Chapter 8: Oil and Water

You tried to ignore the sound of loud horns blaring into the night. You had forgotten how awful those city warning horns were. But in a way, they were a great distraction from the situation they were in, also for the warm blood you felt oozing at her side. Vi stopped, turning a corner to allowing you and Caitlyn to rest against a brick wall. Secretly, you were grateful for this.

"Will you guys be okay?" you catch your breath, wincing in pain at the sharp stabbing feeling. "I'll be right back," Vi pat your leg to assured you both, before rounding the corner to get a look at Jinx and Silco.

You just nodded your head in response before tripping, your back hitting the wall as well. You felt beads of sweat form on the top of your forehead as she took in shaky breaths. Hesitating, you looked down to see one of Jinx's bullets in your side.

"Damn it." You cursed. The last thing you needed was any more injuries to add to your already withering body.

"Are you all right?" Caitlyn asked as she sat on the ground, holding her wound as well.

"This is nothing." you reassured. Standing  up with your head up high, you peeked over the corner to see Silco, carrying Jinx away and off the bridge.

You felt your stomach churn at that, a deep-rooted rage painting you features. Without thinking, you reached out your saber-blade, ready to fight all the enforcers if you had to to get Jinx away from Silco and Ardyn, but just as you ramping yourself up, Vi grabbed you, pulling your back.

"(Y/n), stop." She said, her voice rising. 

Vi was playing it strong for the both of you. She could feel your hatred radiating off of her, and she felt the same way. But she knew you wouldn't make it out alive if you ran back in. Plus, Caitlyn looked like she needed immediate medical attention.

"I'm not going to let him get away from this shit."

"I know, but we're outnumbered."

"That's never stopped you before." You scoffed.

"(N/n), you're not thinking clearly. Wasn't it you who told me to stop running head first into everything? Caitlyn needs help. And we have to deliver the stone. "

Caitlyn cut into their conversation, "It's gone." She said with disbelief as she opened the hextech canister.

"What?" Vi asked, her teeth clenched.

"It was all for nothing." Caitlyn said, her tone upset.

Vi looked ahead, her lips quivering as she watched Silco make off with her sister.

You felt the wound in your side ache, deciding Vi was right.

"So what now? We can't stay here or else we'll be send to Stillwater again." you stated.

Caitlyn replies. "I know a place."

As the sun rose and greeted you all, you three had just made it to Caitlyn's mansion of a home.

It was... huge.

And it just so happened to be that her room was all the way up to the third floor.

So you and Caitlyn stayed put, her weight leaning on you as you clutched her arm, whilst Vi climbed up the home to make sure the coast was clear, and to open the window beforehand.

She reached the designated floor after climbing the railings, making it seem like it was the easiest task ever. Her bandaged hands were cautious as they opened the window, turning to you and signaling that it was safe to help her climb up after inspection.

So that you did; you were quick to help the blue haired girl climb with a boost, and soon followed after her as to be there if she accidentally lost her footing. 

Thankfully, she didn't, and after Vi climbed inside the room, she effortlessly helped Caitlyn enter the interior in one swift motion.

You sighed a little when the hard part was over, allowing Vi to grab a hold of your hand as she too helped you in. Her grip was gentle, far more gentle than when she took a hold of Caitlyn, and she thought you wouldn't notice, but you did.

Perking a little to yourself, you couldn't help but find it funny.

And as you both helped her over to the bed, Vi spoke out. "Who lives here? Another Councilor friend of yours?" She asked, slightly looking around the room.

But before Caitlyn could even reply, a loud slam on the door could be heard and a woman who looked very similar to her appeared, a large and threatening rifle in her grasp.

All of you stood still, eyes wide.

The woman, who you now presumed to be Caitlyn's mother, looked rather startled as she soon realized that it was her daughter who barged into the house, along with two strangers.

"Caitlyn!" The women gasped in disbelief. She hadn't seen her daughter in almost three days, with no explanation as to where she went.

"Oh. We were so worried. Thank goodness you're safe! " Caitlyn's father exclaimed as she ran to him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"And you found some strays." Caitlyn's mother spoke, and all you could do was stare uneasily at the floor.

"This is Vi and (Y/n). They're from The Undercity." Cait shot back, still holding onto her father for support.

"So I see. And you, girl with the long dark hair." her mother addressed to you. "You seem oddly familiar.  Are you by any chance that you are (Y/m/n)? King Regis' Glaive?"

", yes ma'am." You answered truthfully. 

"Oh my!" Caitlyn's mom seems to lightn' up a bit. "What a coincidence. I never expect to meet you here. What on earth are you doing here? Aren't you with the Prince?"

You kinda cringed inside mentioning Noctis again and hide your distaste. "Well no, I was doing some important investigation of the strange people decided to abduct me. And that's where I met your daughter, Caitlyn. Luckily she saved me right on time."

Caitlyn smiled at you. She knew what you were saying wasn't true, and you knew she wasn't going to correct you.

"My dear, that's awful! I'm so glad you're safe. Prince Noctis has been unhinged since the news spread that you didn't get back, he'll surely be relieved to see you alive."

'Yeah, right.' you doubt he'd be worried about you.

"May we have a word with you Caitlyn?" Caitlyn turned to look at you, waiting for your approval. You immediately nodded, not wanting to stress her out any further. She gestured for you and Vi to follow her before she was interrupted by her mother's voice. "In private."

Caitlyn huffed and threw you an apologetic look. You winked an eye at her signaling your comfort with the situation. She replied with a smile, which was immediately deleted from her face as she approached her mother.

"(Y/m/n), feel free to join us if you want, I'm certainly interested in the details of your story." Said the councilor.

"Actually Miss Kiramann, if you don't mind, I would like to clean up a bit before I go see The Prince." You reply, looking for a way out of that conversation.

"Oh, my days, how didn't I think to offer? You can use the restroom downstairs and join the conversation once you're ou-"

Caitlyn interrupted her. "You can use mine, (Y/n)." She pressed a button behind a drawer that revealed a new door by her bedside. "Everything you need is inside."

You mouthed a 'thank you' as she followed her mom out of the room. Both you and Vi stood there awkwardly as she shot a look at her daughter, before Caitlyn and her father agreed and stepped outside, shutting the door rather loudly.

Your heart was beating at an unhealthy speed, you walk towards the bathroom; all while looking at the door through which the councilor just left, before accidentally tripping over Vi's foot in the process.

She let out a chuckle, loud enough to muffle out your groans. You did realized before how much pain you were actually in.

You stood up in front of the redhead. The pain didn't allow you to come up with any smart introduction, forcing you to go straight to the point.

You spoke looking at her with tired eyes. "You're wounded." She raised an eyebrow as you continued. "Show me, where."

You waited a moment before she replies. "It's my arm...this one. I think it got scratched when I fell back from the explosion."

You motion for her to sit on the bed. You walk into the bathroom and come out with iodine, antibiotics, a roll of bandages, and a set of washed hands.

"Take your jacket off ." You demand.

She looks at you, swagger bleeding out of every move as she swiftly gets the jacket off her body and onto the floor. You look at her arm. You can see a good part of the scar, but there's still part of it covered, enough for you to need more exposure.

"And don't make this any weirder. I need your shirt off as well."

She giggled and raised an eyebrow. "Well, that was fast, I just met you three days ago, I guess it's true what they say about yo-" she stopped herself because you were not fooling around when you made that stone-cold face of yours.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'm really am sorry I shouldn't have said that. I know who you are and you're not a stranger to me your my-"

"Enough." You speak loud enough to shut her up, but still keeping your words soft. You weren't mad at her, you were just too tired to let her see that. "You're not the first, and you certainly won't be the last. Take off your shirt and let's get this over with."

She looked at you, embarrassed almost, but she complied.

You cared too well for her wounds. The wound wasn't as deep as you thought, but you still made sure to mutter out the word "sorry" anytime something you did might've caused her pain.

You finished wrapping her up, and got up to enter the restroom. You were interrupted by Vi's voice calling you back.

"(Y/n), I know it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but I really am sorry...I usually never apologize but I can't believe I said something like that to you of all people. You've made this whole thing bearable for me. So thank you."

You looked at her for a while, inherently analyzing her features. The girl was a unit, but you hadn't realized just how beautiful she was to look at.

In the state you were in, you were unable to control the words leaving your mouth, and without even realizing it you muttered out. "If only....If I could remember who I am....than I wish I could live that moment to accept you. Maybe to look the one for me that I could have you for the rest of my life."

The look on her face was one of shock. You noticed her cheeks growing red, but you didn't mention it. You didn't have time to, the pain had gotten worse. You walked inside the bathroom and closed the door.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You almost cried. The part of being too soft to say kind things when it comes to yearn for something. All of these, probably, minor things to anyone who looked at you, but to you they were the signs of resentment that you worked so hard to get rid off.

You were, for the most part, successful in that desire, but they always came back like a reminder that no matter what you do, you will never be one of them.

Such a baffling thought, the resentment of the perfect thing.

All these things worried you, yes. But, there was still something more dire lingering inside your brain: an intense pain rooting from your lower back. You lifted up your shirts, getting it off your body and throwing it on the floor.

You turned around to see a deep cut on the small of your back, right above your shoulder.

It was deep, but you could tell it wasn't infected. Either way, it didn't matter, you couldn't focus on yourself right now, you had a city to save...or destroy, or whatever you were about to do to stop Noctis by becoming a murder.

You carefully put your dress back on and walked out of the bathroom. Vi's eyes landed on you as soon as you walked out. "You're done, Pretty Princess?"

"Yeah, too much to rearrange your everything." You heard her giggle before the pain from the fabric rubbing against the cut caused you to wince.

She noticed.

"This is nothing, I probably wasted too much. You don't always heal like normal people do."

She didn't laugh. Instead she got up and replied. "Get inside the bathroom." She wasn't demanding, but she was firm. You looked at her calmly. "You really thought I wasn't going to notice?"

She walked past you to walk into the bathroom, you followed her in and watched as she locked the door behind her.

"Vi, it really is nothing it's just a minor cut. How did you even notice it?"

She spoke confidently. "I got a good enough view on the bridge."

You felt your face heat up. You were about to apologize before she cut you off. "I liked it." She took a moment before approaching you. Laying her hands on the sides of your skirt. "May I?" You nodded.

The strapless shirt off slowly. Leaving you in your underwear and the bandages which covered your chest. This was convenient, considering you were not wearing a bra, and the underwear you were wearing was a black.

You were expecting Vi to get to work. To get it over with. But, she didn't. You turned to face her as she cleared her throat and said. " I...need the bandages off."

You felt your face heat up at her words, and then immediately shut the feeling down, exchanging it for all the confidence you were able to piece together. "Fine..."

You slowly detached the strings in place, carefully placing it next to the sink, covering your breasts with your shaky hands.

You didn't look at Violet. You couldn't. This feeling was weird, it definitely wasn't your first time naked in front of someone, not your first time in front of a girl either, but there was something about Violet, you couldn't put your finger on it.

You knew this exchange wasn't sexual, but that didn't stop the arousal you were trying so eagerly to control. It's fair to say, in that moment, you definitely wanted to put your finger on it.

She stood behind you, holding a cotton ball soaked in iodine. "Let me know if it hurts."

Her words flowed into your ears like a song, only multiplying your already growing excitement. She carefully pressed the cotton ball against the cut.

Pain flooded your body. But, you didn't move, didn't even make a sound. The last thing you would allow yourself to do is be vulnerable in front of her.

That facade lasted for a good ten seconds until she spoke again. "You need to shower." You didn't reply. "I don't want to put bandages on you before you clean up. It's been a few days and you've been in some messy places."

You turned around to look at her. Hands still covering your nearly exposed breasts. She kept up the confident front, but you could tell by her pink cheeks and the slight shake in her voice that, deep down, she was just as nervous as you. She waited a moment before speaking. "I can leave if you want me to."

You pondered on your next words, before rolling your eyes and saying. "Screw this, you're already here." You walked over to the shower and stood parallel to it, facing the wall.

You let your hands fall from your chest, down under the strings of your underwear, carefully removing the last of your clothes. You weren't looking at her, but you could tell she hadn't stopped looking at you.

You walked inside, turning on the faucet and letting it heat up. The shower was pristine. Gold and blue accents decorated the whole thing, and a tub that was the size of a king sized bed replaced the floor.

You got your legs wet before realizing you weren't going to be able to do this by yourself. Maybe that's the truth, or maybe it's an excuse to say the words you muttered out after thinking that.

You turned around and spoke softly. "Come inside."

You hadn't seen the look on her face. Her mouth was open slightly, and her eyes looked like stars, glistening at the sight of your naked body. She shook her head and gave you a questioning look. "I need help to clean it."

She smiled and turned her head before turning back to face you. "As you wish." 

She immediately got to work, quickly removing her clothes.  She walked inside, testing the temperature of the water with her hand. The lack of distance, and lack of clothes, nearly made your legs shake. You put your body under the faucet, excluding your head, letting the water cover the wound.

You take your time, not walking out anytime soon, fearing she might notice the growing wetness between your thighs.

She spoke. "It might be better if you face the wall."

You waited a moment before complying, mustering up all the control you had left in you, and standing against the wall of the shower. "Hold on to it." She said, softly.

You heard her perfectly, but you couldn't move. You were caught off guard when she took your forearms with her hands and carefully pressed them up against the wall. She grabbed a bottle of body wash, lathering it onto her hands, and kneel down behind you. Her face was inches away from your naked backside, and just the thought of that made you melt.

She carefully grazed her hands against the cut, being careful not to hurt you. You didn't signal to any pain you felt. It definitely hurt, but you couldn't feel it. She got up and took your hands off the wall, guiding you to stand under the faucet, where she kneel down again and carefully let the water clean your body, helping it out with her hands.

You felt her lay her hands on your hips when she was done. You didn't get a chance to ask why she was still kneeling, before she closed the space between your body and hers by gently kissing the small back of yours.

"That should do it." You heard her say as she stood up. "Now the rest of your body is up to you, unless you need help with that too."

You were about to reply until you feel your throat so dry. You felt numb. You can't think straight. Your body is not in control. And your eyes were no longer copper brown as they were replaced in a shade of blue and lavender. Your breath feels heavy as you panted.

Vi notice you are panting heavily and looks concern and confused what is happening to you. "(N/n)?"

No response.

"(N/n) what's wrong?"

"Please, run before It's too late." you rasped.


Vi didn't run as your warning was too lat as you suddenly pulled Vi and bit her shoulder drawing blood. Vi cried in pain when your fangs pierced her skin. What's going on with you? Vi feels like your draining all her blood out from her while you suck it.

Vi grunted in pain as she tries to get you off. "(Y/n)! Stop!" you couldn't stop. This rush of what ever this was sent you into a frenzy. The pure high of this... This power, this feeling like you'd been shot up with drugs, you couldn't do anything.

The feeling of blood was too much for you to handle.

"Damn it!" Vi has to do something and you couldn't stop yourself from sucking more blood. You wanted to but you just can't!

Vi finally had the strength to push you off when you slam to the cold walls. You began to launch back enough to take a bite out of her as Vi grips your neck slamming you to the floor.

The taste of her blood lingering on you lips only making you want it more!

"(Y/n)! Wake up! It's me! It's Vi!" she looks at you in the eye, desperately to search the real you she knows. You feel a war inside your head going on. You started to stop struggling and blink  a few times and begin to come to your sense. You eyes return to your normal color of brown as Vi releases her grip slowly.

You wonder what was happening until your eyes landed on Vi's bleeding shoulder that you bitten. You're eyes widen in horror and guilt.

You cover your mouth in shame. Just what have you done? Vi ignores her bleeding shoulder, she was relief that you came back to your sense as she went to comfort you, but you suddenly backed away hitting the walls behind you.

You were shaking while still covering your mouth. "(Y/n)'s okay." Vi tries to reassures but you shook your head looking away. "It's okay."

You were shaking at this point. You can't bare to look at her in the eyes after what you did. Before Vi could reach out to you everything came to a halt when you heard Caitlyn's voice outside of the door.

"Vi, (Y/n), are you two in there?" She called out.

Vi broke the silence to voice your thoughts. "Shit." She whispered. You stood there hiding your face with your wet long hair. "Y-yeah! I'm helping her get her bandages on, she got pretty hurt during the explosion!"

You can't be seen with blood all over you like this, not with the thought of Caitlyn outside of the door rummaging in your brain.

Vi look down to you while finding some cloth to rap her bleeding shoulder. Tying it up before finding her clothes. "It's okay (Y/n), it's just an accident. I want you to take your time calm down, don't-"

"Speed it up! I have good news, get out of there!" Caitlyn demanded.

"****." Vi whispered. "We-we're coming! Just wait a moment."

"This can't wait! Come out right now or I'm coming in."

Your world stopped when you felt Vi cover you with a towel on your head.

"Guys! Get the hell out of there!" Caitlyn exclaimed. "What are you doing in there?"

"Shit. Shit shit, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, (Y/n)." Vi said as she got up, leaving you sitting there as she rushed to dry herself and put her clothes back on. "Y-yeah, sorry Cait it's just...the cut is deeper than I thought."

You looked down at your hands seeing there's blood stain from Vi. You don't know what to do.

Vi walked over to you after she was dressed and caressed your cheek. "(Y/n) You have no idea how sorry I am, but none of this is your fault okay? Just so you know Princess I...I love you no matter what."

You seem to be stunned what she said to you. She waited a moment before she grabbed your face with her hand and pulled you in for a kiss. You're heart stops beating as the kiss  ended too quickly, and before you noticed, she was out of the bathroom and in the room with Caitlyn.

You didn't even get a chance to think about what she had told you, you had too much to deal with.

On top of the agonizing lust of blood that was making you lose control, you were overhearing the conversation taking place outside the bathroom

", why can't she come out again?" You hear Caitlyn ask.

"She had a problem with the bandages, she's redoing them herself. The cut is worse than I had noticed."

"Shit! And she didn't even let us know. Well, I hope she can deal with it soon enough, we're presenting our case to the council tonight."

Damn it, you don't think you can handle the council right now. Not after what you did to Vi.

Vi didn't reply. She looked down, unamused almost.

"Well, let's go! We have to get ready, I have some important documents we have to fetch at the Enforcement Station." Caitlyn continued in a lively tone.

Wait, Vi is leaving without you? No way in hell. "Uh- Caitlyn, I-"

"She'll catch up with us, Vi. (Y/n) is smart, she'll find a way." Vi looked towards the bathroom door with a worried look. "Do you...not wanna do this?" Caitlyn asked.

Vi let out a helpless sigh. "Yeah, Caitlyn. Of course I wanna do this."

"Well, let's go!" She grabbed Vi's hand and dragged her away, leaving you in the bathroom.

Guilt was the only thing on Violet's mind as they left the manor.

You're a dimwit. Disgusting. Stupid. Monstrous. It was your fault, not Vi's. You let your power take control of you. For letting her see you naked without getting anything in return, for letting her see you as a blood thirsty demon.

You were ashamed of yourself. The dragon-phoenix only devours blood with hatred within everything it kills. And you almost killed Vi which make your more guiltier than you are now.

You are disgusting; but you most certainly don't look it. You spent almost no time in that bathroom, putting back your clothes on while drying your hair.

Caitlyn didn't have any makeup which came as no surprise; what you were surprised by was the fact that after doing practically nothing to yourself, you looked...fine now.

Maybe it was the leftover arousal, or maybe you had finally started seeing yourself from everybody else's eyes.

Tears were guilty, but they came out. They took their time to hurt. It's like you had sprinkles dripping from your eyes, it burned to cry.

Maybe you should walk around Piltover and then you can see the Counsel. You're not ready to face Noctis yet. Own up to it and let him hate you, yell at you, hit you, whatever he wanted to do to you. You deserved it.

You left the manor and walk around the city. The streets were full, it was the middle of the day. You ran and ran, in no particular direction but, somehow, it felt like you were running down.

And in one way or the other, you were running down. To the Undercity, which is where you ended up. You ran through the lanes like a bull set free. You heard your name a couple times. You didn't know if it was Ardyn or someone else that knew you.

You didn't care. You ran and ran until you were alone. In the edge of the river under the bridge that connected Piltover to Zaun. The water flowing like it was replacing the tears that you still hadn't allowed out. Because you hadn't cried, at all. You didn't feel sad, you felt empty.

The feeling of loneliness was comforting, but it didn't last long. You heard your name from behind you.


You turned around to see Ekko, leaning against a corner of the bridge. And next to him was...Heimmerdinger?

"Oh, it's you. What's going on?" You questioned.

"I could ask you the same thing." He answered mockingly.

"A lot happened to me, Ekko, it's been a weird day. I didn't expect to add a council member hanging out with a Firelight to the list of weird things I've seen today." You shot back.

You heard them giggle.

"Well, miss. I guess I can relate to that sentiment, but, it seems we have more in common than I expected." You heard Heimmerdinger's voice explain the situation.

You gave them a tired look before you came back to your senses. "Wait...Ekko. Holy shit Ekko! You're alive! Wait does that mean Jinx...Oh, what the hell? I'm so confused."

He laughed and motioned for you to sit down. He narrated the events of the fight and how he had ended up here. Heimmerdinger chimed in to explain what he was doing there. You found out he wasn't a councilor any longer, and you also found out the news about the explosion...and Jinx.

You talked for a long time. The sun started to set when they left, saying that they were going to discuss the technology of the Firelights, and how it could improve. They invited you to come with, but you didn't have the mind to.

You stayed there. Thoughts collecting inside your mind, traveling to the rest of your body and manifesting in the form of pain. So much pain. You started contemplating the tougher side of the whole thing. 

Was your life in The Crown City done? Was Noctis going to kill you if the future comes true? What will happen if you don't know how to reclaim your memories if you don't act now.

What was Promto going to tell  when you stopped seeing them?

"When I heard there was a new tourist, I wasn't expecting to see a pretty girl like you here.."

The thought of Promto held your train of thought. It was almost like you could hear his voice behind you. It was almost like he's actually was behind you, calling your name.

No. There was no way. You were in the Undercity, he couldn't just come down alone to look for you, he didn't even cross the street without Ignis or Gladious. You didn't get to turn around before you felt his arms hugging you hard from behind. 

It was definitely Promto.

You didn't ask. You just hugged him back. The tears lost theirs chains, and they came out in droves. Silently, dripping over your cheeks like a loose faucet.

He didn't let go for a long time after 2 years, and he didn't say anything when he did. You just looked at each other. He understood, you could see it in his eyes, which were filled with tears, mirroring yours.

You sat down next to the edge of the river. His head laying on your shoulder as the sun set over Piltover, and the darkness intensified over Zaun.

You were almost startled when he spoke. "I don't blame you for leaving. I saw the way Noctis treated you and I want you to know that he is never like this. Even when someone drives him mad, he will not lay one finger on them." Prompto smiled sadly and lowered his head. " To see him act this way. It's not the Noctis I know at all."

"What do you mean?" you asked. 

You noticed the worry etched on Prompto's face and how his gloved hands were tightening around his fist. "He's changed, and it's only becoming worse." Prompto sighed. "I overheard your conversation with Noct 2 years ago, and I want to help you."

Your frown deepened at the sound of his words. "How can you possibly help me?" You questioned.

"I know what you're going through."

"You have no idea what I'm going through." You shut your eyes. "You were born into luxury, where you had servants, no, slaves doing everything for you. How could you possibly understand the pain and pressure I have to put up with everyday."

"Actually, I wasn't born into luxury." Prompto said. "I'm an outsider, a foreign fugitive. Look, I have a chip to prove it." He turned to the side to show the faint square shaped scar on his shoulder where the chip was, symbolizing that he was outside the royal circle.

Your lips tightened into a line. "And what are you trying to get by telling me this?" you questioned.

Prompto sat up straight. "Listen, I know what it's like living in poverty. The country I run away from wasn't the best place to live. It was poverty-stricken and plagued with violence. And I lost family and friends because of it." he said firmly.

"I've seen things (Y/m/n), I've seen where this leads and I'd hate to see Lucis fall down the same path. This kingdom is my home as much as it is yours, and I want to save it as much as you do." He then stuck his hand for you. "If you help me save Noct, I can help you get what you want."

Your brows furrowed as you were taken back by his sudden deal. You didn't know whether to trust Prompto or not. After all, you only just met him 2 years ago. Yet suddenly started to feel sympathetic towards your friend.

Your rational side told you to stay away, that he was all crazy talk. But your gut told you to trust him. You saw it in those blue eyes of his; they held an unwavering determination. And the evident concern he expressed for his friend spoke to you. But you had to remind yourself that his friend was also the same man who threw you away back at Altissia.

"How do I know that I can trust you?" you asked, narrowing your eyes in suspicion. "How do I know you're not just saying this to get me to do what you want?"

"He exists for himself, (Y/m/n). But he lives for you too." His voice was soft but firm. He believed every single word he was saying. You wish you could say the same. "Come on, let's go to my place. Gladio is at a meeting with Ignis, you can stay with us for as long as you want."

You looked at him with sympathetic. "Why, Promto?" Your voice cracked. "Why are you not angry at me? Why don't you hate me? Why do you understand me?"

Prompto beamed a sad smile. "You're my friend, (Y/m/n). Your one of us. The only one that understands me, and the only one I understand."

The tears multiplied as you hugged softly one last time. "Call me (Y/n). That was my first name someone called me."

Prompto nodded "Okay, (Y/n)."

It was already well into the night when you left the Undercity. You reached Promto's place, but you couldn't go inside. Something told you to look for someone; something told you to look for Vi.

Promto understood. He  told you to be safe and  come visit sometimes  as soon as you could. You hugged him before you left.

It was pouring down rain when you reached the city council.

Getting there was easy; seeing what was happening there, was not. You saw Vi and Caitlyn standing in front of the building. They were talking, but you could tell they weren't happy. Your suspicions were confirmed when Vi started walking away from the blue-haired girl, who was pouring down tears.

Vi looked at you when she turned. "(Y/n)!" She stopped herself and scoffed. "You missed it, pretty-girl. Spoiler alert, we didn't do shit."

You were going to reply, but something in the background caught your eye. A beam of gold shine exiting the doors of the building. 

You saw Noctis.

"(Y/m/n)!" He screamed and ran over to you. He probably saw you by the window. Your heart crumbled at the thought of him running out of the council meeting frantically to come meet you.

He stopped when he was right in front of you. He didn't say anything as he looked at you, pain flooding his expression. You looked back at him, trying to hold the tears back as much as you could. All of a sudden, Noctis slapped you by the temple making you stumble your feet.

This cause an up rising anger in Vi watching you get hurt. "Hey what was all that about asshole?!" Vi went to your side checking if your okay gently rubbing your head.

Noctis opened his mouth, but what came out wasn't what you were expecting. "You traitor! Just who's side are you on?" He scowled at you, who tried to keep a calm and emotionless expression.

"It was your side." You simply stated without a change of emotion.

"How the hell am I supposed to believe anything you say. You left for two years. Your entire profession revolves around deceit." In his rage he unconsciously took a step closer to you.

You step back. "That wasn't my fault."

"Noct." Ignis suddenly exit the building along with Gladio who spoke up  in hopes to attempt to calm the Prince.

They stood back knowing that there was nothing they could do in this situation.

"Then what was all that back there, about you being a Gods creator?" He stared at you intensely looking for any trace of an answer.

Your gaze wavered for a split second, before you glanced up at Noctis and replied blankly, " was nothing that concerns you."

"Bullshit! You can't just hide these things from me, (Y/m/n). How could you? You knew what would happen. You didn't even think to mention the fact that the moment I stepped into that car I'd be abandoning my Father and my people, leaving them all to die at the hands of the Imperials!" The prince's state was extremely similar to his enraged and upset state in the Tomb.

"How the hell do you expect me to trust you, when you were obviously in on all of this! Was this just another mission to you?" His voice softened as the betrayal became evident in his tone.

"A mission?" you asked in disbelief. "You thought I knew everything? That I was in all of this? No. I was just doing what the King and Luna told me. No, better yet, I was keeping a promise!" You desperately tried to drop the subject, you were not ready for this conversation.

The black-blue haired Prince became angered yet again. He was growing tired and fed up with your lies. "You just said you broke that promise, so don't try to lie your way out of this."

You sighed, you knew you were stuck between a rock and a hard place. You spoke dejectedly, "I made a promise to your Father...and in doing so, I broke the promise I made to myself the day I met him."

Your expression was soft and it was clear that it was a sore subject. The Prince however was enable to pick up on the small change in your expression, due to his hostility towards you.

He crossed his arms over his chest and shot you an unconvinced stare. "Tch, and what was that? When you ran away." He scoffed, not believing that you had good intentions when you let his father die.

"...You wouldn't understand." You glared back at him, knowing that he'd still act like this even if he knew.

"Try me!" He yelled in an outburst of emotion.

"You should cool down a bit." you spat.

"You will speak before your king!" This time Noctis' voice grew louder, his dark gaze turned menacing.

Your eyes narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. You were right, there was no way he was going to listen to a filthy outcast like you. But two could play the game.

"Get real."

Noctis was stunned by the straight forwardness of your response. His eyes narrowed into a icy glare. "What did you say?" he hissed, his voice turning grave.

Your fists curled, and the anger radiated through you skin. "I said get real. I refuse to bow to a king of all shits!" you spat bitterly.

"How dare you not answer me, you wrench!" Noctis snarled. looking down at you as if you were just another commoner begging him for pity.

But you weren't. Instead of lowering your head you lifted it, a stony glare carved into you dark eyes. Fury blurred your sight but you tightened your jaw and glared at him. "How dare you act like a monstrous God you are." You retaliated. 

The burning rage hissed through your body like deathly poison.  "You just come at me like everything is my fault while I was trying to save Luna. And yet, you didn't try to understand how much you wrongly accused me! You suck at family shit! You don't deserve to bare the name of Caelum!"

Noctis' fists began to clench and his jaw rooted. With one look the verdict was told. The fury and frustration that Noctis was trying to tame was slipping through his mask, and his face contorted into one overtaken by anger. Even Ignis didn't fail to notice his change in demeanor.

"Noct--" Ignis placed a hand on Noctis' shoulder in hopes to calm him down, only to have it get slapped away.

"No one gets away with speaking ill of the Caelum name!" Noctis roared.

However you didn't back away, and instead continued to stand your ground. You even dared to take a step closer. "I can't take back the truth, Noctis."  You muttered. "You're far gone. King Regis and Luna should've known better than to leave Lucis in your bloody hands!"

That was the last straw for Noctis. Every word that came out of your mouth stung, only fueling the fire that burned inside of him. Every violated phrase was like gasoline, feeding the ever growing flame. It was tearing his soul for what he felt was not human, it was twisted and distorted but it was something strong. The rage burned so bad like fire lacing his veins and creeping up his spin.

Suddenly, a bright burst of light appeared before you and Vi causing you to clench your eyes shut. When Vi reopened them, her eyes enlarged at what you saw.

You've seen this before all to well.

All the weapons Noctis had at his disposal were encircling him like a protective shield. They appeared as though they had been carved out of crystal, glimmering and reflecting the light as they danced around him. Holding out a hand, he gripped the sword which materialized before him.

You watched as his once blue eyes turned a deep dark crimson in color. His lethal stare felt painful and piercing, as if his glare was tearing your heart apart.

"I'll kill you." Noctis hissed, and raised his arm, swiping it in one fluid motion until his palm was facing towards you.

Before you were able to react, the crystallized weapons began charging towards you at full speed. Vi was quick to rush in front of you, grasping your hand in hers tight while glaring at Noctis with a challenged look of whoever dares to kill you will gladly hurt back.

 Pure terror overtook your rage and worried that Vi will get hurt was the only thing that ran through your veins.

Your voice couldn't even formulate a scream at Vi to run.

"Noct! No!" Ignis and Gladiolus' voices yelled out in unison at the sight of what was going to transpire.

It was as if time had slowed and the sounds as well as your surroundings all blurred into one big mess, leaving only the charging weapons in your sight. With instinct, you raised your arms as the power within you awakens in your birthmark.

The power of the Flame-Wing Dragon-Phoenix  arise from your side, covering  the street around you and Vi with purple feathers and cosmic flames. Noctis was taken by surprise along with Ignis and Gladiolus seeing for the first time you have awaken your Dragon-Phoenix of Light.

You raised your hand up to the air as the Flame-Wing Dragon-Phoenix spread her wings and blasted Cosmic fire towards Noctis' spears and swords burn and melt into ashes, but also nearly pushed Noctis to the ground crying in pain.

Vi watched you in amazement. Slowly the weapons that you melt away and the Dragon-Phoenix disappearing into particles of light.

Vi look towards Noctis who was out of strength as his buddies helped him up. Noctis was completely messed up, his whole body is covered in smoke and ash. You burn his arm by accident and he grunted in pain.

Noctis push away his friends and glared right at you. What the heck just happened? He wondered what kind of power was that. Have you been hiding this the whole time. Is your power even greater this his?

You were never that strong when he tested you. You must've been holding back from the beginning. It looks like you were able to surpass him far beyond the power of his weapons.

"Traitor." It started as a whisper. But it slowly grew into a scream. "Traitor...Traitor! You traitor! Filthy freak! Slut! Why won't you answer me?!"

The tears burned your face as they came down, hurting just as much as his words, like stabs hitting you straight in the chest, harder every time he said it.

"I always wondered what kind of person you become." you suddenly spoke up glared harshly at the Prince. His childish behavior made you snap and spill everything...well everything that you could.

You spoke louder than normal yet was not yelling, it was more like putting stress on the words in a vain attempt to make him understand, "I vowed that I will never use this power for anyone to use me! I promised that since your Father saved me from a life of nothing but torture and torment, that I would give my life to save his!"

Your tone opened up, letting out some of your anger, as your features twisted in pain, "You hurt me Noctis. I couldn't follow through with that promise because he made me vow to protect your sorry ass! So don't you dare try to say that any of this is my fault. That I was a part of this. Because the only reason I went through with it was because of the look he had when he asked me to keep you safe." Your lightened at the end of the sentence as you pictured the King's worried and determined expression.

"He wasn't the Regal King I met as an empty teen, he was a Father begging for the safety of his only son." you spoke weakly.

You looked directly at Noctis before continuing, "He may have had Royal duties as King and he dedicated everything to those duties...but when it came down to it, when he knew that he wasn't going to make it...the only thing on his mind was you."

The tears involuntarily build up in your eyes as you fought valiantly to keep them in. "To be honest I couldn't care less of you to care about me of what I am, I quit your team so I can find my own purpose and reclaim what has stolen from me." The determination seeped into your tone as you stared at him with an unwavering persistence.

You reached inside your pocket in your pants and held up the charm Luna gave you before you toss it to Noctis by his feet. "I won't see you no more, I'll keep my vow to Luna."

The silence that you got as a reply confirmed that you had somehow managed to get through to him.

"(Y/m/n)." Noctis spoke hesitantly while picking up the charm.

"Don't call me that anymore." you cut him off. "It's Dragon-Phoenix now. (Y/m/n) died by your hands, shattering her with such hate. Get lost, if I ever clash with you again...I'll tear you apart from limb to limb."

Noctis felt your words like a knife. And now he looked down to the ground feeling guilt and uncertainty wash over him. He looked at you, ashamed that he could never treated you with care and friendship.

And yet he let his hatred clouded by pain. He slowly walked away and went back inside as Gladoius and Ignis sent an apologetic looks before they followed him back as you kneeled to the ground and broke down.

You screamed making the street lamp posts shatter into pieces. It was gut-wrenching. You wanted the feeling to leave your body, you preferred the emptiness you had gotten used to. But the pain of fighting Noctis just made you more of an enemy. You hated it! You hate fighting him! You hate how he looks at you with such an ugly look.

You slammed your fist on the ground again and again drawing blood as you kept on crying, it had slowly become silent.

You felt hands holding you close. At first you thought you were imagining it, but you realized when you saw the tattoos on her arms. Vi was hugging you.

You wanted to push her away, but you couldn't. You wanted someone to hold you, to yearned for someone touch.

And yet you are yearning for her warm touch.

She let you calm down before she spoke softly. "He's not worth crying for, Princess...You did the right thing to fight back."

The weather is funny, sometimes it works with you. It likes to mimic your mind, just like everyone else around you but, there is truly no limit to it.

You recall all the moments in which you felt joy, victory; whenever a new person adored you, the weather seemed to be a representation of that.

It was doing it again, right then, you cry on the ground in front of the prince, having just lost the person that had travel you for the most of the last 7 years.

 Having lost all your freedom, having lost your home. Having lost who you were. It's like the weather was throwing it all in your face.

It hurts. It would be a lie to say it didn't hurt. But, when you felt that sudden cover of warmth coming from Violet's body pressed against yours, from her arms placed around you, almost like a shield, the pain stopped. You felt peace. You

You felt like you.. belong with her all along.

Your words came out in whispers. "I wish to throw my hatred at you...Vi." You waited a moment before you finished. "But you won't let me."

She didn't respond. You expected a snarky remark, some joke to throw the whole thing under the rug. Part of you wanted it. But she didn't speak.

She just hugged you tighter. Hid her face behind your long hair, pressing it hard against your expose shoulder. You heard her muffle a whimper as she let her words out. "I'm sorry."

Those words were gentle. They were comforting, but they were sad. She was sad too seeing you almost getting killed by a bunch of swords. You hadn't even taken the time to think about what she was feeling. How did the meeting go? Where did Caitlyn go?

You shouldn't be thinking about this. You can't let Vi comfort you. So, why were you taking your hands off the ground to place them around her arm? Why were you hugging her back? Why did you press your head against her neck? Why were you feeling of love inside of you?

You weren't supposed to feel love for anyone except for Luna. Love used to be foreign to you. Noctis was an exception to the rule in specific occasions but that was out the window now too.

You had no time to think of a reason why. You were overcome with the feeling, like it was raining, and you were drowning in it.

"There's nothing to apologized. You did nothing wrong. It was me. It's all me." You muttered out. "In the end, I'm alone...always alone."

You felt Vi shook her head that your words were not true. Her tears had grown heavy, almost like they were weighing on you when they fell. She was crying, and so were you. You shared the feeling and it weighed on the both of you at the same time.

Getting up was tough.

Actually, no. It wasn't the getting up that was tough. It was letting go. Neither of you wanted to let go, you didn't want to feel cold, you didn't want to lose the warmth of each other. Not a second time.

And you didn't. As soon as you both got up she put her arm over your shoulder since your don't have a warm jacket or a hoodie to cover your wet hair from the rain. There were no barriers, no implications of anything beyond that. No need for it either. Just her and you wanting to feel each other's presence.

Getting to Promto's place was instinctive, you didn't think about the possibility of not calling it home anymore until you got there. You saw Promto waiting for you to enter. You wanted to belong. The Crown City  had been your home for years, your safe place. And now, it was gone too.

Part of you left in that moment. It didn't really come back when you entered inside shaking of the water in your wet hair.

"Hey (Y/m-) - I mean (Y/n)." Promto corrected your name. "You came to vist so soon and you brought a new friend." he gesture to Vi. "Listen, I don't know what happened out there but you have my address if you need any help. Noct was furious when he told us to leave. Anyways feel free to use this place for rainy days.  I might get in trouble for doing this, but I can't get myself not to do it. So here."

You looked at Vi after you obliged to stay. She had gotten a glimpse of the object your holding. She grabbed your hands. "We'll find another place to spend the night. I don't care where. I just want you there with me."

Promto get's in between. "Hey I don't mind sharing my place for you guys. Besides what kind of friend would I be if I don't treat my guess for? Just feel free borrow some dry clothes and put your old one to the wash okay?"

"Is that okay?" Vi nervously asked.

Promto with no second thought nodded pridefully. "(Y/n) is our friend. Any friend of hers is welcome."

 "Oh, well in that case...thanks." Vi thanked him.

"Your welcome uh...." he want to know her name.

"Vi." she answered.

"You're welcome Vi."

You walked up the stairs holding her hand, opening the guest room door the bed was made, but everything else was in place.

You flipped the switch to turn on the lights. They turned on, but they were dim. Noctis had probably cut off the power but the backup plant was still on, almost acting for any lingering hope he might have that this might blow over, that you might repay back to him. That he will be able to see you differently.

Vi took notice of your thoughts, grabbing your hand and pulling you gently towards her, holding you close. She felt like a world escape, like she could take the pain from you and help you carry it through.

"What do you wanna do?" She asked.

You thought about it. You wanted to do something but you were scared to say it. In hindsight there are more implications to it that might've made you hesitate to propose it, but in that moment you didn't care. "Take another shower."

She didn't flinch, didn't laugh. Pretty much didn't react, she just listened and got it right away, responding in a whisper. "I would like that too."

You got inside the bathroom, where the lights were dim too. Vi locked the door behind you and looked at you. Tears were still lingering over your eyes, but you were able to see her smile.

She helped you undress. No tension, no sex implied in her touch. Maybe some worry when she noticed your scars, but it was overpowered by affection. You helped her undo the buttons on her shirt before she got undressed and walked you over to the shower.

She turned it on and stood behind you as the warmness of the water heated up the coolness of the room. She hugged you from behind, holding you close. Nothing between her body and yours, almost like you were trying to get your hearts close to each other.

You got under the water accompanied by her, as the tears came back. You cried holding her. You had never done this before, cry in front of someone like her. But, it didn't feel wrong. In that moment you finally felt free.

After a while she let go of you. You turned to see her sitting on the tub that was replacing the floor. You silently joined her and laid down beside her. You tangled your legs with hers and melted into her. 

Her arms, which you had gotten used to seeing be used to punch and hurt, were wrapped around you like a blanket, holding you close to her. You rested yours around her waist, touching your nose with hers as you laid there, naked, feeling each other's existence in such a calm, gentle way. This kind of feeling of love was new to you.

You stayed like that for a really long time, you almost fell asleep at some point. The feelings returned whenever you came close to falling asleep. She somehow noticed every single time, sometimes she would kiss your forehead. Other times she would stay still, hold you tighter and just let you cry.

You got out after a while and immediately felt cold. She stayed in the shower as you dried off and walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door open to let her see you weren't leaving. You put on a small shirt and some baggy shorts, and pulled out a black top and grey sweatpants for her to put on while your clothes dried.

You sat on a puff you had in the bathroom, holding her clothes as she got up, turned off the faucet and stepped out of the tub. She looked beautiful, but you didn't have the mind to comment on it, and you could tell she didn't either.

You grabbed a towel from the rack to cover her with it as you gave her a comforting small smile. She looked at you with concern, she wasn't even trying to conceal it anymore.

You left the bathroom as she changed into her clothes, laying on the bed. You started contemplating the conversation you were about to have. Were you ready for it? Probably, the easiest thing to do, and what you would be most prone to doing, would be to ignore the whole thing and just go to bed. Problems usually solve themselves for you.

 But you knew that wasn't the case anymore, you knew you had to change along with the people around you.

She walked out of the bathroom in fresh clothes. She was breath-taking. Her eyes were glistening, almost in contrast with the somber ambience that covered the room. You motioned for her to sit on the bed, and she did, comfortably resting against the headboard.

You crossed your legs in your place as you started. "'d the meeting go."

She didn't reply, just raised an eyebrow; almost like she was asking if you were really asking her that.

"Sorry." You answered. "I guess...I should've asked. It's actually all my fault. Not only I clash against Noctis to your side but I fought back with such uprising Dragon-Phoenix to scar him more pain before the meeting."

"Don't do that to yourself, (Y/n). It wasn't just Noct whatever his name was- it was all of them. They give too much of a shit about their foreign affairs, or their image in the eyes of the great kingdom of Noxus to give a damn about the people dying under their own rule."

"That sounds like them. Grubby bastards." You whispered as you looked away. "And I thought Noctis was no different."

Your brain had stopped taking notice of the cold, maybe to let you concentrate, but that didn't change the fact that you were absolutely freezing.

You crossed your arms as you shivered in silence, before you heard Vi's voice speak again. "C'mere. You're gonna freeze." She said as she got under the covers.

You complied and got in next to her. You tangled your legs with her legs, feeling the warmth of hers, and letting her feel the coolness of yours.

"I was thinking about you and Powder, back at Stillwater." She started, almost like she didn't want you to hear her. You looked up at her as she continued. "I couldn't stop thinking about the burning building, About being stuck under those walls with the image of you trapped just opposite of me. I thought I watched you take your last breath when Onyx hurt you. When Vander..helped us out. I thought for sure you almost died...and I couldn't stop thinking about how it was all my fault. And then when I met you again in prison, I thought you were just another  Piltie rich kid with a lot of jewelry. Though the stone cold face and freak thing kind of threw me off."  

She stopped herself when she said that, realizing she had screwed up. She looked up at you, scared.

You blinked twice at her in response.

She took a moment to come back to her senses, before she laughed and spoke again. "See, this is what I mean! I almost didn't recognize what you look like now that your memories are gone, things went totally insane. You are hard to read now, Princess...because, sometimes I feel like you're the most dangerous person I've ever met, and...even then, I've never adored anyone the way I adore you." She looked straight at you for that last part.

You're lips twerk a bit to the corner and touched the side of her face. "There's nothing to adore about me, Vi. I used to think there was...but in the end I lost everything. I just couldn't do the right thing. So, I stand alone. I didn't let my walls down letting everyone see my pain. I''ve been a failure, and a outcasted freak."

You looked up at her before continuing. "When I started seeing you. I almost piece my memories together the familiarity about you. I secretly admire you. Everything about you reminds me how much we both have the same flame. Your strength, your perseverance, that heart of's the most valuable thing in this city. That's what I admire the most, your strong heart. You haven't let it get corrupted by any of the things that have happened to you. There will never be a day that I can't see the good things of your heart."

You looked at her as tears started forming in her eyes. You wiped them away as they flowed out.

"If only you could see yourself from my eyes, (Y/n). If only you could experience this peace, this joy. If that bastard Noctis didn't even show you how to be happy then it's his fault. I knew I never liked him. He gives you so much trouble. I can't make you realize all that you are, and that makes me want to break something. You deserve to know, (Y/n). You deserve so much more than this."

You tried staying composed, emotionless for the sake of your honor. You couldn't. The tears came out in silence, as Vi brushed your long strand of hair down to your spine.

You calmed down and let your eyes travel away from her face.



The rush of thoughts inside your head didn't let you think before the words left your lips. "Why did you call Jinx Powder?"

You didn't even stop yourself once you had realized what you had said, but you could tell she was staring at you with eyes wide like saucers. She knows you still can't remember which was a total bummer.

You felt her sigh and calm down after a few seconds. "Because that's her name, (Y/n). Not Jinx. Jinx is a...weird, ****** up metaphor she caught on to from when we were kids. It's not who she is."

You felt how much pain she was in, like it was yours. Jinx was hard to read, like a bomb, you never really cracked the code of how to keep her active and inert at the same time, but you came close. With Vi it was different, she put up a hard front but she was easy to read, like a song in a language you were still learning. She wasn't a bomb...she wasn't Jinx.

"Now that I think about it, I think I understand why she's like this in the first place." You whispered. "She was wrongly taken for granted. All she wanted was to belong. No matter where you two go she wants to stay together...both of you were victims caught under a bigger, more dangerous monsters than me."

She giggled lightly. "When my parents were still alive me and powder used to share a bed like this, except maybe a little bigger and nicer. We would pretend to be bigger and bigger monsters. So she would say I'm a slug monster with venom for ooze" she has this peaceful smile on her face.

"And I would say well I'm a slug eating crab with razor spikes." She turn to her  side facing you. "Sometimes I'd get carried away and she'd get scared. I didn't want her to start crying and wake my parents up so I pretended to chase my own monsters away." She paused, getting back the saddened look. "I'd say, no monsters gonna get you when I'm here. Then a real monster showed up and I just ran away.... I left her."

You wanted to reply, but you stayed silent. You reach out and gently caress her cheek and just lied there next to her. She grabs your hand and holds it tight as she looks up into your eyes. Her gray eyes hold so much emotion. You wanted to say so much. You wanted to tell her that Jinx wasn't a monster, that she hadn't lost her sister. But you just listened.

"Do you think once after this is all over can we go back to the way it was?" You heard her ask. She wasn't looking at you, almost like she was looking at her thoughts.

"I'm not sure. I know shit's about to change...for the both of us and I need to get my memories back." She looked at you. You said 'us'...there was an 'us'. "Prompto offered me for a place to stay but I have money saved up, I could find a place somewhere in the outskirts, get a job or something, we'll stay together there, maybe we can get a break from all this blood war bull crap."

Her eyes widened for a moment before asking with a smirk. "We?"

You realized too late. "Uh- I...I mean if you want to you could live with me so you can, you know, get started and...then we'll go from there."

You were expecting her to blow it off, make fun of you in some way. You already had comebacks prepared in the back of your mind before you saw her smile gently. "I look forward to it."

You looked at her, in shock almost. The reality of the situation dawned on you. You didn't have to hide your feelings with her, you didn't have to hide anything. Even without the status, even without the power. You were free.

You smiled at her, warmly. A real smile that Vi finally wants to see. She lifted her head from the pillow and steadied her weight on her left arm as she leaned on top of you.

"Tell me to stop if it make you unconformable."

You shook your head and brush her hair. "If you really want to be my rebound. Then I trust you."

Vi feels relief to hear you accept it. She managed to pull you closer. "Can I kiss you again?"

Clearly, you were deciding, trying to decipher what she wanted more. More so, she was hoping that whatever choice you made wouldn't render all the hard work that you had been putting in over the years.

"Just this once, you can."

The only reason that Vi didn't immediately have her lips against yours was for the small moment that she took to forever ingrained the memory of you accepting her one time.

She leaned in, stopping inches away from your face and soon enough, your lips were gently connected. for the first time, you didn't try to deny or stop her, instead your eyelids fluttered nearly closed.

It was only when Vi removed her hand from your face and moved to dance up your spine that you began to melt into the memory.

The smile hadn't left your lips as your hands slowly moved over Vi's shoulder to grip the clothing that Vi wore.

Vi made sure that she moved slowly, wanting to relish in the moment for as long as possible. She moved slow enough so that her hands could find their place low near your  hips.

The moment that Vi began to tilt her head to deepen the kiss more. The kiss was soft, beautiful. You tasted freedom on her lips. This girl was your freedom.

A few hours have passed and you slept peacefully while Vi stayed up watching you with a smile with satisfaction. Your arms are around her waist while your head rest on her chest as she comb through your hair.

Vi has been thinking about something and she's going to do this alone before she'll come back for you. While gently remove you she place you on the pillows and kissed your forehead passionately while pulling the blankets further tucking you in.

"I promise you I won't let anyone touch you again." Vi whispered so you won't wake up. "There's something I had to do, I'll come back for you. I promise, (Y/n)." with those final words Vi brush your hair to your ear  and stood up exiting the place.

Vi was brought up the idea of going straight to the Man of Progress instead of going back into Zaun, What could Councilor Talis provide? The answer was simple. Hextech. Might be the only thing powerful enough to bring Silco to his knees and end his reign over Zaun.

If she could get her hands on Hextech...

The smell of metal is intrusive, and you see an array of metalworking tools and objects scattered around the place. Her footsteps are soft, kicking up dust on the ground.

It's an impressive lab. Vi recognize a majority of the tools and she spot a wall of diagrams. She walk over there with determination, "You want to make Silco pay for what he's done?"

Jayce looks up, eyes flickering over at Vi. He swallows. "I could have you arrested."

"You guys really like to bandy that threat around," Vi remarks, swiping her finger along some pieces of metal, the sound of clinking soft. She looks at Jayce through stony eyes. "You ever been to Stillwater?"

Jayce replies, "No."

Vi scoffs, shaking her head. "So you just wave an arm, have someone dragged off, don't bother to find out what it does to someone. Being stuffed in a stone box for weeks, months, or even years?"

"Yeah," Jayce exhales. "I want to make Silco pay."

"I want in," Vi says, her words firm.

"There is no in. You heard the Council-"

"****the Council," Vi replies says indignantly. "You said you were tired of doing nothing. That's the only sensible thing that came out of anyone's mouth tonight..... and some other things that were said." Vi was thinking about her conversation with you. She wanted to make things right and this was her making it right. She wasn't going to run away. Not this time.

Jayce huffs and turns away. "I'm not a vigilante."

"No, you're a victim." Vi has slipped her hand into a massive gauntlet, far bigger than your own. The machinery whirls and hisses as she raises it into her hand. "This so people notice when you raise your hand in the boardroom?"

"We built them for mining the fissures." Jayce replies, a little wary.

Vi hums, looking at the gauntlet. "Someone close to me had a pair of these. Your the first person Caitlyn looked for when we made it to topside. Out of everyone up here. Your the one she trusted to do something."

"What do you want me to do?" Jayce asks, his thick brows pinched together. "Arrest him?"

"Silco controls the Undercity with shimmer. Shut down his supply, and it's only a matter of time before his own people turn on him. Take out his manufacturing facilities. Hit him hard and fast, before he can react."

Jayce thought about it

"So..." Vi trails off, kicking her leg up onto an anvil and resting her arm on it. She raises the gauntlet up into the air as if extending a handshake. "We got a deal, Pretty Boy?"

That's what Jayce did, he stopped their shimmer manufacturers as they began to arrest their manufacturers. A boy ran to the button and pressed it causing boys to hurt the enforcers.

Jayce was cornered and has his large blue hammer that was his weapon to defend himself. When Vi jumped onto the landing and punched one of the goons in the face sending him flying.

She looked up the see Jayce and winked. They were surrounded. Boys using shimmer. In the same place where vi fought to save Vander that night. They began to fight the bots. She broke the goons swords and punched him several times before charging up and punching him in the ribs sending him flying back. 

Jayce took his large hammer charged it up with energy. And began shooting at the bots. Jayce ended up hitting a little boy as he fell from the landing and hitting the floor hard.

Jayce and Vi walked over to the boy. The boy looked up grunting and groaning. Jayce was shocked to see what everything has become. 

The boy tried to get up but took his last breath. Jayce looked up and exhaled. He killed a little boy. The enforcers had Silco's manufacturers at gun point as Jayce looked round. They were all little children. Boys and girls.

Meanwhile Noctis was in the shower thinking about all the recent events. What was he going to do.

He remembers your  conversation. Deep down he knew that it was all his fault that he should've put so much pressure on you.

You once like him but now there was this red-haired girl by your side who protected you when he tried to kill you.

Do you even like Vi?

He didn't want to believe that. He didn't want to lose you again. He stepped out the shower at his mirror to see a large monkey symbol on his mirror as the fog began to clear.

Jinx's symbol.

Noctis gasped in realization.
