Anakin and I decided to go to his new apartment and talk. It felt so odd being around him. I felt as if......we weren't close anymore.

We sat in silence as we stood on the balcony, looking out at the city.

"Why haven't you been smiling?" He asks out of the blue, and I sigh.

"Don't really see the point I guess. We have a huge war going on, people and children die in front of me, I'm always being told I'm doing things wrong, and I didn't have you." I said honestly, and I was telling the truth.

Not being around him kind of made my world stop. It made the day go by slow, and I didn't even want to do my training. I even remember Master Windu having to literally drag me out of bed a few times. I guess you could say it was depressing without him.

"Well.....I've been the same way.....sort of." He says and I chuckle a little.

"How is Master Windu treating you?" He asks.

"Like a child."

"You can say that again. Obi-Wan treats me the same way." He says and I sigh. "I would rather have him than Windu. He kind of seems like the type of Master that would also be your friend. I don't think Master Windu is good at that." I say and we both laugh.

"Yeah, he is kind of strict."

"Kind of?! I remember he put me on "probation" because I slept in late." I say, and Anakin gives me a crazy look.

"Are you serious?!"

"Dead serious!" I respond.

We continued to talk about the things we'd seen, the stuff we want to do, but I still felt like we were drifting away.....like something-no-someone was taking him away from me.............but who?

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said coming in "Its time to go back to Padmé's apartment for duty." He said and we nodded.

As we walked down the hall, I noticed Anakin's mind was clouded with thoughts of Padmé.

I'm for real Palpatime I'm asking you to kill me. In fact bruh I will PAY YOU TO.

"What's it like living with Padmé?" He asks me and I sigh.

"Boring, tiring, quiet." I say, and it was that way. We never really talked much when we were on our own. Even if she was home, which was a rare occasion, she would either read or sleep.

"Oh. I thought it would be more intresting."

"Well we aren't really that close so..." I said trailing off.

"Mind your thoughts Anakin." Obi-Wan said from in front of us. He rolled his eyes. "Yes Master." He said and I snickered a little.

This is like the brownie incident all over again.

We walked in and saw the lights were out. "She must be asleep." Obi-Wan says as we walk in.

I yawn a little. "You should get some rest too Young Olivia." He says turning to face me.

"Well, I kind of sleep on the couch usually so...." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh! Yes! Privacy! Right, sorry. Anakin won't you join me in that hall?" He whispers.

"Huh--oh! Yeah yeah yeah sure." Anakin whispers back and I quietly laugh. As they shut the door I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"Idiots." I whisper.

I get changed into my regular pajamas, which are just black sweat pants, and a white t-shirt. I open the door and they look at me.

They enter and I hop on the couch and go to sleep.

30 minutes later.....

Scratch that.

I'm still not asleep.

"Is she asleep yet?" Anakin asks.

"I don't know, I'll check." Obi-Wan says, and I hear his footsteps come towards me. I close my eyes shut and pretend to be asleep.

"Olivia? Olivia?" He whispers, but I don't move. His footsteps fade to behind the couch.

"She's asleep now." He says, and I hear Anakin sigh.

"You should get some rest too you know." Obi-Wan tells him.

"I don't sleep much anymore."

"Because of your mother?" Obi-Wan asks.

Shmi? What's wrong with Shmi?

I continue to listen. "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her now. I haven't seen her since I was little." Anakin says and I sense sadness in him.

"Dreams pass in time."

Yeah when something bad happens.

"I'd rather dream about......you know. Being around her again is so.....intoxicating." He says.

He means Padmé doesn't he?

"Mind your thoughts Anakin, they betray you. You've made a commitment to the Jedi order.....a commitment is not easily broken.....and don't forget, you haven't seen her in a long time. You don't know if she's changed."

"No. Not her. She would never betray us, not even me. I remember seeing the necklace that I gave her still on her neck, and the way she told me her feelings.....and the way she looked at me. It's been the same as when we were only children." Anakin says.

Alright, I'm done listening to this. We get it. You like Padmé.

I ignored all further conversation, and drifted off to sleep.

Anakin's p.o.v.
I looked down at my feet. "I remember the day I left, she told me she loved me. I just assume that it was a friendly I love you, but I meant mine," I say, and finally look up. "I do truly love her Master. With all my heart. And I'm sorry, I know I've made a commitment, but I can't help my feelings." I say, and he sighs.

"But-" he starts, but then we hear Olivia.

"No...." She says. I race over to her and see she is sweating.

"No Anakin...." She says again.

I look at Obi-Wan beside me, and he shrugs.

"No.....not her...." She says again. "Shmi....Joy....no."

"Should we wake her?" I ask.

"It would be best. But do it gently." He says and I nod. I shake her lightly. "Olivia..." I whisper.

"Get away! Get away!" She starts to raise her voice.

"Olivia." I say a little louder, shaking her.

"Leave them! Leave them please!" She says and she starts to cry.

"Olivia, I need you to wake up." Obi-Wan says to her.

She doesn't budge and she continues. I begin to shake her harder, but she won't wake up.

"Olivia, if you can hear me, calm down. It's okay." I say softly, but she doesn't.

"Olivia! Olivia!" I finally begin to tell. She jerks up and pants. She looks over at us confused.

"What.....wait.......what?" She says, and me and Obi-Wan give each other looks.

"You were having a nightmare." He says.

"Yeah yeah.....I-I know it was just.....confusing." She says looking confused.

"What was it about?" I ask.

"It was-" she starts, then we sense danger coming from Padmé's room. "I sense it too." Obi-Wan says and we all go into the room.

Glowing worms crawl on Padmé, and Obi-Wan and I ignite our lightsabers and cut them. Olivia uses the Force to grab hers and turns it on, showing a glowing white lightsaber.

She cuts the ones around Padmé, as we do. "Ow!" She says, and we see one on her arm.

She swings her arm back, making the worm fly to the wall and.....well......out goop on it.

She looks at the scar and I rush over to her. "Are you alright?" I ask and she nods. Then, Obi-Wan jumps out the window, with Olivia following. I roll my eyes.

"Stay here!" I tell Padmé as I race off to find a speeder.
Okay guys there is going to be some HUGE plot twists in this story so yeah be ready for that. Hope you enjoyed!
