Matt x woods

A spin off from the recent 863 saga video titled, 'He trapped them when they least expected it.'


Woods sat there, in shock unable to speak and overwhelmed because of the scene unfolding in front of him.

The double X phantom took off its mask saying "I already got him." In his deep chilly voice.
Although it was Matt's voice, the unfamiliar and the ruggedness was present in it.

His eyes, distant and cold as they looked down upon him, and Sam and Bailey. There was no warmth in them, there was no Matt in those.

As Sam and syphus spoke with each other woods looked away, his face blank but a million emotions pounding inside his brain.

It was all his fault, he broke the antidote and Matt had to give up his. He was responsible for Matt's condition right now.

"Ben, have you checked the vault for anything of interest." Syphus spoke through Matt, locking eyes with woods for a spilt second and then looking up at the phantom standing beside him.

. . .

"I asked you a question." Pin drop silence in the hallways.

woods stared at Matt with almost pleading eyes, trying to find the Matthias in those deep darkest eyes. He felt shivers run down his spine when syphus stared back at him, again, but then stood up and walked upstairs.

As the tied up trio started talking in whispers, woods sat there, looking around him and trying to make sense of what was going on. The studio looked so normal, with all the cameras and it's dark look, as if it was closing time, but he looked to his right and there was a 6 foot man standing with a red glowing mask.

Slowly matt walked down with something in his hands- the RSD.

"O-okay but- what're you- what are you gonna do." A panicked Sam asked and that's when Matt dropped it on the floor with a big thud.

Woods closed his eyes, unable to bear the sight that was happening literally 2 feet away from him. He didn't want to see Matt like this, this wasn't Matt this was someone else.

Woods lowered his head and he heard another thud, assuming the RSD was now of no use to them.

Matt turned, and looked at the three of them sitting on the floor,

And then everything went by in a blur, from Matt recording the video and sending it to subject 4.

As Ben started untying, Bailey and Sam woods squirmed as well, waiting to get a chance to stop Matt from doing all this but to his discontent he was left tied up.

Woods said nothing.

As Syphus started speaking, it angered woods, especially when he threatened Bailey.

When Matt stood up and walked out of the back door. Woods stirred, reaching his hands out to Sam.

"Untie me,now." He spoke shakily, looking at the direction where Matt just went, refusing to take his eyes off of the man.

Once he was free, woods scrambled to his feet, making a run for it after Matt, ignoring the screams of Sam and Bailey telling him to stop.

On his way he tripped on the carpet of the dope or nope set, and looked up.

Syphus stopped hearing the commotion behind him, his held the door open with his one hand, about to walk out but spotted woods on the floor, he smiled at the pathetic attempts woods made to get to him, even stopping in his tracks and giving woods time to catch up even though the boy could do nothing.

Woods stood up, ignoring the pain in his knees, and ran after syphus who also stepped out of the studio, walking towards a pick up truck that Ben was sitting in.

"Matt!" Woods called out.

"Matt wait!!!" He screamed, running after him.

Syphus turned around, making woods stop right infront of him.

"There. Is no Matt." Syphus whispered, stepping closer towards woods' scared figure.
"I am the one Nelson Syphus."

Woods was scared by the harsh look on Matt's face, but inside he knew Matt would never hurt him.

"You're wrong." Woods whispered back. "You can't keep doing this forever. I know Matt. He's strong he will get out of this."

"I guess then we'll all be waiting for that day huh?" Syphus responded.

Woods clenched his jaw, wanting to punch this man but at the same time not wanting to hurt Matt.

Ben honked from the drivers' seat.

Syphus turned around, walking again.

Woods stepped closer and grabbed Matt's wrist "no!"

He harshly turned the man around and grabbed his shoulders. "Matt! This isn't you c'mon!" He called out hoping he'd get a response.

All he got was a dark pity laugh and that was it for woods.

He broke down, looking right into his mentor's eyes, wishing he'd make things go back to normal.

Syphus chuckled looking at the boy's state.

"Matt please... Come back to us..." He whispered brokenly, letting go off his shoulders, staring at him with pleading eyes.

Syphus stopped laughing. He could feel himself losing control over the body and for a split second it felt like he wasn't even in Matt's body. Furious and worried he pushed woods away and turned around, rushing to sit in the pick up truck.

Woods staggered backwards with the force delivered on his chest, before he could make sense Ben was driving away with Matt.

And woods felt as if a part of him was taken with them as well.
