"So, aside from your mean parents and evil siblings, what were things like when you were human?" Caroline asked taking a bite of something she called chocolate.
"Well, I got married, when I was your age." I shrugged. "Of course it was a different time, eighteen was a normal age, and I married a man I loved, who wasn't much older than I."
"You were married?" Elena asked.
"That's not even the best bit. Ask her who she was married to." Bonnie told her friends, her eyes shining.
"Who were you married to?"
"His name was Abraham." I said and laughed as I saw Bonnie's frustrated face.
"Abraham..." she drank some of her drink.
"Abraham Lincoln?" Caroline asked and the girls laughed as she corrected herself. "Oops, no wait, wrong time period."
"Abraham Bennett." I said. Caroline and Elena gasped at me.
"You guys, Amity's like my great great great great great grandmother, but with a lot more greats."
"That's so cool!"
"Yeah. I got married at eighteen, had a child at nineteen."
"Wait so Bonnie's like a direct descendant? Like for real?"
"Yeah, for real." Bonnie replied.
"That's so awesome."
"So that's why you're so protective of her?"
"Am I the only one who doesn't have a vampire ancestor?" Caroline asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Elena's got Katherine, and Bonnie's got you."
"Wait Katherine's a doppelgänger?"
"Yeah, Klaus tried to sacrifice her first, but she turned into a vampire."
"She's still alive but a real bitch. She's evil."
"She turned me into a vampire."
"She was born like five hundred years ago, so she's good at staying alive and screwing people over."
"Five hundred years?"
"Well then, in another five hundred years, there'll be a Forbes who will look up and see you as their vampire ancestor, and circle will be complete. There'll be a Bennett vampire ancestor. A Petrova vampire ancestor. And a Forbes vampire ancestor."
"But not direct descendants of me. I'm a vampire. I can't have children."
"Well, think of it this way. My being Bonnie's ancestor, technically makes her related to a family of vampire maniacs. And if Katherine is as bad as you all say, then Elena's technically related to a 'real bitch' as Bonnie put it."
"Yeah. At least your family isn't made up of pure evil." Elena nudged her.
"I guess I really didn't pull the short straw on this one, then."
"No, you didn't."
"Well then, I guess I shouldn't complain. Because as long as I have my best friends, there's nothing we can't overcome."
"That's the spirit." Bonnie grinned. Her eyes widened. "I know what we should do. Dance party!"
"Yes!" Caroline and Elena agreed but there was a knock on the door.
"I thought you said there'd be no one here." I asked.
"There shouldn't be." I sped upstairs and pulled on some decent clothes quickly before running down.
"You got changed?" Bonnie asked.
"I was indecent." I replied, before walking to the door. I opened it, Bonnie right behind me. It was Stefan.
"How adorable. Girls night in?" He pouted. "Did you get into pillow fights?"
"What are you after Stefan?"
"Your brother's on the phone. Checking up on you. He was quite worried when he found out you weren't at the boarding house."
"Give me the phone." I sighed, holding out my arm. Stefan gave me the small contraption. "What is it Niklaus?"
"I'm just making sure you're okay, sister."
"Of course I'm okay. Niklaus, don't treat me like a child. I'm older than you."
"I know, but you are clueless about this world."
"And who's fault is that, again? Oh that's right, yours, and Rebekah's and Elijah's and Kol's."
"We only strived to keep you and Finn safe."
"So where is he? Why did you undagger me and not him?"
"Maybe I just missed my big sister."
"Undagger him, Niklaus, because until you do, I am not talking to you. So you can stop 'checking up' on me." I handed the phone back to Stefan. "Goodbye Stefan."
"That was intense." Caroline said as we walked back in.
"You don't have to be mad at him for us, you know." Bonnie said.
"I'm not. I'm mad at him because while I am extremely happy that I get to meet you guys and be friends with you, I am still here while Finn lays suffering. How can I act like everything's okay after that?"
"I'm sorry."
"Not your fault. Okay, no more. Let's have that dance party."
"Why don't you get changed first?"
"Okay." I sped upstairs changing back into the pajamas.
"So, aside from Abraham, have you ever dated a guy?"
"No. I pretty much always knew Abraham was the one for me-"

988 AD

"Amity, darling. I apologise, I've kept you too long."
"Nonsense, Ayana. You know I adore spending time with you."
"And Abraham." She said with a knowing look. I looked over to the front of the yard where Abraham was sharpening his sword. I looked back at her, shyly.
"He's a good friend." I told her and she nodded.
"Well, it's far too late and dark for you to walk home alone. Let me call Abraham. He'll walk you."
"Really, it's fine, Ayana. It isn't far."
"Still, I'd fret far too much. If not for your safety, then perhaps you'll allow him accompany you to ease my concerns?"
"But of course, Ayana." I smiled at her as she called Abraham inside.
"Abraham, son, why don't you walk Amity over to her house? It's gone terribly dark."
"Yes mother," He sheathed his sword and pulled on a layer of clothing.
"Thank you." I said gratefully to Ayana. "I will see you tomorrow?"
"I'll be here." She nodded, ushering us outside. We walked out together and started the short journey.
"How are you, Amity? I didn't get the chance to speak with you all day."
"I apologise, but I was helping your mother. I am well, Abraham. And you?"
"Better now that I get to see you."
"Abraham!" I scolded. "That is improper. If you wish to speak like that, then you must court me."
"And if I wish to court you?"
"But do you really?" I asked him, earnestly and he stopped me.
"Look up." He said and I did so. "Tell me what you see."
"Infinite possibilities. A reminder that we belong to the world, not that the world belongs to us. We are but less than tiny markings smudged upon the galaxies." Abraham laughed.
"I mean what do you see." He emphasised.
"Stars?" I asked and he nodded.
"Exactly. These stars may die, but in their place new ones shall be born, and again and again, a never ending loop. Amity, my love for you, like these stars will never fade, but only be born anew every single day of our lives."
"You mean that?"
"I do, and if you'll allow me, I would like to court you."
"I suppose I could." I laughed, as he nudged me slightly and started walking. "Abraham?"
"Yes, Ami?"
"I love you too."
