8: Healing (Misty Day)

A/N: Idk how to deal with people who don't appreciate Misty Day so I hope y'all like this one and I might write a second part if you ask for one in the comments!

Reader was injured and finds themselves in the care of Misty 

Terrible weather patterns and heavy snowfall made it practically impossible to leave the house for days. It started out being fun- being able to miss work or class and just relax for a little while. But the supplies at home started running out so it became vital to get out to a store. Apparently, some of the roads had been cleaned off so it didn't seem like a bad idea to go out. I got into the car and carefully drove away.

Any cars that dared go on the road were driving very slowly to avoid sliding around on the ice. It took me twice as long as usual, but I finally was able to make it to the store and get supplies. Several of the shelves inside were already cleared off and there were barely any people working there anyways. After buying whatever I could, I started to walk back carefully to the car with my hands full. I couldn't have been that careful, or maybe I was just clumsy, because my feet slipped over the ice and I fell down not even ten steps away from the store.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" I heard from behind me.

I turned to see who it was, taken aback by what I saw. She was a tall blonde with naturally curly hair and a warm smile, outstretching her hand to me. Her voice was accented, definitely from the South, and very caring. My brain couldn't even come up with anything to say back to her from being so stunned, so I nodded in response instead. 

"C'mon, let me pull you up. I'm Misty. Are you hurt?" 

My shaky hand grabbed hers and I was pulled up by her surprisingly strong arms. Misty kept smiling at me so I returned the gesture, still staring at her concerned expression. 

"I think I'm oka-" I said, just before hissing in pain from actually putting weight on the leg I fell on top of. 

"Oh, careful there. I can help you out with that leg if it's bad, I'm good with healin' all kinds of things." 

"No, I think I'll be okay if I just go see a doctor or somethi-" 

"You shouldn't drive with a hurt leg. Pretty much everywhere is shut down so it'll be hard to find a doctor; let me help you." She pleaded.

Her offer sounded better than anything else I could do then and Misty seemed nice enough to not be a serial killer, so I complied. She took up my things that I'd just bought and then assisted me into her car. Misty drove us back to her small house further out from town. It was completely surrounded by trees and swamp areas, all of which were greatly changed from the snow. Once the car was parked, the kind blonde brought me inside. 

"Sit down right here, I'll bring some of my supplies and you can roll up your pant leg there so I can see the damage better." Misty directed, walking over to the kitchen cabinet to retrieve something.

I followed her instructions. Other than feeling freezing cold, my leg was in a lot of pain when the tiniest pressure was applied to it. The skin must've been completely bruised after the fall, but I'd let Misty take a look at it before I made any assumptions.

She came back with a large jar of some kind of clay-like paste. 

"Alright, it smells like shit because that's what it is but this is the best stuff to heal anything." 

"Whatever works." I shrugged, "Are you a nurse?" 

"Nah, it's just what I learned from livin' out here alone. It's my talent, I think. Stevie was born to sing and I was born to heal things." She paused to smile reminiscently, "There was this time that a bird hit the window, really hard. I went out to see if it was okay but the bird wasn't movin' at all and I figured it died. But somethin' in me just wanted to pick it up, thinkin' that there was still a little life in that bird."

"And then what happened?" 

Her shining eyes met mine, "It did. That bird was in my hand for a few seconds and it's wings started beatin' again and it was chirpin' happily and it flew off." 

"That's amazing, Misty." 

"Nah, it really isn't. Everyone's got somethin' they were put on this earth to do and mine's heain'. Now how's your leg feelin'?"

"I think it's okay, just hurts a little." I said, underplaying the actual pain.

She took one look at my leg and very lightly felt around the hurt area before telling me anything.

"There ain't no way that hurts a little. All of that's bruised up and you'll have to stay off your leg a few days with my mud on it." 

"I don't want to burden you, and I am thankful for you being so nice to me but I can't leave my house alone to stay here for a few days. Plus, my car's still in the store parking lot." 

Her expression sunk, it was like I deflated the entirety of her sunny personality with that one comment. Misty nodded bitterly at me, looking down at the floor and frowned. 

"I get it, I'm always alone out here. You just need some help now." She muttered.

"No, I'm so grateful for you and I'd happily stay for a little while if there wasn't so much uncertainty with my car and the whole situation with roads. I mean, I wasn't preparing to leave my house for a few days so I just want to get back as soon as I can to check on things." I explained.

"Really? You'd stay?" She asked, a puppy-like look of hope in her eyes.

"Of course." I nodded casually. 

The brightness came back to her face and she continued applying mud to my injured leg. She turned on some Fleetwood Mac on her radio by the bed as she finished working. It was nice to see such a nice, selfless person for once. Misty didn't have to take me to her own house and heal me here after just seeing some stranger hurt themselves on the slippery ice. Even if she wasn't absolutely beautiful externally, which she was anyways, anyone would still be able to see how internally beautiful she was as a person. 

I'd stayed for a few days with Misty as my leg rested. My kind hostess helped me with anything and everything, making sure that the recovery was as fast as possible. We grew a lot closer from spending all that time together in that little cabin and I promised to come back when things were back to normal. She told me that her strong longing for company was only from how she'd been left alone for so long out there in the middle of nowhere. That fact only made her more admirable to me. As strange as it sounded for how severe conditions were and the fact that I was in a lot of pain, I was thankful for the snow storm as well as my slipping on that ice right by Misty; it connected us. 
