Chapter 1: Last-minute call

"OMG AVA TODAY IS THE BIG DAY!!!" my friend Lily said screaming to her phone while she started getting ready for the concert later this night.

"Girl chill it's only 7 and the show starts at 9" I sang to her while I was playing on my guitar, trying to write a song but it's not really happening.

"Bish you better start getting ready too I'm not waiting for your ass like always, I'm choosing Dominic over you sorry not sorry" she laughed and turned back to her mirror drawing on her brows.

"Ouch" I put my hand over my heart and fake fainted "He for sure notice your HUGE brows from the stage" I blew a kiss then took my guitar away and closed my notebook

"Haha very funny, I need to get dressed I'll call you back later" she winked and ended the call

I got up and looked up the artist whos concert I was invited to last-minute because my best friends sister got sick and her parents wouldn't let her go alone."Dominic Richard Harrison, known professionally as Yungblud (stylized as YUNGBLUD*i yelled this part because of the capitalized letters*), is an English singer, songwriter, and musician from Doncaster, England." I read while one of his songs played in the background "Yungblud has expressed himself through his music as a socially conscious artist unafraid of delivering genre-bending protest songs" I facepalmed myself as I realized he is one of the one thousand artists Lily loved because they are against everything like her.

Ava is dumb :P
"Really? Another punk crush?" I wrote and smiled looking at her nickname I changed yesterday, I disagreed with her statement that the neighborhood is better than arctic monkeys.

Lily is dumb too :)

Ava is dumb :P
"That Yungblud boy"

Lily is dumb too :)
"Ohh yeah he's a whole meal"

Ava is dumb :P
"Sure, anyways we will be at your place in an hour"

Lily is dumb too :)

I put on some random Jeffree Star video while I did my makeup "Hi, how are ya?" I waved with my brush with him. After I was done with my makeup I got to my closet just staring at the mess first then I picked out an easy fit so I can jump around in it if I really feel the music. I straightened my long black hair and sat down in front of my mirror to send outfit pics to one my friends, well the one out of two lol. Don't get me wrong, I prefer a few real friends over a lot of fake ones.

(This but with a The Cure shirt)

Dave baby
Dave is my gay best friend who is into fashion like me, we met at an open day for our dream school f.i.t., he complimented me and soon we started talking online too.


We got to Lily's house with my dad because he's taking us there, I wrote a text to her and she said "one-minute" which means 10 to her but I'm used to it, she's been doing this since we started hanging out.

"So I know you are 19 but we always went to concerts together, well except last year but.." my dad stoped a bit remembering back to last year when I was so depressed I never really went anywhere else but school "What I want to say is that please be mature enough, don't drink too much,no drugs careful with boys"

I stopped dancing around in my seat to some music on the radio and started laughing while he started blushing a bit.

"Okay dad" I smiled and tilted my head trying to be cute and innocent which I'm actually not nowadays.
Lily finally got into the car and we chatted through the whole ride, first about how excited she is then just random stuff like her parents divorce, her dad's new house, etc.

I looked at the street lights, the people walking and smiling, everything.
I got into the mood for the night, even if I'm not sure I like yungbluds music that much this will be an amazing experience anyways.

I jumped out of the car and stretched while Lily fixed herself looking at her reflection on her phone. Dad rolled down his window and said
"Okay call me tomorrow and be careful!Bye!" he rolled out of the parking lot and we walked to the gates hand in hand. I felt her hands shaking and getting wet.

"Excited?" I giggled and made my grip stronger

"You know he helped a lot" she said referring to her parents "I can't wait till I can thank him and give him a hug" she basically started melting imagining that.

After we got in we still had time so we headed to the marches and got drinks too, you know to make our selves feel even better.

When the time came we stood in front of the stage even though Lily pushed away a lot of people to achieve that. They turned the lights off only the word "YUNGBLUD" is visible.

"ARE YA FOOKIN READY MANCHESTER?" he yelled and they started to play the first song

We yelled yes and Lily turned to me
"OMG KING CHARLES IS MY FAVORITE" making my ears """hurt"""
I didn't know the lyrics only the ones I heard from my best friend but I enjoyed it still.

After the show was over we headed to the room where the artists had a meetup with the fans. The line was long af but it didn't bother us because of the high adrenaline we had.

"HELLOOO," the messy-haired boy said to us and my friend nearly fainted, we hugged him and Lily asked for a picture. She started telling him a story about how much he helped her.

"Anyways I'm so so so so sooo thankful" she gave him another hug

"I'm guessing your friend is not a fan of me is she?" he smiled and pointed at me while I was dancing around the room staring at the photos of the previous artist who visited the place before.

"O.M.G. The arctic monkeys" I yelled to get Lily's attention not realizing she's still talking to yungblud. I blushed when I saw him looking at me too so I looked away facing the photographs again.

"She hasn't listened to you before, only when I got the aux cord" she let out a small chuckle

"Whats upp" I walked over to them.

"We can go, I see you can't stay still" my friend said

"Adhd gang?" the tall boy asked with a huge beautiful smile

"Wow you are like really pretty, but yeah adhd gang" I threw a peace sing and winked

"Thanks, you are pretty too" he smirked

"Well then we are leaving, bye Dom" we group hugged and left.


I stayed at Lily's house as we planned to have a movie night. I chose the movie for us so obviously, I put on Shrek.

"He looks like you" I said pointing at Shrek

"Really? Then that's you" she pointed at donkey and we laughed

"Woow that's not what your Dominic said" I said his name dramatically

"You were brave tho, you and your big mouth" she smiled while rolling her eyes

When the movie ended I went to take a shower, I put on some music but it stopped for a sec as a notification came
"@ lilylovesnature tagged you and one other person on a picture" I checked while I dried myself. I twirled around looking up and down my body. "That fucking recovery did not help shit" I thought to myself.

I got back to Lilys room and laid next to her in her bed. Another notification came
"@ yungblud wants to send you a message"
