Fun Day

Justin Point of Veiw

After Callie and I woke up today I decided yo make her breakfest while she was going upstairs to change witch was pointless because we are having a lazy movie day so I am just going to make her chqnge back.

After she ran upstairs to take a shower I went into the kitchen and got out the eggs ,bacon and some bread for toast after I put the bread in the toaster and bacon on the stove I poured myself and Callie some orange juice and got the eggs and put all the food on our to plates.

Finally she came frome upstairs I looked at her with a worried look because she looked beautiful in the light orange dress she was wearing I finally spoke up and said "you are prob going to hate me because I was thinking that we could have a lazy day and call Fredo, Fallon, chaz, ryan and selena" she just smiled and then said " I would love that but insted of just a lazy day can we play in my pool and then watch a movie later and you all can spend the night since my mom is on a trip for work"

I  returned with a " sounds even better as long as I am with you beautiful but what about your dad?"

She looked sad and had a tear in her eye and said "I never told you what happened with my dad?"

me: "nope"

Callie "well when I was five my dad was shot after he had been in a car crash. My dad and the other 2 guys that were in the other car that had been in the crash walked up to my dad and pulled out a gun and just shot him and drove off. By the time I got to the scene they were gone and my dad was laying on the ground it was to late he was already dead."

By the time ahe was done with her story she was done eating but she was also in tears. I was so shoked and finally i gathered up some words and said " oh my god Callie i am so sorry I had no idea I should not have asked" I got up from the table and pulled her in for a hug.

She smiled and said it was fine and then pulled out her phone so she could call fredo , fallon , chaz , ryan , and selena. she smiled and said that they were all coming she ran upstairs to change and so did I .

About 20 min later (callies point of veiw)

FINALLY I  shouted and ran to the door in walked fredo fallon ryan chaz and selena with there bathing suits on.

Chaz pushed himself through all of us and yelled LEGGO GUYS WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR we all laughed and ran after him.

Justin point of veiw

After about being in the pool for about a half an hour i pulled callie to the side and said " hey baby i have a plan because i know fredo has a little crush on your friend fallon so I think we should let all the other guys know and make up a thing so we all leave and that way they will be alone" she smiled and said " perfect cuz she likes him to"

We ran and told everyone the plan they all thought it was a great idea i noded my head which ment the plan was in action.

hey everyone I shouted I am going to get my phone I think i heard it ring

Callie: goin to go get a snack

chaz: I have to pee man

ryan: I left my sun glasses in the car

selena:I am going to get a snack with callie

And with that we all got out of the pool abd ran inside as soon as we were inside we all ran upstairs to callies room and looked out the window so we could see what is happening

Fredo point of veiw

I laughed and walked over to fallon and asked her if she wanted to talk i lifted her on the side of the pool and then jumped up next to her......


What is going to happen with Fredo and Fallon find out next chapter. Will fallon end up pushing Fredo away or will they end up together ????????
