Beerus Awakened! - Y/n Cometh!

Third person POV

A tall, blue figure walked along a dimly lit corridor, he wore fine clothes, fit for royalty. He began to ascend a large staircase and he held his hands behind his back.

Soon, the man entered a large room with several floating hourglasses.

" Lord Beerus, time to wake up. Come on my Lord, please don't oversleep like last time. " The blue man said as another figure shifted in his small bed.

The blue man huffs in irritation, before getting an idea.

" Maybe I shall assist you in waking up with a rousing song. " Said the blue man.

Beerus sits up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looked like a giant purple, hairless housecat.

Beerus: Fine Whis, I'm up... But why? 39 years is little more than a cat nap, for a truly restful slumber I require at least 50 years of sleep.

Whis: My Lord, may I remind you that it was you who set the alarms? They ought to be going off soon.

As he finishes his sentence, one of the hourglasses explodes.

Beerus: Hm... Yes, I remember... But still.

Whis: Might I suggest a bath, my Lord?

Beerus: No, I'd rather not. You know I care little for baths.

Whis raises a brow.

Whis: But I've already set up a bath for you, and it's set just the way you like it.

Beerus: I said no, Whis.

Whis: Hm... Y'know, people will notice your stench, and maybe the mold in your ears. " That Beerus is powerful, but boy does he stink up a room! " Soon, they'll start calling you the Destroyer of Noses.

Beerus: Your attempt at humor is annoying Whis, but fine. I relent, I do smell of mold... Actually, where is my son?

Whis: Oh, Y/n? He's training.

Beerus chuckles to himself.

Beerus: He sure doesn't shy away from his Saiyan blood, does he?

Whis: Not at all, in fact I'd say he's learning even faster than you did, my Lord!

Beerus: Hoho! I always knew he'd be an excellent student!

~ Small Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Y/n and Chibi Whis training, Y/n's POV ~

I flip and spin around in the weighted suit Whis had me in before catching my own attack, crushing it with my bare hands. I flip back around and catch another blast I had previously fired and slam it into another incoming Ki blast of mine and flipped out of the blast radius. I pant and rest my hands on my knees.

I turn as I hear footsteps behind me, Father and Whis stood there, smiling at me.

" Hello Father, it's been a while since I saw you. " I said looking to Father.

Father: Indeed, it's been 39 whole years. Why, when I last saw you, you could barely speak, let alone fight. I can sense your power, it's the largest I've ever felt in a Saiyan. By a long shot.

" I appreciate your praise, Father. "

I kneel and bow my head, but I hear father laughing.

Father: Y/n, you don't have to bow to me. You are my son.

I nod and stand again, noticing Father was in his God of Destruction attire.

" Are we going somewhere? "

Father: Yes, we are. I just had the Seer confirm my premonition of the " Super Saiyan God ".

In confusion, I point to myself, making Father chuckle.

Father: No, not you.

I mouth an ' o ' and Father nods to Whis.

Whis: Very well, we shall depart at once.

Father: How long should it take to get to North Kai's world?

Whis: I would say... About thirty minutes.

Father: Ugh, I hate long flights... Oh well, I'll suck it up and go. Come along, Y/n.

In a flash of light, my weighted clothes are replaced by my usual outfit.

( Y'all can have any outfit y'all want, I'm just using this as an example. The outfit is bitchin'. )

Y/n: Alright, let's go.

Father and I grab onto Whis and we depart for North Kai's planet.

( That's a wrap for the first chapter, hope it was good. )
