Late Night Swim


I go out to eat with my family and get back around 9:45.

"I'm going to hang out with Brady." I say to Conor.

"What will you guys be doing?" He asks.

"Just going for a swim."

"Be back by 11:30."


I walk down to the pool and see Brady already there. 

"Hey Tutton."

"Hey Sam." He says and takes off his shirt. 

I don't say anything for a minute. Damn this boy is hot. 

"Like what you see?" Brady says and smirks. 

I take off the clothes I had on on top of my suit. Brady stares.

"Like what you see?" I mimic.

Brady jumps in the pool and pulls me with him.

"Oh, you're gonna regret that." I say and splash water on him.

It turns into a huge splash fight.


"Excuse me, the pool is closed." A lady says. She seems annoyed.

"Sorry." I say. Brady and I get out of the pool and wrap ourselves in towels.

"Brady, what time is it?" I ask.


"Conor wants me back by 11:30."

"Okay, I'll walk you to your room."

We get in the elevator. I notice Brady staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." He says.

We get out of the elevator and walk to my door.

"Samantha, can I talk to you before you go in?" Brady asks right before I open my door.

"Sure. What's up."

"Well, um," Brady scratches the back of his neck. "Well, I've had feelings for you since the first time we've talked, and I was um, wondering if you would be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." I smile


"Don't doubt yourself, Tutton. I've always had feelings for you too."

He leans in and our lips connect. He runs one hand through my wet hair and moves the other hand to my hip. It feels so right. The door opens.

"Okay, you can stop sucking my sister's face now." Conor says and laughs.

