandon you just like Noctis?

"Vi...?" you said sadly.

A wave of loneliness started to ache inside of you once again.

Jayce covered the dead boys eyes. He didn't want to kill children. His eyes shaking as the consequences of what he just did comes crashing into him. Enforcers have them swarmed, rifles raised. They're terrified.

"You didn't have a choice."  Vi says. She makes a gesture to the red-haired boy on the ground. Shefeels sick. "He knew what he was signing up for."

"We're don't here." Jayce tiredly stood up.

"We haven't even scratched the surface. Silco's still out there."

Jayce sighs— more of an angry huff than anything. "Do you not understand? I'm part of this now! I— The next message a parent gets that their kid isn't coming home.... I don't even know where to take it. Do we just leave him here?"

"You've always been a part of this!"  Vi says. She looks damn close to anger. "You just never had to look it in the eye. One dead kid? There's hundreds more where he came from, thanks to Silco, and thanks to people like you who stuck their heads in the dirt!"

"This is over." Jayce says, looking to Vi on his left.

"Not for me" Vi says, clenching her gauntlet fists.. It's time to go.

"Take those off." Jayce demands, pointing to Vi's gauntlets before grabbing his hammer. 

Steam hissed out of Vi's gauntlets as she glared at him. "Make me." she dared.

 "I can't let you leave with them."

"Then I guess your gonna need to kill another trencher."

Those words hit Jayce as Vi hold her ground and ready to fight him off who wins.

For a moment, Vi thought Jayce is going to use the Mercury Hammer on her. The look in his eye certainly says it. But she look past that, look at the tiredness, and she doesn't feel fear at all. 

Jayce purses his lips— the hammer clanks as it shifts into a neutral position, "You won't make it alone." he stated and he starts walking away.

He was right, Vi wouldn't make it alone. That's why she knew who she needed the most right now and that was you.

She knew that you were wondering where she had gone off to and she probably needs to get back to you as soon as possible.

Vi walks over to the boy and sighed, her hair hangs in her face and her chest rise and fall. She turns to look at the massive tank of Shimmer,  with a large glass casing of it.

Vi strikes it with her fist and punched it causing it to crack and burst on the ground.

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Vi went back to Promto's place  as she rush back to get you that is until when she opens the door to the guest room....the bedroom was empty.

"(Y/n)...?" Vi whispers lightly, scanning everywhere in the house you both stayed in after returning from her confrontation with Jayce.

Her stomach plummeted when she saw the bed was neatly organized. Fear and blind panic fills her soul, and she bolts for the stairs towards the kitchen or the living room.

'Please don't be gone. Please don't be gone.' She thinks to herself, silently pleading to the Gods she wasn't even sure exists.

Basically jumping down the small flight of stairs into the halls. She soon suddenly bump into Promto who yelp in surprised.

Promto's shock turns to worry as to why Vi looks scared as he was.

"Hey....what's wrong Vi?" he doesn't know what to ask.

"Have you seen (Y/n)?" Vi's eye were frantically looking every trace and thought Promto know where you are.

"No." but sadly he does not. "Why?"

"She left." She replied sadly. "I think she thought I abandon her for something."

 "Huh, well if she's gone than Noct must've been gone as well."

Vi perked up scrunching her brows. "What do you mean?"

Promto sighs. "Last friends called me that my buddy just disappears when he took a shower. I'm worried about him."

"So he's gone too?" Vi may have distaste towards Noctis but he was the one that made you miserable for the last 7 years. She knew that she didn't like him when they first encounter at all and when you talked about him during your childhood.

"I have to find her." Vi prepares to leave as Promto called her back.

"Ah wait, do you have any idea's where she went or maybe Noct-"

"I don't know where this Noct person is." Vi cuts him off. "But my only concern is that I find my (Y/n). And I bet I know where she took off to."

Prompto doesn't know who to find. He's worried for both you and his buddy. But when he look to Vi, he could tell that she care and loves you for you. Perhaps...he knows that he can trust her to look for you while finding his friend is the matter.

"In that case, I hope we find them if we split up. But before you go, I have something to give you." Prompto went somewhere rampaging his stuff until he found his photo album and took out one picture and handed to Vi. "Here... Noctis thinks it's just junk to keep I think you should have it."

Vi took the photo from him as she look at it seeing a picture of you who watched the horizon with the sun setting. Vi smiles a bit seeing how you look beautiful in your younger self.

She look up to Promto and gratefully accept a souvenir while tucking it in her jacket. "Thanks. I hope you find your Prince."

"You too." Promto encourage. "Take care of her, when she need a friend like you."

Vi nodded and head out the door towards The Undercity. There is no better time than the present, and she was prepared to destroy anyone in her path to finding you.

If Noctis dares to lay a signal hand on you, she'll punch him real good for hurting you.

No matter where that little soon-to-be ex friend of yours was hiding, she would find him and give him a piece of her mind.

And maybe have a little 'chat' with him too...

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Meanwhile at the last drop. Sevika was passing out the cards and ready to gamble. A woman with twilight hair walked into the building. The man sung a song as he began to listen to the music playing but everyone stopped their tracks.

He looked to the girl infront of him.


You clenched your jaw and looked away, hoping and begging that Silco's giant rat was heading for someone else. You had a reason coming down here, 1; You caught up with Enzo. 2; he was informing you about Silco's plus 1 who threaten him to make you enter The Last Drop. 3; she wishes to have a drink with you.

Which makes you more suspicious and makes you want to gag. You were not much of a drinker because if you do... you might end up being stupid by putting curses making anyone step on glass with their feet.

Sevika Whistled. "Everyone out." she called them as they all hurry o the door and get out. Sevika met your eyes and smirked. "I see you got the message, goth girl."

You scoff and cross your arms. "I had someone to bribe me into this, not that I'm interested doing this sort of bargain. But that's not why you want to see me isn't? Why do you wish to see me?" You slightly turning you head to glare at the larger woman.

"What's it look like, to have a drink with you," she replied smugly.  Theiram's eyes flicked quickly to You before he slid Sevika a drink.

You did not move where you stood there and grab a seat far away from her. Thought unfortunately, Sevika had the upper hand on you, and when you stumbled the moment you tried to take a your own space, Sevika's strong arm shot out and grabbed yours with a firmer grip than you would've liked to crush it with your demon strength.

"Why don't you take a seat here." Sevika suggested in a voice laced with venom and dripping with honey. You click your tongue while being forced to sit with her by your will.

Last time you had tangled with Sevika, you had Vi to save you, so she felt almost unstoppable; alone, not so much.

And with Onyx who took the beating out of it.

"What do you want?" Your eyes are still focus to what kind of plan had Savika store for you.

"Oh, just some company," Sevika replied with a smirk. "But you know, it's no fun to drink alone."

"You mean your partner who's name I don't remember. What's his name was that Vi called him..." you pretend to think. "Ah, yes. His name is Onyx. Wasn't he with you?"

"He took a vacation after you and Vi put him to the ruble." She gestured a robotic finger towards Theiram, who seemed to gulp before pulling out a drink that looked fairly similar to Sevika's and sliding it to her, who then slid it to you.

"Drink up." She lit a small cigar and began to smoke. You traced your fingers on the rim of the glass, but didn't drink.

"Leave me out of this, or you'll be leaving here with one arm than the last time we crossed paths." You coldly spat.

Sevika chuckled darkly. "Oh, come on," she crooned. "If you really meant that, you would've already done it. Or at least, you would have tried until Onyx kills you again." she went to touch you until you smack her hand away.

"Don't touch me." You tried to stand up, but Sevika's hand landed on your shoulder before up could even rise from her seat and kept you firmly in place.

"I'm not going to ask you again." Sevika growled. "Drink."

"I'll pass." you growled back. No way you're gonna drink this shit.

If Sevika or Onyx was going to seek revenge on you now, at least Vi wouldn't be there to see it. But still deep down, you couldn't help but wish that Vi was here.

You calm your nerves and glared at her. Sevika had the nerve to laugh again.

"What, little Glaive, thought I put something in your drink?" She asked mockingly.

You rolled your eye's annoyingly. "I don't know. Did you?"

The smirk remained on Sevika's face. Releasing a puff of smoke into the air, she spoke again. "You know ever since you lost all your memory, I really do see what Vi saw in you."

You were caught off guard before squinting your bronze eyes. "What are you going on about?"

Sevika leaned in. "Just look at you," she murmured slowly, head tilting as she looked the smaller up and down. "You used to be that shy lonely pitiful girl, always getting herself beat up trying to put up a fake smile." She leaned back again. "It was painfully obvious that you weren't even trying to now that you became a Glaive, all cold hearted and so empty inside. Who could resist, now that you look so different from when you were a pathetic kid." She took a long drag from her cigar and blew her smoke into the air above them, watching as it curled over your heads.

You scoff again. "You know nothing of what you're talking about." you shook your head as you tap the table. Sevika shrugged and took yet another drag, paired with a sip from her drink.

"No, it's true. I really do wonder what I'd have to do to get in your pretty little empty head," Sevika continued. "Maybe I should get myself thrown in prison just to ask Vi."

You clench your teeth and broke the glass cup with your bare hand. Your mind flew back and forth from Sevika's disgusting comment and what she had said about Vi.

"Don't...screw with me and your god damn lies." You stood up so angrily and forcefully that your seat clattered onto the floor behind you. But as soon as you had stood up, you felt was about to struck you to the ground until you use the force back to grip Savika's robotic arm and use your palm to her stomach so strong that she tumbles to the floors.

Savika groans from the impact as she stood up. You clicked your saber-blade and coldly stare at her hard while Sevika did the same to you.

You began to fight like crazy battling with demon strength and shimmer bio weapon.

You could predict she would loose once you chop off her arm since you're going all out charging up some force. You won't stop until she's down.

Vi ran to The Last Drop to find you. She knew you were going after Sevika. Vi saw those shimmer Chemtank collapsed on the ground. Vi rushed in the building  and found you and Sevika fighting with your saber and most shockingly your demon arm.

"(Y/n)..." Vi never seen you fight with a demon claw. Seeing you fight so hard you didn't waste a breath to turn to see her standing there speechless.

You fought so much that Savika tired herself out as you took a sip of water throwing at Savika's face and went to pick up a pool.

"(Y/n), wait stop!" Vi shouted.

"Don't get in the way!" You harshly picked up the heavy pool table into the air with one hand and kicked it at Savika with your legs and bare strength. You make a climax jump with a vertical stab until Savika cut the table with her hot light saber and swung it to you.

You defect on time while Savika kept swinging her sword clashing with yours. You ignore the heat stinging your shoulder. She began to beat you up, punching you in the stomach then kick you to the ground before you passed out while trying to get up.

"(Y/n)!" Vi shouted and Sevika charged at her for a second round. It was quite a mess and Vi was knock out next to you.

Vi looks very beaten up and blood slip out from her nose and mouth pooling out to the ground below her, trying to fight off unconsciousness so she could save you.

"Well, your guard needs work..." Vander's voice filled the air, making Vi scoff a little with a smile as his figure appeared above her sitting on the bar's stool.

"I wish I could say it gets easier, kiddo," Vander continued talking to Vi as she laid still on the ground, her broken gauntlet crackling with broken energy.

"But I'd be lying," Vander confessed. "What I can say is...... she stills needs you. They all do....including (Y/n). So what do you say?"

Vi panted, spitting out a tooth while pushing herself up to her feet. Vander's frame smiled up at her as she stood before him, lips pulled back in a tight line as she let out a rasp.

"That's my girl."

Vi turned back to face Sevika. She dropped the right glove, raising free hand up, pressing it against one nostril before blowing the snot out of the left one. And then she rose her fists up, her remaining glove powering up as Sevika snarled and went to charge you who was still knocked out as Vi went in front of you and charged at her.

As the impact of Sevika's sword and Vi's fist made a large wave of light, causing a power outage. You couldn't see through the darkness of flashes, Sevika cutting her blade against Vi's gauntlet as the girl spun her body around, stepping back inches away from you.

Sevika jumped in through the air with her blade held high in the sky. But just before she could touch the two of you below, Vi held up her left gauntlet, blue force field folding over you two and forming a protective border around that Sevika's body slammed against.

Vi looked down at the gauntlet, with amazement as the shield disappeared and The border sent Sevika flying back.

You finally gain a little bit of strength and you and Vi  caught Savika in mid air by her prosthetic arm and you chop it off with your purple blade and Vi then punching her in the stomach.

Working together you both grabbing each side of her leg spinning around and then sending her flying through the wall towards the juke box. She goes  limp and unconscious with her steel arm draining Shimmer all over the floor.

Vi stumbled on her feet before screaming into the ground on her knees, slapping her hands against the floors.

You were too on your knees stabbing the wooden floors with your sword to hold you up, too tired yet so exhausted from the pain and rage you were feeling.

Vi catch her breath until she crawls towards you holding you in her arms. "(Y/n)....are you alright?"

"Does it really matter?" you sarcastically remarked.

Vi sighs shaking her head by your remarks. "Stop giving the cold shoulders and tell me why did you leave by yourself?"

 You were dumbfounded. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you why you suddenly left me?"

"What?" She looks confused.

"You left me first and I started to feel betrayed because I thought you might as well left, not leaving a note that  say's 'goodbye' or whatever." you stated.

"Oh." she took out a short breath and her head started to click of what your saying.

"Look it's fine if you pick out one of any other ugly girls and not so into me-  not that I care, but ditching someone for no reason is a very bad move. I despise being a leverage, ya know?" you tiredly assumed.

 Vi face softens, what is she thinking?

Vi takes a breath, shaking her head and gently took your chin with her index finger making you turn to face her in the eyes. "First of all, I did not abandon you so I could pick any kind of ugly girls. I was going to destroy the Factory that controls shimmer and went back to get you. Second of all, the only thing I'm into, is you. Only you. I did not use you as leverage and I'm quite attach to you as my one and only number one hottest girl."

You were rendered speechless by such huge confession by Vi. You can't tell if your the idiot or if she's an idiot. This goes to show that you look down at her tattoo neck and anywhere but her gorgeous eyes.

"My god, your so straight forward." You stutter out of embarrassment.

Vi chuckle and started to lighten up the mood as she caresses your cheek. "So, I take it that you finally gave up on a scale of 10 feet away from me?"

You groan. "Yes, and if you want to do whatever want with me, just do it. Don't leave me do all the guessing."

Vi smirked. "Don't mind if I do.~" with no second thoughts, Vi smashes her lips against yours while you leaned into it, moving your lips in sync.

Violet aggressively grabbing your waist  to pull your closer to her moving a strand of long dark hair out of your face.

You and Vi pulled away from the lack of air, breathing heavily.

"I wanted to do that before you suddenly took off before someone else tries to take you." Vi teased.

"Oh shut up." you peck her lips before you both stood up leaning against each other for support.

Vi hooked your arm around her neck before bending over to pick up her other glove. "You really fight hard Pretty Princess. I'm proud of you."

You had a sudden remembrance by her words and nodded before holding Vi close. "Same goes to you."

"Bravo, Love Doves." A voice spoke in the shadows.

And then the next thing Vi and You did not react quickly was you both been hit in the head and passed out.

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The sound of crackling awoke Violet from her knocked out state. She eyed the firework like toy that sat at her feet. She was tied to the chair as her vision began to clear.

"Really thought I buried this place." A gasp escapes her lips. "I should have known better."

The figure walks down slowly, "Powder?" Vi cried out, what happened to (Y/n) when she passed out?

"Nothing ever stays dead." The sound of metal clanking together. It was quiet for a moment.

"Are we alone?" Violet asks, glancing everywhere she could.

"For now, maybe forever?" She answered, Jinx was teasing. She loved playing games, this was one of them.

"Wanna know a secret? Silco thinks he made Jinx, with all his rants and his hard-won lessons."

"Excuse your doubts, Jinx."

 "Be what they fear, Jinx."

"Like everything was the same as when Vander left him." Violet looked down at the thought of Vander.

"But he didn't make Jinx."

"You did."

"I'm sorry Powder, I never meant to leave you." Violet was being honest.

"You never left, I always heard you." Jinx replied, "I always heard you. Shadows in the streets, prickles on the back of my neck. Even through a close friend who can't remember me and been transported to meet the Prince."

Vi look down sorrowful, knowing she was referencing to you. She wished that she could've been there to save you.

"Your voice," Jinx continued. "Pushing me. Picking me up when all the colors were black."

"You're the reason I'm still alive." Jinx admitted.

Violet bit her lip, "I spent so many nights in that shitty prison. On that freezing floor, hungry, bloody, counting the hours."

Violets voice faded, "The only thing....The only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you and (Y/n)." The firework toy went out completely, engulfing the pink haired girl in darkness.

"Are we still sisters?" Jinx asked, her voice sounding so vulnerable and wondering.

"Nothing is ever going to change that." Vi confirmed.

Jinx appeared with a lighter in-front of Violets face. Tilting her face to look at Violets, her voice was raspy like she just woke up.

"I  always knew you'd come back." She started to turn the chair around.

"What's going on?" Viasked quickly.

Jinx walked toward and threw the lighter as it lit up all the candles one by one on the table in front of Vi. When the candles lit up Vi noticed see at the end of the table  Silco at the very end, coming to consciousness, something to stop him from talking around his mouth.

"He took everything from us." Jinx pointed out. "Right here, he stabbed Vander in the back. Just like he planned to do to me. All the time saying you abandoned (Y/n) and me when he knew the truth. And then sold her to the Crown City so she could die by the hand of the new king."

Silco's words are mumbled against the cover.

"Liar.." she glared at him.

"Hm... We're missing someone." Jinx went to the dark.

It takes some more time, but Vi's senses finally come to clarity and she take in everything around her. To her left, there are dummies of Mylo and Claggor slumped in chairs that make her heart tighten in herchest. A chair with the name Powder painted on it. Across from her on the opposite side of the table is a chair with JINX written on it.

Jinx then came back and Drop the hit plate on the table. Then drop Vi's gauntlets down to her feet.

"I paid your girlfriend a little visit this morning." Jinx announced.

Violets gasp, eyes widened in fear, blowing wide thought in horror. "(Y/n)..."

'Was... (Y/n)'s head on that platter?' she thought to herself.  "What did you do?" Her voice shaking.

"I made her a snack with her favorite spicy food." Jinx said innocently and politely, running a finger over the top of the cloche.

Vi heaves in and out, shakily breathing as Jinx slowly lifts the cloche, smoke drifting out. She rips it off, and Vi looks away, "No!" She shouts, squeezing her eyes shut. 

Flashes of you in the last peaceful moment you had together crossed her mind. That's how she wanted to remember you not—

"Sheesh! I'm not that crazy." Jinx scoffs, tossing the cloche to the ground. She walked away and brought out someone in a wheelchair. Which was Caitlyn. She shoved her by the table.

She walks into the darkness again, pushing a wheelchair with you who had passed out from hitting on the head shoving next to her. Vi gasped, concerned as her heart began pounding rapidly.


Jinx lays her hands on your face, patting your cheeks until you have feeling there again. The hands are cold. Too soft in all the wrong places— they don't belong to the person you want them to belong to. The hands pull your head up until you've gained enough brain cognition to hold yourself up. Something obscuring your mouth makes your words even more slurred and muffled.

"Jeez, I hit ya pretty hard huh Short Stacks," Jinx's voice sounds like it's been shoved through cotton. 

When your head slumps to the side, she catches you by your ear, tugging you upright. Jinx turns and says to someone else, "See? Your girlfriend is fine. I'm not that crazy."

"(Y/n)!" Vi called you again

You woke up head swivels to see Vi tied to a chair (much like you are). She's leaning toward you, the ropes taut against her with her eyebrows furrowed in concern. When you try to say something, you realize your mouth is covered completely with a thick mask.

"I got another one for you." She walked behind Vi and also pulled another guest. 

It was Noctis himself. 

She forced him to sit down on a chair next to Caitlyn, which made your panic attack seeing him.

Noctis' eyes sees you scared while struggling to escape. He must admit he felt guilty throwing his temper, seeing you in this state is his to blame. You got this shocked and heartbroken look in his eyes, and then he's looking up at Jinx.

"Powder! Leave her out of this." Vi worries when your fear started to thrash around to see Noctis made your panic attack increase.

Jinx leaned against the back of the wheel chair that Noctis is strapped as she leaned in his ear whispering venomously as he flinched. "You know, none of this would've happen if you stop hurting (Y/n) then maybe she won't loose all her memories. I'll make sure you will pay for that, Princey."

"Now," Jinx pushed away from Noctis, she walks around Vi's chair, leaning her arm against it. "....Where should I sit?"


Or Jinx?

Vi's eyes drift over to the chair with Powder on it. You keep your gaze trained firmly on Jinx, watching as the woman's face shifts near imperceptibly. 

Jinx says, with a smack of her lips, "That's your choice, really."

Strolling around the back of Vi's chair. And then she bent over, pressing her gun into Vi's hands that were tied in front of him. "Make her and the prince go away. Please. Send them on their way and-"

From across the table, Caitlyn whimpers, struggling and shifting in her chair with tears in her eyes. Noctis grunted and tries to protest the decision while you try to tell Vi with nothing but the expression on your face that Powder is gone, Vi, Jinx is here to stay.

"...and you can have Powder back."

You're sure it doesn't come across, but you know deep down that it is the truth.

Powder isn't there anymore. If she is, she's buried so deep far down that it would take so much more to bring her back to the surface.

You shook your head to Vi who looks back to you between Caitlyn and Noctis before looking away.

"I-I can't."

Jinx scoffed, snatching her pistol before pointing it at Noctis' head.

"No! Powder, listen. We..." Vi glances at you, and your eyes cries painfully going to watch Noctis get shot by Jinx as shut his eyes. "We can just go. We can leave and never come back." 

Jinx gasps, and you raise your brows in surprise.

Jinx glances at you for a split second. "(Y/n), too?"

"If— if that's what you want, then yes, all three of us can drop this place and leave," Vi says, nodding her head.

"Where would we go?" Jinx wonders out loud, pressing the tip of her shock pistol to her lips in a strange, deadly way of thinking. In a flash, her teeth grit together and she hisses to an unknown being, "No, no, no, she's not saying that!"

"It's true, we'll put this behind us," Vi pleads. "You'll never have to see him again, Powder."

Gesturing her head to Silco. He shakes his head, and his words are muffled behind his mouth covering.

"What do you have to say about that?" Jinx demanded before moving over to Silco and tearing his gag off.

"Her name is Jinx!" He shouts, and then he's turning to Jinx. "She's lying. You'll be with her a day before she realizes you aren't that girl anymore and turns her back on you."

Well, that's not  true.

Jinx glances at Vi. Her hand is shaking, stilled only by squeezing the hilt of her shock pistol. "You aren't lying? You wouldn't lie to me. Not again."

Vi shakes her head quickly, her volume raised, "I'm not lying!  I'm on your side, I promise!." You shake your head along with her.

Jinx began to think and hear voices so she shot at the Mylo doll. "Shut up! We're talking!" she shouted.

And then her eyes snapped down at you.

"What about you?" she hissed as she rounded around Silco and tore off your gag. You gasped before coughing, finally being able to let out a soft sob while looking down. "What do you think, Dragks."

You shook your head, slowly looking up at Vi who leaned forward with her eyes wide filled with worry.

"Should I kill the Prince for ya?" she taunted, leaning towards you some. "I don't mind doing all the work for you, but are you still on my side?"

You looked down and sobbed. "Don't kill him please." you pleaded.

"Why not?" Jinx sounds disappointed.

You're voice begins to crack. "I know he hates me by tagging along with his group. I was treated unfairly and I understand that he needed the space. I know....deep down....I'm willing to give up being by his side. Killing him will only make me more ashamed...I'll never return at that point towards the right path.  So please Powder, let just go home and leave here. All three of us. Because that is what I wanted. And that's what you and your sister want too. To see you and Vi back together as a family."

Jinx was touch by you saying her real name for the first time. Her lips quivering as she whispers, "After 7 whole years...I waited for you to come back. I never wanted you to go. I just wanted for you to stay."

Jinx angrily pin pointed her gun at Noctis who was listening. "Until he shows up. He hurts you, just like your brother Onyx, which in fact you can't remember. He's exactly like him and you're going to forgive him just like that?"

She does have a point. But forgiveness? You probably don't know if Noctis is truly worth forgiving.

Without reply back to her you just remain silent Jinx can't be mad at you knowing that you are too soft and conflicted, so she won't pressure you. She seen you like a big sister like Vi. A soft kinder one to encourage one another.

There are tears in her eyes, her focus shifting and flickering. She can't find a single place to look at— like the rest of her, her eyes are shaking.

Noctis glance down at the broken flute of glass rolling toward him on the table. His face hardens for a split second, eyebrows pinching together and smoothing out to create a familiar look of determination. But like him, you can't say anything that'll be understandable.

"Why did you send her away to the Crown City?" Jinx asks Silco, her voice so childlike and quiet that you feel your heart cracking. She asks more insistently, angering perforating the lines on her face, "Why did you send her away?!"

"She's a distraction!" Silco shouts back. Jinx flinches backward, all of her rage dissipating in the span of a few seconds. "Dragon-Phoenix has no family, she never had. From what Onyx has told me. She was an abandon child, a child with such power strong enough to kill us all. Rumors about the legendary hybrid demon that can control all the elements, but this one...she controls the universe itself. I had to send her away so that the King could kill her, but It seems that he was merciful to be raised as a Glaive.  The most strongest of all human race. If she truly cared, she would have come for you sooner."

You were shocked to hear this. Vi, Caitlyn and Noctis were shocked as well.

"So...what are saying?" You were shaking. "Are you saying, that this person called Onyx lied to me for so long? That he's not my biological brother? Even I still don't have my memories...he lied?"

Silco just stare at you blankly which proves that he confessed the whole truth about your origins. It's all true. You'd just watched your entire world crumble apart. You lost your memories that you can't remember who are you're friends.

 If you're the strongest than you can stop whatever war they may bring, but killing everyone you just wouldn't do it. Is that something you can really be blamed for? You have no idea.

Jinx flicks her eyes to you, her mouth shaking with the intensity of the emotions on her face. You shake your head, wishing you could bring yourself to say everything you want to say. But Jinx knows. You apologized already, but is it enough? You want to say sorry.

"The topsiders offered me everything," Silco says, the rope of his chair stretching taut as he leans to her. "Independence, a seat at the table. All in return for you." He shakes his head once, hissing, "They can all burn."

You hiss, glowering at Silco.

"Everyone betrays us, Jinx," Silco says. "Vander. Her." He nods at Vi. His eerie, sickening eye turns to you. "Dragon-Phoenix is no different. Her speech's mean nothing. I will never abandon you like she did. They will never understand. It's only us. You're my daughter. I'll never forsake you."

Jinx says something so quiet you can't hear it. Silco hums, a silent request to repeat it.

You can't see her face— her bang covers most of it, her skin ashen and covered in soot. She states, "Her name is (Y/n)."

The crushing feeling in your heart is amplified tenfold.

You hear a squeak, then—

"Drop the gun!"

Noctis lifts the machine gun in his grip, the triple barrels trained on Jinx's figure.

"Noctis!" Immediately, you start protesting while shaking your head. "Please stop!"

Jinx's grip tightened on the pistol as she looked down at Noctis' gag on the floor--along with the cup he used to break free of the rope tying him down to the wheelchair.

"No, please," Vi begs, but you aren't sure who she's even talking to. Jinx's eyes glazed over her sister before turning down towards you. You shake your head, leaning forward.

Just barely, her stance shifts. Her gun arm raises. Jinx shouts and raises her gun to shoot, but Noctis pulls the trigger for the machine gun and almost hits her.

"No! Stop!/Noctis!!" You and Vi both shout, and then the gunfire ceases, but Noctis remains sturdy, and so does Jinx. Noctis absorbs the recoil without so much as a blink.

"Drop the gun." Noctis repeated seriously.

That seems to be the wake-up call for Jinx. Her arms are raised over her head, protecting her face in a way that looks so goddamn familiar. This pose... it's the same. Jinx... Powder... You don't know who's who anymore.

Your eyes drift to Vi's. She's already looking at you, on the brim of tears. Everything in your chest yearns to touch her, to whisper into her ear that everything will be okay, that everyone will survive. But how could you possibly say those things and make even more false promises? It's up to fate to decide.

Noctis shifts his grip on the gun again.

"Wait! She's my sister!" She tries to reasons with him, but the prince shakes his head as Jinx has a small smile form on her lips at Vi's words.

"Don't do this to each other! All this killing has to stop!" you pleaded.

"You girls need to shut up!" Noctis snapped.

"Vi, (Y/n), she's too far gone," Caitlyn replies authoritatively, the face of an Enforcer on like a shield over her eyes.

"No, you're wrong! Noctis please you have to listen to me!" you counsel Noctis even thought you two were on bad terms. Jinx keeps her arms raised, but her attention goes on you as you start talking. "I know you are so tired of being told as a duty of being king, but this is not the way. For once in your life, I'm begging you, don't kill her."

Noctis almost hesitates, the barrels lowering an inch. Jinx snickers, and then she takes a step back, lowers herself, and puts the gun on the table near Silco prompting Noctis to focus and find his target once more.  He glances at her and then the gun rapidly, and then Jinx steps forward again, hands up with puppy dog eyes.

Noctis glances at Vi, with his cold eyes.

"No, no, no." Vi pleads, and then he turns his gaze to you who swallows thickly in a terrified anticipation then to Caitlyn who seem conflicted. He returns his gaze to Jinx.

Jinx whimpers, Noctis narrows his eyes. Jinx slowly begins to smile devilishly, open hands slowly closing, and then she's lifting her head, grinning wickedly with a small giggle. In a flash of a second, she zips forward, a line from the electric lightning pink of her eyes following like a trail. 

"Look Out!" Vi shouts.


She snatches her machine gun from Noctis' grip, whirling around and slamming the end up into Noctis' jaw.

Noctis flies backward, landing on his back and collapsing on the ground.

"Noctis!" You shouted, eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed in shock as the prince lays there unconscious.

"You see, now finish it." Silco growled as Jinx's head began twitching. The voices, they were back. You used this to your advantage and twisted your hands, freeing your wrists.

"Damn it Powder wake up!" Vi shouts, but you hear the emotion encapsulated tightly within those words. "Remember who you are! I know you remember! Picture Mylo! Claggor!"

"Stop." Jinx muttered under her breath.

"Vander!" Vi continued.

"Shut up! Don't listen to her!" Silco starts shouting too, the words becoming a haze in your mind. Ahead of you, Jinx starts shifting, swaying on her feet as she's assaulted from both sides. She's panicking— her body might not show it outwardly but her eyes are unsteady, unfocused.

"Dad!" Vi contiues as Silco tired to struggle out of the bondage. "Mom!"

You hands steam rapidly, as you almost break free.


You finally rose to your feet.

"Me!" Vi said.

Vi doesn't realize it. She's hurting more than she's helping. And Silco... Silco screwed up everything anyway.

And then you heard a gun cock. You gasp, seeing Silco raises the gun near him and pointed at Vi.

"VI!" you screamed and began reaching forward to take it from him.

Jinx spins, a scream ripping from her lips, "NO!" and then she's standing up and grabbing her machine gun, shooting it blindly, not realizing who she'd hit. The weapon whirs as it cools, smoke coming off of the barrels.

Bullets nearly hit Vi, just shooting her seat...striking you in your outstretched arm. A bullet slams into your shoulder and the force slams you off your feet, body slamming to the ground.

You grimaced and coughed, pain stretching from your shoulder nub and looked down, noticing blood oozing out. The bullet had also shot you, raining out crimson liquid.

Vi's eyes turn to the to the man who tried to shoot her then look towards you  looks hurt which made her worry more.

Silco's chair is facing away, but you can see his head drooped forward, blood trickling out of his mouth and onto the black of his vest.

"No..." Jinx trailed off before dropping her own gun and running around the table to lean over Silco. "No Oh, no, no, no."

She cupped his face as you grimaced, trying to push yourself up but found that your too weak before falling back to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She continued to cry.

"I never..." Silco whispers. "Would have given you to them. Not for anything." Jinx sniffled and sobbed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Don't cry. You're perfect." Silco breathes out one final breath before his body stills before Jinx's eyes.

Jinx's eyes hung low as voices played in her head once more. She picked up the gun the Silco had. And then her eyes glance at you, not noticing her looking at you, trying to push yourself up to your weak feet now that you are badly injured.

All emotion seemed to leave her and she rose to her feet as you give up trying to stand on your own two feet, a  grunt escaping your lips panting against the cold ground.

And then you heard a chair squeak as it  thumped against before Jinx's hand moved under your arm.

You snapped your attention to Jinx who hoist you up on your feet just to place you back in the chair before she place her hand on your cheek a second ago, then thumping her pistol against the back of it while rounding around Silco.

Vi's eyes fixated on you for a split second before going back to Jinx as she stared at the back of Silco's chair.

"Powder?" Vi's voice is shaking. "It's okay.  We'll be okay."

You tiredly look up to Jinx, tapping her gun against the chair, and then again before moving in front of it.

Jinx licks her lips, tapping the metal chair painted with her name. She pushes it aside, the metal scratching in the dirt. She turns and she sits, eyes shut with thought. Seemingly protruding from her now as she stared at Vi.

"I thought maybe you could love me like you used to," Jinx began saying, her eyes flickering over to you breathing slightly, paling by the second due to blood loss.

And then she looked back towards Vi, "Even though I'm... different."

"But you changed too. You both did. So... here's to the new us."

She rose up to her feet, picking her 'fishbones' before reaching over and grabbing the Gemstone. She paused a moment, looking over at Vi and you before continuing to walk away.

Noctis slowly began waking up as Jinx opened up a slot of the gun before pushing the gem inside.

Runes began glowing and powering up before she began walking up a ramp. Placed it in the rocket launcher. Caitlyn locked up in shock at what Jinx is doing. And so did You, Vi and Noctis.

Jinx walked out of the building to get a good view of the night sky, the bright red moon. And the councilors place in Piltover.

She aimed her rocket launcher at the council building. She remembered Silco word; "We'll show them. We will show them all."

Caitlyn then screamed to get Jinx to stop.

Jinx pulled the trigger.

"I support councilor Talis's proposal for peace." Mel declared as the rocket launcher blasted the bomb at the council building.

Meanwhile Sevika was in Silco's building just trying to get a good smoke from one of his cigars. Also Heimerdinger and Ekko were getting along together building things.

While the councilors are agreeing with Mel and making their vote in agreement to Jayce's proposal.

Caitlyn freed herself goes to untie Vi's tore free rushing towards you.

Once she got free she rushed to your side."(Y/n), are you alright? Come on look at me", she begged holding you up in her arms. She hugged you tighter, praying that you'll be okay.

"Vi, I'm losing so much blood." You whimpered reaching for her. Your hand missed during from the dizziness blood loss a couple of times before she grabbed it and placed it against her cheek. You felt the bandages brush and her rough inner palm against your small hands.

"I'm here baby, I'm here. I got you." she whispered.

"I'm sorry...I'm truly sorry. I tried so hard. I didn't mean to get you involve. I'm so sorry." you cried. 

"Its alright, It's okay, don't worry we have to go okay", she comforted. "Try to get up okay?"

You nodded caress her cheek before Vi swung your arm around her neck. ""Caitlyn, come on!" Vi called to Caitlyn who was help Noctis on his feet, she rush to your side with him  and helped your other arm to stand up.

The five of you walked out the building to see the bomb headed straight for the council building. That the councilors were in. Jinx had disappeared somewhere.

The missile fly through the air and leave a trail of blue smoke behind it.

Caitlyn let out a cry and you looked away and sob into Vi's chest as she watched in horror and For Noctis who could only watch helplessly if his brothers are there with the Counselors.

Both of you don't know what will happen next as you both held onto each other for the up coming war.

As the rocket then hit the window of the building, shattered it, and caused a big explosion.

"We were so close."

Vi's voice is a whisper in the dark, but you hear it all the same. If you could've, you're sure you would've heard your heart break too.

In the distance is the council chamber swallowed in flames, any hope of it or the people inside surviving dim. Under a moon as red as the one above you and Vi, it's impossible not to think about the blood that's been shed.

 Caitlyn falls to her knees crying and Noctis rubs her back.

"I had her." Vi squeezes her eyes like she can still see her younger sister before her. "Powder was still in there."

You know Vi's not talking about the council chamber. With a gentle hand, you turn her away with Caitlyn and Noctis from the sight of it burning, imploring her to look at you.

"I'm so sorry, Vi."

"She's never gonna come back to me, is she?" Vi asks, and in the glow of the moonlight, you can see her tear-stained face.

One moment she opens her mouth, seeming intent on saying something, but the next she's holding on to you like you're her lifeline. You're the only one who must stay by her side no matter what.

She need you.

You swallow against a thickness in your throat. "Let's get away from here," you say close to Vi's ear and hugged her while you still have some strength.


"Wherever you want."

Be it Zaun or Piltover, you know Vi needs you, and you can't leave her here alone. Only someone heartless would.

Over her shoulder you cast a glance at the council chamber, thinking of Jinx with a rising anger you take care not to show Vi.

Vi wraps her arms around your waist and kiss your forehead as the five of you exist out of the dark place.

What you'll do if you ever see Jinx again... you don't know.

~****We'll see you in Season 2>>>>>>
