..Chapter 19 : Waking Up?..

Chapter 19 Art Coming Soon! (Still gotta draw it sorry-)

He couldn't wake up..

He tried again and again, but nothing worked, nothing helped.

He tried to scream, but there was a hand covering his mouth.

He had an idea.

He opened his mouth as wide as he could, biting down on the hand as hard as he could.

The hand tried to pull away, but Grian wouldn't let go. The other hands loosened for a moment in shock, but that moment was just long enough for Grian to escape.

Then he woke up.

Scar was holding him in his lap while sitting by the fireplace.

The fire was mostly burnt out and there were only a few glowing charcoals left, just enough for Grian to see a tad.

He saw Xisuma across from them on the couch, his glowing wings out. This also helped Grian see.

He looked up at Scar and couldn't help but smile..

He put his head on Scars chest and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

The wizard elf man smelled like a mix between what a delicious homemade meal would smell like, and what laundry just pulled out of the dryer would smell like as well. He was warm too.

"Good morning G" Grian looked up, seeing that Scar was awake.

"Oh- uh- g-good morning Scar" He spoke quietly, looking down and avoiding eye contact. Well, what could be considered eye contact in a very dim room.

Scar had used magic a while back that gave him night vision like a cat so he could find Jellie when she was outside at night.

"You alright?" Scar asks, noticing that Grian was hiding his face from him.

"I'm fine" Grian could feel his face was hot, but he couldn't figure out if it was embarrassment or something else. Though, if it was something else, he didn't know what it could be.

"Alright, you want to stay here until X wakes up?" Scar asks with a smile.

"Sure" Grian says after thinking for a moment.

"Alright" Scar kisses the top of Grian's head, then rests his head on Grian's.

Grian's face went even more red.

"I might fall asleep again" Scar half jokes.

*He just kissed me..?* Grian's mind was racing, his face and ears getting red.

He figured out why his face was going red, definitely not embarrassment though.

"Hey G..?" Scar breaks the silence, even if it was only a minute or two.

"Y-yeah?" Grian answers, still in shock of what happened.

Scar pushes Grian off of him, but Grian landed on his feet.

"Wha-" Grian gets cut off by Scar grabbing his shoulder.

Grian looked into his eyes.

They.. they didn't look like Scar's eyes..

"Scar..?" Grian becomes scared.

The eyes where cold.. dark.. and sad..

"You need to wake up.."

-473 Words-
