
Justins POV (3 days later)

Finay we are on are way to the air port Callie and fallon are so excited this is there first time going to paris but Fredo and I have been the a few times from tours but thats it we couldnt  really do anything.

On the plane

we have veen on the plane for about 3 hoirs and everyone is asleep except for me. I am really bored so I am going to put my music on and try to fall asleep.

Paris (callies POV)

That was a long flight are we going to the hotel?

Justin: yes do you wanna go to the pool i can ask the hotel if they can close it off just for us.

callie and fallon: Oh my god we would love that.

Hotel (justins POV)

Ok guys get settled put your stuff away and get dressed we will meet down here since we have are own rooms so be on the living room around 5:30

20 min later (callies pov)

Since i have about 10 more min and all ready i decided to go and talk to fallon because i have noticed something and i wanna talk to her so i knocked on her bedroom door.

Fallon: hey

me: can i come in

Fallon: sure what do ya need

me: have you noticed something that is going on with Justin and Fredo?

fallon: yea they have been acting really weird we will kinda spy on them and see whats going on but we should go and get downstairs it is 5:30

when we finally got downstairs the boys were waiting for us and looked kinda irratated i looked at justin and said you know you love me so stop and i kissed his lips and took his hand and walked to yhe pool

hour later

Me : Justin i am tired can we go back to are room?

Justin: sure babe anything for you lets go

Fredo and Fallon : i thibk we are going ti stay down here you guys go ahead

callie: bye guys dont have to much fun haha

Justin : we will be watching a movie feel free to come up anytime


What is going to happen between fallon and fredo?

The girls have noticed there is something going on between the boys will it ruin there plan?
