❊ 𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓦𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂 ❊

Book: Our Written Destiny
Author: Kiara

TOTAL: 90/100

( 9/10) Overall plot:
The plot of your story is great! The way you have inculcated their sweet love in between tragedy, showcasing how moments strengthen their bond was just fantastic.

(8/10) Language and style:
I love how you represent their respective point of views. But a tip here is that you could enhance your literature at places. Simple sentences could be swapped with better ones.

(7/10) Grammar:
I could see you often get confused with nouns and adjectives as in using one in place of the other. So the only thing I would say is make sure the word you use is in context with your writing  ( form and meaning-wise)

Also there are multiple places where Bondita is not spelt with a capital B and I’m guessing it’s a typo so just go over and rectify.

And last is appropriate use of commas. There are lengthy sentences, which are fine at places, but others it seems forced when joined with commas. So just pay a little attention to the distribution of your words into sentences.

(9/10) Description of scenes:
Just perfect this one. Be it describing the background setting, appearances or their problematic emotions, I could connect to each one.

Descriptions are a significant aspect in building the basic setting of any scene and the way you play with the right words had us connected greatly!

But as I did list out before, just work on elevating your language.

Try to be a tiny bit more elaborate on their emotional feelings. Them blushing, getting awkward is fine but a peek into the depth of their inner emotions, the more intense ones (soulful) is lacking a bit in the story

(10/10) Cover:
Well we all know this one gets full marks. The cover is an artistic masterpiece I’d say. Just what the story requires.

(9/10) Blurb:
The blurb is a great fit for the story though I would suggest you make it a bit less elaborated and more engaging so as to lure the readers in.

(10/10) Emotional attachment:
As I told you before, the reader could feel each ounce of emotion that the story has carried till now. Be it their trauma or the undying yet denied love, it’s essence is intact.

(9/10) Originality:
The story, though many stories have been written on the basis of similar plots, retains its uniqueness.

(10/10) Character Development:
Be it Anidita or each of them separately, the way you have shown their character graph is commendable!

Bondita had now slowly learnt to speak her heart out. She is no longer suppressed under the fears of the society. And as always our Awni is by her side.

But what I loved the most was how you showed the transformation of strangers to friends to lovers( though they haven’t confessed yet…) with exceptional subtlety. Not at a single point did it seem abrupt or forced! The way one stage of their relation flowed into another, something which I know for a fact that is not easy, is perfection etched in words.

(9/10) Overall enjoyment:
It was a great read till now for me! The pace and engagement are at just the right amounts. So if any of you haven’t read it, which I doubt, then what are you waiting for!

So Kiara Di it is my first time reviewing a book, so do forgive me if anything seemed out of place.
Love you!
