
Pinellia novel
Chapter 61 Chapter 61
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Chapter 61 Chapter 61

Bai Duoduo led the man to Qian Xiaoqing, and she said excitedly:

"Boss, this is... um... sorry, what is your name?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Tianzhen Bai Duoduo, she curved her lips and smiled: "My name is Qian Xiaoqing, you can just call me Xiaoqing!"

"Oh, it turns out to be Sister Xiaoqing! Boss, let me tell you, Sister Xiaoqing is amazing, just now Then just swipe, swipe, and kill those bastards instantly! "

The man in front of me is not very tall, but he is very strong. He is wearing an off-white military jacket, a dark green scarf around his neck, and a belt around his waist. There is a pistol hanging on the top, and the black military boots are impressive.

"Hello! My name is Helan."

The man stretched out his hand. The leather gloves on his hands were badly worn, but they gave people a sense of reliability.


The two shook hands briefly and then separated.

Looking at the backs of the two people, Qian Xiaoqing took Naisi and Naite back to the station.

The porridge on the fire was already cooked. Ning Yuanhang sat there without moving. There were many people around who were waiting for an opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

But seeing Qian Xiaoqing go back, they had no choice but to leave.

"How's it going? It looks like you've got an unexpected bonus!"

Ning Yuanhang put a bowl of porridge in Qian Xiaoqing's hands, with some pickles on top.

"It's not an unexpected gain, I can only say that I became familiar with them."

Qian Xiaoqing put down the two puppies, but did not let them run around and kept them around him.

"That Bai Duoduo's skills are not simple. Judging from her moves, she must have gone through rigorous training."

Ning Yuanhang nodded and said calmly: "The family next to me probably has a very different identity."

Just looking at their equipment, it was obvious You can guess that they are not simple people.

"Mom, come down and eat!"

Qian Xiaoqing shouted to Zhao Lihua who was sorting supplies in the car.

Zhao Lihua's altitude sickness still makes her uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable she is, she still has to come down to eat.

After Qian Xiaoqing finished a bowl of white porridge, Qian Yongkang, Ning Dawei and the others came back one after another. Their faces were full of excitement, but Qian Xiaoqing and the others said, "

Xiaoqing, guess what we found out?"

Without waiting for anyone else to react, he said directly:

"We have found out the detailed information of the survivor base in Lhasa!"

Even Ning Dawei was very excited. The two of them took two packs of dried fish out to exchange for the news.

The answer turned out to be exciting.

"Say it quickly!"

Zhao Lihua tilted her head. She was also a little excited. Lhasa would be their settlement in the future, so they must plan well.

"If you want to survive from the survivor base, you must have contribution points! There are many ways to get contribution points. In addition to base construction, skill contribution, resource contribution, and medical rescue, you must also participate in missions. Everyone's mission is different. Contribution points are different."

Qian Xiaoqing also listened with interest. Although she had been to the survivor base in her previous life, she had never planned to settle here, and she didn't know much about the rules here.

Calculate how many contribution points you can get based on the resources you have at home for how many people you have.

"We have so many supplies, we must exchange them for a big house from the Lhasa base!"

Everyone is very confident about this. After all, they still have game space, and the materials in the game space are relatively abundant.

Now that we have an idea, everyone has a goal.

"We will go to space after it gets dark and dry some dried abalone and dried sea cucumbers."

This kind of thing must be valuable!

Qian Xiaoqing also decided that fresh seafood must be stored well. Shrimps and scallops can also be dried and dried, so that they can be exchanged for more supplies after arriving in Lhasa.

Moreover, there are gold, silver, iron, copper and other metals in the volcanic island. As long as they are extracted, you should be able to make good profits!

"When the time comes, let's move to a larger homestead, and then rent a farm and raise all our puppies and chickens in it!"

Zhao Lihua became happier as she talked. She thought that she would be able to go to the Lhasa survivor base soon. She was full of anticipation.

In the evening, the family entered the game space as usual.

The foundation of the villa in the space has been laid and the frame is ready to be started.

But this time there was a vigil outside.

The task of cutting and sawing wood was left to Qian Xiaoqing. After all, she was almost invincible in space.

Qian Xiaoqing held a chainsaw in one hand and supported the tree trunk with the other, chopping wood.

The big tree in the middle of the woods is thick and tall. As long as it passes 12 o'clock tonight, it will be refreshed. Qian Xiaoqing has no worries about not having trees cut down.

Big trees were cut down one by one, and Qian Xiaoqing directed the giant spider to help carry them.

Even if the giant spider is not happy, he has no choice but to follow Qian Xiaoqing's instructions and accept his fate and work hard.

After a whole night of hard work as a family, the framework of the villa was finally almost completed.

"Okay, get out quickly, the voyage is still outside!"

Although they were very tired, they were full of energy and finally had hope for the day.

Qian Xiaoqing led people out of the space, and heard a loud noise as soon as they left the space.


. The luggage was stolen.

There were many others who had their homes robbed.

Originally there were at least 50 groups of people in this camp, but this morning there were less than half of them.

"What happened outside?"

Qian Xiaoqing asked Ning Yuanhang as soon as he came out. Ning Yuanhang rested his head on his hands and looked into the distance with squinted eyes:

"There was a fight last night, and several people died. They were eaten by them! "

Ning Yuanhang pointed casually, there were a few fat and strong people over there.

No one dared to approach them within a 10-meter radius.

It’s man-eating again!

Looking at the reactions of others, few people dared to come forward and accuse them after learning that someone was eating people.

Everyone seems to have become accustomed to it.

"Then what?"

"Then someone took advantage of the fire and robbed things!"


"Hey, this chaotic apocalypse! I hope there will be a better system when entering the Lhasa survivor base!" Ning Dawei looked forward to: "When we arrive, If someone is in charge, these people shouldn't be so arrogant!"

Qian Yongkang got out of the car and stretched out, and happened to see the little girl in the car next to him eating toffee.

"Oh, this little girl is so handsome, just like our Xiaoqing when she was a child!"

"Hello, uncle!"

the little girl said in a sweet voice.

Qian Yongkang was elated by the call of uncle. He took it out from his arms and remembered that he still had a pack of dried fruits on him.

"Here, uncle gave this to you, take it back and eat it!"

When the little girl saw that there were dried strawberries and dried mulberries in the transparent bag, her eyes were bright, but she hesitated to accept them.

"Take it!"

Gao Yifeng didn't know when he appeared behind Qian Yongkang:

"Did the baby say thank you?"

The little girl blinked and happily took the package of dried fruits:

"Thank you, uncle!"

Gao Yifeng also nodded. Thank you, but he only has some instant noodles and compressed biscuits that are convenient for traveling. The other party doesn't like these things, so he has nothing to give.

After thinking about it, Gao Yifeng said to Qian Yongkang: "The Lhasa Survivor Base is now under construction. There is a shortage of housing there. If you don't have a strong relationship, it may be difficult to get a house! You can come to me then. Although I can't apply for it, but you can stay at my house!"


Qian Yongkang didn't expect that a pack of dried fruits could invite him to live in his house?

This is truly an unexpected gain.

But soon he began to frown.

Outside, Zhao Lihua and the others had already started cooking. What they cooked this morning was simple. They fried a bacon and cooked a pot of noodles.

"What's wrong, old Qian? Why are you looking so sad?"

Because they were almost arriving in Lhasa, their family was very happy, especially Qian Yongkang, but why did he look so sad as soon as he came back?

"I just heard the man next door say that if we don't have a strong relationship, it will be difficult to apply for a house in the base!"

After learning the cause and effect, the others also became sad.

"What should we do?"

"Hey, don't think too much. Anyway, we have supplies in hand, so we don't have to worry about finding a place to live! Even if there is really no place, isn't there still Xiaoqing?"

Zhao Lihua pretended to comfort her, but Her disappointment was evident on her face.

"It's okay, there is always a way!"

Qian Xiaoqing replied thoughtfully.

Everyone was silent at breakfast this morning.

Early in the morning, everyone in the camp left one after another. Everyone was on their way to the same goal, which was the Lhasa Survivor Base!

But there are still very few people who can afford to drive a car.

After all, cars are easy to get, but oil is hard to find.

Although they have heard that it is difficult to buy a house, they still have hope.

The voice on the radio became clearer and clearer:

"Zizzi...Important announcement. The survivor base is recruiting new members. It needs experienced doctors and researchers who know how to plant...Zizzi...Please contact us through FM frequency 11.14."

" Zizzi...Emergency broadcast, a large number of mutated wild animals have migrated in the northern desert area, please avoid it, please avoid it!"

"Shushasha... There is an epidemic in the south. According to reports, the epidemic is spread by the air and is extremely powerful. The infection rate is as high as 90%... Protection..."


The radio has a signal, and villages are gradually forming around it.

As Ning Yuanhang drove, he didn't have to find the road anymore, because there were many people walking in a hurry carrying heavy baggage along the way.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Ning Dawei seemed impatient.

"More than these people, they are all competing for resources with us!"

Although Ning Dawei's words were a bit exaggerated, he had spoken out everyone's thoughts.

Entering Lhasa, the blue sky and white clouds made the sky look particularly high and the temperature was not as high as when they came. White clouds floated in the air, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

The Tibetan-style house with white walls and black tiles is already occupied by people. Although it has not yet reached the survivor base, many people have gathered here.

Sitting in the car, everyone stretched their heads and looked around. Seeing this quiet and peaceful village, they were so excited that they even wanted to cry.

"Here we are, finally here!"

There is a gate directly in front, and a plaque hangs directly above the gate, with the words "Lhasa Survivor Base" engraved in large characters on it!

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Pinellia novel
Chapter 62 Chapter 62
Turn off the lights small medium large
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Chapter 62 Chapter 62

Looking at the not-so-grand building in front of me, there were many staff members in blue uniforms standing at the door.

The facilities at the entrance of the base are simple and dilapidated, and the feeling of desolation suddenly rises. Many buildings show signs of burning, killing and looting. It seems that there have been a lot of killings here.

The people around were crowded, most of them were wary and in a hurry, and their clothes were shabby and the smell was a bit pungent.

Although the construction of the Lhasa survivor base has begun, not everyone is welcome here!

"Dad, you wait here first, I'll go over there and take a look!"

Qian Xiaoqing pointed to the corner over there. There seemed to be a lot of paper posted there, and I didn't know what was written on it.

But the staff at the door would point there from time to time, it should be some documents!

Look at the base entry and exit rules posted on the wall.

——"Categories of Personnel Admitted to the Lhasa Survivor Base"

1. Adults aged 16 to 65 who are in good health and have sound limbs can bring one immediate family member into the base.

2. Personnel with scarce skills, such as doctors, scientists, engineers, etc., have priority qualifications.

3. Accepted personnel must sign a forced labor agreement of at least 5 years, and are not allowed to join other survivor bases before the expiration of the agreement.

4. The elderly, weak, sick and disabled cannot enter without a recommendation letter from a local resident.

No wonder there are so many old, weak, sick and disabled people outside. It seems they can't enter the base.

What is written on another piece of paper is:

——"Instructions for Entering the City"

1 Identity Authentication: Before arriving at the base, all personnel must undergo identity authentication and background checks to ensure the safety of the base.

2 Queue to register: After arriving at the base, you need to queue to register at the door and wait for the staff to check in.

3 Resource allocation: Before moving in, staff will allocate appropriate housing and basic living supplies based on family size and special needs.

4. Participate in community construction: The base is building a community, and those who apply to move in must participate in the construction of the base.

5 Residences: uniformly allocated, 50 people per room, no damage to public property or theft of other people's property.

When Qian Xiaoqing saw 50 people in a room, she was shocked.

How big of a room does it have to be to accommodate 50 people?

And there is nothing written here about how to buy a house.

On the way back, Qian Xiaoqing's expression was heavy.

Zhao Lihua took out the ID cards of several people from her bag: "Fortunately, I haven't lost my ID yet!"

The person in line in front of them was turned away because he didn't have an ID.

"Why? Why don't you let me in? Is it because I lost my ID card?"

The man looked very annoyed. He pointed at everyone present and said:

"We are all here to escape. Who escapes?" Are you going too far with your ID card?"

Indeed, there are very few people who can enter the Lhasa survivor base, and most of them are blocked out.

"No way, these are the rules!" The staff pointed to the side and said, "You are still young and still have a chance. As long as you complete 10 field tasks, you can move in directly!"

Qian Xiaoqing and the others tilted their heads and looked at the board. There are also words engraved on it, which are special signs for those survivors who did not bring their ID cards.

The sign clearly states how to enter the survivor base without your ID card.

1 Contribution materials: 100 kilograms of fresh food, 20 kilograms of medical supplies, energy materials, production tools, etc.

2. Complete the mission: Complete 10 outdoor E-level or above missions.

3Special skills: such as medical, engineering, agriculture, etc.

4 Labor force contribution: Provide labor force to participate in the construction of the base and cleaning and maintenance work for 60 days.

Looking at these items one by one, it’s no wonder these people were anxious.

Everyone came to Lhasa from all over the world. They originally thought they could move in directly, but unexpectedly they had to go through multiple checks.

Soon it was Qian Xiaoqing's turn.

Qian Yongkang is a surgeon, Zhao Lihua is a primary school teacher, and Ning Dawei used to work in engineering and can be considered an engineer. These three people all meet the special types of work at the base. Seeing the information about these three people, the staff at the base smiled. welcome.

Qian Xiaoqing, as a newly graduated female college student, encountered the apocalypse before she had time to engage in social work.

And she came from time travel and has almost forgotten all the majors she learned in school, let alone any skills!

The only skill is probably to survive in the apocalypse.

And Ning Yuanhang is even worse. Before the end of the world, he was just a little fool and couldn't even survive.

"Superpowers! Are there any superpowers?"

A man wearing orange overalls came out with a registration form in his hand.

"People with super powers come here to register!"

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang looked at each other, and someone stepped forward and asked:

"I am a person with super powers, are there any special discounts for entering the base?"

"Of course there are discounts, every month Not only will there be a fixed 1,000 points, the level will be higher than ordinary people, the base will have priority policies, and the accommodation environment will be much better. Of course, there are other things. "

The most eye-catching thing is the fixed 1,000 points every month.

Even if you don't work, 1,000 points can at least feed your family.

"How many people can stay in one room?"

"Twenty people!"

Finally, two people left with their luggage.

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang looked at each other in silence: "Aren't we going?"

Ning Yuanhang shook his head: "If you accept the favor of the base, you have to sacrifice your life in exchange. As long as the assigned tasks must be completed, I don't care. I'm just worried about you."

Qian Xiaoqing blushed: "I think we have a lot of resources, but 1,000 points doesn't attract my attention. And even people with super powers have to share the dormitory, otherwise we won't be able to do it anymore. Wait."

Until the end, Zhao Lihua was assigned to Room 28 of Women's B, Qian Yongkang was assigned to Room 26 of Men's B, Ning Dawei was assigned to Room 52 of Men's B, and Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang were just ordinary people. , they were assigned to room 386 for women and room 943 for men.

The five people who were originally together were separated.

"Hey, wait a minute, staff, can't the five of us be assigned together?"

The staff member raised his eyes contemptuously: "There are no independent dormitories here, and there are no mixed living areas. If you want to live, you can only live in mixed dormitories! "

Other staff members stopped explaining.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the assigned card number in her hand. She really didn't want to squeeze into the girls' dormitory.

Now that the dormitories for boys and girls have been divided into A, B, C and D, they are like being divided into classes, directly dividing people into three, six or nine.

"What should I do, Xiaoqing?"

If you live in a dormitory, you might as well find a room outside to live together!

Zhao Lihua was anxious.

"Staff, we have a lot of supplies on hand. Can we exchange the supplies for points to exchange for a house?"

The staff member was a little patient. He looked at the car coming and could only explain to the other party:

"Whatever you have No matter how much supplies you have, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do. Unless you can make a huge contribution to the base, you won't be able to afford a house in the base!"

These staff have been busy at the Lhasa Survivor Base for half a year, and they have never heard of it! Who can ever afford a house?

"Besides, all the residences in our base have been allocated. If you want a residence alone, you must apply to the commander-in-chief."

Does this mean it's absolutely impossible?

You are right. If everyone wants to live in a separate house, how many houses will be divided?

Zhang Xueer's family has already entered. They have limited resources, so they are lucky to be able to reach the survivor base alive.

"Boss, let's go in first. Contact us if you have any questions!"

Zhang Xueer shook the walkie-talkie in her hand, and a staff member was already leading them to check in.

Qian Xiaoqing could only nod to them.

"What should I do?"

Now they sadly discovered that even if the materials in their hands were converted into points, the points would only allow them to exchange for more materials.

It's of no use at all!

Looking at the survivors coming and going, most of them accepted the arrangements of the survivor base.

After all, as long as you stay at the survivor base, you can receive part of the supplies every day.

This is in sharp contrast to their precarious life of living in the open, and there are still many people who are willing to go in.

Zhao Lihua sighed: "How about we go in first? We can figure out a way after we go in?"

Others also had the same idea. Since they have decided to settle in the Lhasa Survivor Base, they have no choice.

"Wait a minute, I think I have an idea!"

Qian Xiaoqing suddenly had an idea and looked at Ning Yuanhang.

"What do you mean..."

Ning Yuanhang seemed to have guessed something, but he glanced at Qian Xiaoqing's parents cryptically, and asked hesitantly:

"Exposed directly?"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded: "There is no other way. " Yeah!"

"Hey, Sister Xiaoqing!"

While several people were discussing, Bai Duoduo ran over from not far away.

They were also driving, but much slower than Qian Xiaoqing and the others.

"You arrived at the base so soon? Have you checked in? Why don't you go in?"

Here's a solution!

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the smiling Bai Duoduo, and she had an idea:

"Duoduo, can I ask you to do something for me?"

Bai Duoduo was still thinking about Naite and Naisi, but she didn't expect Qian Xiaoqing to Pulling him aside in embarrassment:

"I want to ask you, do you know the commander-in-chief's contact information?"

"What? The commander-in-chief's contact information?"

Bai Duoduo smiled directly: "I said sister, you What's wrong with your brain? It's the end of the world now! Where can I contact him?"

"I have something important to tell him. Is there any way you can let me see him?"

Looking at Qian Xiaoqing's sincere expression, Bai Duoduo couldn't refuse:

"I can't help you contact the commander-in-chief, but maybe our boss can apply!"

You can't apply for anything, as long as the information in Qian Xiaoqin's hand is important enough, they The staff still have ways to contact the commander-in-chief.

"Okay! Help me give this information to your boss, and let him judge whether this news can allow me to meet the commander-in-chief!"

Qian Xiaoqing took out a file bag, and the information in the file bag was exactly the mutant mosquito Gene sequences and experimental records.

"Is that all?"

Bai Duoduo held the thin piece of paper. She really couldn't figure out what information was in it that made Qian Xiaoqing so sure that she could meet the commander-in-chief.

"I've vaccinated you, but I can't guarantee that I can really see the commander-in-chief!"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded with a smile: "Just help me convey my meaning. The information in your hand is just the tip of the iceberg. What I have there is I also have all the information. If the commander-in-chief agrees to meet, I can tell him everything I know."

Bai Duoduo took the information and left doubtfully.

She is not stupid. The reason why she trusts Qian Xiaoqing is because of her strong force value and the indifference in her actions.

She saw that their family was also very powerful. Maybe she really had some extraordinary documents in her hands.

Zhao Lihua, who was standing not far away, watched Qian Xiaoqing's movements nervously. Seeing that she only handed the girl an envelope and then ended it, she felt a little uneasy.

"Yuanhang, what kind of medicine are you and Xiaoqing selling in the gourd?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry, it should be almost the same this time!"

Something that can make the commander-in-chief change his opinion is definitely a big deal.

Zhao Lihua didn't even think about what could be put in that document bag?

And the other side.

Bai Duoduo held the document bag in her hand and walked to the boss hesitantly.

"Boss, I want to ask you for a favor!"

He Lan looked at Bai Duoduo's hesitation and found it strange. This girl has always been straightforward. When did she become so hesitant?


"I want you to hand over this portfolio to the commander-in-chief!"

Bai Duoduo was very unsure when she said this.

Helan took the document bag hesitantly.

There is only one piece of paper in the document bag.

But the paper was densely covered with drawings. When he saw the final conclusion, Helan stood up in shock.

"Where did this come from?"

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Chapter 63 Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 Chapter 63

"This, this thing was given to me by Qian Xiaoqing. She said this is just the tip of the iceberg. She still has a lot of information there!"

After hearing this, He Lan immediately stood up and prepared to go find Qian Xiaoqing, thinking We need to understand the real situation. If what is shown in the data is true, then it will be a devastating blow to mankind when those things come out in the future.

"Boss, Sister Xiaoqing wants to meet with the Commander-in-Chief!"

He Lan stopped walking and turned to Bai Duoduo and asked,

"What's Qian Xiaoqing's attitude? What's the purpose of her meeting with the Commander-in-Chief?"

" I see that she has a good attitude. She wants to see the commander-in-chief because she wants a house of her own!"

There are many buildings built in the survivor base. These buildings are reserved for specific people. In addition to having a strong relationship, , you also need to have a certain value, otherwise these buildings will never be given to you.

Bai Duoduo watched Helan start to change clothes and changed into the military uniform he would wear every time he had a meeting. He knew that Helan was going to meet the commander-in-chief.

"Boss, don't be so rash. Can the commander-in-chief agree to give them a house?"

He Lan buttoned the last button and looked at the clueless Bai Duoduo:

"If what Qian Xiaoqing said is Really!"

Bai Duoduo only saw He Lan's back, and she felt uneasy. She would have taken a peek first if she had known. She was really curious about what was written on the piece of paper?

Although they had entered the survivor base and had been assigned rooms, Qian Xiaoqing and the others did not go there. Instead, they came to the exchange center.

This not only supports material exchange, but also a place to publish tasks.

When they arrived, several teams had already formed groups to exterminate mutant creatures.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the task on the panel, which required recruiting five teams to exterminate a group of mutated wolves.

Only 20 points can be earned for something as dangerous as annihilating the mutated wolves.

It seems that it is not easy to get points.

No wonder so many people are coveting superpowers. Their 1,000 points alone are enough to wipe out mutant wolves 50 times.

After wandering around the hall, I finally saw the material exchange office.

Here you can exchange materials for contribution values, which are points.

Material exchange is divided into 9 categories: food, daily necessities, medical supplies, energy tools and equipment, entertainment and culture, education and training, clothing, and other service types.

Qian Xiaoqing counted down slowly.

Food exchange categories:

1 Basic rations: such as bread, rice, vegetables, etc. 1 portion = 25 points

2 Meat: such as chicken, pork, beef, etc. 1000 grams = 15 points.

3 Fish: 100 grams = 15 points

4 Fruit: 1 piece/portion = 25 points.

5 formula foods: such as nutritional biscuits, energy bars, etc. 1 serving = 25 points.

6 Drinking water: 1 liter = 1 point.

Although the food points are not many, they have stored a large amount of supplies, which can add up to a considerable income.

Daily necessities:

1 toilet paper: 1 roll = 5 points.

2 Toiletries: such as toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, etc. 1 piece = 10 points

3 Laundry supplies: such as laundry detergent, soap, washing powder, etc. 1 piece = 10 points

4 Bedding: 1 set = 50 points

5 Personal protective equipment: such as masks , gloves, protective clothing, etc. 1 piece = 15 points

Daily necessities are not expensive, but according to the exchange form in the base, ordinary people really can’t afford them.

Only 20 points can be obtained by wiping out the mutated wolves. With these 20 points, you can't even buy a basic ration, let alone such a dispensable daily necessities.

Browsing further down, there are also categories of medical supplies below:

1. Commonly used drugs: such as painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs. One box = 40 points.

2. Prescription drugs: Redeem according to the drug category and quantity.

3 Medical equipment: such as bandages, gauze, cotton swabs, etc. 1 piece = 5 points

Energy category:

1 Coal, wood and other fuels: 1 kg = 10 points

2 Battery: one section = 5 points

3 Charging service: each kilowatt hour = 3 points

if available Maybe, Qian Xiaoqing really wants to collect some coal from the volcanic island and exchange it for points.

A large piece of coal must weigh 1 kilogram, which can be exchanged for 10 points, a huge profit!

Read on.

Tools and equipment:

1 Common tools: such as hammers, tweezers, saws, etc., 1 piece = 20 points

2 Weapons: such as knives, sticks, bows and arrows, etc., 1 piece = 50 points

3 Armor: such as helmets, wrist guards, knee pads, etc. 1 piece = 40 points

4 Communication equipment: such as walkie-talkies, mobile phones, etc. 1 piece = 100 points

It’s not bad to make tools and equipment!

Qian Xiaoqing touched her chin and stood in front of the form. She could make the lowest level bows and arrows in the space. Those bows and arrows were stronger and more durable than those made outside, and there was a chance of increasing the aiming rate. One piece could be exchanged for 50 points. !

She could make dozens of them and come over to redeem them whenever she had time.

The more Qian Xiaoqing thought about it, the happier she became. Unexpectedly, it was quite easy to earn points.

The following cultural and entertainment categories are also divided in detail:

1 Books: one = 15 points

2 Magazines: one = 10 points

3 Board games: one box = 10 points

4 Electronic game equipment: 1 set = 20 points

5 Musical instruments : One piece = 15 points

6 movie and music resources: 1G = 20 points

It seems that the level of cultural and entertainment points is not very high.

Qian Xiaoqing could only shake her head and sigh after reading it.

Survival is the most important thing now!

The following education and training courses seem to be much more valuable:

1 Professional skills training courses: one = 100 points

2 Language learning courses: one = 80 points

3 Cultural courses: one = 60 points

4 Children’s education courses: one = 50 points

It seems that the base still attaches great importance to education. They set the scores of these courses so high, probably because they are afraid that the fire of civilization will be extinguished.

Clothing categories:

1 Basic clothing: such as T-shirts, pants, underwear, etc., one piece = 20 points

2 Protective clothing: such as raincoats and cold-proof clothing, etc. One piece = 40 points

3 Shoes: One pair = 30 points

4 Accessories: such as hats, scarves, gloves, etc. One piece = 10 points

The last item, other service types:

1. Regular cleaning service: 1 time = 30 points

2. Personal care services: such as haircut and beauty, etc., 40 points per time.

After reading all the points redemption tables, Qian Xiaoqing also determined his direction.

She can choose a food base, including basic rations, and meat, fish and fruits can be sold.

The second is coal, wood and other fuels. Because these things are very heavy, as long as they can be mined, they can be exchanged for a lot.

Finally, there is the weapon category. She can make a large number of spears, stone axes, bows and arrows, and fishing rods in the space. The consumption of these items is very small. It takes a while to make a large number, and the points are high. It is an excellent tool. Realization method.

A few of them were studying from here, and a group of officers lined up from outside.

In the survivor base, even the most shameless gangsters will fear the officers. Even if the officers cannot represent justice, they still have the ability to drive you out of the survivor base.

So ordinary survivors would take a detour after seeing the officers.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with this?"

People around were talking a lot, but the officers had already surrounded Qian Xiaoqing.

Qian Xiaoqing was very calm, but Zhao Lihua and Qian Yongkang became nervous first.

"Xiao, Xiaoqing, run away when you find a chance, these people are coming with bad intentions!"

Qian Yongkang blocked Qian Xiaoqing behind him and looked at an elegant man in his 50s walking through the gate.

Although the man was only in his 50s, his hair was already gray and was combed back meticulously. He was wearing a coat, which seemed ordinary, but made him appear more modest and wise.

Wang Chong's sharp eyes scanned everyone in the exchange hall, and finally his eyes accurately scanned Qian Xiaoqing's body.

Da da da!

Every step he takes seems to be on the forefront of people's hearts. Although he is very old, his elegant temperament has revealed his identity.

"Yes... it's Commander!"

Someone shouted, and everyone present felt like they were waking up from a dream.


Besides the commander, who else could have such an elegant and wise temperament?

Unexpectedly, ordinary survivors like them would be able to meet the only commander of the Lhasa survivor base today.

"Are you Qian Xiaoqing?"

Wang Chong stopped right in front of Qian Xiaoqing and looked past Qian Yongkang who was blocking Qian Xiaoqing.

"Hello Commander, I am Qian Xiaoqing!"

Wang Chong smiled gently. He smiled at Qian Yongkang who looked like he was facing a formidable enemy, and patted his shoulder kindly:

"Brother, I just want to be with you. My daughter said a few words, and she didn’t mean any harm!"

Qian Yongkang was also very embarrassed at this time. He didn’t expect that the other party was the commander-in-chief of the Lhasa Survivor Base. He just acted subconsciously, and he didn’t expect to make a fool of himself among so many people. .

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, pretended to take a step aside inadvertently, and said hello:

"Hello, Commander, Hello, Commander..."

"Qian Xiaoqing, you should know why I'm looking for you. What? I have something to talk to you about in detail, please come with me!"

"I want to follow too!"

Ning Yuanhang was worried about Qian Xiaoqing leaving with Wang Chong,

"You want to know? I'm also involved, I can be there as a supplement!"

"Yes, yes! Yuanhang is following!"

Ning Dawei pushed Ning Yuanhang, who was standing next to him, to Qian Xiaoqing's side. They also figured it out now. The document just now should have had an effect, but I didn't expect the commander to come in person. What secret could make him put aside his principles and come to Qian Xiaoqing to discuss it?

Watching Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang leave, Qian Yongkang pushed Ning Dawei who was standing next to him:

"Tell me, what trump card did Xiaoqing use? Why did such a big figure explode?"

"Dear me, dear " My daughter, you don’t know? Why are you asking me?”

Ning Dawei kept his calculations in his heart.

It seemed that Xiaoqing didn't lie to him. She really had a way to get an independent yard.

When had Qian Xiaoqing ever received such high standards of treatment?

She took the car all the way to the commander-in-chief's downstairs.

After entering the door, Wang Chong took out the thin piece of paper from the drawer.

"I want to know everything about this piece of paper. Which one of you will tell me first?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the commander's study. It was full of information. It seemed that the other party was indeed a practical leader.

"I need a bigger room!"


Although Wang Chong didn't know what was going on, he still asked his secretary to free up a room next door for Qian Xiaoqing.

After inviting everyone out, Qian Xiaoqing took out the huge, high-precision, high-tech computer directly from the game space!

"You...this is a space power?!"

Immediately afterwards, the commander was completely shocked!

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Chapter 64 Chapter 64

"This is..." Wang Chong's expression was serious: "Superintelligence!"

Qian Xiaoqing has never heard of superintelligence, so whatever the other party says is what it is!

"Xiao Chen, go and invite Dr. Sun over!"

Wang Chong's assistant Xiao Chen also encountered such a situation for the first time. He immediately turned around and went to the laboratory to invite the famous Dr. Sun.

Dr. Sun is also considered a leader in the computer industry. At that time, he was doing research in Lhasa and did not expect a natural disaster to strike, so he stayed at the Lhasa survivor base.

"Can you tell me where these things came from and what the situation was like at that time?"

Wang Chong became more and more serious about the young man and woman in front of him. The moment he saw Super Brain, he knew that the pair of survivors in front of him were They shouldn't be lying, they really destroyed a secret laboratory!

It is also a very large secret laboratory.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the commander's shocked look and they did not stop. When they took out the oversized super brain, they continued to move it out of the space.

Stacks of information, stacks of documents, even file cabinets for storing documents, more than a dozen safes, and even Qian Xiaoqing's workbench in the laboratory were completely transported.

Some of the things were looted from Dr. Kun's laboratory, and a large part of them were unconsciously put into the game space when she and Ning Yuanhang were escaping for their lives.

There is a small storage room on the ghost ship, which is also a storage space. Qian Xiaoqing piled things there, so her parents didn't know the existence of these things.

Wang Chong looked at such a huge amount of experimental materials and could imagine that the other party had made breakthrough progress in the field of genetic modification.

Along with Qian Xiaoqing's movements, petri dishes were poured out one after another, ranging from small experimental subjects to large robots. She didn't feel trouble at all, just like pouring beans, they were all poured out.

"This room is not enough. Are there any other rooms?"

Qian Xiaoqing turned around and asked.

Now Wang Chong looked at Qian Xiaoqing with particularly fiery eyes. First, he lamented that Qian Xiaoqing actually possessed a rare space power. Second, he lamented that Qian Xiaoqing's space was so large. He believed that not only did she have These information should also include various survival supplies.

The third thing is that I am shocked. It turns out that the end of the world for mankind is largely caused by humans themselves.

"There are plenty of rooms!"

Wang Chong personally took Qian Xiaoqing out of the room and found a larger room to take her in.

After entering the room, Qian Xiaoqing stopped and looked directly at the commander.

Of course Wang Chong understood what Qian Xiaoqing meant.

"Tell me, what do you want?!"

With this room full of information and resources, he could satisfy Qian Xiaoqing's demands as long as they were not excessive.

"I want a house!"


Wang Chong agreed without thinking. Even if Qian Xiaoqing didn't come up with so many experimental materials, she could already arrange one for her just based on the level of her space power. house.

"I can arrange an apartment for you, with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room, and I can give you 1,000 points every month!"

After hearing this, Xiaoqing shook her head: "You want me to join your team of superpowers? Sorry, I That's not my ambition! Moreover, what I want is not an apartment, but an independent courtyard. Not only do I want a courtyard, I also want a piece of land that can be planted."


Wang Chong refused without thinking.

" You should know that the Lhasa Survivor Base has just been established, and the base is already overcrowded. In two years, survivors from all over the country may flock to the Survivor Base, and by then it will be even more overcrowded. I am the most I can allocate a house for you, but the land that can be planted must be in the hands of the base!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Chong's attitude was so determined, Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang looked at each other helplessly.

Wang Chong seemed to see the disappointment of the two people. He thought for a while and revealed another piece of information to the two people.

"We want to build a farm in the base, just to the south. The farm is open for bidding. If you are interested, you can participate in the bidding with points!"

"Use points to bid?"


Wang Chong looked at them and saw that they should have a lot of supplies. , gave them a brief introduction.

"You must prepare at least 500,000 points to win the bid!"

500,000 points?

Think about it, the team that surrounded and suppressed the mutated wolves only earned 20 points for a day's exhaustion. These 20 points were not enough to fill their stomachs. How could they possibly accumulate 500,000 points?

Ning Yuanhang stood next to Qian Xiaoqing, with a low sense of presence: "Then we want two houses!"

"Two sets?"

Wang Chong even shouted: "You know, the entire survivor base has a total of 20 houses. These houses are prepared for special people, and giving them to you is enough to give you face!"

Wang Chong was angered by Ning Yuanhang's words. You must know that today's ordinary people have more than 50 people crowded into a room of more than 200 square meters. The room is like a bunk bed on a train.

They not only have to use public toilets, public bathing rooms, but also public kitchens.

It's hard to have privacy.

Many people approached Wang Chong through their connections and wanted a separate house, but Wang Chong refused.

Now that he had promised to give Qian Xiaoqing a house, he didn't expect that they wanted two.

You must know that every house has a special purpose, and there are simply no two houses.

What Qian Xiaoqing means is that their family has one thing and Yuanhang's family has another.

After all, they are two families, and it would be inconvenient for their parents to live in the same yard all the time.

"Then let's keep the information in our hands in the space. Xiaoqing, let's go!"

At this time, Dr. Sun, who was called, came over excitedly with a few people.

Dr. Sun has a big belly and wears glasses on his face. He looks quite honest.

And following him were two people. One was a female doctor in her 60s. She was thin and could be seen as smart and capable!

The other person is much younger, a young and promising male doctor.

When the commander-in-chief saw Dr. Sun coming, he knew that they had already been to that room and saw the information inside, so he quickly introduced to Qian Xiaoqing:

"This is Dr. Sun Mingsun, and behind him is Dr. Lai Chunhua." , and this is Xiao Zhang, Zhang Qingrui.


Dr. Sun Mingsun looked particularly eager.

Qian Xiaoqing just nodded to them, then turned back to Wang Chong and said,

"I not only have some core information here, but also what we saw and heard when we rushed into the laboratory. If, Commander-in-Chief, you still have doubts about our requirements, If so, let’s go first.”

“Hey, wait!”

Now Sun Ming was anxious. He had just come out of the room full of information and took a brief look at the analysis inside. He immediately recognized the handwriting of Dr. Kun.

"You met Dr. Kun in that laboratory?!"

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang stopped. They both looked back and saw that Dr. Sun was a little excited.

"I saw him, what's wrong?"

"Is he...is he okay?"

Dr. Sun Mingsun seemed to know Dr. Kun.

Qian Xiaoqing's expression was calm: "Already dead."

"What, dead?"

Although Sun Ming was a little sad, he also showed relief.

"Can you tell me about the situation at that time?"

Qian Xiaoqing turned around and looked at the commander-in-chief: "This is another price!"

Sun Ming was stunned.

He turned to look at Wang Chong: "What do you mean?" He quickly seemed to react: "I can confirm that the information in the room I saw is true. If you want to analyze the results, it will take time!"

Originally, the commander-in-chief was shocked by the news brought by Qian Xiaoqing, but the authenticity of the information taken out from the space had not yet been determined.

As a result, Sun Ming came over and directly said that the information was true, which was difficult for people to accept.

"Dr. Kun is my senior brother. He disappeared many years ago. I recognize his handwriting and know his research habits! I can guarantee that the information in it is true!"

Wang Chong thought for a long time and decided to let him go first. Qian Xiaoqing chose a house.

"Xiao Chen, you take them to choose a yard first. If our analysis here has results, I will allocate you a second apartment!"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded in agreement.

After all, she still has a lot of information in her hand, and the research results she obtained from Dr. Kun have not yet been taken out.

However, now the two of them only have one house.

"A yard is pretty good!"

Qian Xiaoqing followed Ning Yuanhang with a smile. It's good to have a house. Having a house will make you feel secure!

"Miss Qian, Mr. Ning, please come with me!"

That Xiao Chen was very polite. He led Qian Xiaoqing to find Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei. They were still in the points exchange hall, where they could vaguely feel the presence of others. Respect for yourself.

After all, their daughter was asked to leave politely.

"Xiaoqing, you're back, how are you? How's the result?"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded happily. This brother Chen led us to choose the yard together!

"Please come with me!"

"There are a total of 20 houses in the base, and there are still eight houses vacant. As long as you sign an agreement with us, you can move in!"

The houses in the survivor base are all correct. Only those who have made significant contributions to the surviving base may move in.

Xiao Chen led them to a VIP reception room and took out a booklet from the shelf, which recorded all real estate resources.

"These are the eight sets. If you choose, just tell me and we can sign the contract now."

Qian Xiaoqing took out the contract and pointed to the contents above to explain to several people: "This house only has 40 years of use rights. , 40 years later, the policies at that time will need to be changed, please inform."

Looking at the album, the locations of these eight houses are different. Two of them are on the inside of the survivor base, which has the advantage of being strong and defensive. Measures can effectively resist external threats and ensure personal safety, but they are too small, with a total of only 150 square meters including the house and yard.

Although the security there is very high, it does not meet Qian Xiaoqing's expectations.

There are two houses concentrated in the residential area. The advantage is that people gather together. It is very convenient whether they are doing tasks or exchanging supplies. However, when there are too many people, it is too noisy and has poor privacy, which affects their normal life.

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Chapter 65 Chapter 65

Turning the pages of the book, they saw a floating house next to a lake.

The location there is relatively remote, and there are no security measures around it, but its advantage is that the yard is very large, and the surrounding environment is very beautiful. The yard is at least 300 square meters, just like a farmyard, and the houses are well built, and Next to the lake, it is very suitable for living.

Finally, there are two apartments, which are on the bottom floor of the apartment. The people in the entire apartment are all superpowers. If something really happens, this should be the safest place!

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the last two yards and felt a little confused:

"Do you think we should choose the one by the lake or the one under the apartment?"

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing: "What worries do you have?"

Qian Xiaoqing was hesitant. : "I think a place close to the apartment will be safer, but the location is not good and there will be no sunshine in winter."

"Then choose the one by the lake!"

Ning Yuanhang said without hesitation: "There are exactly two houses there, don't worry. , I won't let anything happen to you!"

Qian Xiaoqing didn't know whether Ning Yuanhang said it intentionally or accidentally. Anyway, the speaker didn't mean it, and the listener meant it. Qian Xiaoqing blushed, even a little shy.

She pointed to the courtyard standing by the lake and said to Xiao Chen: "We want this one!"

Xiao Chen was surprised, because in his opinion, those two houses were the worst, although the surroundings were not considered a wilderness. Ridge, but there are not many people there.

Moreover, I heard that mutated animals and plants appeared there a while ago, so these two houses are still vacant.

"Are you sure?"


"I told you in advance that it's not safe there!"

But it's big!

Qian Xiaoqing said with certainty: "This is the place!"

"Okay, if you choose this place, please pay 10,000 points."


"What did you say?"

"Didn't you provide this house? How can you return it? You have to pay."

Xiao Chen was embarrassed for a moment by the surprised attitude of these people. He patiently explained to everyone:

"Ordinary dormitories are free. After all, the dormitories do not belong to individuals, but in this house, at least you There is a 40-year property right, so we charge homestead fees.”


Well, 10,000 points is not difficult to get.

"Excuse me, when do you plan to pay?"

This is probably the first time Xiao Chen has encountered such a situation. After all, people who want to buy a house must know something about the house.

As for this group of people, not only do they not know much about the house, but they seem to have just entered the survivor base today. They estimate that they will not be able to score even a single point!

Qian Xiaoqing suddenly stood up.

"Just wait a moment, I can get you points today!"

Several people came to the points redemption center, and Qian Xiaoqing started to take things out of her backpack.

Xiao Chen stood nearby holding the information. He heard that this lady had awakened spatial powers. He had never seen a person with spatial powers before, so he happened to be here to watch!

as expected!

Qian Xiaoqing took out a lot of things from her backpack like magic.

Fresh rabbit meat × 81 pieces.

Freshly dug sweet potatoes × 327

various types of fish and shrimp × 37 kilograms.

Fruit × 44 pounds.

Egg bird egg × 61 pieces.

Pheasants × 12.

Fresh pork × 24 pieces.


Xiao Chen, who was originally standing nearby and preparing to see the spatial powers, was stunned.

I originally thought that seeing the superpowers would give me insights, but I didn't expect that not only were they powerful, but they also had abundant resources.

From chickens, fish, meat and eggs, to strawberries and grapes, from stone axes and spears, to bows and fishing rods, from iron blocks to coal, from coconut wood to teak wood...

And the quantity of these materials is huge. It can be seen that the opponent's space is indeed huge. .

"Wait a minute!"

The staff was sweating coldly. The people they received always took small packages, and they had never dealt with such a large order!

"I asked two colleagues to come over and help me!"

The man whirred and ran away, while Qian Xiaoqing took it out from here while letting Ning Yuanhang do the calculations.

"1000 grams of meat is 15 points. On average, each rabbit meat is one kilogram. One rabbit leg is 7.5 points. 81 pieces of rabbit meat is more than 600 points."

"Sweet potatoes are considered basic rations. A serving of sweet potatoes is 25 points. We have more than 30 points here. "100 grams of fish is 15 points

, a total of 500 points."


The staff has never been so busy, and the ingredients provided are all fresh and without any defects.

The fish looked like they had just been fished out of the water and just died, the fruits looked like they had just been picked from the trees, and the vegetables looked like they had just been dug out of the ground.

These things are not like food that has been stored outside.

Xiao Chen has a certain understanding of Qian Xiaoqing's space.

Maybe Qian Xiaoqing's awakened space power has the ability to solidify time. She must have put the fish into the space right after she fished it out.

It took a lot of effort to summarize all the materials Qian Xiaoqing took out, and finally came to a conclusion.

Not enough points!

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the list, which listed the prices of various supplies in detail.

And these things add up to only 6871 points. There are still 3129 points left.

There were more and more people watching the excitement around, and they all looked at the exchange center eagerly.

I have never seen such a huge amount of points, and I didn’t expect to witness history today!

While ordinary people were still worrying about whether they could earn 20 points a day, Qian Xiaoqing earned more than 6,000 points in just a short period of time.

"Wait for me, I'll go to the toilet first!"

Qian Xiaoqing touched her flat backpack. It was not enough to take out all the supplies she had collected during this period? !

Now the family is completely destitute.

"I'm with you!"

Ning Yuanhang ignored the surprised expressions of others and left behind Qian Xiaoqing.

He didn't seem to take into account that he was a boy.

"Why are you following me?"

Qian Xiaoqing rolled her eyes.

"You want to go to the volcanic island?" Ning Yuanhang whispered in Qian Xiaoqing's ear: "I'll go with you!"


Just after the two people turned the corner, they entered the space directly.

The person following them secretly did not expect that it was just a corner. How could they lose them?

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang came to the volcanic island with pickaxes in their hands.

They had already put on their straw sandals on the boat and were ready to fight on the volcanic island.

Qian Yongkang and the others were sitting in the exchange hall, and everyone respected him.

In the past, his daughter was invited by the commander-in-chief to have a talk, and later, the commander-in-chief's secretary personally accompanied him to purchase the house. It turned out that they were invisible rich people.

Who can redeem more than 6,000 points in one day?

They had to work hard to earn 20 points a day, and someone took out more than 6,000 points in the blink of an eye.

Bang Chi Bang Chi!

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang sped up and must sign the contract today.

Xiao Chen waited around at the exchange center, but did not see the two people going to the toilet.

"Uncle and aunt, where has Miss Qian been? Why hasn't she come out after going to the toilet?"

In fact, Xiao Chen had already sent the lesbian to check inside the toilet, but there was no Qian Xiaoqing in the toilet at all.

And there was no Ning Yuanhang in the men's room!

The two of them seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Disappear into thin air?

Xiao Chen was shocked. Could it be what he imagined?

Probably not?

"Oh, didn't Xiaoqing just say that he went to the toilet?"

Qian Yongkang didn't care: "During the day today, Xiaoqing said that she had a stomachache. She probably has a stomachache again now!"

Xiao Chenming knew that Qian Yongkang was lying, but he didn't dare to expose it.

Their family is the stars of tomorrow!

So I could only stand there and wait dryly.

Hum hum hum!

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang sweated profusely in the space and finally dug enough coal.

"Are these enough?"

"We are still short of more than 3,000 points. 1 kilogram of coal is 10 points, and we need to dig more than 300 kilograms."

"I think it's almost enough!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the pile of coal: "Really No, I still have some gold rough stones in my backpack. Although they are not gold ingots, they are still gold! Let’s see if they can take them.”


The two people hurriedly left the space. Exactly where they disappeared.

The two of them pretended that nothing happened, turned around and walked back to the exchange center.

"I'm back, I'm back!"

Xiao Chen was almost in tears. Seeing that the sky outside had turned dark, all the flowers he had been waiting for had withered.

"Do you collect coal here?"

"Qian Xiaoqing took out a large piece of coal from the space and slapped it on the table."

"Yes, 1 kilogram of coal can be exchanged for 10 points."

The staff said dutifully. : "But the coal you brought must be inspected."

Because they had been fooled before, and some people tried to use stones as coal to get away with it.


Qian Xiaoqing took out a piece of gold nugget. The gold nugget was really huge. She put the whole piece on the workbench:

"I still have some gold here. Do you want to take it?"


And it’s such a big piece of gold?

"You can take it!"

Gold also has a price, but he didn't mark it out because few people could offer such a large piece.

"How much does it cost per pound?"

"Well... our gold is charged by the gram!"

The staff member smiled awkwardly, the other party was really wealthy!

"Because the purity of nugget gold is not pure, we can only calculate it for you based on 1 gram and 1 point!"

Weigh it on the scale!

Simple and crude!

52kg! !

5200 grams, 5200 points!

have to!

The two of them were digging coal mines for a long time, which was not as valuable as a piece of nugget gold thrown out casually.

"Guest, are you sure you want to sell it?"

Such a large gold nugget was a collectible item before the apocalypse. Although it has depreciated in value after the apocalypse, gold is still hard currency!

"Sell it, sell it!"

After selling the gold nugget, plus the coal money, they still had 4,000 points left in their hands.

"Come on, parents, go sign the contract!"

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Chapter 66 Chapter 66

Originally, Xiao Chen thought that the two young people should be the last to sign. Unexpectedly, Qian Xiaoqing actually asked his parents to sign their names.

"I didn't buy you a house before the end of the world, nor did I honor you. If I buy you a house after the end of the world, it will be considered compensation!"

"You kid!"

Zhao Lihua laughed so hard that her branches trembled with pride, but her heart was full of pride.

Looking at the envious eyes of the people next to her, she was satisfied as long as her child was safe.

"Congratulations on becoming a member of the Lhasa Survivor Base. Then, let me lead you to that house!"

Xiao Chen held the car key in his hand and led the family to the villa next to the lake.

Sitting in the car, everyone could not hide their excitement.

After experiencing so many things in the last days, facing the darkness of people's hearts, extreme weather, mutated animals and plants, they were finally able to find a stable place to settle down in the last days.

The yard by the lake is just over 20 minutes away from the redemption center.

As someone who has lived through the end of the world, Qian Xiaoqing knows very well that houses like the ones they chose will never be built again in the future.

Because there will be more and more people in the Lhasa survivor base.

Although after the apocalypse, more than a dozen survivor bases sprung up across the country.

However, there was acid rain again, another flood, another earthquake, another hailstorm, and finally a tsunami.

The only survivor base that survived was the Lhasa Survivor Base.

Therefore, in the late apocalypse, the Lhasa survivor base will be overcrowded.

And there are probably only a few houses like theirs.

"I must buy the yard next to me too!"

Qian Xiaoqing said to her parents in the car.

"Actually, one apartment is enough for the five of us!"

Although the house they chose is in a remote location, it is large enough. The courtyard house is at least 500 square meters. A room as big as yours is enough for the five of them. Living.

"Mom and Dad, you don't know that if you use 10,000 points to buy a house like this now, you won't be able to buy it with 1 million points in the future!"

"Is it so scary?"

Zhao Lihua's consciousness still stayed before the end. With her The idea is that the higher the demand, the higher the supply.

But she never thought that the Lhasa Survivor Base would eventually become the dawn of mankind.

"The only thing I want to think about now is to quickly save supplies and try to buy a second house! Once the two yards are demolished and merged, we will have a yard of 500 to 600 square meters!"

Qian Xiaoqing After saying this, Zhao Lihua suddenly felt moved.

"According to your plan, it's pretty good!"

Even Qian Yongkang began to yearn for it.

"If we have a yard of five to six hundred square meters, then we don't need a farm!"

"No, the farm still needs to be paid for!"

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang have the same idea. If we need a yard, the farm must also be paid for!

Why did they rush to the Lhasa survivor base so early with all their might? Isn't it just to grab resources first?

If they lose the opportunity now, it would be meaningless for them to work so hard to reach the Lhasa survivor base.

"You want both. How can we collect so many points in a short time?"

"So we have to work harder!"

The car soon stopped next to a house.

This yard was built just half a year ago. The surrounding area is still very clean and there are not many people around.

"This is the key to the house."

Xiao Chen led several people to the yard. There were no facilities in the yard, and it was an empty yard.

And when he opened the door, there was nothing inside!

"Because we only sell houses, we don't provide the furniture inside!"

Xiao Chen introduced them.

"If you want to open cabinets or decorate, you can actually find technicians at the exchange center, but you need to spend points!"

When Xiao Chen said the last sentence, he always felt that his last sentence was redundant, and the other party had some 4000 points.

For ordinary people, this is nearly a year’s income.

Okay, this is the courtyard. If you have any questions, just go to the exchange center and the staff there can find me!

"Okay, thank you!"

Qian Xiaoqing thanked him very much. Xiao Chen spent the entire afternoon helping her run around. It was already eight or nine o'clock, and the other party hadn't even had a bite of food.

Qian Xiaoqing took out the few eggs in the space.

"Thank you so much, Xiao Chen. I don't have anything else here, so I just gave these eggs to you!"

Xiao Chen was very surprised!

Although you can redeem eggs at the redemption center, who is willing to spend a lot of points to buy them?

Although Xiao Chen's basic salary is very high, his family is not willing to eat eggs.

"This is what I should do. I won't take the eggs!"

Qian Yongkang chuckled: "Just take it and treat it as a favor. We will have to rely on you, Xiao Chen, in the future!"

After hearing this, Xiao Chen accepted the egg.

Watching Xiao Chen leave, everyone including Qian Xiaoqing visited their own rooms with great interest.

"Oh, I said we have already arrived in Lhasa. Yuanhang and I originally wanted to separate from you. After all, you have been taking care of us all the way. We are too embarrassed to trouble you again!"

Ning Da Wei smiled, the more he looked at the house, the more satisfied he became.

After drinking tea and doing Tai Chi in the yard, he can even imagine his future retirement life.

"What's the trouble? If it hadn't been for you and Yuanhang along the way, we probably wouldn't have gotten here just by relying on the three of us!"

Ning Dawei has seen a lot of the world, and he has been guiding Qian Xiaoqing's family a lot of the time.

"Uncle Ning, if you say this again, you will be out of touch!"

Qian Xiaoqing laughed: "We are still counting on Uncle Ning to work for us!"

With that, Qian Xiaoqing took out the Broom bundled for cleaning.

"Okay, don't be idle, hurry up and clean!"

At least three rooms must be cleaned so that they have a place to live.

Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei swept the floor with brooms and mops next to them. Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang were responsible for making the bed.

Zhao Lihua was cooking with Zhang Ruiwen in the space.

After all, the conditions for cooking outside are not allowed. After a few days of cleaning up, we will probably be able to live a normal life.

"Xiaoqing, I see that the wall outside is a bit short. When we go outside to search for supplies, we will find some power grids and surround the whole circle to avoid being unsafe at night."

Qian Xiaoqing nodded in agreement.

"There is also this house. I remember that we still have latex paint in our space. We will paint the inside and outside of this house. Unfortunately, the floor is cement and we don't have bricks!"

Qian Xiaoqing listened to her father's words with a smile. When I read it, I was both excited and emotional.

Finally have my own home!

She, Qian Xiaoqing, can finally settle down in the apocalypse.

"I'm going to see if mom's food is ready!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Qian Xiaoqing prepared three rooms in total. Ning Dawei and Ning Yuanhang and their son shared a room, Qian Yongkang and Zhao Lihua shared a room. She has a room to herself.

"Has Mom prepared the meal?"

Zhao Lihua was busy in the room, her face full of smiles.

"Okay, okay! Isn't it hard to cook the food?"

Although they were a little tanned along the way, they did not treat themselves badly.

In the eyes of others, their family is full of confidence.

"Then let me take it out."

Putting everything outside, Zhang Ruiwen silently left the stove in a wheelchair.

"Uncle Zhang, where are you going?"

Qian Xiaoqing called to Zhang Ruiwen. It had been a long time since he had carefully observed the wounds on Zhang Ruiwen's body.

"Boss, what's wrong? What's the matter?"

"I see something is different about your arm!"

Qian Xiaoqing walked over and took a closer look: "I feel like I've grown a little bit longer."

Zhang Ruiwen is busy in the space every day , either picking fruits or drying kelp, never idle for a moment, almost forgetting what he looked like, so naturally he didn't notice his arms.

"It does seem to have grown longer!"

Although it was only a little bit, it also gave him hope.

"Boss, you said, you said my arm..."

"It seems to have taken effect. Since it can grow again, I wonder if it can grow back your broken bones too!"

"Really? That's true. That's great!"

Zhang Ruiwen was so excited that he didn't even notice that Qian Xiaoqing had pushed his wheelchair out.

Zhang Ruiwen, who was still in excitement, felt his eyes go dark and suddenly appeared outside.


"This is our new home!"

Qian Xiaoqing pointed at the yard and said.

"I will let you out when no one is around and have dinner with us!"

Zhang Ruiwen had tears in his eyes.

Although I feel comfortable and happy inside the space, it still doesn't feel as real as the world outside.

"Okay, don't worry about being impressed, come over and eat quickly."

Maybe it was because he was in a good mood, but today's meal was especially sweet.

"Starting from tomorrow, Xiaoqing will enter the space to obtain resources and redeem points, and we will go and see what tasks are on the task panel."

Qian Yongkang said: "Since we have arrived at the Lhasa Survivor Base, we must have A way to survive. "

Although they have 4,000 points in their hands, which is enough for them to spend, they still have to integrate into the life in the base.


Qian Xiaoqing had no objection. Her father was originally a surgeon, and her mother was previously engaged in the education industry. They should find something they are suitable for.

"When I looked at the mission panel today, I saw a mission. The base is gathering people to protect the water sources around the base and remove the mutated aquatic creatures near the water sources. I want to go!"

Ning Yuanhang has the ability to sense, but he doesn't know when he will learn it. He can copy other people's special abilities, and the first thing he copied was the fire ability!

If you want to survive in the base, you need to increase their influence.

"I'll go with you."

"I remember that the task of cleaning up the water source only had 50 points,

right?" "Yes!"

The parents found out and did not stop them. Instead, they nodded in agreement seriously.

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Chapter 67 Chapter 67

That night, Qian Xiaoqing took out the necessary daily necessities for them from the space.

I even took out all the things I bought at home before.

Including beds and quilts, cook's wardrobe, tables and stools, pots and pans...

Zhao Lihua made beds for everyone, locked the gate to the yard, and several people returned to the room and slept soundly.

The next morning, Zhao Lihua got up early. She fried a plate of dried fish with chili peppers, served it with freshly cooked rice, and finished her breakfast simply.

"Your father and I discussed it yesterday. Today we will go to the exchange center to see what we can do."

Zhao Lihua now holds 4,000 points in her hands and speaks very forcefully.

Going out to work is just to prevent yourself from being derailed from the outside world.

Qian Xiaoqing also agreed.

"Your dad is a surgeon. I see that there should be a lot of injured people in the base. Let your dad work in the treatment center!"

"That's a coincidence. Yuanhang and I also discussed going out to find a job!"

Although there are still endless things to do at home, people should always give themselves a foundation. Based on his current situation, Ning Dawei decided to pick up his old business and build a survivor base.

"I specifically inquired yesterday. The wall outside the survivor base is still under construction, and there are many places that need to be built inside. With my decades of work experience, I will definitely be able to find a job!" The

original plan was to let Qian Xiaoqing Those who collect resources in space also went out today.

In this way, each family of five will have their own direction.

A few people finished their meals in a hurry and headed to the redemption center.

The distance along the way was not short, and it took the five of them half an hour to catch up.

I thought I had arrived early enough, but I didn't expect that the redemption center was already overcrowded.

There are many people looking for jobs, but there are very few jobs available for them.

"Line up, line up... people who are going to move bricks at the construction site, line up!"

A staff member came over to direct the order. He said as he walked: "Go to the construction site to move bricks, just lunch, 10 points a day. , leave when the crowd is full, leave when the crowd is full..."

Ning Dawei quickly squeezed through.

Qian Xiaoqing was full of worry: "Uncle Ning won't encounter any difficulties, right?"

Although Ning Yuanhang was worried, he still understood his father's strength.

"Don't worry, my dad eats well wherever he goes!"

When Qian Yongkang went to the treatment center and said that he was a surgeon before, he was immediately pulled to the scene.

And Zhao Lihua went around in the exchange center. I found a job as a psychological counselor.

Although there is a position of psychological counseling in the base, it rarely recruits people. Because of the psychological counseling, the salary is only 5 points a day, and those who can enter the survivor base want to support a large family with their own efforts. Who is there? Would you choose a job with so few points?

Zhao Lihua has a kind face and speaks in a gentle and gentle manner. She used to deal with primary school students, but now she can give full play to her expertise in psychological counseling.

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang arrived at the mission center empty-handed.

The team to clean up the water source has almost been assembled.

There are 10 teams in total, each team needs 5 people.

"Hello, let's sign up!"

It was an older middle-aged man with various tools pinned to his jacket. His face was serious, and he looked at Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang up and down.

He was not surprised at all that new people were coming. After all, new people were injected into the base every day, and people died every day.

It's just that he didn't expect a strange woman to come. It seemed that he had never seen her from the mission hall.

"Are you new here?"

Seeing the other people in the team chatting familiarly, Qian Xiaoqing could only nod and admit: "We just arrived at the survivor base yesterday and went out to do a mission today."

After hearing this , He was really new, and that person was obviously a little agitated.

It’s the most annoying thing to bring up new people, they’re both incompetent and disobedient!

"Since you are a newcomer, let me give you some advice," the man said solemnly:

"1. Going out to form a team is a high-risk industry. You must stay vigilant and don't hinder the team! 2. Don't trust others easily. Stay vigilant. 3 You must obey the command of the team leader, otherwise you will be responsible for your own life. If there is danger, we have no obligation to save you!"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded and looked at the people in the team. Most of them are men. Today's mission has 50 points. If they can come back safely, it will be enough for their family's food expenses for a day.

"I understand!"

Soon the man divided them into teams.

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang were both assigned to Team 8.

"Damn it, Lao Tian, ​​why did you allocate two new people to me? Don't you know it's hard to take care of new people now?"

A fat man held half a piece of grass in his mouth, cursing, and desperately didn't want to accept Qian Xiaoqing and the others. .

"Do you like it? If you don't want these two newcomers, you three will be a team!"


The man cursed and left, while a little girl in the same group with him came over obediently.

"Don't mind, Iron Fist is that kind of person. In fact, he takes good care of us!"

The little girl was wearing a white washed blue T-shirt and untimely torn leather pants. Her shoes were already covered with She had several holes, but her face was fair, but she seemed not good at communicating with others. It was only when she saw that Qian Xiaoqing was also a woman that she plucked up the courage to talk to her.

"My name is Xie Yonglan. You will be with me when the time comes. Don't worry, there will be people with superpowers on today's mission. There will definitely be no problem."

Qian Xiaoqing noticed that when Xie Yonglan talked about people with superpowers, his eyes were very bright, like It’s like I really admire people with superpowers, and others do the same, and it seems very relaxed.

"Are superpowers that powerful?"

Xie Yonglan's originally dull expression came to life: "Of course, I was lucky enough to see them take action. At that time, I didn't know how he did it. Those people died immediately! "

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Xie Yonglan's yearning expression and heard her last sigh:

"I really envy them. They have fixed points to get every month..."

Just when Xie Yonglan was glad that there was a mutant in the team today, the team leader Led them onto a bus.

Everyone on the bus was very excited. There was only one topic of discussion, and that was guess what skills the superpowers awakened today?

"I guess the person leading us today must be the wind power! The wind power I saw last time..."

"You can pull him down, that Chen Jun, so what if he has awakened his power? He is better than me It’s still good!”

“I guess it’s the fire element!”

"I guess..."

The noise inside the bus was unprecedentedly high. Xie Yonglan took Qian Xiaoqing to the back of the bus and hid in a small corner.

Qian Xiaoqing watched the survivors discuss endlessly about the superpowers. She finally understood why the survivors in the base were so persistent in awakening superpowers. As long as the superpowers were awakened, not only would a large amount of resources be allocated, but they would also attract such high attention. Degree, before the end of the world, he was comparable to a star.

The car started quickly, and Qian Xiaoqing learned the general information about today's mission from Xie Yonglan.

Protecting the water sources around the base and cleaning up the mutated aquatic creatures near the water sources is a fixed task.

They are distributed every week, and now that it has reached the final stage, the danger of this mission has also dropped a lot.

The same mission was released yesterday, which is in the Xingfu River in the west. There are a lot of green algae growing on the river beach. The only mutant animals there are some mutant leeches, and there are no other aggressive creatures! "

No wonder Xie Yonglan was wearing unfashionable leather pants. It turned out to be waterproof leeches!

Probably because both of them were girls, they got together quickly.

Iron Fist quickly gathered the team, and there were a total of There were 5 people. In addition to the three of them, there were also the team leader Tie Fist and a thin man.

The thin man had extremely thin arms and legs. It looked like he was severely malnourished. If the wind was stronger, he would be blown away.

"Damn, what a bad luck, how can I form a team with you rookies? "

Iron Fist cursed in his mouth and was very unhappy. It's no wonder that in their team of five people, apart from him, there are two newcomers, a shy girl and a malnourished man.

Such a strange team, This is his first time!

"Old Tian, ​​give me some sobering potions!

"Isn't it already sent? " "Oda, the team member who issued the mission, said impatiently.

"Then you should take a look at who is in my team? Which one of the four of them can take the beating? "

Tie Fist's voice was so thick and loud that no one in the carriage could hear it. Soon someone's eyes fell on Qian Xiaoqing and the others.

Unexpectedly, there was a newcomer this time, and there was a beautiful woman. !

Soon, the people in the car were staring at Qian Xiaoqing like a tiger.

How long had they not seen a girl with such a sign?

Especially Xie Yonglan, who was slovenly and dirty in comparison with Qian Xiaoqing? The look of malnutrition made Qian Xiaoqing, who was clean and tidy, youthful and beautiful.

"What are you looking at? Get out!" "

Ning Yuanhang hated the sight of other men in the carriage.

No one paid attention to the pretty boy sitting next to Qian Xiaoqing.

"I'm sorry, what are you talking about? If you talk again, I'll skin you! "

They all came from the apocalypse. If they don't have some skills, who can come to the Lhasa Survivor Base?

Some people are not happy at the moment. They slap the table and want to deal with Ning Yuanhang.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? "

Tie Fist yelled in a rough voice, and the ears of everyone in the car were buzzing. They looked at Tie Fist's five big and three thick people squeezing over and sitting next to Ning Yuanhang:

"Have you finished the mission yet? If someone doesn't want to do the task, get out of the car and get out! "

Although Iron Fist is the leader of the group, he still has a certain reputation in this small circle. Some people dared not choke at that moment.

However, there were still many thorny heads who turned their heads to look at Qian Xiaoqing, with a smile on his face. It looked like he had bad intentions.

Ning Yuanhang stood up suddenly, pointed at the man with a sinister smile, and the anger in his heart rose:

"If you look at it again, I'll dig out your eyeballs! "

I didn't expect Ning Yuanhang to have such a strong side.

Xie Yonglan whispered in Qian Xiaoqing's ear: "Is he your boyfriend? ? "

This was the first time Qian Xiaoqing was asked this question. She shook her head awkwardly: "No, it's not..."

"Then why does he defend you so much? "

"have no idea. "

Qian Xiaoqing's face turned even redder. She looked at Ning Yuanhang's handsome profile and tall back...

Don't say it, don't say it!

Boys like this were very popular with girls before the end of the world.

Qian Xiaoqing unconsciously recalled seeing him taking off his clothes in the space before, and she lowered her head in embarrassment, cursing herself dirty.

However, the conflict there became more serious.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" "Ning Yuanhang was angry.

Several people with good connections stood up together, came to the back of the bus, and walked up to Ning Yuanhang:

"I just watched it. I not only watched it, I also wanted to rub it and hold it. Hug..." As he said that, he rubbed himself against Qian Xiaoqing!



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Chapter 68 Chapter 68

Ning Yuanhang punched the man in the face. The man swayed and fell to the ground, knocking off the timetable in the car.

Several other people saw this and rushed forward. Ning Yuanhang was not afraid at all. He opened his bow from left to right and knocked down two people, but two others rushed over. One hugged his waist, and the other raised his fist and hit him.

He was really fed up with the prying eyes of those with malicious intentions, especially when the target of the prying eyes was Qian Xiaoqing, which was even more unforgivable.

At this time, a figure jumped into the melee, and a beautiful back kick kicked the person who rushed towards him away. Then he hit another person on the calf with a roundhouse kick. The person let go of Ning Yuanhang in pain, and Ning Yuanhang jumped over his shoulder. Throw the man to the ground.

It turns out that Qian Xiaoqing took action!

Although she is petite, she is well-trained and her series of beautiful kicking skills amaze everyone.

"Who do you think you are? If you say those dirty words again, I will castrate you!" Qian Xiaoqing shouted.

Since you want to gain a foothold in the survivor base, you should let them know how powerful you are.

When Iron Fist saw Qian Xiaoqing's exposed hand, he really couldn't tell the truth. At this time, he shouted:

"Stop it! The fight has just begun. Do you want to die here?"

Iron Fist said in a rough voice. Yes, he also has a small reputation in this area, and few people dare to offend him.

Only then did everyone stop.

Qian Xiaoqing stood warily next to Ning Yuanhang, while Ning Yuanhang clenched his hands and stared fiercely at the people who had just made trouble.

"Okay, okay, men. When you see a beautiful girl, you can't help but want to look at her twice, but you can't take advantage of her," Lao Tian, ​​who was sitting in front of the register, smoothed things over: "Why don't you go apologize quickly?"

The last days are the worst. What was lacking was someone who knew the current affairs. Those people immediately realized that Qian Xiaoqing was not someone to be trifled with:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry!"


Seeing the people who were looking for trouble, they all shrank like turtles. After sitting down, Qian Xiaoqing snorted coldly and pulled Ning Yuanhang to sit in the corner of the last row.

Xie Yonglan has been shrinking aside and not daring to say a word.

Ning Yuanhang seemed to be not relieved enough. When he thought about what they said, he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone:

"Remember, I will destroy anyone who dares to look around again." Ning Yuanhang said viciously.

Everyone glanced at him warily, feeling a little wary.

The bus soon arrived at its destination, and an open river beach appeared in front of us.

Tie Fist led Qian Xiaoqing and others out of the car and directed everyone to prepare to clean up the river beach.

"Remember, everyone must be vigilant! Although those mutant leeches are not large individually, once they bite you, they will suck your blood dry. They like to hide in aquatic plants, so check carefully. Use tweezers when you find them. Pick them up and throw them into the bucket. Next time you come to participate in this mission, try to wear waterproof clothing and boots, otherwise you will be easily bitten!"

Although Iron Fist looks big and thick, he is still a big man . A careful person.

At this time, Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang were also assigned tweezers and buckets. They clamped the tools on their belts. Qian Xiaoqing took out gloves from the space, a pair each, and also took out boots.

"Put it on quickly!" You

must be careful when dealing with mutant animals. Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang followed Tie Fist to the river beach.

Everyone was holding long-handled tweezers and carefully rummaged through the water plants.

Not all the leeches in the pool have mutated, there are also some ordinary leeches, but they are extremely susceptible to infection and can easily mutate, so they must be eradicated!

Ning Yuanhang and Qian Xiaoqing worked side by side, searching carefully while always paying attention to their surroundings. Those people who were looking for trouble looked at them from time to time with very unkind eyes. Ning Yuanhang frowned and stared at them with thunderous eyes.

"Ignore them and concentrate on your work." Qian Xiaoqing reminded.

Ning Yuanhang nodded and searched the grass back to back with Qian Xiaoqing, making sure not to miss any corner.

Mutated leeches are very dangerous. They may hide in the grass or in the mud. If you accidentally drink the leech eggs, you will not survive. That's why the leaders of the base pay so much attention to this water area.

Just as Ning Yuanhang was turning over a large bundle of water plants, he suddenly saw a long black insect emerging from the grass and rushing towards Qian Xiaoqing's exposed neck!

"Be careful!"

He shouted, rushed over and caught it with tweezers. The insect flying in mid-air was thrown aside. It was a 1-foot-long black leech, squirming and getting ready to bounce again.

"It's a mutated leech!"

"Thank you! Fortunately, you have good eyesight and quick hands." Qian Xiaoqing wiped her cold sweat.

"I didn't expect that going out on a mission would be so high-risk!"

If the leech really bit Qian Xiaoqing just now, and if she really had her shortcomings, Ning Yuanhang didn't know how he would survive in the future.

Seeing Ning Yuanhang's silence, Qian Xiaoqing carefully comforted him a few times before the two of them continued working.

After discovering a few leeches, I gradually became proficient.

Xie Yonglan followed the two of them silently, rummaging under the leaves carefully.

Just when he was concentrating on his work, Ning Yuanhang suddenly felt someone behind him!


Someone tried to pour a bucket of water on them.

And there were three mutated leeches in the bucket of water.

Qian Xiaoqing took Ning Yuanhang and hid aside, barely avoiding the three huge mutated leeches.

Wow! The clear water poured down and wet the clothes of the three people. Ning Yuanhang turned around angrily and saw that it was the people who had made trouble before, holding buckets and grinning at them.

Qian Xiaoqing recognized the man who was making trouble just now. Xie Yonglan said on the road that his name seemed to be Song Yang.

Ning Yuanhang was soaked all over. He kicked Song Yang away and directly kicked Song Yang into the river.


Fights and fights are inevitable during missions, and Iron Fist soon arrived from not far away.

He heard the ins and outs of the matter from other people's mouths, and looked at Song Yang with disdain. As we all know, he is a villain who will retaliate!

"Okay, Ning Yuanhang, this matter ends here. If anyone dares to fight again, don't blame me for kicking him out of the team!"

Those people were about to retort when a scream suddenly sounded.

"——Help! The leech bit me!"

Everyone looked over and saw that the thin man had tears in his eyes and his hands were bleeding profusely. Next to it lay a large leech broken into two parts. It was obvious that he had been accidentally bitten by the leech.

"Save him quickly!" Qian Xiaoqing shouted urgently.

I saw a leech penetrate the man's skin, like a needle, and quickly penetrated into the man's body.


The man was already thin. He kept rolling and struggling on the ground, but in just a few seconds, he turned into a shriveled man like a deflated balloon.

This person is dead!

This happened right in front of everyone's eyes, and people couldn't help but be silent.

At this time, Iron Fist shouted:

"Please pay attention to your safety! The leeches have become active. Everyone should watch their own area and remind each other!"

Then everyone stopped watching and started working seriously.

Even Song Yang, who was kicked into the water, stood up silently and started working.

The rest of the work went relatively smoothly. Occasionally, leeches appeared and were quickly discovered and subdued. Everyone gradually breathed a sigh of relief and sped up for the final finishing touches.

Just when he was about to complete the task, a burst of screams suddenly exploded: "Help! Leeches!"

Song Yang screamed and backed away from the water, his hands and neck were covered with bloody leeches, and he was going crazy. Drink his blood.

"Oops, attack!" Iron Fist shouted. I saw countless black leeches suddenly appearing from the water's edge, crawling toward everyone.

"This is a collective attack by the leech swarm! Everyone come ashore immediately!"

Ning Yuanhang hurriedly picked up Qian Xiaoqing and ran to the shore, and everyone also ran wildly.

But the leeches moved through the water so fast that many people had their legs and backs covered with them and fell to the ground rolling in pain.

Ning Yuanhang slapped the leeches on his body while running, and finally ran to the high ground with Qian Xiaoqing.

Xie Yonglan also climbed up, but was bitten on his calf and rolled on the ground in pain.

"I'll do it!" Qian Xiaoqing quickly poured the medicine on her to stop the bleeding. At this time, there was chaos all around. Many people were surrounded by leeches and struggled desperately.

"We have to find a way!" Qian Xiaoqing said anxiously.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped into the leech cluster, and the leeches exploded one after another, splashing a rain of blood around them. The man's hands were like knives, and he quickly cut off all the leeches and rescued the trapped people.

It turned out that the person with the superpower they said was in trouble!

The superpower was extremely fast, cutting off the leeches one after another, and soon rescued everyone, while on the water. There were also some traces of lightning.

It's a thunder power!

And Qian Xiaoqing came to know that person's back!

Seems like I've seen it somewhere?

Qian Xiaoqing only knows one person who has awakened the thunder power, and that is - Deng Gang!


Thunder continued on the water, but there were so many leeches and these lightning skills couldn’t shock them at all!

Qian Xiaoqing quickly took out her backpack and took out a bottle of concentrated venom. She threw the entire bottle into the water.

Within a few seconds, large numbers of leeches were floating on the water!

Before everyone could recover from the leeches' collective attack and the sudden attack of the superpowers, they saw a layer of leech corpses floating on the river.

The largest leech in the innermost part has a diameter of almost one meter, and its length is at least 4 meters long.

No one expected such a big leech to be lurking in the middle of the river.

Iron Fist saw the epaulettes on the clothes of the superpower and knew that he had been promoted to a second-level superpower. His attitude immediately became flattering and flattering, even bending down.

"Your Excellency, I didn't expect that there would be so many leeches this time. Thanks to your help, otherwise we would have been wiped out today!"

"It's not my fault!"

The man's voice was calm and he pointed to the position in the corner:

"She was the one who poisoned me!"

Everyone followed the superpower's fingers and looked into the corner. Unexpectedly, they saw a neat little girl.

"Long time no see!"

The superpower turned around, and unexpectedly it was someone Qian Xiaoqing knew:

"Deng Gang! I knew it was you as soon as I saw the thunder and lightning!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked like I had expected it.

"Let's go and sit at my house later!"

My house?

Soon someone caught the keyword.

The look in Qian Xiaoqing's eyes was even more incredible.

"I heard about it as soon as I returned to the survivor base today. I didn't expect that you are still so wealthy that you can even afford a house!"

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Chapter 69 Chapter 69

After everyone cleaned the battlefield, Qian Xiaoqing sprinkled a lot of antidote from the river water, and then completed the finishing work.

Unexpectedly, Qian Xiaoqing and the others actually knew a person with a high status of awakened powers. Even Iron Fist did not dare to yell at Qian Xiaoqing and the others.

Deng Gang originally had a dedicated pick-up team, but he insisted on sitting on the bus with Qian Xiaoqing and the others.

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang took Deng Gang back to the house.

Along the way, Deng Gang talked about what happened during this period.

It turns out that after they separated, Deng Gang also went through many hardships and went round and round before arriving at the Lhasa Survivor Base.

At first, Deng Gang and Xingchen's life was fine, but after experiencing heavy rain and acid rain, they could not find food at all outside. They also thought of what Qian Xiaoqing said before, they had no choice but to Come all the way north.

"Thankfully we came to the Lhasa Survivor Base in advance, otherwise, you probably wouldn't have seen us!"

Although they were not separated for a long time, according to Deng Gang, they both experienced a lot of hardships.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that there were so many of us at that time, and I was the only one left to arrive in Lhasa." Deng Gang said with emotion, "Fortunately, I met you before, otherwise I might not be alive now."

"Where's Xingchen? ?"

Qian Xiaoqing never heard from Xingchen, so she asked.

"I don't know what kind of urgent task there was yesterday, and he went to do it!"

Deng Gang looked thoughtfully at Ning Yuanhang behind Tian Xiaoqing. He remembered that this guy used to be very simple-minded. Looking at his knife-like eyes, Deng Gang Shrinking his neck, he still trusts his intuition. This person is not easy to mess with! Stay away from him!

By the time they returned to the city, it was getting late.

Qian Xiaoqing and the others only had one meal in the morning, and now their chests were pressed to their backs with hunger.

"Mom and Dad..."

No one in the room responded. It seemed that they hadn't come back yet.

In order to welcome Deng Gang, Qian Xiaoqing decided to cook herself.

Because the house had not been tidied up and the kitchen was in a mess, Qian Xiaoqing first went to the space to get some ingredients.

In order to buy this house, all the ingredients in the space had been plundered. After she entered the space, Zhang Ruiwen had already collected the materials needed for today.

Fungus, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, yams, sweet potatoes and other plants collected from the mountains.

And in the bucket was a red fish that had just been fished out of the sea.

Qian Xiaoqing first scaled the red fish, removed the bones and cut it into pieces, salted it with a layer of salt, then put it in a steamer and steamed it. When the fish was half cooked, she took it out and poured a layer of sesame oil on it to continue cooking.

Then wash the mushrooms and fungus and cut them into shreds, quickly fry them in a pan, add a little salt and seasonings, and stir-fry a delicious plate of fried mushrooms and fungus.

"I'm here to help you!"

Ning Yuanhang walked in from the outside, his expression was disgusting, and he looked very unwelcome to Deng Gang.

"Okay, then you go and wash the sweet potatoes, peel them and cook sweet potato porridge."

Qian Xiaoqing here has already washed the bird meat and is preparing to fry the bird meat.

The meat of this bird is almost the same as that of chicken. Qian Xiaoqing first cut them into small pieces, then quickly stir-fried them in the pot, then added a little cooking wine and spices, and finally added the stock to steam them, and put in two potatoes before taking them out of the pot. , a pot full of stewed bird meat with potatoes came out quickly.

Ning Yuanhang's sweet potato porridge has also been cooked.

"Cook those seafood!"

Qian Xiaoqing pointed to the oysters and clams in the bucket and said to Ning Yuanhang.

She also wants to make braised pork.

While Qian Xiaoqing was making braised pork, Zhao Lihua came back from outside.

This time the work made her exhausted!

"Mom, are you back?"

Qian Xiaoqing tilted her head and looked, but unexpectedly saw the red handprints on Zhao Lihua's neck.

"What's wrong with your neck?"

Qian Xiaoqing put down the spatula in her hand and walked towards her mother in shock. Her eyes were filled with anger: "What's going on?"

Zhao Lihua couldn't cover it up at first glance, so she could only hide it honestly. I'll give her a report on the day's work today.

Deng Gang, who was sitting in the room and heard the noise, also walked out at this time.

"Actually, work went smoothly at the beginning. After experiencing the apocalypse, there were many people with psychological trauma. I was also happy to listen to the stories they shared. But before leaving work, a grumpy man came."

"He said he was not alive. Meaning, everyone in the family died, and then he got too emotional and something happened..."

Qian Xiaoqing looked at her mother's depressed expression. It must have been very dangerous at the time, otherwise Zhao Lihua would not have such an expression now.

"Who is that person? I'm going to avenge you!"

Deng Gang was very angry after hearing this. He knew that Qian Xiaoqing's family was kind-hearted, but he didn't expect that someone would go so far!

Only then did Zhao Lihua see Deng Gang standing at the door: "It's okay, that's not necessary. The staff had already punished that person at that time!"

Ning Yuanhang saw Deng Gang being so enthusiastic. He felt uncomfortable for no reason, and glanced at Qian Xiaoqing didn't want her to have contact with Deng Gang again.

Qian Xiaoqing originally planned to persuade Zhao Lihua not to work anymore, but she seemed to have her own idea:

"If I don't work, what will I do at home? And I quite like doing psychological counseling!"

Looking at Qian Xiaoqing's face, Worried, Zhao Lihua comforted her and said,

"Don't worry, something like today will never happen again. You forgot, your mother and I are worthy of force!"

Qian Xiaoqing burst out laughing.

Just wait and see. If that job is really dangerous, then let mom find another job.

When Zhao Lihua came back, she saw her daughter's cooking and nodded in approval.

The girl is indeed old. She didn't know how to cook before the end of the world, but now she can make braised pork.

While cleaning up the kitchen, Zhao Lihua took out eggs and pork. The whole family was having dinner today, and Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei didn't know what was going on!

You must cook more rice!

"Don't make trouble here. Go to the living room and rest. I'll cook the rest!"

Zhao Lihua drove Qian Xiaoqing and the others away.

She was going to make a few home-cooked dishes, using eggs to make a smooth and tender omelette rice, pinching a handful of green vegetables from the space, and frying a plate of stir-fried spinach.

Ning Yuanhang went to clear the dining table.

Several people worked for more than an hour to put together a large table!

Deng Gang looked at the dishes on the table and his mouth was already watering!

He hadn't had such a sumptuous meal for a long time since parting from them.

During the difficult wait, Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei returned home one after another.

Nothing happened on Qian Yongkang's side, except for a few operations.

He had not touched a scalpel for nearly two years, and he was actually a little excited when he touched it again.

But Ning Dawei's side was much worse!

He actually went to move bricks?

"Damn, I spent a whole day moving bricks, and they only gave me 10 points! At noon, each person was given a steamed bun, and it wasn't enough for me to stuff between my teeth!"

Ning Dawei complained incessantly. He looked at his son and said,

"Is your task over there good? Is it easy? How about I go on a mission with you?" Ning Dawei said with a dark look on his face: "500 people went there today, but only about 200 came back. Are you sure you want to go?" Ning Dawei didn't expect to go on a mission


The mortality rate is so high?

"I won't go, I won't go, I think 10 points is pretty good!"

After everyone gathered, they finally gathered around the table.

During dinner, Deng Gang talked about what he saw and heard on the road.

"Originally, I didn't plan to set off with a dozen people. I thought it would be safer if we all traveled together. Who knew that we were hit by acid rain not long after we set out on the road."

"Two old people had half their faces burned off by acid rain. , died tragically on the roadside. Although others escaped, their morale was hit, and food was getting less and less. Several people joined other teams encountered on the road..."

"On the plateau, we also encountered a hailstorm. Hail the size of eggs fell from the sky and killed several children. "

Due to the harsh climate on the plateau, everyone suffered from altitude sickness and it was difficult to walk. Fortunately, I met a young man on the way and he drove me. We went through the most uncomfortable period with Xingchen."

"However, when we were about to arrive in Lhasa, we were attacked by mutant bison again. The young man who saved us died immediately."

After hearing Deng Gang's experience . , everyone was silent. The apocalypse has caused too many people to lose their lives for no reason, and they are very lucky to have survived until now.

After dinner, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Who is it?"

Qian Yongkang held a weapon in his hand and slowly approached the gate. He listened carefully and considered that he would install a power grid from the wall tomorrow.

"It's me, Xiao Chen!"

Qian Yongkang was quite surprised. It was already 10 o'clock in the evening, why is this guy here again?

Opening the door, Xiao Chen looked at the bright light bulbs in the yard and the brand-new yard, and he became more and more envious.

It seems that they are still a wealthy family, and they even put the most precious solar panels in the yard.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm here to see Miss Qian. The Commander-in-Chief has something important to discuss."

Qian Xiaoqing turned around and had a second thought. It seemed that the results of the laboratory had been analyzed.

"Are you going now?"

Qian Xiaoqing was a little unhappy. It was almost time to go to bed, and she was actually called to see the commander-in-chief?

Xiao Chen apologized: "I'm sorry to disturb your rest, but the commander-in-chief said there are urgent matters, so please be accommodating!"

Qian Xiaoqing had no choice but to go to Wang Chong's office with Ning Yuanhang.

It is now past 10 o'clock in the evening, and all the rooms in this building have lights on. It seems that working here is not an easy task.

"Are you looking for me?"

Qian Xiaoqing opened the door and didn't care about the leaders in the conference room. She directly said to Wang Chong who was sitting at the head of the room:

"Yes." Wang Chong nodded, "Everyone, this Qian Xiaoqing Miss Qing is the provider of the information. If you have any questions, you can ask her directly!"

Then the commander-in-chief turned around, pulled Qian Xiaoqing with a smile and said,

"The information you provided is of high quality, and our research is of high quality! The personnel have taken a preliminary look and found that there is a lot of important information about genetic modification and virus research. "

It seems that our action is correct," Ning Yuanhang said.

"But this batch of data is too large, and we need time to fully analyze and study it." Wang Chong said, "I hope you can provide some more useful clues, such as the overall structure and operation mode of the laboratory, etc."

"I understand . Yes, you want me to hand over the remaining information?"

The commander-in-chief smiled and did not reply.

"Then have you thought about our request?"

Wang Chong looked at Ning Yuanhang who was inseparable from Qian Xiaoqing and asked,

"I would like to ask, are you two husband and wife?"

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Chapter 70 Chapter 70



At the same time, one of them said yes and the other said no. The commander-in-chief looked at Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang strangely.

Qian Xiaoqing's cheeks were slightly red, but Ning Yuanhang's face was not red, and his heart was not beating, and he vowed:

"We have been together for a long time, it's just one less ceremony! Although we are not a real couple yet, it is no different."

Qian Xiaoqing Qing's eyes widened, and she shouted in her heart:

Who is with you?

What's just missing a ritual?

Who is married to you?

"If you are a couple, then this matter will be easy to handle!"

The commander-in-chief asked Xiao Chen to take out a document. The document clearly stated that "couples who have made special contributions to the base are eligible to apply for a residence."

"Originally, the application for a residence must be We can't do the screening until everyone is here. Today I will give you a backdoor and let you choose first!"

Qian Xiaoqing and the others knew what the commander-in-chief meant. They were just thinking about the files and files in her space. material.

Everyone else in the conference room was looking forward to it.

It seems that they have confirmed the authenticity of the information provided by Qian Xiaoqing and others, otherwise they would not be so impatient.

"If we choose another house next to the lake, how many points will we need?"

The commander-in-chief chuckled and stretched out his hand: "50,000??"

Wang Chong nodded.

"Why don't you go grab it? The courtyard we live in now only costs 10,000 points, but the exact same courtyard costs 50,000?"

Wang Chong shook his head: "We are not forcing this matter. If you think it is expensive, don't do it! "

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Wang Chong's scheming eyes. She and Ning Yuanhang knew in their hearts that if they missed this village, there would be no store like this!

Grit your teeth severely!


The commander-in-chief smiled even brighter upon hearing this. He had already heard that the materials Qian Xiaoqing brought out when buying the first yard were of high quality.

Although there is currently no shortage of supplies in the base, high-quality products are rarely available.

"Okay, I will only keep 10 days for you!"

Qian Xiaoqing kept a dark face the whole time. She took out all the experimental data and experimental questions in the space, and asked the researchers to He hurriedly left the office while watching.

"Don't be upset, just 50,000, at least the price is not outrageously high."

Ning Yuanhang thought Qian Xiaoqing had a bad face because she was distressed about the hard-earned supplies.

In fact, Qian Xiaoqing was angry because of the commander-in-chief's plucking behavior.

"And you, we are obviously not...how did you..."

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing's angry face, and now he felt a little guilty:

"I, didn't I know that there was such a document? That's why I ..."

Along the way, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

It was already past 3 a.m. when she got home, and Qian Xiaoqing went straight back to the house to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang began to renovate the courtyard.

Qian Yongkang took a hoe and planted a circle of oleander from the outside of the yard. This plant is both beautiful and durable. You don't need to worry about it at all. It can adapt to the environment of Lhasa on its own.

Ning Dawei took out the iron wires and woven them into a net. Each net has a solar panel. As long as these nets are set up around the courtyard wall, a power grid can be formed.

With pliers in his hand, he kept tinkering with the wires.

And Zhao Lihua didn't go out today. She was at home packing up trivial items at home.

Because there is no floor, the floor is made of cement, which is easy to clean.

After a while she will take her points to the points market to see what she can buy.

When Qian Xiaoqing stretched out and came out, she happened to see Zhao Lihua going out with her points.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Deng Gang reminded them when he left yesterday that even if they come to the survivor base, they should not take it lightly. Many people have a hatred of the rich. Someone may come in from outside the courtyard wall. It is best to do it in the courtyard. Some traps or iron fences.

So today everyone did not go out to work, but wanted to quickly renovate the yard.

"I got 1,000 points and wanted to go to the market."

"Then wait a moment, I'll go with you!"

Qian Xiaoqing put on a coat, a straw hat on her head, and a mask on her face and hurriedly go out.

This time they were still walking, walking on the road. There were few shaded places around, and the trees here were very thin.

Feeling the cool breeze blowing across her face, Qian Xiaoqing felt a little worried. She couldn't help but sigh: "The weather is getting colder and colder!"

"Isn't it good to be cold? It's better than when we came all the way."

Zhao Lihua was carrying a Basket, with a smile on her face, she seemed very satisfied with her current life.

"It's getting cold, and it might snow soon!"

"No, it's only May or June, it's still early for it to snow!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at her mother's back. She now had to think about stocking up for the winter. Supplies.

Qian Xiaoqing followed her mother Zhao Lihua to the points redemption center at the survivor base. The place is already crowded with residents who come to exchange points for daily necessities.

But most of them buy a day's worth, because holding 100 points is already considered a big deal.

Qian Xiaoqing and her mother also joined the long queue, waiting to enter the exchange area.

The team moved slowly. While Qian Xiaoqing waited patiently, she also carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

A huge electronic display screen was set up at the entrance of the exchange center, which scrolled through the exchange price comparisons of various materials. Qian Xiaoqing saw that cooking oil costs 30 points per catty, while fresh meat costs as much as 75 points per catty.

Looking at the market with people coming and going, no one came to inquire about the bright piece of meat.

When she thought about how hard it was to get points from the base, she couldn't help but feel distressed by the high prices.

In front of them was a middle-aged couple holding a big bag in their hands. From their conversation, Qian Xiaoqing learned that they were transferred from the base in the south yesterday.

It turns out that the order of the survivor base has collapsed, and more and more people will find ways to move here in the future.

"Mom, we have to redeem our points quickly. There are more and more people in the base now. I will feel at ease only when the house is in our hands. I don't think I will do any tasks recently. It's business to collect resources quickly! "

Zhao Lihua respects her daughter's choice. The people in front of her moved forward slightly, and Qian Xiaoqing and Zhao Lihua also took a few steps forward.

For some reason, Qian Xiaoqing always felt like someone was staring at her. She turned around inadvertently and saw a man standing a few meters away looking at her with lewd eyes.

Qian Xiaoqing frowned. She didn't want to cause trouble for herself, so she pulled Zhao Lihua a few steps forward, trying to avoid the man's sight.

The team moved forward slowly, and finally it was their turn.

Entering the points market, although there are many things in it, most of them are basic rations.

Although it is called basic rations, there are very few things like rice and noodles, and the most is highland barley.

Walking around the food area, Zhao Lihua visited several stalls selling condiments.

The seasonings they have on hand are limited, especially recently, when seasonings are used faster and faster. In addition to salt, seasonings such as soy sauce, vinegar and cooking wine are used less and less.

Qian Xiaoqing put all the seasonings she bought into the game space without leaving any trace.

Zhao Lihua bought two more clothes drying racks and some cooking utensils and asked the boss to deliver them to her doorstep.

"Hello, do you have any equipment such as anti-theft nets?" Qian Xiaoqing looked at several workers squatting on the ground, with some hammers and other tools placed in front of them.

They are not sellers of hammers, but mechanics, specially made to order!

"Ah, we can make anti-theft nets, but we don't have the materials. As long as you provide the materials, we can customize them according to your size today."

It was a dark-skinned man, with a skinny body and thick skin everywhere on his hands. The thick cocoon shows that he is a craftsman at first glance!

Most of the items customized from him are useful tools, such as harpoons, axes, and wrenches.

Today is the first time I’ve seen someone order a custom-made anti-theft net.

"Okay, you can come and take measurements this afternoon, and we will settle the bill for you by the hour!"

Qian Xiaoqing gave the man his address and walked deeper into the mall with her mother.

Suddenly, a ragged middle-aged man rushed to Qian Xiaoqing, grabbed her arm and prayed:

"Beauty, my wife and daughter are very hungry. They haven't eaten for a long time. Please give me some points!" "

Qian Xiaoqing was surprised. She didn't expect that there would be no shortage of beggars like this all the time.

Just as he was about to shake the man away, a shout came from the side: "Let go!"

I saw a tall man striding over, throwing the gangster away, and stood in front of Qian Xiaoqing to block her.

Taking a closer look, that person was Helan who was standing next to Bai Duoduo before.

"Are you okay?" Helan asked with concern.

"I'm fine, why are you here?" Qian Xiaoqing said in surprise.

"I was maintaining order in the market today, and I happened to see this person following you!" Helan said.

Only then did Qian Xiaoqing recognize that the man was the man who had just looked at her lewdly.

Unexpectedly, Qian Xiaoqing was extremely annoyed to meet such a wretched person again.

He Lan seemed to have read Qian Xiaoqing's thoughts:

"I think you should have a casual position in the base, so that people like them don't dare to be too presumptuous with you!"

Qian Xiaoqing has become more and more handsome since the end of the world. Yes, every move is full of aura, no wonder it makes those stinky men look at her twice.

"Take a sinecure position?"

"Yes!" He Lan also explained specifically: "I sent you the document you had at that time. According to the information you provided, it should be very simple to get a sinecure position in the base."

Qian Xiaoqing didn't think so.

Helan knew that their family was not simple, and she also thought of making friends:

"The application process is also very simple. I can help you write a letter of recommendation."

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Helan's angular profile. He smiled gratefully and said,

"No, I happen to know the commander-in-chief's secretary. Let's ask him then!"

He Lan touched his nose awkwardly. He also had the ability to get such top-secret information. With such ability, He is also superior to others in the base.

"Okay, I'll leave first. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time!"

Zhao Lihua looked at Helan's strong back and touched Qian Xiaoqing:

"I think this young man is not bad, why don't you consider getting in touch with him?" ?”

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Chapter 71 Chapter 71

Qian Xiaoqing glanced at Zhao Lihua angrily:

"Mom, how could you mess up the mandarin duck chart?"

She was not interested in that person at all, but Helan was right, if she could be in the base If taking a job as a sinecure can reduce harassment, it would be a good choice.

When Qian Xiaoqing and the others returned home, the clothes drying rack and the cooking utensils had been delivered.

Because of yesterday's mistake, Qian Xiaoqing didn't know how to face Ning Yuanhang, so when she came back and saw Ning Yuanhang installing lights in the house, she didn't say hello.

Ning Yuanhang also saw Qian Xiaoqing coming back from outside. Seeing her return to the room silently without saying hello, he was heartbroken.

When he woke up today, he learned that Qian Xiaoqing and Zhao Lihua had gone to the points market, so he followed Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei and started cleaning up the yard.

I didn't expect that yesterday was awkward, and today it's not getting better.

Ning Dawei squatted in the yard twisting wires. His homemade power grid had already reached its scale, and he also needed to take out the solar panels from Qian Xiaoqing's space and put them on the roof.

In fact, one square meter of solar panels only generates 1.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity a day. Their house occupies at least 200 square meters, and the usable area is only 100 square meters.

If solar panels are installed on the roof facing south, 150 kilowatt-hours of electricity can be generated a day.

According to the electricity consumption of their family, this 150 kilowatt-hours of electricity cannot be used up at all.

This is a huge amount of work, and it is estimated that it could not be completed in one day.

"Hello, is anyone here? We are here to install the anti-theft net!"

Two workers walked in from the outside. They were carrying tool bags and were dressed simply.

Ning Yuanhang, who didn't know the situation, was about to go over and ask about the situation when Qian Xiaoqing shouted from the window.

"Master, please make all the doors and windows into anti-theft nets!"

She came out of the house and took out a lot of materials.

"If you don't have enough materials, ask me again!"

"Hey, okay!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Xiaoqing went back to the room, completely ignoring Ning Yuanhang who was standing at the door.

After returning to the game space, Qian Xiaoqing prepared to collect supplies quickly.

Based on the resources in her game space, the most valuable thing is gold, but if she only takes out gold, it will inevitably be noticed by someone who is interested.

The best resource in space is drinking water.

Because the water in that small lake was drinkable, she even discovered a spring from the lake.

Qian Xiaoqing took out all the big buckets and filled them all.

The bucket they snatched back from the building materials market previously was 200 liters. Calculated as 1 liter and 1 point, this bucket of water is worth 200 points.

Qian Xiaoqing gathered all the buckets together, and a total of 14 buckets were filled with water.

These 14 buckets of water equal 2,800 points.

She took out 4 more gold nuggets. Calculated as one gold nugget worth 5,000 points, four gold nuggets of about the same size would already cost about 20,000 points.

Putting the nugget gold and bottled water together, there is still a shortfall of 27,200 points.

Qian Xiaoqing first went to the woods to cut down trees and used the cut trees to make tools and equipment.

The best thing to make among the equipment is the spear, because it only requires wood to make, and it can be made very quickly!

Qian Xiaoqing put the collected materials into the workbench, and identical spears quickly came out.

Stone axes, spears, bows and arrows, fishing rods...

nothing fell.

The first batch of supplies has been produced, and Qian Xiaoqing has been in the game space for a long time.

"Boss, wait a minute!"

Zhang Ruiwen sat in a wheelchair and called Qian Xiaoqing, and a thin quilt was made in her hands.

"This is..."

Qian Xiaoqing knew that Zhang Ruiwen was not good with his hands and feet, so she never forced him to do anything. She just asked him to take care of the game space. Unexpectedly, he actually made a quilt?

"This is a silk quilt!"

Zhang Ruiwen handed the quilt into Qian Xiaoqing's hands: "A while ago, I fed these silkworms some flame bird feathers. They seemed to like eating them. Later, they formed cocoons, and I found those cocoons. They are all red and warm to the touch, so I thought about making them into silk quilts."

Qian Xiaoqing took the silk quilt, but she didn't expect it to be really warm in her arms.

"Aren't you all short of points now? You should be able to sell this for a lot of money!"

Qian Xiaoqing was moved. Things that normal people do would be very difficult for Zhang Ruiwen. It's hard to imagine how long it would take for him to do it. Such a quilt?


"There are still silkworm babies at home, and they will form cocoons again in a few days. It's better to use this bed for emergencies!"

Qian Xiaoqing thanked Zhang Ruiwen for his kindness, but the silk bed could not be sold for 500. She would never sell points.

After accepting Zhang Ruiwen's kindness, Qian Xiaoqing had some room.

She wanted to exchange all the supplies in her hand for points while it was still dark.

It was getting late, the sun had already set, and Qian Xiaoqing quickened her pace again.

Qian Xiaoqing's steps were brisk and she was in a happy mood. After a while, more than 20,000 points were received into her account!

There are only more than 20,000 points left to buy a house.

Just as she was about to turn down an alley, she suddenly felt as if someone was peering at her from the dark.

Qian Xiaoqing's heart tightened. She didn't want to get into trouble, so she quickened her pace.

However, the moment she turned the corner, she suddenly stopped.

She saw three strong men in black blocking her way, holding blades and staring at her fiercely.

"Obviously, take out the supplies in your hands, otherwise our brothers won't be able to spare you!"

After being at the survivor base for so long, this was the first time she had been robbed!

Maybe they were traveling with Ning Yuanhang before, and these people didn't have time to take action.

The man who spoke had no flesh on his body, but his expression was ferocious, and he looked like a habitual criminal!

"Brother, I didn't expect that she is a beautiful girl!"

The younger brother standing behind the boss had a lewd look in his eyes. It was obvious that he had more on his mind!

"Humph, it's true!"

Several people laughed obscenely and quickly surrounded Qian Xiaoqing.

"I don't have supplies in my hand, you grabbed the wrong person!"

Qian Xiaoqing didn't bother to pay attention to them, because the strength of these people was not worth it!

"Bah, I don't have supplies in hand. Why are you going to the points exchange center?"

The man who spoke had a sinister face, looking like a seasoned gangster. It seemed that they were squatting here specifically to snatch supplies.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qian Xiaoqing was unwilling to deal with these people. Just as he was about to take action, a woman rushed in from the end of the alley.

"Go away, go away! You bastards!"

The woman was wearing a cheongsam. She had a slender figure and a curvy figure. At first glance, she was a well-educated, gentle, and virtuous woman.

Qian Xiaoqing turned her head in surprise, but she didn't expect that this person was Song Wenjing, whom she had only met once.

That was the mother of the baby I met at the camp that day.

I saw a baggage in her arms, which should also be used to exchange points.

While Qian Xiaoqing was stunned, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes rushed up and wanted to snatch Song Wenjing's baggage.

Qian Xiaoqing had quick eyes and quick hands. She stretched out her hand to grab Song Wenjing, pulled her into the corner, turned sideways to avoid the impact of the gangster, and kicked him hard on the calf.


It's the sound of bones breaking!


The little gangster rolled to the ground holding his legs and screaming.

The others didn't end up well either. Qian Xiaoqing kicked all the remaining two people to the ground with a roundhouse kick.

As soon as they met, everyone fell down, and their boss frowned and retreated in pain.

Qian Xiaoqing blocked Song Wenjing behind her. She always felt that she had a breath of bad breath that was not coming out, and she stared at the three people on the ground fiercely.

"What did you just say? What do you want me to take out?"

"No, it's nothing..."

The few people lying on the ground felt guilty. They have been squatting here for a while, specifically to intercept single girls or children who have no attack power.

I didn’t expect it to be posted on the iron plate today!

Qian Xiaoqing showed no mercy at all. She walked over and trampled the three people's legs directly.

The screams were endless.

"You guys are getting something for nothing!"

Qian Xiaoqing stared at the three people and had an idea in her mind.


Qian Xiaoqing turned around and greeted Song Wenjing politely.

Although they only met once, Qian Xiaoqing had an excellent sense for Song Wenjing.

"Hello," her voice was gentle and gentle: "I just saw those people blocking you in the corner, and I wanted to rush over to help you. Did I cause you any trouble?"

Song Wenjing also looked at this time Come out, this little girl who looks weak on the surface is actually very powerful!

They don't need their help at all.

Realizing this, Song Wenjing's face turned red.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Song Wenjing's frail appearance, and she couldn't help but feel a little moved in her heart.

Although she was very weak, she still wanted to rush over to save her.

I really don’t know whether to call her stupid or brave.

"What are you going to do? Are you also going to redeem points?"

Song Wenjing nodded.

"I made some bread at home, and I want to redeem some points!"

Qian Xiaoqing was surprised: "I didn't look at your husband before as someone who couldn't earn points, so how could he be willing to let you come out to redeem points? "

At that time, when Qian Xiaoqing saw Gao Yifeng, she lamented that the relationship between husband and wife was so good. Why did he let such a delicate wife as Song Wenjing come out now?

"He left in a hurry that night, and there is still no news. Although he left some points before he left, if his return date is uncertain..."

A woman is weak by nature, but a mother is strong!

Song Wenjing has long-term plans.

"Then let's go together!"

Two people were walking on the road. One was young and beautiful, and the other was as gentle as the wind. Everyone passing by would take a glance at them.

Through understanding, Qian Xiaoqing learned that Song Wenjing turned flour into bread and made money from the difference.

A portion of flour is 25 points, and this flour can make 10 portions of bread.

A whole loaf of bread is 15 points, so you can really make a lot of money over and over again!

"Miss Xiaoqing, are you here to redeem points too?"

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Chapter 72 Chapter 72

Qian Xiaoqing and Song Wenjing had a great conversation. He originally wanted to invite her to play at home, but because the baby was alone at home, Song Wenjing was worried and gave up.

Because she met Song Wenjing, Qian Xiaoqing walked home in a good mood.

It was completely dark when I got home.

"Xiaoqing is back? Wash your hands and eat quickly!"

"Wait a moment, Mom!"

The master who installed the security doors and security windows has already left. Half of the windows have been completed, and it is estimated that they will be almost finished tomorrow.

Qian Xiaoqing returned to her room, and she entered the game space directly.

[Ding dong, congratulations on unlocking 3 new employees, please name them——]

After not hearing the system prompt for a long time, Qian Xiaoqing looked at the three men lying on the ground in constant pain.

Their legs had been broken by Qian Xiaoqing in order to keep them in the space and prevent them from bullying Zhang Ruiwen.

"Boss, second, third! The naming is complete!"

Qian Xiaoqing chose the names casually, not caring about their feelings at all.

[Ding Dong, congratulations on your successful naming! 】

The three people who were still on the ground seemed to have received a call from God. Almost instantly, they began to obey Qian Xiaoqing's words!

"Boss, where did you get this person from?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Zhang Ruiwen, who was coming in a wheelchair.

She smiled slightly and said, "I'll bring the three of them in. You won't need to do some of the work, just command them!"

In the game space, Qian Xiaoqing is the only god!

She now has 4 employees in her hand, and she can adjust their levels at will.

Zhang Ruiwen was transferred to the first level, and the boss, second child, and third child were transferred to the second level respectively. In this way, they would also listen to what Zhang Ruiwen said.

Their broken legs were reattached, and the boss, second, and third stood there obediently, not daring to move.

Don't they know where this is?

They only knew that they must not disobey what Qian Xiaoqing said.

"There are still too few people in the space. I will arrange some work for them. You can go and have a rest!"

Zhang Ruiwen was very happy to have someone to accompany him in the space. He took the initiative to take care of the small animals.

Qian Xiaoqing commanded the boss, second and third, and the boss took a pickaxe and went to the volcanic island to collect useful mineral resources.

The second child went into the forest, not only to collect various useful foods and materials, but also to pick up various animals caught in spider web traps.

The third child is responsible for cutting down trees and building houses!

Their villa hasn't been built yet!

After arranging the three of them, Qian Xiaoqing walked out of the game space.

Outside the space, Naite and Naisi had already been squatting in his room waiting.

They seemed to have long been accustomed to Qian Xiaoqing's sudden appearance and disappearance.

Seeing Qian Xiaoqing's sudden appearance, Naite and Naisi waggled their tails and pounced on them crazily.

Qian Xiaoqing rubbed their heads enthusiastically. The puppies, which were originally small, had been eating and eating for the past few days, and now they have reached the embarrassing stage of dogs.

After making out with the two dogs for a while, Qian Xiaoqing hurriedly left the room.

Outside the room, there was a round dining table in the huge yard. The food on the dining table was still very rich. To her surprise, she saw Deng Gang on the dining table again today.

"Ouch, Xiaoqing is out!"

Deng Gang chuckled and asked Qian Xiaoqing to come over for dinner.

Ning Yuanhang, who was sitting on the side, peeked over and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qian Xiaoqing was not unhappy.

"Xiaoqing, sit down and eat!" Zhao Lihua said.

Qian Xiaoqing sat with Ning Yuanhang as usual, but Zhao Lihua saw that the two of them had no interaction at all, and wondered in her heart, what happened to these two people?

After everyone sat down, Deng Gang, who had a playful smile on his face, turned serious:

"I heard something from a friend today." Deng Gang's expression even turned serious: "The extreme cold period is coming!"

" What, the extreme cold period?"

Zhao Lihua was surprised. They haven't survived the extremely hot environment yet, and it's going to be extremely cold?


"In less than a month!"

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang have both experienced this, and they are all well aware of the arrival of the extreme cold period.

But in my last life, the extreme cold period started in August. Why did it come a month earlier in this life?

After Deng Gang said this, he smiled gently: "Maybe the news about my friend is false, but I came here today to prepare you and prepare some winter clothes!"

Deng Gang's eyes showed Full of worry, the weather changes so strangely, making people confused and insecure.

"How can there be any true or false news these days?" Qian Yongkang said with a rare seriousness: "As long as there is news, we must believe it and we must not take it lightly!"

Qian Yongkang was already mentally prepared:

"Xiaoqing, save Okay, let's not move the supplies in our hands. Let's keep them for the winter!"


Qian Xiaoqing thought of the silk quilt in her hand.

Silk has the effect of self-heating because those silkworms ate the feathers of the flame bird.

If this news spreads like wildfire, then the news will definitely rise!

It will definitely be sold at a good price by then!

"I'm just afraid that there will be a heavy snowstorm and we won't even be able to find food. Those of us staying at the survivor base are lucky. It's freezing. Many people will freeze to death this year!"

Zhao Lihua Sighed.

Fortunately, they listened to Qian Xiaoqing's words, otherwise they would still be wandering around outside without even a place to settle down.

"Starting from today, we will dry some meat and make some smoked fish. The most lacking thing in winter is vegetables. It is best to dry some dried vegetables and store them."


Everyone was worried about this meal, and finally Deng Gang Before leaving, he said to Qian Xiaoqing:

"There is news from Xingchen. He should be participating in a secret mission and will be back in a while!"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded. Since she was separated from Xingchen last time, she has Haven't seen him for a long time.

Ning Yuanhang's face turned dark when he saw Deng Gang leaving. What do you mean when Xingchen will come back in a few days? What does this have to do with Qian Xiaoqing?

He stood at the door, always feeling passive.

After Qian Xiaoqing returned to the room, she told her mother about her visit to the points exchange center and the existence of the boss, second, and third.

"Did you put them all into the space?" Qian Yongkang asked: "Do they have any influence on Ruiwen? Don't make the game space a mess."

Qian Xiaoqing said with certainty: "Now Zhang Ruiwen is in charge of the three of them. "It seems to be no problem at the moment."

"Moreover, there are more and more places where we need to use points, and I definitely can't supply them just by collecting them in the space."

Not only do they want to buy the house next door, they also need 50,000 points.

Moreover, she would need to buy a farm in a while, which would require at least 500,000 points, and she would have to prepare at least 800,000 points to be selective.

So at present, they need to prepare 850,000 points, which does not include daily life and normal expenses.


Qian Xiaoqing sighed deeply as she had a headache just thinking about it.

It seems that we still need to continue to develop the game space!

She didn't believe that there were only a few islands in the game space.

Taking Naite and Naisi to the game space, Zhang Ruiwen was the only one sitting on the beach holding feed to the chickens.

At this time, the chicks have grown up and are ready to collect eggs.

Naite and Naisi like to come to the play space very much. They can see a different world here. There are not only huge beaches, but also dense woods and chickens. They can run around and play.

Qian Xiaoqing came to the chicken coop. There were several strange birds in the chicken coop?

"Is this a dodo?"

Qian Xiaoqing was very surprised. He remembered that he only gave Zhang Ruiwen a few eggs, but he didn't expect that he would actually hatch a bird.

"Don't look at these little birds, they are so strong that they can fly out of the chicken coop with just a flick of their wings!"

Zhang Ruiwen laughed, looking very accomplished.

"Then, why are they so honest now?"

"I cut off the feathers on their wings so that they don't have the strength to fly."

Zhang Ruiwen threw the last handful of feed into the chicken coop and directed the building of a house from next door. The third child removed all the feces from the chicken coop and put it aside.

"This manure cannot be used to water the vegetable fields directly. It must be vomited, otherwise the crops will not grow taller!"

He took Qian Xiaoqing to visit the vegetables that Zhao Lihua and the others had grown before.

Zhang Ruiwen often takes care of the vegetables here, so Qian Xiaoqing has already eaten the vegetables grown in the space, but she has never had time to see their growth.

After visiting the island, Qian Xiaoqing took the ghost ship directly to the volcanic island.

The volcanic island is still billowing with smoke, as if it could erupt at any time.

The flat land of the island is already piled with ore, which is the boss's masterpiece.

Qian Xiaoqing conveniently put the ores into her backpack. This time she came here to catch a few more flame birds.

Flamebirds are easy to find, but catching them alive is quite difficult.

Qian Xiaoqing was squatting in the corner. He had already found a few bird eggs in the cracks of the rocks. It seemed that the mother bird had gone out to look for food.

Qian Xiaoqing simply made a trap and patiently squatted in an invisible corner.

The mother bird flew back soon. What she had in her mouth was not insects, but small gravels.

At first, the mother bird could only watch around, but after waiting for a while and there was no danger, she went directly into the bird's nest.


Got it!

Qian Xiaoqin happily took the flame bird out of the trap.

The Flame Bird is indeed a Flame Bird, and Qian Xiaoqing can still feel its temperature even if she is holding an insulated glove.

She is going to catch a few more flame birds and raise them to grow their feathers!

Although autumn has not yet entered, she must make preparations for winter.

Qian Xiaoqing was busy in the space, while Ning Yuanhang had a dark face outside.

"Yuanhang, how did you provoke Xiaoqing? It's been a whole day, and she hasn't paid attention to you!"

Zhao Lihua had actually wanted to ask for a long time, but she was too shy to open her mouth because Xiaoqing was present.

Now looking at Ning Yuanhang's dejected look, he finally had the opportunity to ask.

Ning Yuanhang was like a stubborn child, snorting but not saying the reason.

"If you don't tell me the reason, how can I do ideological work for Xiao Qing?"

Ning Yuanhang looked at Zhao Lihua with dependence: "I just told a small lie in front of the commander-in-chief, and it was also for the sake of our family. I didn't expect Xiao Qing She's angry."

"You're not lying to Xiao Qing. Why is she angry?"


Ning Yuanhang said hesitantly:

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Chapter 73 Chapter 73

"Because I told the commander-in-chief that we are going to get married soon!"


"Ah -"

Only then did Zhao Lihua realize, how could this bastard dare to say anything?

"Get married??!!"

Zhao Lihua's expression was surprised, which can even be described as shocked. She looked at the frustrated Ning Yuanhang and was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

"Then, what do you mean?"

Ning Yuanhang looked at Zhao Lihua's shocked look. He didn't dare to lie, so he could only honestly tell the story of what happened.

"Oh..." Zhao Lihua's originally suspenseful heart finally fell back into her stomach: "You mean the commander-in-chief said at that time that only couples who have made significant contributions to the base are eligible to apply for a residence?"


"So you just " Tell me a lie?" "


, did the commander believe it?"


Yuanhang acted like a good boy in front of Zhao Lihua. He didn't know that Xiao Qing would be so angry!

"Oh, don't worry, I will do Xiaoqing's ideological work!"

Zhao Lihua came to Qian Xiaoqing's room with the cotton she had collected for a long time. Qian Xiaoqing had already entered the game space, and Zhao Lihua was sitting outside waiting. .

She bought these cottons from Beicun.

At that time, I just felt that the bedding at home was not enough, and I wanted to stock up on more. Qian Xiaoqing just happened to be able to make a cotton-padded jacket.

Unexpectedly, I received news from Deng Gang yesterday that extremely cold weather is coming.

Not long after, she put down her work and started working on the cotton.

She first spread a layer of plastic mat on the ground, put the cotton on the ground, and beat the cotton with a small wooden stick to remove cotton seeds and impurities.

Then use your hands to loosen the cotton batting to make it fluffy.

After a while, Qian Xiaoqing came out of the game space. When she came out, she held a bunch of red feathers in her hands, and there were two dogs beside her.

"Xiaoqing, what are you holding in your hand?"

Naite and Naisi smelled Zhao Lihua's scent as soon as they came out of the space. They wagging their tails and ran towards Zhao Lihua happily, messing up all the fluffy cotton that Zhao Lihua had just torn.

"Naite Naisi," Zhao Lihua was also helpless. The puppy's over-enthusiasm even trampled dirty the cotton he had just made: "Sit down quickly!"

Naite and Naisi sat down obediently, wagging their tails. Originally, Zhao Lihua, who wanted to be angry, lost her temper when she saw the innocent expressions of the two puppies.

"Mom, why are you here? I wanted to find you just now!"

Qian Xiaoqing held the feathers of the flame bird and placed them in front of Zhao Lihua.

"Mom, touch it!"

Zhao Lihua touched the red feather. Unexpectedly, the feather was a little hot to the touch.


"When you make the quilt, put some flame bird feathers on it. The quilt should be warmer!"

Zhao Lihua's eyes lit up, and she carefully put away all the flame bird feathers, and then returned to the topic.

"Xiaoqing, what happened between you and Yuanhang today? Did you have a conflict?"

Qian Xiaoqing was stunned. Her mother never asked about things between her and Ning Yuanhang. What happened today?

"Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it, Mom!"

Zhao Lihua sighed: "Hey, my daughter is old and I can't control it anymore!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at her mother's heartbroken expression, and she could only hold her arms Arms, coquettishly said:

"Mom, don't worry about me. Besides, Yuanhang and I have no conflicts. We will be fine tomorrow!"


Zhao Lihua raised her eyes and looked at her outstanding daughter.

"Of course it's true!"

Qian Xiaoqing sat next to Zhao Lihua and followed her to tear the cotton apart, at least in a fluffy state, so that it would be warm in winter.

"Mom, I met Song Wenjing on the road today. Now she is at home alone. Let's go see her tomorrow with something!"

Qian Xiaoqing explained clearly to Zhao Lihua the cause and effect of her meeting Song Wenjing. Zhao Lihua also felt that although Song Wenjing is a weak woman, but she is really likeable.

"Okay, I just got a jar of pickles!"

Zhao Lihua pickled a jar of carrots and pickles. It is quite easy to cut some pickles and eat them every time when she doesn't want to cook.

"I just entered the space and saw that my second brother had already picked up a lot of bird eggs. Let's take those eggs with us when we go there tomorrow!"


On the second day, there were a lot of people installing the anti-theft net. They have been here a long time ago. In addition to the doors and windows, Qian Xiaoqing asked them to install anti-theft nets on the doors.

Ning Dawei was responsible for connecting the wires inside the anti-theft net. If someone really wanted to force their way into their yard, he would turn on the electricity and electrocute them directly!

As usual, a few people did not plan to go out today. The yard has now reached its full size, and a power grid has been installed on the wall of the yard, which makes people feel at ease a lot.

Qian Xiaoqing and Zhao Lihua took their things to Song Wenjing's home early in the morning.

Song Wenjing's home is in an old house. There are very few people around here, probably because there are special people living here.

"It seems that Xiao Song's partner is quite capable, and he can be allocated a dormitory like this!"

On the way here, they passed by the dormitory of the survivor base.

The dormitory is not large, with fifty or sixty people living in one room.

Qian Xiaoqing and Zhao Lihua went in to take a look out of curiosity.

Probably because the base management is very strict, the beds here are very tidy and there is no mess.

Their beds are divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. The distance between the beds is so small that only one person can pass through.

Moreover, the light in the dormitory was very dim, and there were no windows in the room. The dark room was only illuminated by a few incandescent lamps.

Because the walls are made of concrete and steel panels, they look solid.

However, with fifty or sixty people crammed into one room, there is no privacy at all. Some people who value privacy put a blanket around the head of the bed to block others' sight.

If Qian Xiaoqing and the others had not bought a house, she and her family would have lived in a room like this.

Compared to the place where Song Wenjing and the others live, although it is old and small, at least they can get an apartment.

Zhao Lihua was holding a hen in her hand, and the hen was fluttering and struggling in her hand.

"I always feel that Gao Yifeng is mysterious. I don't know what he does."

They walked to the bottom of a unit building and soon found Song Wenjing's home. Before they even entered the house, they heard the cry of the baby.

"I want daddy, wuwuwu, I want daddy!"

"Be good..."

There were soft sobs in the room. Qian Xiaoqing and Zhao Lihua looked at each other and finally knocked on the door.

"Wen Jing, I'm Xiaoqing!"

Qian Xiaoqing shouted while standing at the door waiting.

After two minutes, the door slowly opened.

The inside of the room is tied with iron chains to ensure that even if there are bad guys outside, the door cannot be opened.

Song Wenjing secretly looked outside and saw that it was Qian Xiaoqing and her mother.

"Why are you here? Please come in quickly!"

Song Wenjing was obviously surprised. Yesterday, she heard Qian Xiaoqing say that she wanted to come to her house for a chat. She thought it was just a casual talk, but she didn't expect that people actually came today!

Today Song Wenjing is still wearing a cheongsam, but the cheongsam has been washed and turned white, and it seems that she has been wearing it for a long time.

"We brought you a hen!"

Zhao Lihua held the hen in one hand and a basket full of items in the other.

Song Wenjing quickly opened the door and welcomed the person in.

The baby was the happiest. As soon as she saw Qian Xiaoqing, she rushed towards her: "Sister, sister, where are the puppies, and where are Naite and Naisi?"

Qian Xiaoqing rubbed the baby's head: "Naite and Naisi? " I'm looking after them at home. You won't recognize them when you see them!"

The baby's clear eyes were full of confusion: "Ah? Why?"

"Because Naite and Naisi have grown up, and they have also grown taller. He's getting stronger!"

Qian Xiaoqing rubbed the baby's head and took out two bags of fresh fruit from her pocket.

A pack of strawberries and a pack of grapes.

"Oh, how could you take such valuable things?"

Song Wenjing's room was a bedroom and a living room. As soon as she went to the kitchen to pour two glasses of water, she saw Qian Xiaoqing taking out fresh strawberries and grapes.

Fruits that are difficult to store like this can’t be seen even at the Commander-in-Chief’s place!

Song Wenjing knew that Qian Xiaoqing and her group had secrets, but she would not explore them.

"It's all for children. What's expensive or not?" Zhao Lihua patted the sofa and said, "Stop being busy, come over and talk!" There

must have been no guests in their house. Song Wenjing felt a little embarrassed: " There is nothing decent at home. I feel embarrassed for you to do this."

"You still have tea at home, but we don't even have tea at home!"

Qian Xiaoqing said jokingly.

Zhao Lihua put the hen on the small balcony. Although the room was small, it was kept very clean by Song Wenjing.

Zhao Lihua took out the food in the basket and introduced them one by one: "You have children at home, so I brought you some nutritious ingredients."

"This is a crucian carp. I have packed it up. You can just make soup and drink it when the time comes. , there are some bird eggs over there, eat them while they are fresh, as well as a piece of pork and a jar of pickles, they are not valuable things!"

Song Wenjing's eyes were filled with mist: "In this apocalypse, food is the most valuable thing! I don't have anything to give you..."

She felt a little sad. Her upbringing told her that she should send back gifts of equal value, but Yifeng was not at home, and they had nothing more valuable.

"Oh, by the way, I got some news recently. Our base is not peaceful now. There are many people outside who are rebel groups. They cannot enter the base and want to force their way in. Therefore, it is recently stipulated that residents must carry documents when going out to ensure that " It's safe to deliver."

"Furthermore, all residents who join the base must implement labor deployment and work in farmland or factories, and they should be given some living subsidies."

Song Wenjing said, "I would like to join the labor force. This will also provide stability." Points!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked up and down at Song Wenjing in shock: "You? With your temperament, you are not allowed to be eaten by others when you arrive at the factory?"

It seemed that Song Wenjing had received a high level of education before the end of the world, and was both qualified and well-educated. A cultured lady.

For someone like her, if she really went to a factory, would she be bullied to death?

"Then there's no better way!"

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Chapter 74 Chapter 74

"Recently, the base is adjusting the power supply time. There will only be power for two hours during the day, and there will be a power outage at night!"

Qian Xiaoqing and the others went directly to the residence since they entered the base, where they were all Ning Dawei installed the electricity himself and didn't even know there would be a power outage at the base.

"Fortunately, Bai Duoduo comes to see me occasionally, so we and I can live here safely."

Qian Xiaoqing did not expect that Bai Duoduo, whom she had only met a few times, would come to Song Wenjing's place.

They chatted for a while, until they heard the baby crying outside.

"Ah, give back my strawberries, give back my strawberries..."

Originally, the baby wanted to share a strawberry with her best friend next door neighbor Doudou, but unexpectedly, Doudou snatched all the strawberries.

"What's wrong with the baby?"

Song Wenjing had never let the baby go out, but today she opened the door by herself.

"Woooooo, mom, he took away all the strawberries given by Aunt Xiaoqing!"

At this time, Doudou's parents also walked out of the door. It was a woman who looked very powerful at first sight. Her eyes were The big man with a dark face held Doudou in his hand and took the bag in Doudou's hand. There were more than a dozen fresh strawberries in the bag.

"The strawberries belong to our family. Why are you so shameless? You dare to steal our Doudou's strawberries!"

This is purely about taking over the battlefield and taking it for yourself.

In the end of the world, who can produce such fresh strawberries?

Looking at the entire survivor base, I'm afraid Qian Xiaoqing is the only one here!

"Auntie Xiaoqing obviously gave me these strawberries! Wuwuwu, I kindly gave them to Doudou, but Doudou took them away. Mom, Wuwu..."

"Who said that? How do you adults educate your children? ? The things in our hands belong to us. We dress so slutty every day. You can tell at a glance that you are not a good bird, and you dare to scold us Doudou..."

Doudou's mother bared her teeth like a shrew.

The scolded baby was already crying. Song Wenjing hurriedly stepped forward to explain: "Sister, you misunderstood. My friend gave this strawberry to my daughter. You can't keep it as your own!"

"What kind of friend is like you? You little fox, do you have any capable friends? This guy from my family got it from the base! You clearly instigated your daughter to steal things, and you actually made up the story? "

Song Wenjing is a neighbor like this. " Bad luck.

"Hey, eldest sister, you have to be consistent with your lies. You said your man bought this strawberry from the base? I'll give you 100 points. If you can get a strawberry back, I will take your last name. How about that?" "

You..." The woman was obviously guilty, but there was no reason to spit out what she got: "Do you think strawberries are some shitty thing? It's great luck to get them back, and you still want me to do it again?" Change it once? Bah!"

At this time, all the neighbors came out, because Song Wenjing didn't come out often, and some of them saw Song Wenjing for the first time.

Everyone looked at this woman and child who suddenly appeared suspiciously. No one came forward to say a word. Everyone stood at the door in fear.

"In that case, I won't be polite!"

Qian Xiaoqing winked at Zhao Lihua and said in her ear: "Mom, go find Helan quickly!"

The market for redeeming points is nearby, I hope Helan is still on duty inside!

Zhao Lihua listened and sneaked out of the back door.

Doudou's mother stared with round eyes: "Everyone knows the conduct of my children. This bag of strawberries was originally taken from my house. I wonder how you can be rude!"

Most of the neighbors around are family members of intellectuals. , some people are very cautious and don’t want to wade into this muddy water. After hearing the cause and effect, they closed the door.

Even if they knew that the strawberry was probably Song Wenjing's, they wouldn't get a single strawberry in their hands, so they wouldn't meddle in this matter.

But soon someone stood up and said:

"Everyone, calm down, calm down. This is just a child's play. It's not something to be afraid of. Since fruits are involved, there must be a debate!"

After all, fresh fruits are fresh . It is a luxury product in the base, and not everyone can eat it. Especially this kind of perishable fruit is not common in the base.

The old man who was trying to stop the fight was strong and had gray hair. He was wearing a plaid shirt and a pair of glasses. He looked like a sensible person at first glance.

"Since you said the strawberries belong to your family, please provide evidence! Whether it's a receipt for purchasing the item or a witness, anything will do!"

the man said to Doudou's mother.

"And you!" The old man turned to look at Song Wenjing: "Since you said this thing was given by your friend, you have to provide evidence!"


Song Wenjing's expression was clear, she was He is not a person who is good at arguing.

"I gave you this!"

Qian Xiaoqing stood in front of Song Wenjing. She hated such unreasonable people the most.

"Then can you provide evidence?"

"Of course!"

Qian Xiaoqing bent down and touched the baby's face: "Baby, be good, stop crying, go to the house and take out the bag of grapes!"

No! Thinking that they not only have strawberries, but also grapes?

At this time, more and more people were watching the excitement.

What a wealthy family it takes to be able to eat strawberries and grapes!

After hearing this, the baby ran back home in a hurry. In less than a minute, she took out a white bag from the house.

"Give it to aunt!"

"The baby is so good!"

Qian Xiaoqing was holding the bag, which was full of grapes.

And everyone's eyes were all on that bag.

"My mother sewed this belt. She didn't sew many, only four or five!"

Everyone looked at Doudou. The strawberry bag in Doudou's hand was exactly the same as this one.

The answer seems to be clear.

Qian Xiaoqing conjured up a pocket of strawberries again like a magic trick.

This size and quality are exactly the same as that pack of strawberries.

Now the truth is revealed.

"What do you think, old man? What else do you need to prove?"

The old man's glasses reflected light. He didn't know if others noticed it. He just saw this girl conjuring a pocket of strawberries out of thin air!

This girl...

is not simple!

"What about you?"

The old man looked at Doudou's mother with turbid eyes.

"I, I...this thing is already in our hands, what else do we need to prove?"

"Why don't we need to prove it?"

Even if everyone has never met Song Wenjing, they can now see her character and character.

As for Doudou's family, everyone present more or less knows their family's habits.

Soon someone started talking:

"The kelp that was lost at my house last time was probably stolen by his family. Really, we all live together, and our hands and feet are still so unclean!"

"It was also lost at my house. "Isn't he the one who stole the things?"


"You, you framed me!"

The black-faced woman stared at her and sat on the ground acting like a fool!

"Oh, there is no justice! It's hard enough to live in the last days, and you have to deal with these shameless neighbors!"


Everyone was very angry. The people around them were all intellectuals, and the whole building was full of people. There are no ordinary characters among the people who live there, it’s really a rat’s excrement that ruins the pot of soup!

"Give way, everyone give way!"

Helan in uniform walked over from the crowd:

"For routine inspection, please take out your residence certificates, we want to check!"

Everyone knows that you need to check if you live here. I have a residence permit, but it has not been checked since I moved here.

The woman sitting on the ground was stunned and wanted to go back while holding her child.


Helan looked at the strawberry in the woman's hand with a meticulous expression on her face:

"Please take out your residence permit!"

"I... my residence permit was taken away by our boss. Officer, you can come back later." Come on!"

He wanted to close the door, but He Wen suddenly blocked the closed door.

"Sorry, the residence permit has been strictly checked recently. Please take it out immediately, otherwise, you will move out now!"

Looking at Helan's meticulous expression, Zhao Lihua secretly applauded from behind. She really found the right person!

Qian Xiaoqing looked at her mother's expression of being a little girl. She hid behind and snickered. If her father knew about this, he would definitely be jealous!

After all, my mother has been a uniform controller since she was young. Her dream at that time was always to marry an officer, but she didn't expect to end up marrying her father.

Doudou's mother hesitated, but she couldn't get her residence permit.

And He Wen had already prepared the documents: "Then please leave now. We suspect you of making fake documents. Your husband has been arrested. Please come with us now!"

"Ah?? No no! I'm not..."

Soon an officer came over and directly picked up the woman.

The woman was crying and rolling on the ground.

The child Doudou even punched and kicked these officers, and his mouth was full of swear words.

More and more people are watching.

Helan explained to everyone: "After our investigation, this family murdered researcher Liu Jun on the road and pretended to be his identity to come to the survivor base. From now on, we will investigate strictly!"

Everyone suddenly realized!

I originally thought that the woman was of low quality, but unexpectedly she turned out to be a murderous robber.

The bag of strawberries was thrown into the corner, and Doudou and his family were all invited out.

"Real estate resources are precious resources in the base. I hope you cherish the life you are living now!"

Helan warned everyone present in a cold voice.

Finally, he apologized to Qian Xiaoqing, Song Wenjing and others:

"I'm sorry, we didn't check carefully and let such people sneak into the dormitory of scientific researchers."

Finally, Helan strode away.

And Zhao Lihua watched He Lan leave with a smile on her face.

"Xiao Qing, this Helan is really good! I have just inquired about him. He is still single. He is tall, handsome and capable. He is indeed a good match!"

Song Wenjing hugged her daughter tenderly and agreed with Zhao Lihua. He said:

"It looks good to me. The way he looked at Xiaoqing just now was quite gentle!"

Qian Xiaoqing's face was full of black lines:

"Mom, what are you thinking? How is this possible!"

"It's not just contact. Is it possible? Or are you attracted to Yuanhang? "

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Chapter 75 Chapter 75

"Mom, you are talking nonsense and I am angry!"

Although Qian Xiaoqing said this, her cheeks were already slightly red.

Turning around, he took out more strawberries from the space and gave them to his neighbor.

"Dear neighbors, I just interrupted you. My sister lives here now and needs your help in the future!"

One bag for each person!

Each bag contains at least 5 pounds of strawberries!

Qian Xiaoqing distributed strawberries to the spectators, which was unexpected by everyone.

They looked at the strawberries in their hands and thanked them sincerely:

"Oh, we didn't help much, how can we be embarrassed?"

"Yes, in fact, we have long disliked Doudou's family, but it's just in the way. She didn't even say anything out of sympathy! "

"Don't worry, your sister will stay in our building every day, and I will take care of you!"

The man who spoke last was the one who spoke.

The uncle adjusted his glasses and asked secretly in Song Wenjing's ear:

"Did the head of your family transfer away secretly?"

Before Song Wenjing could answer, the uncle said: "My son left too, in a hurry. I was so busy that I didn't leave anything behind, but don't worry, they will be back soon!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Song Wenjing hugged her daughter and thanked her in her heart.

"Thank you, grandpa!" The baby also said thanks while showing his baby teeth.

"There is nothing confidential about our neighbors. Most of the people here have been transferred. Hey, we have to unite in the future!"

Qian Xiaoqing and Song Wenjing returned to the room after greeting the old man. middle.

"Thank you so much this time, and it cost you money!"

Song Wenjing had long known that Qian Xiaoqing had awakened in a supernatural space. This was what Gao Yifeng told her before leaving. Before he left, he also said that if he encountered If you encounter any trouble, you can ask Qian Xiaoqing for help.

That's why when Song Wenjing saw Qian Xiaoqing blocked in the alley that day, she helped without thinking.

When Qian Xiaoqing and Zhao Lihua left, they left them some pumpkins, winter melons and beans.

This was all harvested by Lao Er yesterday. He also picked up a lot of edible food in the forest.

"You guys gave me so many things, I, I really have nothing to give you!"

Qian Xiaoqing smiled. She had not met many like-minded friends in the apocalypse. Now it seems that Song Wenjing is one of them. Bai Duoduo can barely count as one!

"I also want a cheongsam. When I come next time, I will bring the fabric and you can help me make a cheongsam!"

After hearing this, Song Wenjing nodded with a smile and watched the mother and daughter leave.

Along the way, Zhao Lihua could not live without He Lan!

"Oh, look how handsome he is, and I heard that he is already the captain at such a young age, and there is a lot of room for promotion in the future!"

"With his height and looks, he is more than enough for you! "

Mom, stop talking. This has been said all the way!"

They saw their home from a distance, mainly because their home was too conspicuous.

There were all houses built around it, but her family was unique in that they built a high electric grid around the yard!

You can see the solar panels on the power grid from a long way away.

Ning Yuanhang tidied up the house. The sofas, tables and other large items in the house had already been arranged. The lights and switches in the house had also been set up. Even the toilets had been installed.

Even the drainage in the yard has been laid.

The originally empty yard now looks like home!

In order to apologize to Qian Xiaoqing, he even arranged her favorite flowers from the yard.

Seeing that it was getting later and later, he stretched his neck and waited at the door early in the morning.

After finally seeing Qian Xiaoqing appear at the end of the road, Ning Yuanhang hid his excitement and arranged the green plants planted at the door.

But his ears were still open, and he heard Zhao Lihua's words from a long distance away.

"Let me tell you, you are not young anymore. You should find a suitable family. The two of you can get along with each other. When the time comes, you will get married and have a few children. Your father and I will have nothing to worry about!"

Ning Yuanhang heard what Zhao Lihua said. At that moment, his fingers couldn't help but use force and directly cut off a branch.

"Mom, I know!"

"What do you know? I've already helped you understand that Helan. He came to Lhasa before the end of the world. He has been staying in Lhasa all this time. He has no emotional experience at all, and he is upright and honest. Kindness, where can I find such a person?"

"Okay, okay, I know!"

Qian Xiaoqing's ears almost became calloused. She walked through the door without even looking at Ning Yuanhang who was standing at the door. , went back to the house irritably.

When Ning Yuanhang heard Helan's words, his face turned black, and the oleander that had been gaining momentum was directly cut off by him.

"Where is Yuanhang here?"

When Zhao Lihua saw Ning Yuanhang, she happily greeted her and went back to the house without even saying a word of greeting.

Ning Yuanhang's face stunk as much as the stones in a cesspool, and his face was trembling with anger.

"He! Lan!"

He Lan sneezed in the distance. He rubbed his nose and muttered: "Who scolded me?"

"Captain, someone must have missed you! When we just went to do the mission, that aunt was... I've been asking for news about you!"

The team member who was doing the mission with He Lan said with a malicious smile: "And when I saw that girl today, she was really beautiful! In the end of the world, it's hard to meet her again. Such a beautiful girl!"

"Yes, captain, you have to hold on!"

He Lan smiled slightly, and Qian Xiaoqing's appearance came to mind. That little girl is indeed quite handsome!


On the other side, Qian Xiaoqing tried to speak to Ning Yuanhang, but Ning Yuanhang had a black face the whole time.

Even when he was eating, his expression was gloomy, especially when he heard Zhao Lihua talking about old things again:

"I'm talking about old Qian, do you still remember that Helan you met before, right?"

Qian Yongkang cooked the meal tonight. The newly learned spicy fish, several pounds of fish fillets were put together with enough chili peppers and peppercorns, which made them sweat all over.

"I know, what's wrong?"

"We met him again today. I looked at that young man. He has a good personality and is handsome. You said..."

Zhao Lihua looked at Qian Xiaoqing who was working hard and said nothing. But metaphor!


Qian Yongkang looked at Qian Xiaoqing's expressionless face, and then looked at Ning Yuanhang who was sitting next to him. Seeing that he looked like he wanted to eat someone, he chuckled:

"Fate, it's all fate! Even if we It’s okay if my daughter doesn’t want to get married, dad will support her!”

Ning Dawei, who was sitting next to him as if nothing had happened, glared at his son and sighed silently in his heart!

I'm sorry for his misfortune, but I'm angry that he doesn't fight!

"Mom, please stop talking and eat quickly. The fish will be cold in a while!"

After hearing this, Zhao Lihua never let go of the smile on her lips. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was time to find a partner for her daughter.

Xiaoqing is 24 years old this year. After finding a partner and dating for a year or two, it’s time to get married!

She looked at Ning Yuanhang who didn't dare to speak next to her. Seeing that his expression was strange, she pretended not to notice and went to serve the rice with a bowl!

Ning Yuanhang couldn't taste the food he ate. Even if what he cooked today was his favorite spicy fish, he didn't even take a few bites. He urged Qian Xiaoqing to eat quickly, and after eating, he quickly went into the game space to collect supplies!

After finishing the meal in a hurry, Qian Xiaoqing entered the space.

Also entering the space were Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang.

They haven't been here for two days. Unexpectedly, the space has changed drastically!

"It's different when there are people!"

Qian Yongkang laughed. Originally, it would take several days for their villa to be built, but now it seems that it will be completed tonight!

They will clean it up when the time comes, so that they have a house outside and a villa inside, and they will definitely live very comfortably.

In space, the eldest brother is still collecting ores on the volcanic island, the second child is still collecting materials in the woods, and the third child is working hard to build a house.

Zhang Ruiwen is responsible for the livestock and vegetables grown.

With the help of these people, Zhao Lihua's vegetable garden has begun to take shape.

A greenhouse of more than ten square meters was built on a small piece of land, and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers were grown in the greenhouse.

Outside the greenhouse, cabbages are ripening, and herbs and asparagus are growing next to him.

Zhang Ruiwen is watering peas and soybeans with a water pipe. These beans are almost ripe. When they are mature, they can be made into soy products such as soybean oil, tofu, tofu skin, and tofu brain. They can add another dish to their lives.

Several rows of radishes were planted in the field. These radishes were growing well and were already edible.

Qian Yongkang took some ropes, tied the tomato branches to the wooden stakes, and quickly removed the lateral twigs. After a few days, Tomatoes can be eaten within a month.

Next to the villa, several rows of corn were planted. The corn has already headed. This plant has a short growth cycle and is easy to survive. Qian Yongkang told Zhang Ruiwen:

"Pick this corn while it is young. It will not taste good when it is old." !"


Zhang Ruiwen was sitting in a wheelchair. He now has three helpers, so he is not as busy as he was at the beginning.

Next to the cornfield, some Chinese cabbage was planted. Those Chinese cabbages were obviously just planted and not yet ready to be eaten.

But the lettuce next to the cabbage is already ripe.

Qian Xiaoqin gathered some and planned to send some vegetables to Song Wenjing the next time she went to see her.

"The hard work pays off!"

Ning Dawei took a hoe and fed the onions with soil, piling the soil high so that the onions could grow taller.

"Xiaoqing, let's plant some fruit trees around us! Wait and see what fruit trees there are in the woods. Move them near the vegetable garden so that they can be picked when they are ripe!"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded.

In fact, the vegetable patch in the space is enough for their family's daily food, but she still wants to continue exploring the space.

It's been a long time since she researched a new item.

Ning Yuanhang, who was standing nearby, was repairing the doors and windows of the greenhouse while paying attention to the situation here.

He didn't know why he was angry or unhappy. Now he just wanted to separate Qian Xiaoqing and Zhao Lihua.

Fortunately, Zhao Lihua did not enter the space this time and was cleaning the dishes outside.

He no longer wants to hear the name Helan!

"Yuanhang, let's go! Follow me to the volcanic island!"

Qian Xiaoqing shouted loudly while greeting Ning Yuanhang from a distance.

"Come here!"

Suddenly, his mood suddenly became brighter, as if the sky had cleared up after the rain.

He put down what he was doing and jogged towards Qian Xiaoqing.

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Chapter 76 Chapter 76

The ghost ship soon headed towards the volcanic island.

Ning Yuanhang stood beside Qian Xiaoqing, carefully observing Qian Xiaoqing's every move.

"Did you and Auntie meet Helan outside?"

After hesitating for a long time, Ning Yuanhang asked casually.

"Well, something happened at Song Wenjing's place, and He Lan was invited over."

"What happened?" Ning Yuanhang didn't know anything about this: "What happened? Did they make things difficult for you?"

Qian Xiao Qing looked at the distant sea level, she shook her head and said, "It's not that difficult. After all, Helan came out to help in the end."


Ning Yuanhang was relieved and cursed secretly in his heart, why is he everywhere?

The volcanic island soon arrived.

Qian Xiaoqing could see it from a distance. The boss is holding a hoe and is desperately digging for mineral resources.

The two of them put on their straw sandals and got off the ghost ship directly.

"Boss, you are not active in your work. It took so long to dig so little!"

Today the boss dug red rocks. When Qian Xiaoqing came here before, he always came in a hurry and left in a hurry. He never touched this kind of stone. red stone.

[Ding Dong, congratulations on discovering Fire Cloud Stone. ]

[Reminder, volcanic stone refers to a special red gemstone produced on volcanic islands. A favorite of goblins, they are rich in fire elements and can be used to refine materials that enhance attacking fire weapons. 】

The boss wiped the sweat from his head and stood next to Qian Xiaoqing obediently:

"Boss, it's not that I am digging slowly, it's that there are thieves on this volcanic island. I just dug a lot, and now only half of it is left. "It's gone!"

The boss pointed to the gap in the pile of fire cloud stones and explained to Qian Xiaoqing: "Look, this piece was stolen!"


Qian Xiaoqing didn't believe it at all. : "Is there anyone else on the volcanic island besides you?"

"I, I..."

The boss couldn't argue and could only stand where he was more carefully.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the volcano, and thick smoke was still billowing from the crater.

She did not doubt what the boss said. After all, it was impossible for the boss, second child, and third child to lie in front of her.

But who stole these fire cloud stones?

"Let's go around!"

Qian Xiaoqing called to Ning Yuanhang as he strolled leisurely near the volcanic island.

Plants are rarely found on volcanic islands. Every volcanic eruption will bury the seeds under new lava. They walked along, only a few weeds, and found nothing strange.

They have gone so far, they have never been here before.

Qian Xiaoqing was inside a stone crevice. Found a big mushroom that looked very much like Ganoderma lucidum. Qian Xiaoqing hurried over and carefully collected it.

[Ding dong, congratulations on discovering the Volcano Russula! ]

[Tip, volcanic red mushrooms are very rare. They only grow in extremely high-temperature environments and can be refined into high-grade wound medicine. ]

Qian Xiaoqing's eyes lit up. The previous butterfly scale powder was already very powerful, but things like butterfly scale powder were not considered high-level wound medicine in the system. Unexpectedly, this mushroom like Ganoderma lucidum turned out to be a rare high-level wound medicine. medicine.

Qian Xiaoqing was completely shocked.

"What's wrong? What is this?"

Ning Yuanhang watched the surroundings vigilantly. He always felt like someone was peeping in the dark.

"This is a high-grade wound medicine! I see there is another one over there!"

Qian Xiaoqing pointed to the front, where there was indeed a whole patch of volcanic red mushrooms.

With this thing, they will be more confident to survive in the apocalypse!

However, Ning Yuanhang's attention didn't seem to be here. He kept observing his surroundings, as if he was very alert.

"What's wrong?"

Qian Xiaoqing didn't understand.

"Something feels wrong!"

Qian Xiaoqing has always believed in Ning Yuanhang's intuition. After all, it was this ability that he awakened.

"Can't you feel it?"

Ning Yuanhang shook his head: "I can't see anything, maybe because this is a game space!"


In this case, Qian Xiaoqing also began to look around.

Looking at it this way, she really saw something wrong. The rock layer originally covered by magma had several weird holes. Those holes were not big and could only accommodate a cat.

Qian Xiaoqing held the machine in her hand and pointed it at one of the holes. The space was hers, and every plant and tree in the space was under her jurisdiction.

"Come out! If you don't come out, I'll do it!"

She just felt something moving in the small cave.

Two minutes later, something really crawled out of the cave!

[Ding Dong, congratulations on discovering the Goblin Kingdom! ]

[Ding dong, please complete the Goblin King's request. ]

[Tips: A major crisis has occurred in the Earth Kingdom, and their race is about to face extinction. Please help them and bring the Goblin Kingdom to life! 】

Goblin? ?

Qian Xiaoqing even felt that she was being imaginary. When she saw the thing crawling out of the hole, she finally dared to accept reality.

Climbing out of the hole, a man wearing a crown - a goblin!

"Hello, I am Goblin King Urok!"

The goblin with the crown took the initiative to speak to Qian Xiaoqing and bowed like a gentleman.

[Ding dong, I will translate it for you accurately! 】

When Qian Xiaoqing heard the goblin Wu Luoke speak, he spoke in a voice she could understand, while Ning Yuanhang next to him heard a whining voice.

At this time, they took a serious look at Urok's clothes.

Urok was only about two feet tall, and his skin was a warm rose-red color with a slight sheen, like fine silk.

The most eye-catching thing is his huge eyes. Perhaps to adapt to the dark environment in the cave, their eyes are huge and occupy most of their cheeks.

The eyes are deep and black, but the pupils inside are golden in color, emitting a slight light, like bright obsidian.

There is wisdom in Urok's eyes, and he seems to be able to understand everything.

In addition to his eye-catching eyes, his two pointed ears also feel very abrupt.

Urok's body was covered with a thin coat, but his clothes were inlaid with bright gems that could almost blind people's eyes.

If this little piece of clothing is to be left outside, it is definitely an auction item.

Since the other party had already greeted him in a friendly manner, Qian Xiaoqing introduced herself politely after being shocked.

"I am Qian Xiaoqing, and this is Ning Yuanhang!"

"Hello, my dear guests!"

What kind of guest is not a guest?

"Did you steal the fire cloud stone over there?!" Qian Xiaoqing was almost certain.

Urok smiled awkwardly, but said confidently: "You have taken away our rations. Without these things, we will starve to death!"

Ration? !

"Are you eating rocks?"

Qian Xiaoqing was very surprised. She looked at the tiny goblin and didn't expect that this little thing could chew rocks.

"No, no, no, we eat food. However, our food has been exhausted in the eruptions of volcanoes. We will only eat fire cloud stones if we have no other choice."

Is this the goblin's prayer?

Through chatting, Qian Xiaoqing also got a rough understanding of the lifestyle of these goblins.

They live underground all year round and are able to forge excellent tools, weapons and equipment. They are also good at digging mountains and looking for new mineral veins. However, there are fewer and fewer plants on the volcanic island, and their living environment is getting worse and worse, causing them to Unable to reproduce.

[Ding Dong, you have a new mission: to help the goblins find a new living environment and help them reproduce normally. 】

【Whether to accept? yes? no? 】

Qian Xiaoqing clicked yes.

Urok was obviously more enthusiastic since she accepted the goblin's request.

"Dear guests, welcome to our goblin kingdom." There was a smile in his eyes: "Do you want to visit?"


The hole that could only pass through the kitten suddenly suddenly It was moved away, revealing a hole over one meter high.


Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang could only kneel and walk forward.

The entrance of the cave was not dark. They used tar candles to light the way forward. There were twists and turns inside, and there were all kinds of gems inlaid everywhere!

When Qian Xiaoqing saw these gems. Already too shocked to speak.

God, if you take out these gems, you should be able to redeem a lot of points, right?

Finally, Wu Luoke took the two of them to a hall, which was a little taller. At least Qian Xiaoqing and the others could sit down.

In the hall, Qian Xiaoqing saw countless little goblins.

"Chi chi chi..."

"Chi chi chi..."

Those little goblins were jumping around. They had never seen other races before, and they didn't expect that human bodies could be so big!

"What we lack most now is food. Can you provide us with food? Let's use these things in exchange!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the basket in front of her with a dozen shining golden hoes:

[Golden Hoe: It The efficiency is 50 times that of ordinary hoes, and it is the proud work of the elves! 】

"Yes, of course!"

Qian Xiaoqing's eyes almost glowed green when she looked at that hoe. It seems that her specialty is really awesome!

"In addition to hoes, we also have many weapons here!"

Qian Xiaoqing was shocked every time Wu Luoke took out a weapon.

[Rock Tooth Saw: A saw made of special magma fossils, which improves sawing efficiency. 】

【Flowing Fire Lantern: A lighting tool made of a flowing fire frame, which can illuminate the dark underground. ]

[Magma shield: Made of specially processed magma, it can be used as a shield. 】

【Lava protective boots: The soles are made of lava material to protect against high temperatures. ]


A lot of messy equipment was placed in front of Qian Xiaoqing. It was only then that the game space gave Qian Xiaoqing the feeling of being in the game.

In addition, there are crystals and jade of various colors...

Qian Xiaoqing shouted in her heart, did she poke some money-making nest today?

With so many good things, do we just need to exchange them for food?

As a courtesy, Qian Xiaoqing took out the cherry tomatoes she had just grabbed from the vegetable field and placed a whole handful in front of the Goblin King.

"Is this kind of food okay?"

Qian Xiaoqing asked anxiously. After all, in her opinion, whether it was the equipment with its own effects or the blinding crystal emerald, it was more valuable than the handful of cherry tomatoes in her hand. value.

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Chapter 77 Chapter 77

Until she got on the boat back, Qian Xiaoqing still felt like she was in a dream.

She looked at the piles of crystals on the boat that were as big as goose eggs and blinding her eyes. Before the end of the world, such a big crystal must be at least a small target, right?

Just like that, she got them back with a handful of cherry tomatoes?

Qian Xiaoqing sighed and lamented that the goblins had lost their country because of their wealth.

In the end, Qian Xiaoqing still had a sense of compassion. Not only did she keep all the cherry tomatoes, but she also kept a lot of potatoes, radishes and other vegetables.

By the time Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang returned to the island, Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang were already sitting on the beach and resting.

"Dad, are you finished? Come and leave as soon as you're done!"

Qian Yongkang still wanted to lie on the beach and bask in the sun leisurely, but he didn't expect Qian Xiaoqing to be so urging.

"What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Qian Xiaoqing's expression was serious: "Something big has happened!"

Several people walked out of the space one after another. Zhao Lihua had already cleaned up the pots and pans. She was sitting in the main room talking. Tear cotton.

The cotton brought from Beicun has almost been finished by her.

"Why did you come out so quickly?"

Zhao Lihua asked with a smile, and when the others saw Qian Xiaoqing's serious expression, their expressions naturally became heavy.

"What happened to Xiaoqing?"

Qian Xiaoqing walked to the dining table and other people gathered around her. She looked around and finally stopped at Zhao Lihua.

"Mom, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Zhao Lihua didn't know what happened, but seeing his daughter like this, he held his breath nervously:

"I'm mentally prepared, just tell me!"

— — La la la!

A table full of crystals and diamonds of various colors suddenly appeared, and the eyes were dazzled for a moment, and the bright light lit up the whole room.

Except Ning Yuanhang, everyone present was shocked.

We are all ordinary people before the end of the world. Diamonds of this size can only be seen on TV, but the quality that can only be seen at auctions is piled on their dining tables like stones?

"This...is this?"

"I found goblins on the volcanic island!"

Others were confused. It wasn't until Qian Xiaoqing introduced all the causes and consequences that they knew the origin of these crystals.

"It's so amazing!"

They knew that Qian Xiaoqing had unlocked the volcanic island, and they also knew that the volcanic island was rich in various ores, but they didn't expect that such colorful diamonds the size of pigeon eggs could also be found on the volcanic island!

"So, we provide food to those goblins, and they give us pigeon eggs??!!"

Ning Dawei held a sapphire blue diamond in his hand, looking at the transparent color and perfect cut surface, like this Planting diamonds can be passed down for centuries!

Zhao Lihua pinched one casually. It was an emerald and translucent diamond, with the head of a character carved on it. It looked like a gadget that the goblins carved at random. On the diamond, which was as big as a pigeon egg, there was a character. The carvings are extremely delicate, which shows their craftsmanship.

Just something like this, a whole table full!

"Besides this, I also found something else!"

Qian Xiaoqing took out the volcanic stone, which was a very ordinary red stone: "You touch it, this thing can generate heat!"

Several people took turns holding the stone in their hands. Just like a warm baby, it does have a scalding temperature.

"I want to crush this kind of stone, grind it into powder, and sell it to the base!"

As long as Qian Xiaoqing provides enough food to the goblins, they will no longer eat volcanic stones. If they have enough volcanic stones, they can directly Sell ​​to the base!

The last time Qian Xiaoqing went to the points redemption center, she only redeemed more than 20,000 points.

If you want to accumulate 50,000 points, you still need 20,000 points!

"I think it's feasible!"

According to what Deng Gang said, a big cold wave is coming, so the base personnel must consider the issue of heating.

And the volcanic stone base in Qian Xiaoqing's hands will definitely be recycled!

"I have arranged for the eldest and second eldest brother to keep digging for volcanic rocks. Tomorrow I will go to the commander-in-chief's secretary to see if I can sell all the volcanic rocks in my hands!"

The shock tonight was too much!

Qian Xiaoqing was very generous and gave all the crystals and diamonds to Zhao Lihua.

Zhao Lihua was so happy that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear all night.

Qian Xiaoqing went out early the next morning, and Ning Yuanhang followed him closely.

As soon as she walked out of the room, Qian Xiaoqing shrank from the cold.

"The temperature has dropped too fast. Yesterday it was 27 or 8 degrees, and today I have to wear a coat to go out!"

"You forgot, it was the same last time, but I always feel that this time the cold wave is worse than last time. It came earlier!"

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang were walking on the road. After listening to Ning Yuanhang's words, she thought for a long time. Indeed, the first big cold wave in this life came earlier than in the previous life!

Realizing this, they both frowned.

"More people may freeze to death this year!"


The two people came to the headquarters, which was heavily guarded. Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang explained the situation when they arrived, and soon Xiao Chen ran down from the upstairs.

The commander-in-chief is holding a very important meeting. If it were an ordinary person, Xiao Chen would never be able to come down so quickly.

"Miss Xiaoqing!"

Xiao Chen also shrank when he came down. It was indeed a strange day. His shirt was a little thin, and the temperature difference changed greatly as soon as he left the building, causing him to sneeze several times in a row.

"Why are you here so early? Have you already accumulated enough 50,000 points in just four or five days?"

Xiao Chen knew that they had space and could go outside to search for supplies. If they wanted to accumulate 50,000 points, Not impossible.

"That's not true!"


For some reason, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"We want to see the commander-in-chief. I wonder if he has time?"

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment: "The commander-in-chief is in a meeting. If you have anything to say to me, I can convey it to him after he finishes the meeting."

It seems that the commander-in-chief is in a meeting. The commander was indeed in a meeting. Qian Xiaoqing took out a red stone from her bag and handed it to Xiao Chen:

"You don't have to say anything, just give this to the commander in chief!"

Xiao Chen, who was shrinking his neck from the cold, suddenly felt There was a wave of heat in front of him. When he took the stone in his hand, the burning feeling almost made him throw the stone away.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, let's go first!"

The stone is not hot to the touch, but it is indeed warm!


After Qian Xiaoqing and the others left, Xiao Chen realized that he seemed to have forgotten to ask what the name of this stone was?

Seeing Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang walking away, he felt a little regretful. Knowing that they were extraordinary, he shouldn't have turned these two people away even if the commander-in-chief was in a meeting!

Xiao Chen held the stone in his hand, even put the stone in his arms, and quickly walked into the building.

Wang Chong was indeed in a meeting. He looked at the data studied by the scientific researchers:

"So, you can conclude that the laboratory Qian Xiaoqing and the others mentioned is true?"


One of the experimenters opened the data and said: " We even encountered mosquitoes with serial numbers on their bodies, and captured those mosquitoes to study their genetic sequences, which basically matched the sequences in this report!"

"So we concluded that the mutated animals and plants that are raging outside are very similar! Maybe it was man-made!"

Wang Chong felt cold after hearing this.

Extreme weather has caused misery to mankind. I heard that the south has been flooded now, and very few people have survived. Coupled with the plague and mutated animals and plants, there are not many people left who can survive.

"Then start the next step of the plan to destroy the existing laboratory!" " Report

to the commander-in-chief that we found a similar laboratory near Tianshan Mountain. That laboratory is still operating. I suspect that their accomplices are there too!"

The person in question is Xingchen, whom Qian Xiaoqing has not seen for a long time. Because Xingchen awakens wind powers and his speed is 10 times the normal speed of human beings, he has always been responsible for such confidential and outsourced work. of.

"Yeah!" The commander-in-chief paused for a long time: "Organize manpower to destroy them!"

They discussed this issue for a long time, and soon the topic returned to today's weather.

"The weather has dropped sharply today, and it seems that the cold wind will arrive soon!"

"Yes, it's only July, how come the temperature has dropped so much?"

"It's snowing in June, I'm afraid Dou E is here Screaming injustice!"

someone joked.

But the temperature drop is already an imminent matter:

"How many winter supplies are there in the base? The supplies must be stocked for at least half a year, as well as heating equipment, how much firewood and coal are there? Xiao Chen..."

Wang Chong shouted twice Only then did she realize that Xiao Chen was not around.

And other people are also worried. How can they prepare half a year's rations in such a short time?

If it really snows in July, even if the weather gets warmer in March next year, this winter will last for 8 months.

The longest winter is coming!

"Commander in chief!"

Xiao Chen came back from outside in a panic, whispered a few words in Wang Chong's ear, and showed him what he was holding in his arms.

Wang Chong frowned and touched the stone in Xiao Chen's arms. The scorching but not scalding temperature shocked him.

Seeing that the people on the conference table were chattering away, and no solution had been discussed yet, Wang Chong directly dismissed the meeting.

Hurrying back to the office, Wang Chong hurriedly said to Xiao Chen next to him:

"Tell me what happened just now?"

"Miss Qian and Mr. Ning came to me just now. I thought they had accumulated enough 50,000 points, but I didn't expect them to give me

"They didn't say anything?" "

No! They just told me to give this to you!"

Wang Chong had a plan in his eyes:

"Where are they now?" "Let's go


"How can you let them go?"

"He, they want to leave, and I can't stop them!"

Wang Chong lit a cigarette irritably. He didn't know what kind of stone it was or what was inside. What minerals.

If Qian Xiaoqing has a large number of such stones in his hands, then there will be a solution this winter.

"Send this stone to the testing center and let them test what kind of ore is in it? At the same time, you go to your home and invite them to come and sit down!"

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

Xiao Chen left in a hurry and went The direction they were heading was Qian Xiaoqing's home.

Qian Xiaoqing was not at home at all, but came to the mission center.

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Chapter 78 Chapter 78

In the mission hall, they happened to see Iron Fist from here.

Iron Fist's figure was still rugged, and he walked out of the mission hall with a stinky face.

As he walked, he cursed in his mouth: "Damn, where can I find a suitable candidate in such a short time?"

As soon as he went out, he ran into Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang.


Iron Fist's eyes lit up. He was responsible for leading them last time. Although the situation was full of troubles, their dazzling performance was impressive! !

"Wait, it's just you two!"

The two of them were still confused, and Tie Fist casually pulled Qian Xiaoqing and the others inside.

They passed through the mission hall, turned left and right in the corridor, and finally led them to a private property.

"Tekken, wait a minute, where are you taking us?"

But Tekken just walked away with a smile that couldn't be hidden:

"Oh, you'll know when we get there!"

The two of them didn't refuse, looking at Tekken It means that he has a task in hand.

The two of them came to the mission hall to receive missions, so any mission was the same to them.

In a conference room, several men in uniforms were discussing countermeasures, and there were seven or eight people wearing casual clothes. It's like he came to accept the mission like Iron Fist.


Iron Fist, who never had any rules, made a rare report before entering the door.

"Come in, didn't I ask you to find someone? Why are you back?"

Iron Fist smiled darkly. As soon as he came in, he pointed at Qian Xiaoqing and the others standing at the door:

"Commander, I have already found someone. !"

Iron Fist was very excited, and his rough face was flying.

Shi Qingfeng looked out in the direction of Iron Fist. There were indeed two people standing at the door. They were a man and a woman. The woman was handsome and the man was beautiful, like a couple.

Shi Qingfeng did not underestimate these two people. Those who can survive in the apocalypse have their own survival skills.

"Well, come in!"

Shi Qingfeng didn't ask about their origins. Since Tie Fist introduced the two people, let's come in for the meeting.

"Are they superpowers?"

A girl sitting in seat C asked, looking at Ning Yuanhang with bright eyes. This guy is the most handsome she has seen since the end of the world!

Iron Fist scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't know if Qian Xiaoqing and the others were superpowers, because all superpowers had a flame badge on their bodies, which was a symbol of identity and status.

"Fire power!"

Ning Yuanhang did not reveal it completely, he just said that he was a fire power user.

Almost instantly, the woman's expression changed from appreciation to admiration.

"It turns out he is a fire-type superpower, congratulations!"

Upon hearing that Ning Yuanhang was a superpower, the others' expressions softened slightly, and they finally accepted them.

"We have received intelligence that there is an abandoned Junshi base in the underground tunnel of S Town. There are 5 sets of usable energy equipment in it. This time our mission is to bring these energy equipment out!"

the commander will The mission was mentioned again, obviously for Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang.

"But now the problem arises. The underground tunnel is occupied by a group of mutant ants. Preliminary judgment shows that there should be an adult queen ant inside!"

"So, our second task is to eliminate these mutant ants and defeat them. Queen Ant!”

This sounds like a daunting task.

In nature, ants are a united species. You are not afraid of a single ant, but you are afraid of encountering a nest of ants!

Now it's great, not only did we encounter a nest of ants, but there was also a queen inside!

No wonder Iron Fist went out in a hurry to look for someone. What was originally a B-level mission was now elevated to an A-level mission.

"If there is any way, everyone can express their opinions!"

Su Xialiu has a charming face and her waist twists and turns. Because she has awakened her plant power, she has always been the favorite of the team.

Looking at Ning Yuanhang sitting next to him, Su Xialiu kept leaning on her waist.

Ning Yuanhang, on the other hand, avoided without leaving a trace.

"Xia Liu, what are you doing?"

The commander was helpless towards Su Xia Liu.

After being reminded, Su Xialiu's movements restrained, and she could only hear her saying in a demonic voice:

"What I want is to light a fire at the entrance of the tunnel, use the smoke to drive away the ants, force them to escape, and take advantage of them to leave." Now, let's go in and search for equipment!"

Someone quickly responded after Su Xialiu finished talking about the plan.

Qian Xiaoqing saw that it was a fat man with a fat body. According to the conversation, he learned that his name was Wan Hong.

"Xiao Su's idea is a good one. When the time comes, I will clear the way in front and I will definitely be able to take out the equipment."

Qian Xiaoqing silently watched the interactions of the people around her and secretly said in Ning Yuanhang's ears: "With this idea, it turned out that Is there anyone else who is cheering?"

After they finished their heated discussion, the commander pointed out the problem:

"First, how do you know they will be smoked out? Second, how do you make sure that all the ants in the tunnel have escaped? Clean? Third, how do you control those ants from returning halfway?"

The commander's question was very sharp. He has already made it clear that this method is unreliable!

And Iron Fist had a naive face: "If you ask me to attack, it will be a little troublesome at most..."

This suggestion was even more unreliable, and someone soon came out to refute:

"I said Iron Fist, you also have some common sense, okay? You You must know that an ant can lift something that is about 400 times heavier than itself. Those mutant ants are bigger than mice. As long as they think about it, we will only become their food in the end!"

"What do you think we should do? "

The venue quickly became silent.

The commander looked at Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang, who had not spoken since entering the door: "Do you two have any opinions?"

Don't say anything, Qian Xiaoqing really has a plan here!

"Actually, I have a way to lure out all these ants!"

Looking at the scornful eyes of everyone, Qian Xiaoqing took out a piece of rat meat from her backpack.

This rat meat was obtained from space. His comment at the time was:

[Rat meat: quite delicious. After simple cooking, the aroma of rat meat can spread for several kilometers. It is a must-have delicacy for home travel! 】

This rat meat once captured the heart of the Mad Emperor.

When the rat meat is taken out, there is a mouth-watering aroma in the house.

"What smell is this?"

"Yes, the smell is getting stronger and stronger!"


When the commander-in-chief saw the rat meat, his eyes lit up. Unfortunately, the piece of rat meat was too small. If he wanted to attract the entire mutant ant colony, he would need more meat.

"How much of this kind of meat do you have?"

"There's a lot!"

"What do you think? What do you want to do with this meat?"

Qian Xiaoqing smiled slightly: "I want to use induction and control. We can first Set bait from the entrance of the tunnel to lure away some ants, and then use fire to burn all the ants. Repeat this several times until almost all the ants in the cave are cleared. At that time, everyone will use their magic to clean up the remaining ants in the cave. Mutated Ants and Queen Ants "

This method is really good!

Although there are some dangers, however. At least it is guaranteed that the ants that leave the cave will not return back.

"I have just listened to everyone's plans. These plans have advantages, but now I prefer Qian Xiaoqing's plan. It can avoid direct conflicts with ants as much as possible, and is relatively hidden and safe."

Others nodded silently. , overall, this plan is more conservative.

Su Xia Liu's expression was frozen. She used to be the group's favorite. Everyone loved her and never refuted her. It was all this woman's fault!

Soon they established a plan.

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang also began to prepare.

Most people with brains have guessed that Qian Xiaoqing is definitely not an ordinary person. Since she can take out so much meat at one time, it means that she has most likely awakened the space power.

Combined with the rumors that appeared a while ago, it is said that a handsome little girl came to the base, and that little girl awakened a rare space power!

At that time, this incident spread throughout the base. It was said that the little girl's space was extremely huge, and the supplies stored in it were piled up into a mountain.

They redeemed tens of thousands of points in one day, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people in a lifetime.

Some smart people looked at Qian Xiaoqing, and combined with the characteristics of those rumors, the more they thought about it, the more similar it became.

Soon, the commander had packed his things and was ready to go.

"This position is mine. Do you have the basic qualities of first come, first served!"

Since she decided to adopt Qian Xiaoqing's plan, Su Xia Liu's face became more and more ugly. As the only girl in the team, she saw Qian Xiaoqing Sitting in the front row, she couldn't help but start chasing people away.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Su Xialiu speechlessly.

"Let's go, let's go and sit in the back!"

The two of them had no intention of quarreling with Su Xialiu. Since she wanted to sit here, they would leave.

"Hey, I only let her go, but I didn't let you go!"

Su Xia Liu stopped Ning Yuanhang and even gave him a wink.

Su Xialiu, who thought she was very charming, also tried to seduce Ning Yuanhang, but Ning Yuanhang patted the place where Su Xialiu had touched in disgust.


Ning Yuanhang finally said these two words and left.

The members in the car were stunned for a moment. They had never seen Su Xialiu please someone so much, and they didn't expect to be rejected directly by him.

Someone soon speculated:

"I think Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang are a couple, and Xiao Su blatantly leaned into her arms."

"It looks like they are a couple!"

Obviously, Su Xia Liu heard this. their dialogue.

"Shut up! If you don't shut up, I'll sew your mouth shut!"

A sharp vine appeared next to the man's ear.

They were shocked, and then they remembered that Su Xialiu had awakened plant powers, and her fighting power was not weak.

Everyone present immediately shut up, for fear of upsetting this girl again.

The car set off soon.

Town S was a bit far away from their base, and it took the car more than an hour to reach the vicinity of the tunnel.

There are still thousands of meters away from the tunnel, and giant ants can already be seen here.

Those ants are generally about the same size as normal mice, and their facial features look extremely terrifying after being enlarged.

Soon ants were crawling on their car.

Eating the iron outside the car.

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Chapter 79 Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 Chapter 79

The convoy traveled along the rugged mountain road in the canyon. The sun shone directly from the top of the head, making people's eyes shed tears.

The scenery outside the car window is of layers of tawny rock walls, with some greenery dotted in between, which makes it look less monotonous.

The sound of the engine echoed in the canyon, sounding a bit empty and lonely.

Qian Xiaoqing sat in the last car and looked out through the car window.

She saw occasionally a few short shrubs, rickety and tired under the scorching sun.

There were one or two flies buzzing around the bushes.

Farther away, an eagle was hovering in the sky. It gracefully glided in a circle, then swooped down and soon disappeared behind the cliff.

Soon, Shi Qingfeng's voice suddenly came from the front:

"We're here, everyone is getting ready to get off!"

The convoy stopped in front of a tunnel gate, and everyone quickly got out of the car.

After all, they are a professional team, and they carry many tools with them.

They were already deep into the heart of the canyon, surrounded by mountain walls, and the sunlight could only shine through the cracks above.

The air was filled with a mixture of dampness and decay, mixed with a faint smell of blood.

Lines of ants can already be seen around here.

Looking towards the entrance of the cave, densely packed mutated ants have gathered there.

They are huge in size, some are even bigger than ordinary mice, and the dense fur on their bodies shines coldly in the sun.

"I'll go, there are so many!" Su Xialiu exclaimed, her face suddenly turned pale.

Having trypophobia, she instantly hid behind Wan Hong.

According to the original plan, everyone quickly stood in their positions.

"All departments, prepare, prepare!" Shi Qingfeng was hesitant. He silently clenched his fists, and a green electric spark flashed across his hands.

It turns out that he also has lightning powers.

"I'll go ahead and clear the way. They can't do anything to us!"

Qian Xiaoqing took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

She was a little bit confused by so many ants!

After finding the location, she took out large piles of rat meat from the space, and started setting up traps with Ning Yuanhang.

An ant came over. It first used its tentacles to explore the size of its prey, and then quickly left.

Qian Xiaoqing quickly put the pile of rat meat back into the space.

A group of ants soon crawled over. Ning Yuanhang grasped the rhythm and threw a fireball directly. The group of ants that had just crawled over were burned to death.

The former detective soldier continued to walk into the nest, and more and more ants received the message and crawled towards Qian Xiaoqing.

Another fireball!

The fireball rolled very far, and a whole row of ants disappeared directly on the spot, burned to ashes.


Iron Fist didn't expect that Ning Yuanxing's power level was so high. It must be S level, right?

The communications soldier called in batches of ants.

Ning Yuanhang stood at the end of the food, and fireballs were thrown out one after another.

Four or five batches of ants came one after another, but no more ants appeared. Qian Xiaoqing took out the mouse meat again.

You must know the characteristics of rat meat. Its aroma can float several kilometers away!

When the ants stopped appearing, Qian Xiaoqing took out the mouse meat again.

This time three or four ants came. After receiving the news, they quickly returned to the cave.

At this time, they had not realized that their huge team had lost a large number of people.

This was repeated five or six times.

Even the number of ants near the cave was visibly reduced, so Qian Xiaoqing simply placed the mouse meat at the door of the ant cave.

There were not many ants left, and all of them were dispatched this time. However, there were so many ants that Ning Yuanhang could not burn them to death with fireballs alone.

"Fire Wall Technique!"

A wall of fire flew directly out, and the air was filled with a burning smell.

The people on guard around him were dumbfounded. Good guy, he is so powerful. How high is his power level?

After burning this batch of ants, no ants appeared near the cave for a long time.

"The first step is completed!" At this time, Shi Qingfeng finally nodded with satisfaction, "Enter the cave!"

Everyone took steps and entered this unknown underground world.

The light here is dim, and you can only vaguely see the surrounding scenery.

The sticky mud clung to the boots, making a squeaking sound, and the liquid dripping from the top of the head hit the helmet, making a squeaking sound.

"Be careful!" A scream suddenly came from the front. A team member was suddenly attacked by a giant ant. His body was covered in blood and flesh, and he fell to the ground.

"Help!" The man let out a heartbreaking scream, and the other team members turned pale with fear.

What came out was a soldier ant. He was so powerful that he knocked down a person directly.

The ant's saliva contains a paralyzing solvent. After biting a person, he quickly fell into a coma.

Shi Qingfeng asked someone to carry him out, at least to the car.

The soldier ants here are ready to attack again.

Ning Yuanhang's eyes flashed, he stepped forward with his long legs, and slammed the fireball in his hand at the ant.

The ant was obviously not alert and was turned into ashes.

"They are more ferocious than imagined, please pay attention to safety." Ning Yuanhang reminded.

Everyone nodded silently and held the weapons in their hands tighter.

After everyone entered the tunnel, the terrain here became lower and lower, and the rocks above their heads became softer and softer.

Thick white fog rose in front of his eyes, limiting his vision to within one meter.

Everyone could only move lightly for fear of stepping on something hard.

"Be careful! Don't step on any bones!" someone warned. When everyone looked down, they found some animal bones scattered on the ground with wet blood stains on them.

"These are the masterpieces of ants." Ning Yuanhang frowned, "They are more terrifying than we imagined."

At this moment, there was a faint sound of wings vibrating in front, accompanied by heavy breathing. The sound is getting closer and closer, making people's hair stand on end.

"It seems that the queen ant is just ahead." Qian Xiaoqing reminded softly.

Shi Qingfeng made a gesture, and everyone carefully crouched along the wall and slowly moved forward.

After turning a corner, a huge cave suddenly opened up before them.

The cave is dozens of meters high and filled with various skeletons.

In the center of the cave, a giant ant queen was squirming. It was huge, as high as two stories high, and its belly was bulging, obviously giving birth to many ants.

Seeing such a huge queen ant, no one dared to exhale loudly for fear of disturbing her.

The queen ant's breathing was low, her eyes were blood red, and she exuded a fishy smell.

After entering the queen's cave, everyone crouched behind a boulder. Qian Xiaoqing was looking at the queen in front of her, thinking about how to deal with it.

Suddenly I felt a strong force behind me and my whole body jumped forward.

"Be careful!"

Ning Yuanhang had quick eyesight and grabbed her.

Everyone was shocked. The queen ant, which was motionless at first, started to squirm.

After Qian Xiaoqing was pulled up, she looked back and saw Su Xialiu standing in her original position pretending to be innocent:

"Ah, I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into you."

So nonchalant!

So irresponsible to everyone!

Even Shi Qingfeng's eyes showed an expression of disgust.

Ning Yuanhang's face darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, which he was keenly aware of. Su Xia Liu just pushed Qian Xiaoqing intentionally, with the purpose of pushing her into the range of the queen ant.

I can't imagine that if Xiaoqing really falls, she will definitely fall into the mouth of the queen ant.


It’s unforgivable!

Half-hugging Qian Xiaoqing, Ning Yuanhang asked carefully: "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, keep going!"

Qian Xiaoqing stabilized her body and didn't say anything, but she had already written it down in her heart.

"Preparations have begun, everyone is in your positions!" Shi Qingfeng shouted.

Everyone used their own powers to attack the ant queen.

Unexpectedly, in such a small team, almost all of them are superpowers!

As Su Xia Liu, who possesses plant-type powers, when she was about to take action, she suddenly felt that her power was rapidly draining away.

Then vines wrapped around her limbs uncontrollably.

"Help!" Su Xialiu screamed.

In the darkness, Ning Yuanhang had grabbed a piece of the plant, and a steady stream of green was flowing into his body.

Su Xialiu twitched, and soon her face turned pale.

Ning Yuanhang controlled the speed and did not drain her of her powers.

Su Xialiu slipped and fell directly into the queen's nest.

"——Ah! Help, help me!"

"Xiao Su!"

Shi Qingfeng wanted to save her, but it was too late. The queen ant opened her mouth and bit her body off.

Everyone looked down with regret. Su Xia Liu's power suddenly went out of control, causing her own death. No one suspected Ning Yuanhang.

Ning Yuanhang secretly held his sprouted fingers, his expression slightly cold.

It's really, really cheap for her!

The queen ant still stayed there, seemingly unable to move, but many soldier ants soon gathered around her.

They are patrolling vigilantly.

The moment he discovered the intruder, he pounced on him fiercely.

"Up!" Shi Qingfeng shouted and rushed towards the ant queen.

Ning Yuanhang sprayed out rolling flames from his palms, burning its whole body.

The most accurate thing about Shi Qingfeng's thunder power is the queen ant's huge belly.


The big belly was broken, and many unhatched eggs flowed out.

The worker ants and soldier ants were angry, and they rushed to attack humans.

They originally thought that there were not many ants left in the cave, but when they saw a swarm of ants rushing up, everyone was frightened.


Raging flames spurted out from Ning Yuanhang's hands. The flames seemed to be controllable and hit wherever he pointed!

Both are superpowers!

When ordinary people can only emit a small flame, Ning Yuanhang can already condense into a fire dragon.

In the burning flames, no ant can get close!

Others shifted their focus to attacking the queen.

After a scuffle, the queen ant was exhausted, let out a scream, and fell heavily to the ground.

When the queen ant dies, there are not many worker ants left. Without the queen ant, they scatter and no longer gather.

"Success!" Everyone cheered in celebration.

Everyone looked at Ning Yuanhang with admiration.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Ning Yuanhang, their team would definitely be buried in the ant nest.

Everyone's attitude towards them also changed drastically and became complimentary.

Shi Qingfeng looked at Ning Yuanhang and Qian Xiaoqing with admiration.

One of them has fire powers and the other has space powers. Why haven't you heard of them in the team?

"Quick, find the equipment and leave!" Shi Qingfeng reminded.

Everyone quickly searched the cave and finally found 5 intact energy equipment.

"Carry them away quickly!"

So everyone carefully lifted the equipment and quickly evacuated the underground world.

After exiting the underground tunnel, everyone was greeted by dazzling sunlight.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and finally escaped from that terrifying place.

Finally, Shi Qingfeng threw a few bombs into the cave, and the original tunnel was directly blown up.

"It's safe to evacuate." Shi Qingfeng said.

Everyone stored the equipment in the car and quickly got in to prepare to leave.

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Chapter 80 Chapter 80
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Chapter 80 Chapter 80

The car slowly stopped in the backyard of the mission hall.

Shi Qingfeng looked at Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang with admiration. There were not many survivors with such ability.

"Leave your contact information. I will call you if there are any tasks in the future!"

Shi Qingfeng took two receipts in his hand, which were points redemption receipts. 500 was written on each one.

"500 points?"

Qian Xiaoqing didn't know how difficult it was to redeem points in the base, but she didn't expect that such a task would give 500 points.

"In this task, you have made the greatest contribution, so of course you will be assigned more points!"

Xiao Chen saw Qian Xiaoqing and the others coming back from a distance, and hurried over slowly.

"Miss Qian, Mr. Ning, I've been waiting for you from here for a long time!"

"Xiao Chen?"

Shi Qingfeng was surprised. Of course he knew Xiao Chen, but he was a little surprised. These two survivors seemed to be really capable. I can make Xiao Chen wait for a long time from here.

"If you have anything to do, go ahead! I have some follow-up matters to deal with here."

"Okay, commander, let's go first!"

Xiao Chen led the two of them directly into the car.

At the base command headquarters, Wang Chong was sitting in his office, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the desktop.

He looked out the window, and his eyes fell on the stone on the table from time to time. Every time he held it in his hand, it was emitting a slight heat.

This heat does not burn people, but is comfortable and comfortable.

He couldn't help but think that this kind of stone would be of great use in the coming cold winter.

Just when he was lost in thought, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Please come in." Wang Chong came back to his senses.

The door opened and Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang walked in.

Ning Yuanhang's expression remained calm. He was tall and straight, with a calm demeanor. He always stood beside Qian Xiaoqing.

"Xiao Chen said you have something to do with me."

Wang Chong did not get straight to the point, but instead invited them in.

"Yes, Commander." Qian Xiaoqing nodded respectfully, "I believe you have also heard the purpose of looking for you."

She pointed to the red stone on the table and said,

"We found this kind of resource by accident. Originally I want to get it to the exchange center to redeem it, but then I think about it, the exchange center may not be able to do it, so we just want to see you!"

Wang Chong kept staring at the stone.

There were a lot of thoughts in his mind, but seeing the weather getting colder and colder, he had no reason to refuse.

"Where did the stone come from?" At this time, he stared at Qian Xiaoqing closely, not missing any of her movements: "Don't tell me that you went out to search. You have almost never gone out since you entered the survivor base. ! "

It seems that the other party has already grasped their whereabouts.

It makes no sense for Qian Xiaoqing to lie.

"It's because of the space in which I awakened!"

Even if Wang Chong wanted to ask, he couldn't come up with any other details.


Wang Chong sighed. He could guess Qian Xiaoqing's concerns, so he stopped forcing them.

"What do you want?"

Finally got to the point! !

"Points, idle jobs!"

Wang Chong nodded. If she really has such resources, it would be nothing to give her more points and get a few idle jobs!

Especially when he realized that there might be other more useful materials in Qian Xiaoqing's space.

"I can give you points, and I can also arrange idle jobs for you, but as I said before, no matter what materials come out of your space in the future, they can only be exchanged for our Lhasa survivor base!"


Qian Xiaoqing didn't even think about it. I thought about it and agreed. After all, they live here now and are protected by them. There is no reason to sell it to others.

"Also, we must sign a long-term cooperation agreement! The stone in your hand is not allowed to be provided to anyone else!"

"Okay, except for relatives and friends!"

It makes no sense. She has a lot of resources, but her relatives and friends want Buy Fire Cloud Stone from the base.

"Only relatives and friends! And no exchange of interest is allowed."

"I agree!"

When everything was finalized, Wang Chong asked: "How many fire cloud stones do you have in your hands?"

Qian Xiaoqing thought about the volcanic island, this thing The reason they hadn't discovered it before was because it was the goblin's ration.

As long as the food and clothing problem of the goblins is solved, these fire cloud stones will definitely be everywhere.

"This winter, I can provide you with 50,000 tons!"

Qian Xiaoqing didn't want to see it either. Human beings are freezing to death in this cold winter. She can only try her best to let most people survive!


The horror in Wang Chong's heart was not small at all. 50,000 tons, how big is this space?

"Then how many points do you want?"

Qian Xiaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, and she and Ning Yuanhang looked at each other.

"Isn't this kind of thing rarer than coal? I won't ask you for more, 200,000 points!"

Wang Chong's heart tightened: "100,000!"

"This is not kind! I didn't expect the commander-in-chief to be so stingy!"

"No way ! , The resources in the base are limited, so I can't give you all the points!"

Qian Xiaoqing understands that in the survivor base, points are equivalent to money. If all the points go to her, the base will definitely be in chaos!

"Instead of 100,000, how about a one-time price of 150,000?"

Wang Chong hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement.

Soon, Qian Xiaoqing had 150,000 points credited to her account!

"Now that you have money and a house, when will you two get married? You must treat me to a wedding banquet then!"


Qian Xiaoqing almost spat out her saliva.

"When will you get married?"

"Yes, I have warned you in advance. The house you applied for is only available to couples. If you two are not husband and wife after investigation, we will revoke your right of residence and report you to the base. List!"

Qian Xiaoqing's face was full of black lines.

"So, if you move in, hold a wedding as soon as possible. I just discussed with Xiao Chen to make a marriage certificate in the base! We will also issue a marriage certificate to you at that time."

This is a big deal!

On the way back, Qian Xiaoqing looked confused.

"The commander-in-chief said that we should get married within three months..."


Ning Yuanhang pretended to be calm: "How about we get married and get over this matter?"

When she heard what he said, Qian Xiaoqing became even more sad and angry!

"It's all your fault! If you hadn't said that we both... we wouldn't be so passive now!"

Ning Yuanhang remained silent.

When he was approaching the door of his house, he whispered, "Otherwise, I'm going to surrender?"


With that, the two of them entered the house.

Because it will take a few days for the procedures to be completed, they are not in a hurry now.

As soon as they entered the house, they saw that Zhao Lihua had already prepared dinner and cooked radish and beef soup.

"Why did you come back so late this time? It's almost dark!"

"Let's go on a mission and we won't see the commander-in-chief until we get back!"

"What do you mean?"

Everyone present looked over curiously.

They only saw Qian Xiaoqing being depressed and looking like she was about to die, while Ning Yuanhang's eyes were shining and she looked very excited.

Seeing that Qian Xiaoqing didn't want to answer, Ning Yuanhang pretended to be helpless and said,

"The volcano stone exchanged 150,000 points for us, and not only assigned us idle positions, but also assigned you positions."

"Isn't this great! "

Zhao Lihua burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"But the commander-in-chief said he would come to my wedding with Yuanhang!"

Qian Xiaoqing was about to cry.


I didn't expect that this time it would be even more extreme. From a young couple to a marriage? !

Zhao Lihua looked at Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang maliciously. It seemed that there was progress!

But she still pretended to be concerned and asked:

"Then, what should we do?"

"What else can we do? People have said that if they are not a normal couple, the property rights will be taken back. No matter how many points we accumulate, it will be useless!"

Qian Xiao Qing sighed:

"And the commander-in-chief also arranged a task for us to participate in a secret mission."

"What kind of mission is it? Is it dangerous?"

"Everyone said it was a secret mission, Mom, you just Stop asking questions!"

Qian Xiaoqing didn't say it because of the commander-in-chief's request before they left. They discovered a secret laboratory base and invited Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang to participate.

The two of them did not agree at the time, but now that they think about it, this is indeed an urgent task!

Qian Yongkang and Zhao Lihua were both worried.

Although they all know their daughter's strength, if they really want to go out on a mission. They are still worried!

Especially if the commander-in-chief personally appoints it.

That's definitely a dangerous mission!

It was supposed to be a lively dinner, because this incident made everyone worried.

Because the weather is getting cooler, they have put on their coats.

When night fell, a north wind suddenly blew outside, and the temperature suddenly dropped by 10 degrees.

"This damn weather, I'm afraid it's going to snow in a few days!"

Ning Dawei wrapped his clothes tightly. The clothes were too thin. It seems that he will have to wear a thin coat tomorrow.

——Dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door.

Ever since they entered the base, they didn't feel like they had made any friends.

"Who is it?"

"It's us!"

A rare woman's voice came from outside.


"It's me, Xue'er!"

Zhang Xue'er has not been in contact with Qian Xiaoqing and the others since she entered the Lhasa Survivor Base, because she was directly assigned to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Access to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences was prohibited, and she finally had a half-day off today. She prepared a lot of things and planned to send them to Qian Xiaoqing.

"Zhang Xueer?"

Ning Dawei opened the door and saw Zhang Xueer's brother and sister as expected.

"Why are you here in this cold weather?"

"Uncle Ning!"

Zhang Xue'er and the others had large and small packages in their hands. What was even more exaggerated was that Zhang Haotian actually had a huge package in his hands.

"Because there are too many things, we didn't dare to go out during the day, so we came at night. Didn't I disturb you?"

"No, no, come in and warm up!"

"Sister Xiaoqing, long time no see!" Zhang Xueer smiled. When she walked in, she was carrying a delicate little gift box in one hand and a variety of vegetables in the other.

"Ouch, why did you bring so many things?"

Zhao Lihua hurriedly greeted them. She thought, but she didn't expect that these guys had not forgotten them along the way.

Zhang Haotian and Zhang Xiaochen also followed behind, smiling and greeting Qian Xiaoqing and the others.

"It's not a valuable thing, Aunt Zhao, let me do it!"

Zhang Xueer has obviously grown up, his face has grown, but his hands have thick calluses.

"I brought freshly baked walnut cakes. I fried some specially for you." Zhang Xueer raised the gift box in her hand.

"There are also fruits and vegetables grown in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. I picked some and brought them all!"

Zhang Haotian put down the heavy package:

"It's all cotton! My little sister redeemed it with points!"

The weather turned cold, and the cotton It has become a hot commodity again. How many points will it cost to buy so much cotton?

"Child, come on, why are you carrying so many things?"

"Isn't this what it should be!" Zhang Xueer said with a guilty face: "We originally thought about walking around more after entering the base, but we didn't expect that the management there is too strict. , I haven’t had a chance to come out, so I took half a day off today, so I took the time to come here!”

Qian Xiaoqing and the others knew clearly that Zhang Xueer and the others probably wanted to send these cottons before the cold wind came!

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