Chapter 7

"How ? How can you just fall from the Balcony?"

I looked at the plastered leg. I was thinking hard to when was the last time I had seen Luke hurt. Never. Nada. In the last 5 years he never tripped, he never was scratched accidentally. Never. Even in our love making sessions, when I was sure I had dug my nails deep in his back to leave a mark the next day, it was never there.
I knew he wasn't the clumsy kind to fall off a balcony. But I had no other choice than to believe him.
I looked at Jessica.
"Did you see how he fell?"
"Yes. I think he was bending over, he didn't realise and just fell."

He explanation wasn't satisfactory either.

"We were supposed to leave tomorrow early morning. And now you have a broken leg and I don't drive."
I flinched.

"That's not a problem, you can extend your stay. And explore the town."
Marcus replies. I turned to look at him. His green eyes were persuading. I just nodded.

"The homestay was for just tonight Jess. I need to talk to the owner to extend the stay."

"That won't be needed dear, we have such a big house and of course a few rooms to spare. I would love it if you could stay with us."
Mrs. Miller added as she entered the room.

"That is so kind of you ma'am. But I don't think it is necessary." Luke said hesitantly and turned towards me. "Babe , you can drive tomorrow, it's just few hours."

It is not that I do not know how to drive rather I love to drive. But a few years ago, few months before I met Luke, I had met with an accident. I was in coma for a week and damaged my back bone. When I gained my conscience I realised that in the other car there were 3 people, a couple and their daughter-in-law who was expecting. Due to the impact of my car and their car, their car had a petrol leak and before they could jump out of it it burnt into flames.
Other than Jessica nobody else knew about this. But Luke knew about my back problem. I had told him about it when he asked me why I don't drive.
The accident took place 8 years ago but the memories were still vivid and fresh. Before this day Luke never asked me to drive or me driving was never a question. But today was different, as those words left his mouth I went stiff. I didn't know what to say or do. My eyes were burning as I was controlling my tears.
I found Jessica at my side immediately.
"Luke you know, she shouldn't drive that far. She can't strain her back much."
Luke shook his head.
"But we need to leave tomorrow. I have a very important meeting."
I looked towards him with utter shock because I knew there were no meetings scheduled rather we were on leave for another 7 days. I didn't understand why he was so persistent on leaving tomorrow.

"You do not have to worry about that Luke. I will have a word with Anabeth immediately." Arnold said this and got up dialling a number on his phone.

"So all set then. Luke you rest, I will take Jordan to fetch your stuffs."
I looked at Mark who said this. His deep green eyes were boring into mine.
Luke sighed.
"Fine." He said and closed his eyes.
I wanted to talk to him but I thought I would talk to him once I am back. I walked towards the door where Mark was already waiting.

He held his hand out for me to take. I was tempted to take it as I wanted to feel the tingling again.
I don't know why but I felt attracted towards him. This was something that has never happened before.

Thinking of another man never crossed my mind since Luke. I have been in love with Luke forever. But what is happening to me. Why was I behaving like this? I didn't understand and hence I thought of getting a grip. I smile at Mark and walked pass him without taking his hand.

We settled in his car which was a huge SUV. I was never good with the names of cars but I knew that shit was expensive. What did he do ? He owned so much and all expensive shit.

No sooner the engine started he turned and asked me.
"From when do you know Luke?"
"More than 5 years" I replied shrugging. His eyes were still on the road.
"And his family?"

Luke never liked talking about his family. He had requested me never to ask about them but I knew they weren't trouble as they never showed up not even in the wedding. Where as I was an orphan.
"They are not in talking terms. Why do you ask?"
" just to converse. What about you Jordan? What excites you?"

I couldn't help but blush at this. I don't know why but I felt like a teenager at that point.
