The Joker

"And the whole Uncle thing Lucy, well since Mista J here is always around, it was just easier to call him your Uncle." Harley explained to Lucy.
I nodded and scratched my chin "That does explain quite a bit doesn't it sweetheart?" I said to Harley.
Lucy stood up and frowned "This would have been so good for school!" she yelled and stomped out of the room.
Harley layed back on her pillow and closer her eyes.
"Harley baby," I said, laying down next to her and rubbing her stomach "I think I know what the next step in this should be."
Harley opened her eyes and looked over at me "What?"
"You should be my girlfriend. You can move in with me. Face it sweety, two kids? There is never gonna be enough room for all three of you in this tiny place, I have so many rooms for everyone to pick just come on and say something." I layed my head on her stomach.
Harley shrugged "That sounds nice. I think Lucy would like to go to the school over by your place, it's such a nice neighborhood.."
Harley stopped talking and fell asleep.


Ok so I am very aware that this is a short chapter but I just wanted to get something out there since I haven't posted in forever. But I hope that this was ok.
Lucy isn't going to be in these chapters that much. When the baby comes, she will be in it a lot more.
Im thinking about writing a highschool story. Like Harley and The Joker in highschool. Eh Eh? But it would be a whole different story. Like it wouldn't be related to to this story in anyway. Just because there's a LOT of stuff going on in the book and it would kind of be hard to incorporate everything back into the other book.
Thanks for reading
