Back To School

Lisa POV

Sunlight is breaking through the curtain that I didn't know was open.

My eyes is now half open due to the strong sunlight brimming into the room.

After adjusting to the sunlight, my eyes is fully open now and was greeted with a pleasant surprise.

A set of beautifully decorated breakfast is on my table stand.

Who would have such patient to do it?~

After thinking for some time, I still can't figure out so I decided to just eat it anyway.

Whoever did this breakfast can be a world class cook. The food is so good. Except for one dish.

While enjoying the food, I almost choke when someone barged in the room.

"Morning Lisa!!"

Cough~ Cough~

"Are you ok, Lisa?? Did I scare you?"

I look at him with one kind of face.

"What does it look like?"

"Aww, don't be so grumpy early in the morning. We have lots of stuff to do together. So faster eat up."

"Who say I'm gonna go-- Wait, did you make the breakfast?"

He look at me innocently and smile.

He lean towards the bed and cupped his cheek.

"Yes, I made it just for you as a thank you for accepting me. Why? Are you grateful till tears are coming out?"

"No, I'm grateful till I feel like throwing this plate at you. Who the heck could possibly make sweet potatoes stick on the plate."

He just rub his neck in embarrassment.

"I tried my best Lis."

His face changed from happy to sad after answering me.

Now I feel guilty for making him sad. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and hug him.

I'm sure he was startled a bit because he jerk a bit and stood frozen. After realization hit him, he move his hand to wrapped it around me.

After we pulled away, he was literally on cloud nine, smiling like a mental person.

I just continue eating my breakfast with him staring at me. It's quite creepy to be honest.

"Thank you for the delicious breakfast."

I kissed him on the cheeks and immediately hopped off the bed and get ready.

Before closing the bathroom door, I witnessed something very adorable.

Jungkook is jumping around the room, smiling like there's no tomorrow.

He then went to the balcony and shouted something.

"Mom, I must have did something good in the past life. Lisa kissed me!!"

I just chuckle and close the door.

After changing into my outfit and packing all the stuffs I need, I head towards the living room.


"So, what are we going to do today?"

I asked Jungkook while walking down the stairs.

"Let's meet up with--"

I look up towards his direction, confused on why he stop his sentence midway.

He is covering his face with his hand looking down on the floor.

"Um.. What are you doing?"

"Yah!! What are you wearing? Go change into something more appropriate please."

"Why, what's wrong with my outfit?"

"You're not wearing pants for God sake!!"

I just stand there looking at him before bursting into laughter.

"I-I'm wearing pants"

I keep laughing.

How innocent can he be?~

"I don't care, just wear a long pants or jeans or whatever that is long."

"I wouldn't want to risk my life saving you if someone decided to kidnap you."

"Aww, you're caring for me. Just admit it and say you care for me. No need to tell me indirectly."

"Yeah, whatever goes your way. But please change, if not we're not going out today."

Since I don't want to waste any time in this childish arguement, I ended up wearing a long light blue jeans to pair with my hoodie.

Hoodie for life~

After changing my clothes and was approved by Jungkook, we finally leave the house going to where he's driving to.


Jungkook POV

I decided to do something special today as this is the last day break for us.

Since today is weekdays, that means my sister is having school. Her school finish by 12 today, so I decided to pick her up from school.

Of course I won't let her know, it's a surprise.

I am such a good brother~

Then Lisa and her can hang out together for some bonding time.

Her school is the school I used to studied in because mom say it's easy for me to look after her.

So in the mean time, I plan to walk around our highschool.

We arrived at the school entrance.

"Lisa, do you remember this school?"

Her face only show confusion.

I feel a bit sad to be honest because this school holds all the dramas we both went through.

I just shrugged it off.

"Let's go explore the school while waiting for someone."

"Who are we waiting for?"

"It's a surprise. Come on now, let's go."

The school hasn't changed a bit. It's still the same.

We walk past some students and heard some soft whispering on how we look somehow familiar.

Thank God were wearing our disguise, if not this will be the headline of tomorrow's article.


I called for her when we reached a certain room. She hummed and turn around.

As I was about to tell her about the room, she is already running towards the room

"Oh, the dancing room!! How I miss it."

"So, I see that you remember this room."

"Of course I remember. Here is the place where Rosé and I will practice our dance everyday, how can I forget. Not to mention that I met my first crush here too."

"Ah... I see."

I wonder who is her first crush. Is it Jimin hyung?~

The bell ring, signalling that school is over.

"Come on, let's go to her class. We will surprise her."

"Ah wae... Who is the 'she'? Tell me."

Lisa crossed her arm and pouted. She look so adorable that I couldn't resist to pinch her cheeks.

"You will be happy once you see her."

We walked towards her class and waited for her.


"Please hand in your work by next week."

The teacher said before walking out the classroom.

Lisa and I are standing behind the door waiting for her.

I peak through the small window on the door to see what is she doing.

She is talking with a boy. They both seem happy talking with each other. Both smiling till the mouth can rip apart.

So cringey~

My overprotective brother mood suddenly emerges out of no where when I saw what is going to happen next.

"Jungkook, do--"

I barged in the classroom not waiting for Lisa to finish her sentence.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! Jeon Somi!!"

I run towards her and stand in between her and the boy.

What she is thinking when she's about to kiss the boy?~

She look at me with wide eyes while the boy look at me with pure confusion.

Before Somi could utter a word, I glared at her signalling her to shut her mouth.

"Who are you?" I asked the boy.

"And who are you?" The boy smirked at me.

How dare he talk back~

I'm about to give him some scolding but Lisa interrupted me.

"Yah, Jungkook!!"

She then smack me at the back of my head.

The boy laugh a bit before realization hit him and look at me with wide eyes.

Maybe because he heard my name.


Somi run towards Lisa and hug her.

I don't know what Somi whispered into Lisa ear that make her glared at me.

"Jungkook, let the boy go. They're just friends."

"You called that friends?!! They almost kissed."

"It's her life, let her live her life for once."

"Yeah, oppa. Let me live my life please."

I look at Somi then the boy and sigh.

"Ok, but know where's your limit."

"Thank you oppa and unnie."

Somi hugged Lisa and I tightly.

"Yah, let go of us. We can't breath."

I hit her head asking her to release us.

"So, what's your name?"

Lisa asked the boy with a smile that she doesn't show me.

"M-my name is Kang Daniel."

"A-are you Somi's brother, Jeon Jungkook from BTS?"

He asked stuttering.

"Yes I am. This one right here is Lisa."

I pointed beside me.

"OMG!! I'm a fan of you two. Can I have an autograph?"

He asked with pleading eyes.

"In one condition."

"What? I'll do anything."

"Look after Somi, don't hurt her."

"Of course I will."

Lisa and I then give Daniel our autograph and pick Somi from her school.



Sorry for the slow update. It's been quite a busy week for me and I don't know what story content this chapter should be. I think a lot about it and finally got to write this chapter although it's a bit boring.


1) Jungkook is the only one that fully remember his past.

2) Lisa only remember the memories Rosé told her and some blurry images.(which I might or might not mention)

3) Lisa is still trying to gain all her memories back.
