"Earth-Concussions" Part 6 (Cursing)

Ennard didn't get to stare too long, though. because sooner later the ground started shaking. And right when THAT happened the TV decided to make things WORSE for them.


"Shit." William surprisingly spitting out an English WORD, despite his state of total shock

This message is being transmitted at the request of: The London Police Department. The Met Office has issued a: 9.7 Magnitude Earthquake. This is not a test.

"Shut uuuuup TV you just make things wooooooorse....." Glitchtrap had been fine, floating above everyone.

Michael fell off the bed, banging his head on the hardwood floor, giving him a concussion and a puncture wound on his forehead. And leaving a narrow trail of blood down his head.

Michael ran into the living room.

Ennard: "Wtf Mike!" 

William came back with bandages and put it on his forehead. The furniture was going 20 miles across the room while Michael suffered getting beat up by a couch XD HAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Ennard grabbed Mike with his wires and went onto the ceiling with him.

Michael passed out from his concussion and Ennard held him tight.

Glitchtrap also picked up William and floated with him

same with Nightmare and Chris.

And Elizabeth and Gabriel

And this and that and there and then and---

Fuck it. I'm done here.

                                                                        *walks out of story cutely*

                             248 Words.


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