Chapter Twenty-Five.


For the many times that night, I froze in surprise and shock. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as Jennifer kept a steady gaze with mine. I felt my eyes widened slightly as I processed her words.

"You what?" I asked breathlessly. She gave me a small smile as if she understood how I felt right now.

"I love you. Now I want to ask you. Do you love me?" She asked softly. I stood up from the bed and stepped closer to her until we were chest to chest. I cupped her face in my hands and titled her head up.

"Sweetheart, I have loved you since the moment I first saw you." I whispered and brushed my lips against hers softly. Her hands came up and grabbed my wrists as she let out a soft sigh.

"Then show me." She whispered and I sighed, resting my forehead on hers as I closed my eyes.

"I can't. You said it yourself that you want to take things slow." I said and felt her sigh as well. I felt hands tangle in my hair as Jennifer pulled my head down and placed her lips on mine.

"Now I don't. It's crazy, but the last week had made me realise that I don't want to delay the inevitable. I haven't felt the way I feel about you for anyone. You were my first kiss, Leon." She whispered and my eyes widened at her confession.

"What?" I asked and she nodded slowly.

"That man... I didn't let him kiss me... That made me unable to defend the rest of myself." She confessed. If let my heart pound loudly in my chest, but this time in delight that I had at least been able to be my mate’s first for something. She looked up at me with a soft smile. "I never considered him my first as well since it wasn't... I didn't give him my virginity willfully. But I want you to be that person, Leon. Please give me this night." She whispered and then kissed me again.

Suddenly, my arms wrapped around her on their own accord as my lips crushed hers. Jennifer gasped but my head pulled itself away.

"Leon might not, my little mate. But I am very willing." My wolf said and Jennifer's eyes widened before she chuckled.

"Damien." She said and I fought with my wolf for control while he chuckled.

"Jennifer. It's been a while." He said with a smile and placed a kiss to her cheek. Jennifer chuckled and rested her head against my chest.

"It certainly has. But can I please have Leon back?" She asked and my wolf pouted.

"You don't want me?" He asked and Jennifer pulled away and cupped my cheek.

"I do, but I just want to talk to Leon." She said and my wolf sighed, but then smirked.

"Alright, but a word of advice. Leon's strict on the moral ground, but he has a soft spot just here." He said and tapped my lips. Jennifer chuckled and nodded.

"Thank you, Damien." She said and I felt my wolf let me gain control once again.


I got cut off when she brought my lips down to hers. Her arms came up and tightened around my neck, not letting me pull away when I tried to. Her hands tangled in my hair, crushing my lips against hers even more. That's when my control snapped.

I gave out a loud growl and tightened my arms around her waist, crushing her chest against mine roughly. She gasped and that's when I shoved my tongue in her mouth. She didn't resist but let me explore her mouth with my tongue.

She pulled away with a gasp and then moved back a little. Before I could thinking anything regarding it, she threw her shirt overhead. I groaned at the sight and pulled her to me tightly.

"You're killing me, sweetheart." I said and then crushed my lips on hers again.

I was breathing hard when I collapsed on Jennifer after reaching my high. Her neck was red from having me biting my mark when she reached her peak. I buried my face in her neck, kissing her mark which made her shiver under me.

"Thank you, Leon." She whispered and I chuckled. I raised my head up and kissed her chin.

"It's not like you gave me a choice. You're very persuasive, sweetheart." I whispered and she chuckled. She leaned her head down and captured my lips with hers.

"I'm glad I could be." She whispered and I chuckled. I pulled away from her and then grabbed the quilt from the ground but Jennifer's eyes widened. "Again?" She asked in disbelief and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"No. We'll take this easy. You're not used to it." I said and then pulled the quilt over us. I pulled her to me and she cuddled her head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Leon?" She whispered.

"Hm?" I hummed and nestled my nose in her hair.

"How many times have you done this?" She asked and I sighed. I knew I'd have to answer this question sooner or later.

"Not many. Twice, actually. I was a new and very hormonal wolf at first. When I had first shifted. But I couldn't handle it after those two times since my mate would have had to wait for me to do it... I didn't like that thought so I concentrated on being an Alpha, my training and finding you since then." I said and felt her smile against my chest.

"I love the fact you're so truthful with me." She whispered and I couldn't help but smile softly.

"I couldn't hide anything from you if I wanted to. I'll always tell you the truth. Unless I want to give you a surprise." I said and she chuckled.

"I think that's a given." She said and I laughed slightly. I placed a kiss to her crown and buried my nose in her hair.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Goodnight, Leon."

The next morning, I mean at breakfast, it was very obvious that everyone knew we had mated completely. But thankfully, no one commented on it. When the Alpha's or Luna's tried to ask what had happened last night, the Elders had interrupted them and told them that it's something that wasn't serious and they had overreacted.

It had surprised me that they took the blame, but I could see that Bella had been able to capture Elder Edgar's heart just as quickly as she had done with me. But Xander was a whole different story for Bella.

She kept him stuck to her side. When Xander tried to move to have his breakfast or go to the bathroom, Bella would protest until we all had to convince her to let him be. It was actually scary on a kid’s level at how protective Bella was getting of Xander. I had talked to her after pulling her into a corner and she told me that she didn't want Blake to hurt Xander any more. That's when I remembered that he was still in the dungeons.

"Elder Carter, we need to talk to Blake." I said after my conversation with Bella and he nodded. All the Elders nodded and got up from their places. The Alpha's had left after breakfast, and had given a last welcome to Jennifer before leaving.

I lead them towards the dungeons that was kept as a side house in the wood near the mansion. The guards nodded in respect when they saw me and bowed when they saw the Elders behind me.

"Where did the warriors put Alpha Blake?" I asked and the exchanged looks.

"In the last cell if we are not wrong, Alpha." One of them said and I nodded. The last cell was our most heavily guarded cell. I nodded at them and then once again started leading the Elders towards the last cell.

Four guards stood in front of the cell. They did the same thing the guards at the entrance did when they saw us.

"How is he?" Elder Jones asked. The guard’s faces went grave.

"He has been making a chaos inside the cell since he regained consciousness last night. We had to sedate him since the noise was making the other cell occupants crazy." One of the guards said and I nodded.

"Very well. Is he awake?" I asked and the guard nodded again.

"He's still groggy but yes, Alpha." The guard said and then motioned towards the cell.

Blake was chained to the wall by his wrists and ankles. I could see that the guards had taken extra precaution and shackled his neck as well. The chains were made of silver. It didn't kill us, but it weakened us and burned our skin ever so slightly.

"Alpha Blake. Who gave you the authority to act the way you did last night?" Elder Diaz asked firmly. Blake let out a cynical laugh.

"I did." He said and looked up at us with a wicked glint in his eyes.

"I'm the king of rogues, after all."
