Chapter 1


“I’m off Mom, I’ll be back!” I yelled towards the rear of the house, slamming the door on my way out. I cringed as I realized my mistake and went back to yell “Sorry!” and “I love you!” before heading out again, closing the door gently like the fragile object it was. Our doors were always sticking in Mobile. Maybe it’s the humidity, or maybe it’s the fact that we always slammed them when we rushed from the house to the car to avoid the drenching  downpour of rain. Speaking of rain, I glanced up at the sky to check for clouds while I turned on my music and strapped my helmet under my chin. Another annoying or beautiful thing about Mobile summers was that afternoon showers were commonplace. You could never trust the forecast prediction because one way or another, it was going to rain somewhere in Mobile that day.

I tried to clear all thoughts of lightning and thunder from my head as I started to pedal out of the driveway. Summer was ending in a few days, and I needed a break from the stress.  Biking was becoming my daily exercise. I was always the chubbier girl at school and could never get a handle on it. I tried running, but I basically almost died. I had no idea how people could  do that everyday especially in 84 degree weather plus 10 degrees worth of humidity, making it sticky and hot. With biking, I got a breeze and good exercise.

    With thoughts of rain stuck in my head, I started my route. I really needed to change my music but my phone was stuck in my bra. This route did not accommodate to my whims. It began with a pleasant pedal until you reached a monster hill where you had to avoid cracks and potholes in the road while regretting your decision to take on the hill. But then it’s done and you can gently coast down the hill, catching your breath.

    I whizzed past the old man standing in his yard, walking his dog. I waved in his direction before grabbing back onto the handlebars, momentarily losing control. The old man had always lived in our neighborhood and after his last dog died, everyone gave him food and flowers. He was very sweet, and sometimes even I babysat his new dog, who was the most adorable thing you would ever see.

    Next came a pair of children playing tag that called out my name as I biked around their house. I smiled their way and continued. Our neighborhood had lots of people, but everyone knew each other. That was Mobile. You knew your favorite restaurant waiters by name, and you couldn’t go grocery shopping without running into someone you either worked with or went to school with.

    I breathed in deeply as I made my way through the neighborhood. The smell of flowers and fresh grass hung in the air. Funny how little things can remind you of home. I could picture my my mom sitting in the yard, with the dogs lounging around her. Payton, my sister, would be there too, except she had gone to college this year. She enrolled in this early experience program, where she went 2 weeks early to “get used to the environment”. Really I just think she wanted to go as soon as she could.

    Summer had dwindled down to a few days. I had done so much, yet so many of my goals had gone untouched. Kind of like New Year Resolutions. I had wanted to go the museum exhibit, the art show, the movies every other weekend with my friends, but no. I wasn’t complaining, but sometimes the fact I could never stick with my plans saddened me.

    However I had gone to California with my sister before she left as sort of a sister bonding trip. It worked, but it had negative side effects. Like the fact that I would now be even more sad when she left for her stupid early college program.

    So to fill up the time before she abandoned me forever, I worked at the drama camp where I had spent most of my childhood summers. Luckily, it paid well, and the kids were sweethearts. Well, most of them.

I had just passed the hardest part of my journey and was heading down a street when my phone started playing a song I absolutely hated. I quickly darted my eyes around, looking for a spot to stop. I found my target, just a couple pushes of the calf muscles away. It just so  happened to also be my best friend’s house.
