..Chapter 26 : An Old Friend..

Chapter 26 Art Coming Soon! (Still gotta draw it sorry-)

"Do you have a human form? You know, like Grian and X?" Scar asks, glancing over at the Watcher, then straight back to Grian, who was sound asleep.

"Yeah.. but.." +@vr+!$ looks at Grian, then let out a sigh.

"But..?" Scar says, implying he was waiting for him to continue.

"Alright.." +@vr+!$ stands up and walks to the middle of the room.

Scar turns sideways in his chair to get a good look.

+@vr+!$ changes from his Watcher form to his human form.

He was a little shorter than Scar and wore a blue t-shirt with white edges, as well as a pear of black pants and headphones. His hair was similar to Scar's, brown, and a total mess.

"T-.. Taurtis..?" Grian had awoken and sat up right before he had transformed and had seen the whole thing.

"G-Grian!" Taurtis stutters, he hadn't wanted Grian to know.. at least not like this and with everything that just happened.

"GRIAN!" Scar quickly turns around and hugs him carefully.

"Hi Scar.. and.. T-Taurtis.." Grian stutters on Taurtis's name, tears forming in his eyes.

"I.. didn't know how to tell you.." Taurtis confesses, but only half the truth.

Grian carefully gets off the table and stumbles his way to Taurtis, falling into a hug.

Scar just stands there, facing the table.

"I missed you so much!" Grian starts crying into Taurtis's shoulder.

"I missed you too Grian.." Taurtis starts crying too.

Scar can't help but feel jealous of him.

How come he got Grian?

HE was the one who brought the Watcher there.

He lied to Grian..

Scar hated him..

"I'm.. going back to my base.." Scar says loudly, but with no response from Grian or even Doc or Taurtis.

Scar storms out of Doc's lab and flies to his base.

-The Next Day-

Grian hadn't gone back to Scar's base last night, instead, he and Taurtis decided to make a base together.

Grian's chest still hurt, so Taurtis did most the work, but he didn't mind it.

"Remember that stupid fish you loved?" Grian asks Taurtis and laughs.

"Yeah.. I don't want to talk about the fish.." Taurtis says, his face going red with embarrassment.

The two continued talking and talking, well into the next day, Grian giving a tour around the server at one point.

"Grian? Taurtis?" Xisuma walks up to the duo at the shopping district.

"Yeah?" The two say at the same time and in the same way, they then laugh together.

"Have you guys seen Scar?"

-433 Words-
