Chapter 19

Mark's P.O.V
I was blank. I didn't know what to think or do.
You need to see your mother today.
I heard Jason's voice. After giving him orders to fix Jordan's door. I went to meet my mother.

"Mom" she had become thinner. She laid flat on her bed. When a wolf lose their mate they tend to become weak or insane. Some tend to die. But if you are the Luna or an offspring of an Alpha wolf you are stronger nevertheless the loss of mate will take a toll on you. 12 years she has stayed strong for me and our pack. Now it was clear she couldn't take it anymore.
"Mark, is that you dear." Came her feeble voice. I quietly sat besides her.
"You asked to see me Ma."
"Yes. You already know that I don't have a lot of time. And Jordan is a beautiful soul. I want to see my grand children before I die." She chuckled.
"Ma, you will see your grand children." I smiled at her.
She pulls out a small velvet box and gives it to me.
"This is from the family crest. The Luna of our pack wears it. It time for Jordan to take up her responsibilities. Mate her."
"Yes Ma. I will do it soon." Though I knew it, it was far from soon. I know Jordan has been hurt but I cannot give into her demands. Female wolves can't match the male wolves.
I hugged my mother and kissed her forehead as she fell asleep.

I walked to my office to address to some pack work.
After an hour or two someone knocked at my door.
"Come in."
I was still engrossed at work but I did smell the scent of Stacey.
"Hey" she said sadly and took a seat.
"What's the matter?" I had never seen her so upset. The last time I had seen her upset was 12 years back.
"Deep down you know she is right."
"Stacey I have no time for this. Please leave."
She glared at me with tears in her eyes.
"You just like dad. Who believed that women are weak."
" Shut up. I am nothing like him. Though I wished I could be like him."
"If he would have allowed me to train then I wouldn't lose Max."
"Stacey. Don't play the Max Card."
She laughed, but it was a sad laugh.
"I lost my mate. He died because I was weak and he stood up to protect me. But you will lose yours because you are proud and stubborn. You might be like our father, but Jordan is nothing like our mother."
She left after saying that.
Her words were slowly sinking in.
That's when I realised that Jordan will not accept our bond if I do not agree with her. These wolf customs is all new to her.
I took a deep breath and got up. I walked towards Jordan's room.
I found the door was fixed but the room was empty.
I immediately ran to the cupboard. Did she leave ? I started to panic and called out to all my guards through my mind link if they saw their Luna.
That's when I heard my beta mind linking me.
She is with Jess.
Where are they?
The gym.
I walked towards the gym.
There I saw Jess and Jordan working out. She was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants. That's when I saw her cuts. She had a good strong physique for a girl. It seemed that she worked out regularly.
I cleared my throat to grab their attention.
Jessica quietly walked out of the room and my mate decided to ignore me.
"I see the door has been fixed."
She was doing pull ups and was ignoring me.
"How do you like our gym?" I asked her hoping for a reply. She finished her reps and jumped down.
"Cut out the small talks Alpha. What do you want?"
She looked deep into my eyes. The way she said Alpha touched my nerves. But I decided not to react.
Before I could think of what to say. She walked towards her things and started drinking water. She looked hot. Swear dripping down her strong body and the power that oozed out of her was hot and scary.
She collected her things and walked out and I started to follow her still thinking on what to say.
She walked towards the library instead of her room.
She entered the a section of books and she searched the racks as if she knew very well which book she was looking for.
"Which book are you looking for?" I asked but again there was no answer.
I saw her taking out a book and gasped when I saw the title.
How to reject your mate
I was angry and scared both at the same time.
"Why do you want that book?"
Instead of answering me she just walked past me towards her room . I followed her again.
"I asked you something. Answer me Jordan." I whisper screamed not to draw too much of attention.
"Are you stupid or acting like one?" She turned around and asked me sassily.
"Are you going to reject me?" I tried my best to cover the pain in my voice as I asked that.
But I don't think I did a good job as I saw her features soften. She walked towards me. Once she was close enough she raised her hand to touch me. But she stopped half way and the soften features hardened once again as if she remembered something.
"I might." It was visible that it took her a lot of courage to say that harshly and walk away.

For the first time in 12 years, I felt my world crashing. I felt weak.
I don't know how long I stood there but soon I heard Stacey in my mind.
Where are you? Jessica and I want to meet you.
Meet me in my office in 5.
I replied and walked towards my office.

I just sat on my chair, when Jessica barged in.
"She will reject you."
