I finally got another chance to find Finn when Elijah left Amira and I home alone to buy food.
"Phasmatos tribum, ostende mihi, sanguis meus." I chanted and an image popped up in my mind and I knew how to get to him.
"Road trip." Amira smirked and I shook my head.
"He's not far from Mystic Falls. I'll be fine, I can run there and be there."
"I'm coming with you, grandma." She stated. "Or I could call Elijah if you'd prefer."
"Elijah wouldn't be able to stop me, and you know it."
"Well I'm following you so you might as well let me drive you. Unless you want to run there and back."
"Fine." I sighed. "Come on."
"Score!" She smirked, and headed to the car. I got in the passenger seat and told her when to turn.

"Finn." I said, catching sight of him. He was talking with Niklaus.
"What are you doing here, sister? Shouldn't you be down in the caves, losing your mind?" He scowled.
"No. No." I denied. "You do not get to stand there and act like I'm the one who did you wrong."
"You've always trusted me. But you couldn't trust me this one time? You chose them."
"You chose her." I shrugged. "You told me it didn't matter anymore. Finn, Esther never cared. She had never once in her life cared for me, or for us. And you chose her. If it came down to any one of our siblings against Mikael or Esther, I will be on the side of our siblings."
"She's only trying to make up for what she's done."
"No, she is not. She wants to take away my family, Finn. All she wants to do is take away my family. I cannot survive losing you all."
"Yes, you can. Because you're strong and you deserve to live."
"Don't you get it, Finn? I lost my husband and my son and I barely survived. The only thing that kept me together was you. You and our siblings. What makes you think that losing the people I have known my entire life won't just break me even more?"
"I need you, Finn. Especially now. Especially now more than ever. Finn, I can't do this without you. Without my twin brother, because you have always been there. I need you." I stepped closer to him and picked up his hand, placing it on my stomach. "Brother, we need you."
"Our siblings hate us."
"No, they do not. That is all you see because since Freya you've been afraid to care for them lest they end up gone. But they won't be. Not as long as we stick together. And you misunderstand. When I say we, I meant- I'm with child, Finn." I told him. "And the last time I was with child Esther and Mikael killed her. I don't know if I can go through this pregnancy without you. I already don't have Abraham. Please don't let me lose my brother."
"Please, Finn." I cried. "Less than a month ago, I lost Abraham all over again. I can't lose anyone else that I love. I can't lose my family. Please tell me I won't lose my family."
"I'm here for you, I promise. Whatever you need." He said and I gave him a hug.
"How touching." Amira stood.
"Amira, it's nice to see you." Nik smiled.
"Nice to see you too, uncle Klaus."
"Finn, this is Amira. She's Benji's daughter."
"Benji? She's-?"
"Yes." I told him.
"So Niklaus unlinks us, then what? We all live happily ever after?"
"Actually, seeing as you still mean so much to our dear sister and we don't want to stress her out, we brought you a surprise. Something to get you to agree to our demands."
"What would you think that is?"
"It's back in Mystic Falls. And we can talk about where to find Esther and kill her and then become one big happy family." Niklaus said. "But you need to go back to Elijah, dear sister."
"I figured." I rolled my eyes. "If you find Esther, make her demise something spectacular. I don't know rip out her heart like you did a thousand years ago."
"Careful, sister. You're starting to sound like a true Mikaelson."
"What can I say? I was born a Mikaelson, after all." I shrugged. "I'll see you guys soon."
"Of course. Bye, sister. Bye, niece."
"Bye Nik, Finn." Amira dragged me to the car. I smiled. We had Finn back, and that was a win.

"Lunch?" Elijah asked as we passed the study in which he sat.
"I went to go see Finn."
"I'm aware. I'm asking if you would like some lunch."
"Elijah. Don't."
"Don't what? You're eating for two now, and I'm just asking if you would like lunch."
"Yes, I would. Very much." I told him and he put down the book he was reading. I followed him into the kitchen.
"Well you two have a lot to talk about so just leave me some food and I'm going to let you be." Amira said, walking up the stairs.
"It was dangerous, Ami."
"To go meet Finn and talk him out of his suicidal haze?"
"To do magic. Even something as simple as a locator spell. Everything you do has a consequence."
"Elijah, I've been pregnant before. I know my limits. I'm not testing them. But I won't sit in a room all day doing nothing either."
"I just don't want to lose you. I remember when you had Benji, you almost died. Abraham said you'd used up too much of your magic."
"When I was pregnant with Benji, I admit I did use a lot of magic, but I know what not to do. I was doing a certain task that required my magic. I have no intention of doing said task until this new baby is healthy and I'm healthy."
"And what is this task?"
"I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"Not until I- just I can't tell you. Now what is for lunch?"
