#75 Top ten Shoujo manga Cliches

Hi guys! I’m back! I’m really really really sorry for not updating this past few days. >_< I was so sick that I went to the hospital in the middle of the night because my fever went up until 40 degrees. That’s why I will make up for it! I will post many updates today and tommorrow, so can you guys forgive me? :’( I’m really sorry…

Okay! Enough with the chitchat! So…its another top 10! Yep, I really love making this top ten thingy because its fun!

So today’s top ten topic is…Shoujou Manga Cliches!!!



Top ten Shoujo manga Cliches

10. Similar Events

What are the most comon similar events in shoujo mangas? There are so many of them! So I decided to sum it up here in #10! Okay most common event is: Waking up late to the first day of school and rushing. If the girl is walking into a new school/class/etc, the first guy she meets will become her love interest and the guy she ends up with.

Others are: There will be a school festival. If there is a school festival, usually they do "Haunted House" or do a play that involved cross-dressing. During summer, the main character's and the love interest's group of friends will go to the beach. Main girl cuts finger and guy kisses it. Sleep overs and stuff. UGH! There are just so many of them, so let’s just move on!

9. Similar Protagonists

Weak/naive/clumsy female heroines. Its very common and almost overdone sometimes…Main girl usually has problems academically: Of course! If main girl is dumb, love interest has an opportunity to tutor her. Main girl is usually very optimistic and happy-go-lucky. Of course everyone wants to be always positive…it’s a shoujo manga! Okay NEXT!

8. Nurse Office

Okay I know the title seems funny but its true, right? There’s always a moment where someone is injured or sick and they go to the nurse's office, the nurse is not there. In fact, the nurse never seems to be there and you have to wonder just who the school is paying to skip out on work. =_=

7. Random Bubbly Moments -_-

Some random fluffy moment underneath some cherry blossoms Random bubbly moment in which love interest sees heroine smile happily, usually over something simple, and finally begins to like her. In short, you just need some random bubbly moment so the guy will start to like you back and everyone gets a happy ending yey! -_-

6. First Kisses/Sexual Harassment scenes >3<

First kiss rule:first guy who kisses the girl gets her. First kiss is accidental bump, first kiss is taken in revenge. If the girl gets harassed, she will fall in love with the guy and he will become the main guy.

5. Perfect Guys XD

In shoujo manga even here in wattpad love stories we always see the perfect guy…Some examples are: Mean guy actually being a softie at heart. Foreign exchange student/new student character is usually exotically good-looking and charming. Guy naturally says heart-pounding comments. In a reverse harem (one girl, many guys), the girl will get the most popular, richest, smartest, good-looking guy out of all of them. In other words, she gets the best catch. So I only have on word to say to shoujo manga girls and that’s “You’re a one lucky B**ch! I’m so jealous!!” Haha! Okay…NEXT!

4. Same Conclusions…

The conclusion for a happy shoujo manga has one of three outcomes: 1) The main couple finally kisses and gets together! 2) The main couple pledges to be together forever and ever! 3) The main couple finally gets married! (or will be going towards marriage, which will be seen in the epilogue) In short Happy ever after yey!!!

3. Car Accident

Tradegy is common in shoujo manga…and the particular reason of this tradegy is car accident. If someone's parents are dead, they died in a car accident. If someone dies, they die in a car accident. So…it’s a car accident…

2. Opposites

Rich boy falls for a poor/middle class girl. Pretty guy falls for ugly girl blah blah blah! Its always like that, right? Its true love, its what they said! Despite how weak, whiny, normal, stupid, etc, the main girl is, she will get the most perfect guy and he will insist that she is the only one in the world that could ever fulfill him on the emotional level because he has not felt love towards any other girl. Thus they are a “perfect” match for each other and they will be together forever and ever.

1.  First guy rule

And for number one is! The first guy rule!!

The first guy the protagonists bumps in the hallway. The first guys the girl met in the vending machine. The first guy who pick up her eraser on the floor. The first guy who saw her panties. The first guy who kisses her. In short, the girl always end up with the FIRST GUY!

Even though there is someone who likes her more, even though she has a smoking hot childhood friend even though she has a billionaire admirer, the protagonists will still choose the the first guy who appeared in the first chapter. Even though she only fell in love with that guy because he just freaking pick up her eraser!!! (promise I read a manga were the story is like that, I just can’t remember the title.)

So yeah that’s it…

Honorable Mentions:

1) The main girl cannot live without the main guy. If a member of the main girl's family dies, it won't make as much of a difference in comparison to the main guy getting severely injured or dying (in a tragedy). For example, the girl will not mourn for very long if her brother (whom she's known and loved forever) dies, but if her boyfriend (whom she's known and liked for a couple of months) dies or is severely injured, it's the end of the world.

2) If the main girl has a best friend who is female, and the main guy has a best friend who is male, their best friends will fall for each other.

3) Rival for the love interest is usually a vicious bit*h.


There you go! My top ten shoujo manga cliches, by the way this is base on my opinion so please don’t get mad. :) And I also want to know your top 10 shoujo manga cliches. Ah! And if you want me to rank something just comment it below okay? See u on next chap!
