Two boys, one bow.

Two boys, one bow.

From the video: ten terrariums that will help gamers touch grass.


"Two boys, one bow" woods said, with a pink ribbon around his neck and another one on his head making a bow.

Tanner, who was sitting right beside him laughing, got a ribbon for himself as well, giving himself a bow on the head. Ofcourse it didn't turn out as well as woods'.

Woods giggled, noticing the weird looking knot on tanner's head. "Did you try to copy me?"

"Y-yeah..." Tanner replied, embarrassed that he was being put on spot.

Matt laughed from his chair, "that looks nothing like a bow tanner."

Woods laughed along with Matt, and scooted closer to Tanner, reaching out and undoing his bow.

"Yeah well neither does woods' " tanner sulked.

"Kid's weird what do you expect from him" Matt muttered, confused as to what was going on infront of him.

Woods was redoing the bow for tanner, making it look more proper and cuter.
"There. Looks better." He smiled and fluffed tanner's hair a bit. Turning back to focus on the product on the table.

Tanner blushed, keeping the bow on for the rest of the video because he kinda liked the way it looked and also because woods did it for him.
