Chapter Twenty-Three.


"I told you to stay away from them, Blake." I said using the coldest tone I could on him. Blake scoffed and wiped away the blood that was dripping down from the corner of his mouth.

"And I told you that they belong to my pack, Wolf." He said. I glared at him harder, taking slow steps towards him.

"No. They once belonged to your pack. Now they belong to mine. And I protect what's mine, Blake." I said quietly. Blake also started walking towards me, copying my movements. "I told you I won't spare you if you create a scene at the ball. What kind of an Alpha are you?" I asked, deliberately egging him to get the truth, something, out of him about why he wanted Xander so much. Blake glared at me.

"Better than you, that's for sure. You steal pack members." He spat but I gave out a cold laugh.

"Steal pack members? Don't make me laugh. I've already got the largest pack in the world. I don't need to steal anymore." I said and Blake's face started going red. I stopped my walking when we were a few feet away from each other.

"You'll pay dearly for this, Wolf." Blake said and in a second, a six-foot large, light brown coloured wolf stood in front of me, growling. I let out a loud growl as I cracked my knuckles before raising my fists in front of me.

"Bring it on, Blake." I said and motioned with my hand for him to attack. He growled loudly again and then lunged at me, but I took a quick step to dodge him so the only thing he attacked was air. I took the opportunity and punched his side, sending him flying back once again. "You're pathetic, Blake." I said as he stood up on all fours.

His wolf growled loudly and ran over to me.

Impulsive fool. I thought as I calculated my next move. I could see Xander, Bella and Jennifer staring at me with wide eyes from the corner of my eye, and from the bond, I could feel Jennifer was feeling scared. For me or about the situation, I didn't know. All I knew was that I didn't like the feeling of having her being scared, so I decided to end the fight quickly.

As Blake's wolf reached a few feet away, I prepared myself and then gave a roundhouse kick to his face, making him crash on the ground near me. I walked over to his wolf and then pressed my leg on his throat, making it impossible for him to breathe.

"Such a weak wolf for an Alpha. Pathetic really." I said and pressed my leg down even more when he tried to growl at me. "Submit!" My wolf and I growled together. Blake didn't listen. Instead, he tried to thrash his body under my leg, trying to break free but I leaned down and captured his front leg in my hand, twisting it until he cried out. Instead of the foot, I now pressed my knee in his throat.

"I said submit!" My wolf and I growled again. Blake thrashed his hind legs this time, but I had him in a tight hold.

"What is going on here!?"

Voices exclaimed together and I looked up to see that the whole ball had come here. The Elders were standing in front of the crowd with mom and dad as all the Alpha's looked at me shocked.

"Alpha Blake here," I spat looking down at him. "Attacked that pup from my pack." I said and motioned my head towards Xander, internally grateful that his wolf hadn't healed his bruises and the bleeding lip. All of them turned towards Xander in shock, and I could feel the disappointed vibes coming from all of them.

"Release him, Wolf." Elder Carter said and I did as he instructed, quickly running over to my mate.

"Are you alright?" Jennifer asked quietly and I nodded. I leaned down towards her neck and inhaled her scent, feeling my wolf calm down little by little.

"He couldn't lay a scratch." I said and Jennifer nodded.

"That pup belongs to my pack!" Blake growled. Now in his human form, I could see his cheek already bruising from the kick. And even his neck was going black.

He should be thankful that's all he got. My wolf growled and I nodded.

"Is that true, Alpha Wolf?" One of the Alpha's asked.

"Once it was. However, his mother and this pup ran away from his pack because he murdered their mate and father. They now belong to my pack. The Elders were there to witness the ceremony as well." I said and Blake paled ever so slightly. "Let's not forget about his alliance with the rogues." I added and growls erupted from the whole crowd.

Restrain him, warriors. I called and five bodies ran out of the shadows. They all quickly held onto Blake's arm before he could escape.

"Rogues?" An Alpha spat, his face scrunched up in disgust.

"Yes. He frequently had rogues entering his pack. His home as well. He used to... He used to 'entertain' the rogues with the she-wolves. Mated or not. Some of the men were taken as targets, never to return alive." Nicole said as she stepped up from the crowd. My disgust for Blake grew even more after that piece of information she had just provided. The Elders faces turned red, the Alpha's were now looking at Blake in disgust while he glared at Nicole.

"You ungrateful b-"

"Watch what you say to her!" Xander almost growled. I took hold of his shoulder, feeling that his wolf was near the surface. Thankfully, his wolf still hid himself. Blake turned his glare at Xander then but looked back at the Elders.

"I want my pack members back, that's all. Wolf has too many in his. He can't even handle them." Blake said and the Elders faces went grave.

"He has been able to handle them perfectly, Blake. And you know it. The only objection we had was that he didn't have a Luna with him. But now he does, so there's no need to take any unnecessary actions against him. You, however, should try saving your hind before blaming Wolf for your mistakes." Alpha Diaz said and Blake paled even more.

"Now let's talk about the laws you've broken." Alpha Edgar said and turned towards me. "We should save this for tomorrow like planned, but however I think it is necessary, don't you?" He asked and I nodded slowly. He turned towards Jennifer then.

"I'm sorry about him ruining your ball, Jennifer." He said and turned toward Blake again. "Let's see. Alliance with the rogues." Elder Edgar started.

"Killing ones mate." Elder Francis continued.

"Abusing your Alpha title." Elder Jones said.

"Trying to start a war with another Alpha." Elder Carter said.

"And finally, letting rogues take advantage of your pack members." Elder Diaz finished coldly. "What to do? What to do?" Elder Diaz asked rhetorically as all the Elders circled Blake's restrained figure.

"Kill him!"

"Strip him of the Alpha title!"

"Make him a rogue!"

The Alpha's growled. But then a voice shouted.

"Wait!" Bella exclaimed and we all looked at her a little shocked.

"What is it, little one?" Elder Edgar asked and Bella fiddled with the ribbon on her dress nervously.

"I want to know why he wants Xander." She said quietly. All the Alpha's and Elders nodded in approval of her question and I felt myself feeling proud of Bella's thinking. Elder Edgar gave her a small smile, nodding.

"Good point, little one." He said and then his face turned hard again when he turned towards Blake.

"Answer the child's question!" He commanded. All of us winced at the power in the command, but is noticed that Xander and Bella stood unfazed but the power. If anything, they just moved hands to hold each other's.

"He's shifted!" Blake exclaimed and every one froze.

"That's impossible, Blake. Tell the truth." Elder Carter commanded.

"I'm not! That's why Wolf wants him for himself!" He said but I stepped up.
"The reason I want Xander in my pack is because he and my daughter might be mate’s." I said and all the Alpha's turned to me in question. "They act the same way Andrew and Alicia used to as kids." I said and motioned towards their hands. All the Alpha's nodded in understanding.

"They both were extremely terrified when they had entered my territory. I just did what any other Alpha would." I finished and the Elders nodded.

"Fair enough, Wolf." Elder Francis said. "Why do you think that pup has shifted early?" He asked on further and Blake glared at Xander.

"He broke a wolf's bone with a single punch." He barked.

"His father kept training him since he could walk." Nicole said before anyone could say anything on that. Elder Jones looked at her in question.

"Why?" He asked and Nicole looked away.

"Because he wanted to keep Xander safe if Alpha Blake decided to give him to the rogues." She said and all of us tensed.

"I see. Very well." Elder Diaz said. Suddenly Blake broke free of the warriors hold. We all got ready to run after him if he decided to run but to our surprise he ran over to Bella and Xander. We all stood frozen in shock. Our shock increased when Bella stepped in front of Xander.

"Bella!" Jennifer shouted in panic and even Xander gripped Bella's shoulder but she shrugged him off and fisted her hand.

Bella, don't! I told her but she didn't move. Blake grinned maliciously, thinking he had won but I knew what was coming. When Blake was close enough, he stretched his hand but Bella grinned, her eyes darkened and I knew her wolf had taken over. She gripped his wrist and threw him to the side over her shoulder. Gasps came from everyone and we stood frozen in shock.

"Don't you dare touch my mate."
