Chapter Three

*Promises are broken. Tell me are you happy now? Drowning in the hourglass. I guess our time ran out...*

Swan Song by Set It Off


*Jace's POV*

I closed my eyes, feeling the power of the healing rune ignite on its own and my jaw clicked back into place. One of the glorious gifts I was given by the Angels. Comes in handy when I don't have a stele with me.

Shaking my head, I opened my eyes and rubbed the left side of my mouth. Getting to my feet, I sighed and walked back to my room.

I saw that Sophia was gone and from the slamming coming from Alec's room, seems like she is leaving him a goodbye present. Grabbing the shirt that was lying on the floor, I threw it on and walked out of the room.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I jogged out and skidded to a stop when I saw Maryse, Robert and Izzy walking into the main lobby.

"By the Angel, Jace what happened to your face?" Robert exclaimed as the light hit my face. Even thought the bone is healed, there was still a nasty bruise on the left side of my mouth.

"Alec's right hook happened." I said, rolling my eyes.

"How could you do that to your parabatai?" Maryse asked.

I threw my hands up in the air, frustrated that everyone blamed me for the slut and her actions. "I tried to stop her! She came onto me!"

"That still doesn't mean that you kiss his fiancé back!" Izzy exclaimed, her eyes narrowing.

I huffed and hung my head in defeat. "You're right."

"So what happened to that little backstabber?" I looked up at Izzy, she had an eyebrow arched and gave me a hard look.

"She is being portaled back to Idris. Alec's orders."

I watched as Maryse leaned against the table that held three monitors. "So where, in Raziel's name, is my son?"

I shrugged my shoulder and shook my head. "I have no idea. He told me not to look for him and that he wants to be alone."

"He went for a walk." Izzy said, rolling her eyes and put a hand on her hip.

"Well I'm going to blow some steam and use Clary's best friend and former Parabatai, as a punching bag." I strolled off towards the weapons room.

"Be careful with him he is still adjusting." Izzy hollered at me, her voice fading away as I rounded the bend.

Striding down the hallway to the weapons room, I picked up my blades and Simon's blade and bow and arrow. I walked out of the room and towards one of the many guest rooms we have at the institute.

"Oh, Mr. Lovelace." I sang and I leaned against the doorframe.

It was strange seeing Simon's body covered in runes. I was so used to see him with pale skin and piercing fangs that glistened in the light when he smiled.

Simon whirled around and threw the shirt over his head. "What do you want, Herondale?" He glared at me. He's looked like he hasn't slept in weeks.

Which, is the truth because Clary has been missing for the past two weeks. Being that she is his Parabatai, it takes a lot out of us when our other half is missing.

"I'm aggravated and you need to train, newbie." I tossed him his blade and he caught it effortlessly. Then I quickly tossed his bow and arrow, they drifted apart in the air going in different directions.

I watched him lunge for the bow and then he barrel rolled, catching the sack of arrows. Standing there, speechless, I just followed his movements.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Oh the mighty, Jace Herondale, might have just met his match today." Simon made a scared expression and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not scared of you, Simon. To me, you are still the scared mundane who followed Clary around." I saw him wince at the mention of her name.

"Sorry, man." I apologized.

"It's fine." He mumbled, then gathered his composure and was once again, happy. "Ready for me to kick your ass, Herondale?" Simon chuckled as he walked past me and down the hall, to the training room.

I huffed, "More like me kicking your ass." I mumbled and jogged after him.

"Nice middle school comeback!" Simon hollered over his shoulder as he ran into the training room.

"Fuck you!" I hollered back as I caught up to him.

"That isn't my job. Although, if I was gay, you would not be my type." He smirked as he activated his agility, speed and strength rune. Simon slid his stele into his back pocket and flipped his blade in his right hand.

"I'm offended by that statement. Now with that being said, I won't go easy on you this time." My eyes glowed their golden color as I activated the same runes.

I matched his action with my blades and ran towards him. Our blades clanged together as we danced around the room; using the same amount of aggression and force.

We sparred for three hours, until we finally collapsed to the floor. The cuts on our bodies quickly healed as the healing rune was activated.

"Good job, Herondale." Simon said, helping me to my feet.

"You aren't so bad yourself, Lovelace." I pointed to him. "We just need to work on your foot work and your stance if a little unbalanced. But all-in-all, you're okay."

We put too our weapons to our rooms. I said good night to Simon and walked to the elevator. Exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks as I walked into my room.

I checked Alec's room, it was still a disaster and still no sign of him anywhere. He might've stayed with Luke at his place.

I collapsed on my bed and passed out, falling into a deep sleep.


*Alec's POV*

"One more, Maia." I groaned as I slammed down the shot glass on the counter.

I decided to take a trip to The Hunter's Moon. A local werewolf bar that was a few blocks away from the Institute.

"Rough day at the office?" Maia asked, a cautious look as she slowly poured the shot.

"More like a disaster." I mumbled as I gulped the liquor down.

"May I asked what happened?"

"My fiancé,"

"Sophia." I winced as she said her name.

"Yeah, her." I clenched my jaw and continued. "I found out that after I got seriously injured, that she was about to fuck my Parabatai and that she was just using me like Valentine used everyone to gain power."

"That bitch!" Maia growled and her eyes flowed a menacing emerald. Then she noticed that I was tearing up and her face softened.

"Oh, Alec." She cooed and she ran around the counter, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me tightly.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I cried into her shoulder.

Thank the angels that the bar was empty. 'Cause the showing of emotion is a sign of weakness of a Shadowhunter, in the eyes of the Downworlders.

"You will find someone who will fix you. Just be patient." She murmured as she rubbed my back.

"Thank you, Maia." I sniffles and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my black shirt.

"No problem." Her phone chimed as she jumped up, pulling away from me. "I have to go, Jordan is here to pick me up." She leaned over the counter and grabbed her bag.

I tried to hand her money for the drinks, but she pushed the money towards me and told me to keep it.

I shrugged and followed her out. She locked up and ran to the Jeep that was idling in front of the bar.

"Have a good night guys." I waved to them.

They both said good night and drove off into the dense fog that was rolling in.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked down the sidewalk. Away from the Institute, and to where ever my legs bring me.
