
Third Person POV

After one week of staying together, all of them get to know each other better.

What they talk mostly when the maknaes aren't with them are about the things that happened when they were separated.

The maknaes are still oblivious about the fact that their members knew each other.


They are still fighting with each other on and off. Not caring about their surrounding.


Sometimes they make fun of each other and play video games together.

Their actions made the others wonder since when they are comfortable with each other presence.

Lisa POV

It's 7 am now and I'm sure everyone is still sleeping since today is our off day.

Jungkook is still sleeping.

I'm laying on the couch facing the balcony. I know Jungkook ask me to sleep on the bed from that day onwards, but I feel awkward sharing a bed with him.

I will always sleep on the bed, but when the certain time reach, I will wake up and sleep on the couch.

Jungkook doesn't know about it and I hope he don't find out. Everytime I will go out from the room before he is awake.

He usually wakes up at 8:30 am. So I need to be sure that I'm out of the room before the time comes.

After enjoying the morning breeze from the balcony, I decided to have some exercise at the park since I ate a lot for the past weeks.

I go to the bathroom to wash up then wear some simple exercise outfit.

I grab my phone and headphone then head towards the kitchen and grab some granola bars before heading out.


~Phew....this is so tiring. I need to workout more, my stamina is decreasing~

"Pokpak, is that you?"

I heard a familiar voice but I don't remember whose it belongs to.

And the name that person use to call me, it's so familiar yet I can't remember my past.

I turn around and saw a very very very familiar guy standing not too far from me.

Before I could process what is happening, he engulfed me into a hug. I push him away with all my strength feeling disgusted being hug by a random stranger.

When I was about to open my mouth to give him a scolding, I saw his eyes. He was crying, tears flowing down.

"Um.. Do I know you?" I ask concern

"You don't remember me??"

I just shake my head and sigh.

"I'm your brother.... "

My mind is still processing.


He covered my mouth to stop me from screaming. People passing by are looking at us weirdly.

"Let's sit down first" he said pointing towards a bench.

I stood a little further than him, just in case his real identity is a psycho and wanted to kidnapped me.

"Please talk" I said with a monotone.

"My name is BamBam.... "

He start to talk from where we were still young. He remind me of my childhood. How we used to play together and was punished by our parents if we break any house rules.

I can imagine what my childhood looks like since I had dream about a girl and a boy in the exact situation.

Maybe the dream is my lost memory. Now with the help of BamBam I regain part of my past.

"You really is my brother."

I hug him tightly out of happiness.


I reach the house feeling euphoric because I finally found my brother.


I remember how BamBam told me he knows my unnies because they used to come over our house to stay the night.

If my unnies know about BamBam, why didn't they tell me.

Are they hiding something....

Now that I think back the conversation with my brother, he didn't mention anything about high school. Not a single word related to it.

He keeps talking about our childhood when we're still in Thailand.

"Where did you go?"

Was the first thing I heard when I enter my room.


Jungkook POV

"Where did you go??"

Was the first thing I say when she enter the room.

Not that I'm her boyfriend or what, I'm just concern about her.

"Um...why do you care, you're not even my boyfriend?"

She rolled her eyes not giving me any shits and walk towards the bathroom.

"Arghh!!!" I grab my hair frustratedly.

I want to smack her so hard. If she's a boy, she would be in the hospital now.

I calm my nerve and went to the living room in hopes to watch some movies.


I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. But when I turn around, no one was there.


Again I heard footsteps.

I went to the kitchen and grab a cooking pan before heading towards the stairs.

"Ahhhh!!!!"I screamed and throw the cooking pan at the person direction when it jump out in front of me.

"Yah!! Why the fuck did you throw a cooking pan at me. It hurts like hell."

That voice...

The one and only Lalisa Manoban.

Aishh, She's so damn childish.

"Serve you right. Scare me one more time and I'll kick you out the room."

She just continue to rub the spot that got hit.

"Does it hurt that much?" I ask reaching out for her.

"Dude, you wanna try?" She asked holding the cooking pan aiming at me.

I raised my hands up as in surrender and assists her to the living room.

"Wait here, I will bring the first aid kit"

When I returned, I saw Lisa talking with Jennie.

"Unnie, where are you going?" I heard Lisa asked Jennie since her outfit today is different from the normal days.

It's casual yet nice.

"Omo!! What happened to your head?"

"Hehe....Ask Jungkook"

When Jennie sees me, she glared at me.

"Yah!! Jeon, YOU WANT TO DIE? What did you do to Lisa?!!" Jennie asked angrily with her thumb slicing her neck signaling me that she will kill me.

"I didn't mean to. I thought someone broke in, so I throw the cooking pan as in self defense. I didn't know is Lisa since she decided to scared me by jumping out from no where."

Jennie just nodded in understand and playfully smack Lisa's arm before waving at us and walk out the house.


After helping Lisa with her -now bruised- forehead, I decided to refill the food in the house since it's almost finish.

"Lisa!! Do you want to go to the shopping mall?"


We grabbed our stuff and put on our disguise before going to the mall.

"Can I tell you something?"

The awkwardness built from the walking journey was broke when Lisa open her mouth.

"Go ahead."I nodded my head

"I saw my brother at the park today"

"Cool. What's his name?"


I knew it. The first time I fully see her face, I knew she look familiar. Now the truth is out, my roommate brother is also my best friend.
