We were now about to board our ship, but first we had to say our goodbyes.

Dorme pulls me to the side. "Olivia, you know he's looking for you again. Have you told them yet?" She asks.

"No, I don't intend to. They've already got enough pressure, I don't want to give them more." I say and she looks at me worriedly.

"Have you told anyone?" She asks, and I shake my head.

"Padmé is more important than I am Dormé." I say.

"You know that's not true Olivia."

"For 10 years everyone has pushed me aside and focused on her. I get she's the Senator, but she's not a god." I say and Dormé sighs.

"Please, just be careful." She says, and I nod. "I will. Plus, I don't trust Padmé alone with him. She's always flirting." I say glaring at Padmé.

"I know, I know. Just do your job, and be careful!" She says louder so that everyone can hear us.

"I will! That's the 10th time you've said it." I say and we laugh. I hug her and go over to Obi-Wan.

I smile a little at him as he does back, and hug him. "Don't do anything stupid." I say and he chuckles.

"I don't do that." He smiles as I let go of him.

"You're almost just as bad as a Padawan!" I say nudging him and he playfully rolls his eyes.

"It's time to go." Anakin says and glares at Obi-Wan.

"Right. Bye everyone!" I say smiling and waving as I walk down the ramp.

"Olivia! Anakin!" A familiar voice calls. We look over and see Jira running towards us.

"Jira!" I yell as I set down my bags and run towards her. I embrace her into a hug as Anakin comes behind me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks happily.

"I wanted to say goodbye. I brought you two presents." She smiles and hands us boxes.

We open them, and they are new wooden carved necklaces, that say "Olivia and Anakin, friends since day 1, and friends till day 0." In Tatooine language.

I smile. "Thank you so much Jira. If we knew you were coming we would have gotten you something." I say, and Anakin nods.

"Don't worry, I've still got that wonderful cooling unit." She says and we laugh.

"Thank you so much Jira." I smile and hug her.

"Yes, thank you. We love them." Anakin smiles and hugs her.

"Anakin!" Padmé calls, and he gives her the "one minute" sign.

"Have a safe flight." She smiles.

"And you have a safe way home." Anakin smiles. She walks off and we run on the ship.

As we get on the ship, Padmé notices our necklaces.

"Who gave you those?" She asks as the door closes behind us.

"Jira." I say as Anakin puts mine on me.

She gives me a confused look as I start to put Anakin's on.

"You know, the lady who sold the fruit back in Tatooine?" I say, and she says "Oh! Right!" and walks away.

Anakin smiles at me when I face him. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head, but continues to stare at me.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I say laughing playfully.

"Why?" He asks chuckling, not taking his eyes off me.

"You look like you see something you like." I say, and he doesn't respond. I roll my eyes and turn his head to the window.

"The beautiful stuff is out there dumbo." I say and lightly whack the back of his head as I sit down.

That night.....
I toss and turn in my bed. I groan as I can't go to sleep. I look over at my clock.

2:48 a.m.

I sigh and look up at the ceiling as my mind wonders to the dream I had the other night.

I was back in Tatooine, and I woke up to the sound of explosions. I look around and see Shmi being beat to the ground. "SHMI!" I yell.

Then the scenery changes. I'm in Dooku's base. "My daughter....." Dooku says to joy. "Father....why did you leave us?" She asks. I notice she has scratch and whip marks on her.

"I was saving you." He yells and hits her. "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!" She yells as he whips her again.

"JOY!" I yell as he electrocuted her.

Then my scenery changes once more. I'm in the room where all the younglings train, and I look around my legs to see them all.....dead.

"Anakin?" I ask, and he turns to face me. His eyes are glowing yellow, and tears stain his cheeks.

"I DID IT FOR YOU!" He screams. "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" He shouts once more and I back up.

I shake my head as I exit my daydreaming. Then I hear Anakin.

"No....Mom.....No...." He says. I kick off the sheets and walk over to him. I see him drenched in sweat.

I sigh and wet a rag (wash cloth) and shake him lightly.

He wakes up. "What?" He asks confused.

"You were having a nightmare." I say as I dab the cold rag on his forehead. I do his cheeks, neck, and a little of his bare chest, and he stares at me while I do so.

"Better?" I ask, and he nods. He sits up on one elbow.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." He says and I shake my head.

"You didn't wake me. I haven't closed my eyes once." I say. "We went into hyperspace a while ago." I continue and he nods.

It was silent for a moment, but then I speak. "What were you dreaming about?" I ask and he sighs.

"About Shmi. I left Tatooine so long ago, my memory of her is slowly fading. I don't want to loose it. And I see these vivid dreams.....scary dreams.....I worry about her." He says looking down.

"Would you like me to sleep with you? In case you have another nightmare?" I ask, and he nods.

I walk to the other side of the bed and lie down. He lays his head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around him, I kiss his forehead, and I drift off to sleep.
Lol they are so cute. Anyways I'm on a roll with these ideas so yeah enjoy!!
