

I end up at a nice park. It's hours later, around five or so. I see children running around with their friends and parents. I used to do that with my brother, mom and dad. Life was better then. I didn't have any responsibilities, nothing to worry about.

"Samantha?" I hear a voice say.

I knew it was Brady. He's the only person who doesn't call me Sam.

"Hey Tutton."

"Can I sit?" He asks, motioning towards the bench I'm sitting on.


We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Prett bad fight, huh?" He says.

"Yeah. I think it was the first one we've ever had."

"And I caused it."

"No you didn't, Conor did."

"I get it if you don't want to hang out with me anymore." He says.

"I want to hang out with you, nothing will ever change that."

"Good. Have you ate dinner yet?"


"Then let's go get something to eat." He says, taking my hand.

We end up at Denny's.


We walk back the the hotel, hand in hand, watching the sunset.

We go into the lobby. Conor, Dena and Coleen were in there.

"Where have you guys been?" Dena and Coleen ask.

"Just walking around." Brady says.

"You need to call or text first." Coleen says.

"I'm sorry mom. I'll see you later Samantha." Brady says as him and Coleen go to their room.

"I'm just glad you're safe." Dena says to me.

Conor hasn't said a word yet.

"Conor, don't you have something to say?" Dena says.

Before he says anything, he takes my hand and leads me to the pool.

We dip our feet in.

"I'm very sorry, Sam." He says. He really meant it.

"It's okay." I say.

"I've been such a dick."


"I guess I just wanted to protect you. I was worried that Brady would hurt you like Ben did. I didn't want you to go through that again. I didn't want you to experience someone leaving you again." He says.

"Thank you, but Brady is different."

"I know that now. He texted me after he found you at the park."


"I love you, Sam. I think you and Brady would make a great couple."

"Thank you, I love you too."

I hug him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"So has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" Conor asks.

"No, shut up." I blush and splash water at him.

