Please congratulate this person by the username of little_psychopath93 as this user has won the BEST COMMENT AWARD.

So erhhh yeah thanks for reading my MiChaeng book. Didn't really expect much views and votes but hey at the current 3k and 440 plus votes.. quite happy with that :)

I thought the ship was dying sorry. But I just had to contribute my story for any MiChaeng shippers. But look, the ship is still alive and well.

Two daddies. Damn.


Alrightyyyy soooo now I'm done I'll like to start announcing my "expected" release dates for my future books.

By.. Christmas? Ill get our God Jihyo to shine on this account.

Then maybe by Feb 2019 this will come.

↓btw the title is still unconfirmed coz I haven't thought of a proper plot yet.

And then maybe by mid 2019. This one.
↓i might do some minor tweaks to this cover :/

And last off. By end of 2019...

This twice fantasy book cover definitely will need adjustments but my photo editor is such a twat.

After I'm done with that. I'll fully retire from writing AUs and start purely focusing on smut writing.

I can't be spending too much time writing next year as I'm taking my national exams.

Sigh. Life of a Singaporean kid. But hey, those exams will affect my future so I better focus.

I still have.. like 52 smut requests I haven't finished and most of them date back to like may or August so I better start working faster :/ I hate making y'all wait.

So erhh yeah that's it. Hope y'all enjoyed my MiChaeng book. Took me well over 2-4 months to make but hey it's all for y'all.

Thanks! Bye :3
