14: Discovery (Queenie)

A/N: Love all the feedback and I appreciate the comments! Send me any requests you have, especially if they're non-fluff bc I usually don't write that. Warning, this describes some symptoms of going through anxiety so please don't read if it triggers you 

Fem-reader manifests powers for the first time & Queenie happens to witness it outside then takes her to Cordelia

Everything going on in my life was becoming too much. All the exams, presentations, paperwork, family issues, and certain disappointments were catching up to me. I started having headaches more often but I couldn't call myself in sick from a job or miss classes because then I'd just have to make up the work. Any time I thought about everything, it made me feel even worse and my eyes would start tearing up. 

I wished it could snow like crazy so the roads would be blocked off and work or class would be canceled. Even just for a day. Taking a day off would probably be more therapeutic than any medication for me. The pressures never really convinced me to get work done any faster, it just instilled a deep dread of responsibilities and a resentment of putting effort into my work. With all these thoughts, my mind was completely clouded and I wasn't even paying attention to anything going on around me. It wasn't until I heard the confused voices of people walking down the street near me. 

A woman who walked right past me and looked up towards the blue sky asked, "What the hell?" 

That was what set off my own suspicion and to draw myself out of the hurricane of anxious thoughts in my brain. My eyes focused on my surroundings, suddenly realizing exactly what everyone seemed to be confused about. People froze in their places on the sidewalks and looked around, staring up at the sky. It started snowing, in the afternoon right in the middle of May. 

Now confusion was that all I felt. My eyes were widened at the sight of small white snowflakes falling down upon my head. The floated down so peacefully and so unlike how I felt in that moment. I blinked a few times and looked around to make sure that what I saw wasn't just a trick of my mind. It made no sense how the thought I had turned into reality. My feet subconsciously stepped backwards, and I accidentally ran into someone standing a few feet behind me. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking where I was going." I apologized quickly, a waver in my voice from what just happened.

"You look scared." Was the reply.

I turned, now paying attention to who I'd run into. She was confident-looking, about my age, and something about her made me feel like she knew that this snow was somehow my fault.  My breath was still shaky and fast as I watched her for any other response. I couldn't formulate any more words with the muddled state of my mind.

"Hang on," She paused to take a thoughtful look at me, "I need you to come with me to meet someone, I think she might be able to help. I'm Queenie by the way."

I mindlessly nodded, following her down the street and into some large white-columned building surrounded by tall, black iron gates. It was beautiful inside with expensive-looking décor and large portraits of women adorning its walls. I kept following behind Queenie down the hardwood hallways. A few other girls, all of which wore black, talked with each other and a few looked up at my frightened face. Queenie led me into one of the rooms upstairs where she opened the door to a blonde woman older than the others. 

"Hey Cordelia, I found her outside just when it started snowing out of nowhere." Queenie introduced me to the woman.

"Hi, honey, I'm Cordelia.  Are you feeling okay?." Cordelia asked me.

"I-I think so. It just started snowing, ou-out of the blue and I-I think I did it." I stuttered out.

Queenie piped up, "She ran into me with this crazy look like she was scared of seeing snow. I don't think it was anyone else and it definitely wasn't Mother Nature."

Cordelia urged me to sit down on the bed beside her and started asking me a few questions.

"Could you tell me what happened?" She questioned, a kind smile on her face.

"I was...I was walking down the street th-thinking about everything that I had to do. Everything w-was just catching up to me, you know? A-and I wasn't really paying attention and I was thi-inking h-how great it would be if it would snow o-or something so my classes w-would get cancelled and I co-could just rest for a day." My voice was still stuttering over words in shock.

"So you wished for it to snow?" 

"Yeah, I guess. And I felt so ove-erwhelmed by everything th-that I could feel a headache coming on an-nd I just felt so sick of it and overcome with s-stress." 

"Did you feel any sort of energy in you when the snow started falling?" 

"N-no. But I felt like my headache got worse and my feet w-were gonna give out on the w-way over here. It wasn't a long walk though." I chuckled dryly.

"Did the snow ease up when Queenie brought you here?" Cordelia asked, very interested in what I said.

"I don't know, I guess I w-was so shocked about it that I didn't see."

Cordelia smiled gently, taking my hand in hers and asking if I wanted anything for my nerves. I only asked for some water since my throat was feeling dry. She left the room to fulfill my request and left me in the room with Queenie. 

"What is this place?" I questioned, wondering why there were only young girls here.

"We're witches and this is an academy for us to strengthen our powers. Cordelia is the Supreme of this coven, I'm one of the council members." She informed me matter-of-factly.

"Oh. I didn't think witches really existed anymore or at least that I wasn't one, but I always thought that it would be cool to have powers."

"Well, you probably do." 

"What is it? I didn't think it was me who really could've made it snow like that."

"You were feeling highly emotional and may have triggered your powers."

"Oh, well thanks for bringing me here, Queenie. I don't think I could be dealing with this...ability by myself." I smiled gratefully.

"No problem, we're supposed to bring any possible witches back here to Robichaux's and teach them how to survive. There are also witch hunters."

"Good thing I haven't met one yet." 

"That's very true." Cordelia said in the doorway, holding my glass of water but her smile was gone then.

"Oh, thank you for helping me." I told her.

"It's our duty to help young witches who begin manifesting their powers. My ex-husband was a witch hunter and I didn't even know it for a long time. It is a personal issue that I take very seriously. Now, if you'd like to, I'd be happy to set up a room for you here at the Academy and help you learn more about your powers. This is, of course, your choice."

Queenie started convincing me further before I could say anything: "It's best that you do. The world outside isn't ever going to help you with those powers and it'll be hard to control them by yourself." 

"I wasn't going to say no. It's probably best for me to stay here, if that's not a problem."

"Not at all." Cordelia smiled, "Welcome to Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies."
