"Don't hurt yourself" Part 8

Michael was in his room, alone.

So he decided to get the razor out of his desk.

He turned it on.

He started stroking it across his arm.

Leaving deep cuts.

He soon cut his whole body, right when Ennard walked in with Chris.

Ennard "EGGS!?" Ennard ran over and wrapped his arms around Michael.

Hot oil tears ran down his face.

Ennard "Don't hurt yourself..."

Christopher: "Mikey?"

Chris hugged him 

wholesome moments #1 UwU

Ennard decided to fess up. In the physical way.

Ennard kissed Michael.

  Michael didn't expect that.

The machine that killed him..

just kissed him?

Michael kissed back tho.

yay finally some kissing in this book 🥳

Ennard was sitting against the wall, Michael was on his knees, leaning hi head on Ennard's wiry shoulder.

They said their good nights, and Ennard Powered off, Mike fell alseep, Chris slept in Ennard's Lap, leaning on Mike.
