Chapter 22 : Finally


"Gorgeous gorgeous bride!" Mik, my makeup artist exclaims.

I giggle. "Thank you."

"Masha'Allah!" My mom walks in. "Seeing my baby in a wedding dress is so surreal." She gives me a kiss.

I stand up to look into the full length mirror. My dress is gorgeous. Everything's perfect. For the past few months, I've been working with wedding planners to make my dream wedding. Since Elias has acres of land in the backyard, it's the perfect mini wedding venue.

6 months ago, Elias took Yusuf and I on a trip to Italy. And there...he proposed to me! And I know I know, we're technically already married. But he wanted to actually propose, this time, with my mom's permission.

When we were getting our passports ready for there, I realized that Yusuf's full name is Yusuf Mari Alfera. I remember letting Elias choose his middle name, but I never actually knew.

Anyway, We're not going to have a traditional wedding, just a formal dinner type of thing. Like the Sunnah, for the groom to provide a dinner for people after marriage.

And now I'm here. "Amara! Yusuf won't put on his bow tie!" My best friend Mia walks in with Yusuf. Mia and I reconnected after I started going to events at the masjid with Elias.

"Yusuf." I hold him.

"Mama! Shiny!" He touches my dress.

"Yeah." I kiss him. "Mom can you try putting on his bow tie?"

"Of course come here."

"So where's the honey moon gonna be?" Mia questions.

"Well we don't know yet. I'm kinda waiting for this semester to be over, so probably after that." I reply.

"Look at the bride who's going to university instead of her honey moon." She shakes her head. "I'm just kidding. Girl get them grades up." I laugh.

Agnus walks in. "Guys, it's almost time. Go sit at the tables outside." She tells Mia and Mik. "What a stunning bride." Agnus smiles warmly at me.

"Thank you Agnus." I smile. I look down at my phone to check the time. I smile at my lock screen wallpaper. It's a photo of Elias with a mini ponytail. It's from that one time he had his hair in the way so I tied it for him and took a picture. Adorable.

I pat down my dress, "Let's go."

"Go straight to daddy, okay?" I whisper to Yusuf, pointing at the sweetheart table at the front. I can hear the faint sound of the nasheed 'For the rest of my life' in the background. I send Yusuf off to walk down the aisle to Elias. He's walking as fast as his little legs let him.

I watch the crowd turn to him through the window. Yusuf eventually gets to Elias and he picks him up giving him a kiss. It's time.

I hold my moms hand, and we walk down the aisle. The whispers of the crowd grow quiet as they revert their attention to me.

I can see Elias's smile as we get closer. "Mommy!" Yusuf yells pointing at me. Everyone laughs.

I arrive to the table as Elias takes my hand and kisses it. My mom goes to Mia's table. Everyone is seated right round tables as Elias and I are seated at a rectangle table facing the crowd. And of course Yusuf is seated at our side.

Elias stands up and addresses everyone. "To my wife. For blessing my life. And showing me that I'm capable of loving to such an extent. And of course, I'd have to thank Allah for everything." He sits back down while everyone claps. He leans in to give me a kiss on my cheek.

The waiters begin serving everyone as the sun barely sets. It's all beautiful, it's all perfect.

Elias couldn't get his eyes off of me. Hopefully my makeup hid how red my cheeks were.

Elias gives Yusuf one more kiss before Yusuf goes off running to play with the other kids.

"I love you so much." He says to me. He's been saying this to me everyday, and each time, it never fails to erupt butterflies inside of me.

"I love you more." I say back to him.

He takes my hand from under the table and gives it a squeeze.

I still think about why Elias forgave me so easily. But something that Agnus told me keeps ringing in my mind. "If you were to stab him, he would blame the knife, never you..."


ty for reading loves! that's the end of the book! I wanted to write something short and sweet, because I don't like books that drag on too long and don't get to the point.

But if you guys want a second book to this, let me know!

also I have other books as well on my page if you wanna go and read them!!

