Sentencing Pt. 3 (Chapter 5)

Chaeyoung's POV
"Sentencing Pt. 3."
24 May 2018

"All rise!" My security guard bellowed. "Please welcome the honourable Judge Son Chaeyoung!" She continued as I briskly walked to my post.

I then greeted my guard and took a seat.

"Please be seated!" He bellowed again.

I then sorted through my papers and read out the case I'm handling today for the introductions.

"Alright. On the 19 May 2018, Seoul Police responded to a gang related incident at Shopping Mall at 10:45am. Four gangs were involved and fought by the entrance of the Mall which then resulted in someone getting stabbed."

I then put down my paper and looked at the girl who was wearing a inmate orange jumpsuit. "You are Miss Myoui Mina?" I asked and she nodded her head.

Oh boy, she's drop dead gorgeous!

She looks so innocent.. so cute.. so many words to describe... Yet, she's a gang member. Wow. This is very good example of 'Never Judge The Book By Its Cover'.

"You're a gorgeous beautiful looking girl, Miss Myoui." I commented.

Mina chuckled. "Thanks, y-your honour..."

"Too bad you had to end up in a scuffle like this..." I muttered as I sorted out more papers. "Care to explain to me the full story of how it ended up being so crazy?" I asked.

"Well... My gang member, Yoo Jeongyeon here.. complained to me about a rival gang member over a small dispute of a show..." Mina explained.

"Over a show?!" I exclaimed. "Is the show that offending to Jeongyeon or something?" I asked.

Mina just chuckled. "Well, I don't know. You gotta ask her." She said and pointed over to the back.

"She's here?" I looked over and saw the girl who Mina is pointing to. "Come and stand for me please."

The girl named Jeongyeon then stood up.

"Miss Yoo, what happened between you and the other gang member?" I asked.

"Well, the show was something I didn't want to watch with her. She then called me a lesbian prostitute cause' she thinks I don't wanna hang out with her and only wanted to hang out with my own gang. I got angry, so I gave her a settlement date. Which was the 19th of May." Jeongyeon said.

"Wow. I see." I simply commented and wrote it down for my references later. "Okay... So, the fight then happened from there... I read the police witness reports and it states that none of y'all were the one who stabbed your fellow gang member, Tzuyu..." I muttered to myself and continued to write it down.

"Umm... Your honour?" Mina called out for me and I immediately lifted my head up.

"Mhm?" I hummed.

"Was the stabber arrested already?" Mina asked.

I was surprised that she actually asked me such a question. It really showed how much she actually still cares for friends.

"Well..." I then lifted the police report and looked through it. "From the police statements and lab test results, the marks on the stabbed victim does not belong to any of the three gangs. Which means that one of the gang members in Red Vel did it. However, they have not been found yet." I answered.

I then heard Mina let out a soft groan and her eyes were averting mine.

"You really want her placed in justice.. do you?" I asked with a softer voice.

I was feeling slightly bad for her. I could even tell there is that bubbly and fair-minded Mina inside that cold and scary looking Mina.

"Yes." Mina simply answered. I could hear how angry she is.

I decided to do something really special just for her. I really feel something different towards her than any other person who has stepped infront of me in my five months as a judge.

"Hmmm... Usually, given your age, you will be charged with one count of rioting. Which will land you a jail term up to ten years and a maximum $10,000 fine... But I'm going to give you a choice." I announced.

I heard the audience started to talk to each other in hushed tones. Yes, what I'm doing is out of the book and I know I could get into trouble for doing this. But, this is what I want to do for this girl.

"A.. choice..? What do you mean, Your Honour?" Mina asked me.

"I can tell that there is a inner person who knows their boundaries. So I'm giving you a choice. 3 years of Corrective Training or being my PA till' I retire." I said.

Mina raised an eyebrow in confusing. "P-PA..? What's that?"

"Personal Assistant. I'll brief you more if you choose that choice. So, what sentence would you like to do?" I said.

Mina's POV
"Sentencing Pt. 3."
24 May 2018


I'm a bad person who just fought some other gangs a few days ago!

Why is she giving me a choice?

"U-umm..." I stuttered. "Your H-honour, there is no way your judgement is correct!" I exclaimed. "I can't handle papers and all these kind of jobs! My head will explode!"

Judge Chaeyoung just giggled. "There is more than just handling papers in my life. If you choose this choice, I will tell you more." She said.

I thought hard. Do I really wanna spend my already miserable life in a confined space for three years? Or do I really want to do a job for Seoul's Most Honoured and Prestigious Judge?


I've made up my mind.

"I'll take the second choice, Your Honour." I said.

"To be my PA, hmm?" Judge Chaeyoung said with a raised eyebrow.

Man, that looks sexy.

Mina... Get back into reality.

"Yes." I answered.

"I hearby sentance Miss Myoui Mina to be my PA for life." Judge Chaeyoung bellowed and grabbed her gavel and banged it hard against the table.

"A-all rise!" The guard bellowed.

Wow... I can't believe what I've just done.

I chose to be the PA of a well recognised judge.

I've genuinely surprised myself.

I looked over to the Judge and she gave me a hand signal, asking me to follow her.

I then walked forward from the speech stand with my both hands placed infront of me.

Judge Chaeyoung then lead me around the Supreme Court building and into her office.

"Take a seat over here!" Judge Chaeyoung said with a very different voice.

In the courtroom, her voice is real serious and someone you shouldn't fuck around with.

But in the background, her voice is just some ordinary cute and adorable girl.

I like that.

I did as I was told anyways, and took a seat infront of her office table.

Judge Chaeyoung then took a seat behind her table and extended a hand towards me. "Miss Myoui, you have officially became my PA."

I awkwardly shook her hand. "Y-you can call me M-mina..." I stuttered.

Damn it, why am I stuttering?

"Okay, Mina. You can call Chae!" She said with a cute gummy smile.

Here we go then.

My life is going to change from this very moment.
