Part 1

Servo laid down on their couch, and stretched their joints. They had a lot of free time now that they had their upgrades removed, and they had been spending most of their time in their room, simply lazing around. They wanted to get back on their feet again, but they didn't know how to prove that they could be trusted in the workplace.

Servo heard a knock at the door, and immediately stood up and answered it. Vivian stood outside, with a neutral expression.

"Hi, Vivian." Said Servo. "What's up?"

"Nothing much." Replied Vivian. "Just stopping by to check in on you. You haven't been out of your room for a few days."

"It's not my fault. You guys took away all my abilities."

"Your abilities almost got us killed."

Servo growled, and made themselves look as big as they could, despite the fact they only reached Vivian's nose.

"I didn't ask to be hacked!" They said. "It was Cherry that did this to me!"

"Cherry's dead, Servo."

Servo stopped.


"She's dead." Said Vivian. "I checked on her last night, and she wasn't breathing. Turns out someone injected her with sodium pentobarbitol."

"Shit." Replied Servo. "You don't know who?"

"No. The camera's out in that hallway, so we'll have to do some detective work."

"Well, good riddance. She's the reason why I'm isolating myself, and you know it! I want my upgrades back so I can get back to fighting the evils of the world!"

"I'm sorry, Servo. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe play a video game or something? You're really good at that."

And with that, Vivian left the room, and shut the door. Servo scoffed, feeling slightly offended.

"Play a video game? Who does she think I am?" They said to themself. "I want to do real work! Fight real crimes! Scrape a knee! Bite faces off!"

Servo stomped on the floor angrily, and felt their feet whir. They suddenly slipped, and fell on their face. Their screen was unharmed, but they still felt the impact of the fall.

"Ow! What the?"

Servo looked down at their feet, and saw that the openings for their roller skates were still there, but the wheels had been removed. They suddenly had an idea.

"If I can't have my old upgrades back.. I'll just have to make myself some new ones.." They said.

They reached under their bed, and pulled out a box of junk. Broken consoles, outdated electronics, and other miscellaneous pieces of hardware that they've collected over time. They grabbed what they thought they needed, and immediately got to work.
