
Pinellia novel
Chapter 41 Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 Chapter 41

Seeing the ghost ship getting closer, they could even see the moss and rotten wood covering the hull.

A cold wind howled by, and thick black clouds quickly moved over from the distant coastline, followed by astonishing lightning and violent storms.

The heavy rain pounded on the ground, making Qian Xiaoqing's heart even heavier.

She originally planned to use fire attack, but such heavy rain not only washed away the poison on the spikes, but also rendered the torches in their hands useless.

As the ghost ship gets closer and closer, the entire island is shrouded in darkness.

The wind was howling, the trees on the island were rustling, and black clouds were pressing on the island. Everyone felt like they were being strangled by the throat, which was depressing and heavy.

"Prepare, launch -"

Following Ning Dawei's order, he and Qian Yongkang controlled the catapult at the same time.

It's really a bit confusing for two people to control 4 catapults and their accuracy is very poor.

10 boulders were projected, and only one or two could land on the ghost ship.

Seeing the ghost ship getting closer and closer, Qian Yongkang became more and more skilled in using the sling in his hand.

"Xiao Qing, the catapult is useless! I threw so many stones, but it didn't have any impact on the ghost ship!"

Not only Qian Yongkang discovered this phenomenon, but even Ning Dawei next to him had a heavy face.

"It seems that our attacks are ineffective against the ghost ship!"

Qian Xiaoqing's expression was solemn, including the flame-carrying arrow she had just shot into the mast.

Although the flames burned the mast, it was extinguished soon after.

"Now it seems that the only way is to let them land on the island and kill them all!"

The slings continued to be used, and then flew out one after another.

The originally silent sea surface was blown by a howling wind, and the sea water lapped at the coast, crowding the ghost ship to the shore. It left a string of black traces in the waves.

When the ghost ship docked, the seawater continued to surge under the hull, as if countless unknown creatures were passing through it.


——Click, click!

——Click, click, click!

Regular clicking sounds sounded from the ghost ship, and then a ghost sailor walked out of the ghost ship.

These ghost sailors are short and extremely thin. Their skin is as pale as snow, and the wrinkles on their faces are like a ball of crumpled paper, with their facial features forced together.

The thick dark circles under the eyes, the dry and chapped lips, the protruding eyeballs and the exaggerated expression made people shudder.

——Click, click.

The ghost sailors walked off the ghost ship with their feet clicking. Their walking posture was weird, like a walking zombie.

Their almost transparent bodies were exposed in the tattered sailor uniforms, and the hats with pirate logos were placed crookedly on their heads. The brim of the hat was drooped, covering half of their faces, revealing only a demonic figure. Eye.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at these ghost sailors. Their bodies were transparent and they looked like floating ghosts.

These ghost sailors only hold harpoons for fishing in their hands, and they seem to use them to attack people whenever they get close.


A bamboo arrow shot out and penetrated the ghost sailor's chest, leaving a hole in the ghost sailor's chest.

Qian Xiaoqing put down the machine in her hand and saw -50 appear instantly above the ghost sailor's head.

Although the gun in their hands was still effective, their health bars did not drop at all. Qian Xiaoqing's arrow seemed to tickle them, but it did not make any waves.

"Their blood volume is too thick, Xiaoqing quickly retreats!"

The catapults in the hands of Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei are useless, and they still have time to move quickly.

Qian Xiaoqing was still observing the ghost sailor.

After -50 flashed in his head, it continued -5-5-5...

It seemed that the venom on the arrow had an effect.

Although the health bars of these ghost sailors are too thick, as long as they are delayed long enough, they can always be dragged to death.

——Swish swish!

The bow and arrow in Qian Xiaoqing's hand kept firing because a large number of ghost sailors appeared.

These ghost sailors all looked the same, stumbling towards Qian Xiaoqing.

Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei also picked up their bows and arrows. Unlike Qian Xiaoqing's bows and arrows, their arrows were smeared with lard and ignited with flames. They followed Zhao Lihua and fired at the ghost sailors.

Although there was a violent storm all around, there were always one or two flaming bamboo arrows shooting at the ghosts.


The costume on the ghost sailor's body, which was originally not afraid of bows and arrows, was suddenly ignited, and the originally thick health bar quickly shortened to 1/3.

"Successful! Those ghosts are afraid of fire!"

Zhao Lihua was very excited. She had always felt that she was useless and a waste dragging down the team. The ghost sailor screaming in pain in the distance proved that she was still of some use to the team.

Everyone saw hope.

Even Qian Xiaoqing thought he had found a solution.

These ghosts are afraid of fire, so let them burn to their heart's content!

Swish, swish -

arrows carrying flames were shot out one after another, igniting five or six ghost sailors in a short time.

——Ho ho ho!

While everyone was doing their best, the clothes on the first ghost sailor who was shot were already in flames. He was rolling on the ground in pain, and his health bar was only 1/3 left.

However, the accident happened at this moment!

The ghost sailor who was rolling on the ground quickly got up. It originally limped forward and now turned into running forward.

"Oops, the ghost sailor is going berserk!"

Qian Xiaoqing fired continuously with the drone in her hand, hoping to kill him before he exploded.

——Ho ho ho!

——Ho ho ho!

"Xiao Qing is terrible. These sailors will go berserk when their HP is as low as 1/3! These sailors are all going berserk. What should we do!"

Time waits for no one. Qian Xiaoqing knows in her heart that physical damage is minimal to these ghosts. , the most effective attack now is the fire attack!

And there were only a few of them, and none of them had awakened the fire attribute.

——Ho ho ho!

Five or six furious ghost sailors had already rushed into the spider web.

The spider web itself contains toxins, which sticks to the body and is difficult to break free. The violent ghost sailors rushed into the spider web and slowed down.

This was a relief to everyone.

Fortunately, there are spider webs and traps.

Zhao Lihua and the others have set all the ghost sailors on fire. As long as they rush into the spider web, they can slowly kill them.

However, these are the first batch of monsters.

Under the pouring rain, before Qian Xiaoqing and his men could completely eliminate these ghost sailors, they heard the clicking sound coming from the ghost story again.

"Oops, the second batch of monsters has already arrived!"

The first batch of monsters only had a dozen or so monsters, while the second batch of monsters included not only a dozen ghost sailors, but also a dozen ghost helmsmen holding rudders!

I saw that each of the ghost helmsmen was wearing a rotten captain's uniform with seaweed and algae hanging on it. Their bodies were wet, even dripping with water, and they gave off a pungent smell of rot as soon as they came out.

Qian Xiaoqing suppressed her nausea and watched these ghost helmsmen walk out of the cabin.

The skin of these ghost helmsmen is as pale as the dead, and their hands are rough and gray. They are holding some rotten kelp in their hands, and there are still marks of the rudder on their arms.

Unlike the ghost sailor, the ghost helmsman's eyes are sunken and pale, without any trace of life.

They held the rudder in their hands, and there were some shells and conches attached to the rudder. The rudder no longer looked like a rudder, but like a shield.

When the ghost helmsman rotates the rudder back and forth, the water on the beach keeps surging, as if he has the power to control the ocean.

The ghost sailors in the lead still followed the fire attack method, while the dozen ghost helmsmen following them were not affected at all by the bamboo arrow attacks.

"The rudders in the hands of these ghost helmsmen are so powerful, they are like shields. Our bows and arrows can't penetrate them at all!"

The ghost helmsmen were already very close to them, but they didn't do any damage.

Qian Xiaoqing watched silently.

The rudder in the hands of the ghost helmsman has extremely high defense and cannot be penetrated at all!

"Shoot their eyes!"

Fortunately, these helmsmen react slowly. As long as they don't shoot their torsos, it will be difficult for them to react!

——Swish swish.

The gun in Qian Xiaoqing's hand shot out first, accurately hitting Ghost Chopshou's head.

——Jie Jie Jie!

The ghost helmsman who was shot was rolling on the ground in pain! The rudder in his hand kept spinning.

The sea water seemed to be boiling, bubbling upwards.


Qian Xiaoqing watched silently. A group of water rose from the sea as if consciously, and they changed into various shapes in the air.

The ghost helmsman struggling on the ground didn't know how to control it. The original water mass turned into sharp thorns, shooting straight towards Qian Xiaoqing.

Qian Xiaoqing quickly took out an item from her backpack to resist.

Unexpectedly, what she took out was the bamboo raft she had made before.

Swish, brush, brush!

The seemingly sturdy bamboo raft only withstood the attack of the spikes for a moment before collapsing.

Qian Xiaoqing was slightly shocked, this ghost helmsman is so powerful!

He rolled on the spot and landed behind a big rock, which blocked most of the attacks.

Qian Xiaoqing stroked her injured arm, her eyes focused, and she must find a way to deal with these dozen ghost helmsmen!

After trying several times in succession, Qian Xiaoqing clearly felt that when these ghost helmsmen were far away from the coast, their use of skills was deeply affected.

"Uncle Ning, parents, you deal with the remaining ghost sailors, and I'll deal with the helmsman!"

Qian Xiaoqing ran away quickly with the weapon in her hand.

She finally understood that whether it was a ghost sailor or a ghost helmsman, they had only one target, and that was her, Qian Xiaoqing!

They will only follow Qian Xiaoqing!

In this case, lure these ghost helmsmen into the trap.

There are not only spikes in the trap, but also poison and fire.

Walking on the wet beach, Qian Xiaoqing worked hard to guide these helmsmen to the interior of the island!

She must kill these helmsmen before the next wave of enemies arrives on the scene!

Qian Xiaoqing led them to the trap while firing cold arrows.

Through the efforts of Black Spider, the beach is full of traps. However, just letting them fall into the trap does not completely kill them, it just traps them in one place.

"Boss, boss..."

Qian Xiaoqing was trying hard to fight against the enemy, while Zhang Ruiwen put one hand on the ground and shouted with difficulty!

Qian Xiaoqing took the time to look at Zhang Ruiwen and wondered when he changed his title to boss.

"Boss, there is electricity over there, lead them over there!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the direction Zhang Ruiwen pointed, which happened to be where they put the solar panels.

There was an exposed wire that fell to the ground.

Because of the war and heavy rain, as long as the power switch is turned on, that area should become a power grid.

Qian Xiaoqing's eyes lit up.

She knew this was Zhang Ruiwen's masterpiece, so she quickly led the ghost helmsmen to the solar panel without having time to thank him.

The ghost helmsman's IQ was indeed not high. They tried to use their skills together to summon seawater to turn into spikes and stab Qian Xiaoqing again.

But this time Qian Xiaoqing was already prepared.

She picked up a rudder from the ground that had been dropped by an unknown helmsman and blocked it in front of her.

However, under the constant attack of spikes, even the rudder is only disposable.

They must be led quickly to the solar panels!

Qian Xiaoqing thought so in her heart.

"Don't you want to defeat me? Come on!"

Qian Xiaoqing kept running forward, and the helmsman behind kept attacking.

Fortunately, Qian Xiaoqing ran fast and did not let them succeed.

However, the spider webs originally spread on the ground were also disturbed by them.

A few ghost helmsmen have even fallen into the trap.

Qian Xiaoqing spent a lot of effort, and when she saw that they were almost driven away, she quickly evacuated the place.

It was raining heavily now, and there was no dry place to be found. She had to find an insulated place, otherwise she would be the one who was electrocuted.

Qian Xiaoqing quickly walked up the hillside and finally found a place under a boulder that had not been wet yet.

"Zhang Ruiwen, that's it!"

Zhang Ruiwen held the switch in his hand. He watched the ghost helmsmen running around and pulled the switch directly!



The electric squeaking sound was accompanied by the ghost helmsman's miserable scream.

In just one stroke, those ghost helmsmen were electrocuted to death.

"Well done!"

Qian Yongkang and the others heard the noise here from a distance, but they didn't expect it. This group of troublesome ghost helmsmen were electrocuted directly.

Not only were they relieved, but Qian Xiaoqing was also relieved.

No one noticed that Ning Yuanhang, who was standing behind Qian Xiaoqing, had disappeared.

——Click, click, click!

Hearing regular clicking sounds again, Qian Xiaoqing and the others knew that the third wave of monsters had arrived.

The first ones to come out were still a dozen ghost sailors. They still moved slowly and went berserk when their health bar was only 1/3 left.

Following the ghost sailors came a dozen ghost helmsmen.

Using the same method, those ghosts can still be killed by chopping their hands.

However, behind the ghost chopper came three ghost first mates who were extremely different from them.

Compared to the ghost sailor and ghost helmsman, the ghost first mate is taller and burlier, standing like three hills.

The Ghost First Mate and the others were wearing a faded sea! The uniform was stained with blood and the salt of sea water. Although the face was also pale, the face of the ghost first mate was much prettier than them.

His face was covered with a thick layer of beard, even covering his face. The wide brim of his hat covered his eyes. Looking from a distance, he could only see a mass of brown beard, mixed with A few dead fish and some rotting aquatic plants.

In the ghost mate's broad hands, he held an even heavier and larger anchor. The ship's feathers were rusty, and the thick chain was in the ghost mate's hand.

Qian Xiaoqing's heart was beating fast. He didn't know what skills this ghost mate had. She was already exhausted from dealing with those ghost helmsmen. The ghost captain hadn't come out yet, so how should she deal with these three ghost mates? ?




The ghost mate moved his burly body and locked his eyes directly on Qian Xiaoqing.

At this time, Qian Xiaoqing worked hard to guide the ghost helmsman to the solar panel.

I wonder how much electricity is stored in the solar panels. How many times can a motor like this be used?



The ghost first mate who had just stepped off the ghost ship threw away the anchor in his hand. The anchor was like a parabola and lay on the ground not far from Qian Xiaoqing.

Qian Xiaoqing braced herself up and jumped away quickly. Unexpectedly, the next second, the ghost first mate, who was still several hundred meters away from her, appeared next to her.

Qian Xiaoqing broke into a cold sweat.

It turns out that the skill of these ghost first mates is teleportation!

Use the anchor to locate it, and you can move to the location of the anchor in the next second.

Bang! !

There were several loud noises, and the tall and burly ghost mate's hammer-like palms slapped the ground, causing the surrounding ground to tremble.

If Qian Xiaoqing hadn't moved away just now, she would definitely be photographed into a pulp now.

Qian Xiaoqing's mind kept spinning. She could only fight these ghost mates at close range, otherwise she would have no advantage at all!

Qian Xiaoqing pulled out the silver sword that Ning Yuanhang made for her, and looked at the ghost first mate in front of her with vigilant eyes.

Swish, brush, brush!

Although she has been using long-range attacks since her rebirth, Qian Xiaoqing has never been afraid of melee combat!

Ning Yuanhang stood on the bow of the ship. He saw Qian Xiaoqing had taken out the silver sword, holding the hilt with both hands, and kept swinging it.

That familiar move, that familiar angle, that familiar power!

And Qian Xiaoqing's posture every time she wields the silver sword is so familiar.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Ning Yuanhang's body kept shaking!

is her!

He has already confirmed that it is definitely her!

She is the Qian Xiaoqing who accompanied him for 10 years in the apocalypse, not Qian Xiaoqing who was reborn in the parallel world.

Ning Yuanhang's eyes became even more burning, and liquid slipped from his eyes. He had waited for 10 years, waited for 10 years, and finally found her here again!

Seeing Qian Xiaoqing maneuvering between the three ghost mates with ease, Ning Yuanhang turned around and entered the ghost ship.

Qian Xiaoqing was only focused on fighting the three tough men in front of her and didn't pay attention to where Ning Yuanhang went.

To her delight, although the silver sword in her hand was very soft, it had a miraculous effect on dealing with these ghosts!

With every slash of the silver sword, she could feel the trembling souls of those ghostly first officers.

She thought that Yuanhang had spent a lot of time preparing things but only made this silver sword. When she was fighting against the first mate, she didn't even see Ning Yuanhang.

The more he looked, the more anxious he became, and the speed of Qian Xiaoqing's hands became faster and faster.

Although the ghost first mate's health bar is thicker, Qian Xiaoqing is more comfortable handling them with the silver sword in his hand.

After piercing the silver sword into the chest of the last mate, the third wave of enemy attacks was over.

Qian Xiaoqing gasped and stared at the ghost ship not far away.

The familiar clicking sound did not appear again, but instead there were several noises coming from inside.

Qian Xiaoqing held a silver sword in her hand. Approach carefully.

As she approached, she discovered that the spider webs arranged on the shore were easily destroyed and burned, and there was not much left.

The trap originally dug was also filled with ghosts.

However, all ghosts who fall into the trap will continue to lose blood slowly. As long as they cannot climb out, the only path waiting for them is death.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Qian Xiaoqing walked forward cautiously, and the people behind her also helped her breathe.

After waiting for a long time, the next wave of enemy attacks did not appear, and the most important ghost captain did not appear. In order to get the logbook, Qian Xiaoqing had to go deep into the cabin.

After waiting for a while, no monster appeared.

Qian Xiaoqing raised her legs and entered the cabin directly.

Just when she cautiously held her breath and was ready to attack at any time, she unexpectedly saw the empty cabin and the subdued ghost captain.

Ning Yuanhang stood at the innermost level of the cabin. He was holding a small silver knife in his hand. The small silver knife looked like it was made of scraps and was no bigger than the palm of his hand.

And it was this little silver knife that pointed directly at the captain's lifeline, making the captain dare not make any other moves.

"Yuan, Yuanhang?"

The shock in Qian Xiaoqing's eyes didn't look fake. She looked at Ning Yuanhang in shock. She wondered when this guy ran into the cabin?

"You, why are you here?"

Ning Yuanhang put away his somewhat nostalgic eyes and pretended to be stupid and said:

"Because he was creating monsters. I found out and held him hostage!"

It sounded very strange . It's simple, but Qian Xiaoqing knows in her heart that if those ghost sailors and ghost first mates are made by the ghost captain, then the strength of the ghost captain can be imagined.

Even if Ning Yuanhang had awakened his powers, Qian Xiaoqing could not let Ning Yuanhang challenge the ghost captain alone.

She glared at Ning Yuanhang with an accusing look: "I can't make my own decisions like this anymore!"

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing's accusing eyes. He nodded with some disappointment and said in a low voice: "I know."

Qian Xiaoqing Qing looked at the ghost captain in front of her.

He was wearing a black robe, with a slightly raised shawl, and a strange mask on his face. The mask was engraved with mysterious runes, and red light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Ning Yuanhang with fear.

"Where's the logbook?"

Qian Xiaoqing asked straight to the point!

"Yes, it's in the drawer."

The captain, who had been held hostage, could only tell the truth. He watched Qian Xiaoqing take out the logbook from the drawer, followed by the beeping sound of the system.

[Dingdong, congratulations on subduing the ghost captain. From now on, he will lead you across the entire map in a ghost ship. ]

[Ding dong, congratulations on getting the logbook and unlocking other islands! ]

[Ding Dong, congratulations on being able to explore a new island - Volcano Island]

[Do you want to go now? 】

There are yes and no in front of Qian Xiaoqing.

She decisively chose no.

Because of the ghost ship, the island is now in a mess, and it's not time to explore the volcanic island yet.

However, the introduction of Volcano Island appeared in front of her:

[Through the captain's logbook, congratulations on exploring Volcano Island. This is an isolated island formed by volcanoes. There are frequent volcanic eruptions on the island. Every time a volcanic eruption occurs, you can pick up various kinds of things. Types of mineral resources and rare flora and fauna on the island. In order to adapt to the climate of the volcanic island, they have evolved into various forms and can obtain different materials and pets. 】

Qian Xiaoqing was already particularly excited when she saw the mineral resources. She tried to make gunpowder today but failed. The most important materials were not available.

You must be able to find sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal powder on the volcanic island!

With gunpowder, not only can you have a sense of security in the game space, but even if you go outside, you won't be easily bullied by others in the end of the world, right?

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Pinellia novel
Chapter 42 Chapter 42
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous Chapter: Chapter 41 Chapter 41Next Chapter: Chapter 43 Chapter 43

Chapter 42 Chapter 42

Ever since the system announced that Qian Xiaoqing had obtained the logbook, she had been in contact with the ghost ship.

[Ding Dong, congratulations on unlocking the ghost ship. The ghost captain can take you anywhere. There are many dangers on the sea. The ghost captain recommended his assistant to you. ]

Then a list appeared in front of Qian Xiaoqing.

[Possible roles: captain ×1, first mate ×3, helmsman ×10, sailor ×10. ]

Qian Xiaoqing looked at their skills and learned that these characters could only be used when sailing, and they could only stay on the ghost ship.

With this ghost ship, you can travel around the island.

"Xiao Qing, how are you? Are you okay!?"

Qian Yongkang cautiously approached the ghost ship with a weapon. Xiao Qing had been in for more than ten minutes, but there was no movement at all. How could a parent not be worried?

"Dad, it's okay. This time we unlocked the volcanic island."

Qian Yongkang saw that Ning Yuanhang had taken the captain hostage. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and said excitedly: "Another island has been unlocked? Wouldn't there be more? Got the supplies?"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded with a smile, which made everyone else excited.

"Dad, now that the danger has been resolved, let's quickly pack up and make room."

After all, they were still on the clown's territory, so they might cause trouble.

They have been in the space for a long time. If they don't come out again, they will really arouse suspicion.

Seeing the mess on the beach, Qian Xiaoqing had a headache. Forget it, let's clean it up slowly when she has time. After giving instructions to Zhang Ruiwen, they made space.

After a great battle, everyone was exhausted.

Qian Xiaoqing opened the door and happened to see the Zhang brothers and sisters sitting in the living room.

"Boss, you're out!"

Qian Xiaoqing was stunned as soon as she came out. She was a little embarrassed when she saw Zhang Haotian and Zhang Xiaochen standing up excitedly and looking at her with burning eyes.

"Who do you call the boss?"

Zhang Xiaochen and Zhang Haotian looked at each other: "We have decided that we will follow you, Miss Qian, from now on, so I decided to call you the boss on my own."

Qian Xiaoqing touched her nose awkwardly , inside the space, Zhang Ruiwen calls him boss, and outside the space, Zhang Xiaochen and the others call him boss.

This is really a family!

"Wait a minute, who told you to call me boss?"

Zhang Xiaochen and Zhang Haotian stepped away, revealing Zhang Xueer standing behind them.

Zhang Xueer blushed and said hesitantly: "It's grandpa!"

Since Zhang Ruiwen "died", their grandfather Zhang Baode's health has also been deteriorating.

However, Zhang Baode insisted that the three siblings follow Qian Xiaoqing. The old man knew that in this chaotic end of the world, only by following Qian Xiaoqing and his grandchildren would they have a chance to survive.

Looking at the bright sky through the window: "What time is it now?"

"It's only after five o'clock now!"

Zhang Haotian saw that Qian Xiaoqing did not object to them, and felt confident. It seems that this girl does not reject them so much.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the hopeful brothers and sisters. It seemed that they had been waiting here all night yesterday.

"Mom and Dad, it's still early. You can rest at home. I'll take them out to do some shopping!"

Qian Xiaoqing pointed at the brothers and sisters of the Zhang family and said.

Zhang Xueer and the others did not expect Qian Xiaoqing to be willing to take them out this time, and happy smiles immediately appeared on their faces.

"I'll go too!"

Ning Yuanhang followed Qian Xiaoqing closely. He looked at the brothers and sisters of the Zhang family with vigilance. Since he woke up, he had been staying in the game space, looking at the gloomy and decadent scene outside the window. There was also the smell of blood everywhere, and he finally felt like he was back in the end of the world.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang: "Aren't you tired? You can at least take a rest here!"

Ning Yuanhang shook his head and insisted on following Qian Xiaoqing.

Those in the Zhang family were not surprised by Ning Yuanhang's appearance. They had long guessed that Qian Xiaoqing must have awakened powers related to space.

"Then let's go together!"

Qian Xiaoqing led Ning Yuanhang, Zhang Xueer, Zhang Haotian and Zhang Xiaochen out of the house.

There were two clowns guarding the outside. When they saw Qian Xiaoqing coming out, they did not stop her. Instead, they saluted respectfully.

Are you kidding me? The bosses all respect this woman, and they should treat her with even more respect.

"Where is the comedian?"

"The boss is dealing with the traitors in the square!" A clown said respectfully: "We have already gone to inform the boss!"

Before Qian Xiaoqing said her purpose, the clown said that he could lead the way for them. Go to the electrical section.

Maybe the comedian has given instructions in advance?

A group of five people followed the clown. The originally peaceful street was full of blood. Two people passed by them carrying a bloody corpse. The road was already covered with blood. There were broken limbs and broken arms piled on the street corner. Everything was... So bloody and cruel.

Sure enough, the world has not changed!

Ning Yuanhang looked at this familiar scene calmly. The end of the world is really scary.

Led by a clown, Qian Xiaoqing went directly to the home appliance area.

This is indeed a large transfer station, with all kinds of home appliances placed from the warehouse.

Because this place was occupied by clowns at the beginning of the apocalypse, the appliance area remained intact and was not looted.

As soon as Qian Xiaoqing entered the door, she saw the kitchen area, household appliances area, mobile phone area, computer area, tool area...

"You guys go pack up the small household appliances and pack up all the small household appliances that can be used. Yuanhang, you Find out if there are generators or solar panels!"

"Boss, do we have to move everything in this warehouse?"

Zhang Xiaochen asked what the comedian's bottom line was. How big is the space?

Qian Xiaoqing glanced at Zhang Xiaochen and saw that his eyes were shining and he looked very excited.

"As long as you think we can use it, we will take it all away!"

"Move, move here?"

Zhang Haotian was obviously in disbelief.


I'm afraid only those who have seen the game space know how much space she has!

In everyone's surprised eyes, Qian Xiaoqing walked to the side of the ice box, and took all the refrigerators placed in the house into her bag. It seems that there are still some unfinished ideas, so I changed to a brand and continued to take in the space!

Qian Xiaoqing didn't stop until all the refrigerators and freezers in the entire shopping mall were emptied!

"Do you have a freezer here?"

Qian Xiaoqing asked the clown next to him. The clown's head shook like a wavy drum.

"No, no more, it's all here!"

Are you kidding me?

If you told this woman that there were other electrical appliances in the warehouse, wouldn't she have to empty out the whole house?

Qian Xiaoqing didn't look at the clown's lucky look without revealing it. She was satisfied just to be able to sweep this electrical appliance market.

"Don't be stunned, let's get started!"

Refrigerators, TVs, air conditioners, washing machines, all the household appliances on the shelves were put into the space by Qian Xiaoqing.

Including kitchen range hoods, stoves, integrated stoves, disinfection cabinets, dishwashers, water purifiers, wall breakers, coffee machines, juicers, rice cookers...

As long as they are placed on the countertop, Qian Xiaoqing Nothing left.

"By the way, do you have wheelchairs here?"

"What did you say, wheelchairs?"

"Yes!" The clown thought for a moment: "There are no wheelchairs in the home appliance market, but there are quite a few in the hospital next door


The city is occupied by clowns, and they will definitely not let go of the most precious medicines, but they don't care about insignificant wheelchairs like this.

"Then you collect it, I'll cover all your wheelchairs!"

The clown didn't understand. In this end of the world of intrigues, if someone really has difficulty moving, is there any possibility of living?

But looking at Qian Xiaoqing's serious look, even if he didn't believe it, the clown followed her request and went to the nearby People's Hospital to push out all the wheelchairs.

From around five o'clock in the morning, he was busy until 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Qian Xiaoqing looked at the empty home appliance market with satisfaction.

This trip was finally not in vain, and the injuries and difficulties encountered in the past few days were finally explained.

Standing at the door of the home appliance market, I felt the temperature of more than 50 degrees. The temperature outside was almost roasting people, and the temperature on the ground had even reached more than 60 degrees.

People can get sunburned if they walk outside for just a few minutes.

Eggs will cook every two seconds they fall on the floor.

It would be self-torture to continue traveling in such weather. Qian Xiaoqing planned to rest for another afternoon and wait until evening to set off.

She asked the clown who was following her to tell the comedian that she was leaving.

The clown looked at Qian Xiaoqing with reverence. She was the first person to step out of their realm, and no clown would stop her.

They saw the grand occasion last night, and in terms of attack power, I'm afraid no one here could beat the girl in front of them.

"Okay, I will tell the truth to the boss!"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded and led everyone back to the villa.

"Xiaoqing is back? Come over for dinner quickly!"

Mr. Zhang Baode originally locked himself up in the house to blame himself for his son's death, but he was finally pulled out by Qian Yongkang and the others.

"We are made of iron rice. If we don't eat even one meal, we will be very hungry. Xiaoqing and the others just happened to be back. Master, please take a bite!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the table full of things, with a large plate of roast rabbit in the middle. Meat, a rough estimate is at least a dozen rabbits.

Next to the rabbit meat were vinegared carp, steamed large crabs, spicy dried fish, seaweed fish soup, fried bird meat with mushrooms, fried dodo eggs with peppers, and a large bowl of sweet potato porridge.

Being able to prepare such a table of food in the last days is already a luxury. At least the place where they are staying now is relatively safe, and the few people around them can be regarded as people who have experienced hardships and know the root cause. Otherwise, normally, they would not be able to prepare such a table. .

Zhang Xueer's eyes widened when she saw it. She was young and had a rough body. She had grown taller recently, but the food she could find couldn't fill her stomach, causing her to be severely malnourished.

"Don't just stand there stupidly. Come here quickly and eat!"

Qian Xiaoqing dropped her backpack and pulled Ning Yuanhang to sit in the front seat. She was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

After experiencing the battle last night and facing the ghost ship in space, she didn't eat anything at all.

"Come over and eat quickly. Let's have a good rest after eating. We'll hit the road as soon as the sun goes down!"

"Leaving now?"

Ning Dawei asked strangely. He thought he was going to stay here for a few more days!

"Yes, I see that the weather outside is getting more and more extreme. It's so hot outside. I'm afraid there will be a disaster in two months!"

Ning Dawei lowered his eyes and nodded. The weather in the past few days has been extremely abnormal. In March, the temperature outside has already risen to 50 or 60 degrees. Wouldn't it be even hotter if we wait until the dog days of summer?

High temperature, drought, forest fires, disease spread, water shortage, ecological imbalance, coupled with mutated animals and plants, I'm afraid the road ahead will be difficult for them!

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Chapter 43 Chapter 43

The sun finally sets in the sky, and the temperature slowly drops.

After a day of cleaning, Doomsday Paradise is no longer as bloody and cruel as it was in the early morning. Although the blood on the walls is still there, after a day of baking in the sun, the color of the blood is brown and there is no more shocking red. .

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here for a few more days?"

The color of the paint on Xiaojiang's face became brighter, and although the clothes on his body were wrinkled, they still looked a little mature.

"This is your world, we won't stay any longer. Let's hurry up and leave while the temperature drops!"

Qian Xiaoqing was not polite at all. She took out some things from her backpack, all of which were made by laughing craftsmen. It can be used now.

"This is a bag of seeds. The seeds here are not contaminated. If you are willing, you may get a lot of harvest by planting them!"

Qian Xiaoqing threw a bag to the comedian, and inside the bag was exactly what she picked up from the game. Seed.

After Zhang Xueer's experiments, the seeds inside the space are more adaptable than the seeds outside, and the planting cycle is shorter.

If there were people with plant powers like Zhang Xueer, they could ripen a crop of plants in three to five days.

The comedian solemnly took the seeds handed over by Qian Xiaoqing.

Although he has a twisted mentality, he is grateful to Xiaoqing when it comes to money.

Not only did she thank her for helping him through such difficult moments in the past few days and saving him from danger many times, she also helped him find his direction and stick to the last piece of pure land in the end of the world.

"Oh, by the way, there's this!"

Qian Xiaoqing took out a string puppet from her backpack, which she had planned to give to the comedian.

The core components of this string puppet are all developed from space. As long as the clockwork is wound, this string puppet can do some simple things for its owner.

Although this thing is not as sophisticated as artificial intelligence, it is still a very interesting helper.

"Thank you!"

The comedian will always remember the favor he owes Qian Xiaoqing: "I'll give this to you as a token. If anything happens in the future, I'll live through fire and water!"

The comedian didn't say anything else and just handed over a lemon-colored balloon.

It was like a clown-specific balloon, filled with hydrogen, floating in mid-air, and hung up by a long red rope. No matter how you looked at it, it was a very ordinary balloon.

"It's getting late, we have to leave! Oh, by the way, there is a surprise in the room we live in!"

Qian Xiaoqing shouted one last time and left without looking back. I don't know if the comedian heard it. ?

"Be careful on the road!"


Ning Yuanhang sat awkwardly in the middle seat of the back seat of the car.

He knew that Qian Xiaoqing would sit next to him soon.

After confirming that the person he was waiting for was indeed Qian Xiaoqing, Ning Yuanhang's heart beat uncontrollably. The missing piece in his body seemed to be filled, making him both expectant and excited.

"Yuanhang, what are Xiaoqing doing? Why haven't you come up yet?"

Zhao Lihua had already adjusted her posture and was waiting for Qian Xiaoqing to get in the car.


Ning Yuanhang looked back through the rearview mirror and saw only two people who seemed to be saying goodbye.

Ning Yuanhang, who was originally nervous and excited, suddenly turned dark, and his mood suddenly turned bad!

A comedian?

Ning Yuanhang seemed to have an impression. He was also famous in the last days, but in the end he became his defeat.

The more Ning Yuanhang thought about it, the darker his face became. Until he saw Qian Xiaoqing giving the gift, his face was almost dripping with ink.

Zhao Lihua noticed that Ning Yuanhang's expression was not good. She turned around and saw Qian Xiaoqing running over with a yellow balloon in her hand.

"Come on, come on! Let her get in the car!"

Zhao Lihua thought that Ning Yuanhang was impatient with waiting, and said to him as if coaxing a child: "It turns out that Xiaoqing was afraid that you would be bored on the road, so she asked for a balloon for you. !"

Ning Yuanhang finally felt better after hearing Zhao Lihua's consolation. If Qian Xiaoqing gave him the balloon, the matter would be wiped out.

Look in the rearview mirror again.

Qian Xiaoqing had already opened the car door, and she did hold a balloon in her hand.

It’s better to be Xiaoqing! Ning Yuanhang's eyes were shining brightly, and his mood obviously improved. Xiaoqing knew that he was bored on the road, so she specially asked for balloons for him!


The car door opened and Qian Xiaoqing rushed up from outside.

"Dad, drive!"

The car started, and Qian Xiaoqing, who had just jumped on the car, didn't notice that the atmosphere in the car was a little stagnant. She looked at the balloon in her hand with satisfaction.

Now that he has established a relationship with Xiaojiang, and Xiaojiang is a person who values ​​​​commitment very much, he will have a way out in the future life of the apocalypse.

Be sure to put this balloon away!

It’s not safe to put it anywhere, it’s better to put it in space!

Qian Xiaoqing had made up her mind and became cautious in her movements.

"Mom and Dad, I will put this balloon into the space and it will come out in a moment!"

Zhao Lihua felt that the air in the car was getting more and more stagnant. Ning Yuanhang's face sitting next to him became worse and worse. He was even intimidating. The next step Within seconds, Qian Xiaoqing disappeared.

Ning Yuanhang didn't even have time to interrupt, and watched Qian Xiaoqing disappear in front of him.

Ning Yuanhang, who has lived in the apocalypse for 20 years and even became a generational hero, looked horribly stinky while sitting in the back seat of the car.

"Ah sneeze -"

Qian Yongkang, who was sitting in the front seat, rubbed his nose and said,

"What's going on? I felt hot in the car just now, why did it suddenly become so cold?"

After Qian Xiaoqing appeared in the space, she happened to see Zhang Ruiwen was irrigating the ground with water. The originally noisy and messy beach had been almost cleaned up in one afternoon.

These plant seedlings have grown more than ten centimeters through careful cultivation in the past few days, and Zhang Ruiwen has contributed a lot.

"The boss is here?!"

"How are you doing? Are the wounds better?"

"Much better, most of the wounds have scabbed over!"

Qian Xiaoqing took out an electric wheelchair from her backpack.

"Use this wheelchair first and see if you get used to it. If you don't get used to it, I'll find another one for you!"

Zhang Ruiwen looked at the advanced wheelchair with tears in the corners of his eyes. He didn't expect Qian Xiaoqing to be like this when going out. In a short period of time, a wheelchair was found for him:

"Thank you, boss, thank you, boss!"

"There's nothing to thank you for. You take care of the space for me and I find a wheelchair for you. That's fair!"

Qian Xiaoqing held the wheelchair for him. Tie the yellow balloon to a branch. The branch is far away from the ground and is a relatively safe place.

"By the way, go take a look deep in the jungle when you have free time. I've asked those spiders to lay spider webs. Go and see if you have any harvest!"

"Okay boss!"

Qian Xiaoqing no longer has any medicine in her hand. , she hoped that those spider webs could also capture some medicine for treating wounds.

After Qian Xiaoqing told Zhang Ruiwen, she left quickly. She didn't know that the other people in the car outside were too angry to take a breath.

Zhao Lihua was originally a little curious about what was going on with Ning Yuanhang?

But seeing his stern face and murderous look, even if she wanted to ask, she didn't dare to open her mouth.

Zhao Lihua vaguely guessed that Yuanhang's appearance was related to her daughter. She just hoped that her daughter would come out quickly to relieve the embarrassment.

As soon as Qian Xiaoqing came out of the space, she felt the car speeding down the road. Zhang Xiaochen's car was following behind. It was getting dark outside and no one dared to stop the car.

The two cars they drove were provided by comedians. Doomsday Paradise has been gaining prestige in this area for a long time, and no one dared to challenge them.

Ning Yuanhang's expression became worse and worse when he saw Qian Xiaoqing coming back empty-handed!

He is even thinking about whether to go back and kill Doomsday Paradise in one fell swoop! !

He didn't understand, what good could a broken balloon do?

Qian Xiaoqing didn't feel anything unusual when she came back. She only felt that it was chilly in the car and no one spoke.

It was obviously already evening, but the sky was still red. Due to the high temperature, the original asphalt road was distorted and deformed. It seemed that it had been baked by the sun.

As the car drove past, a piece of yellow sand flew up, and the place where there were mountains and water turned into a withered yellow.

Fortunately, it was already night and the temperature outside was gradually dropping. Although it was dangerous to walk at night, they had no choice.


In the quiet car, everyone could hear this cold snort clearly.

Qian Xiaoqing turned her head strangely, and then she saw Ning Yuanhang's smelly face.

Ning Yuanhang's face was ugly, and his eyes looked like he wanted to kill someone. When Qian Xiaoqing saw his expression, she stretched out her hand to rub the top of his head as before.

"What's going on? What wronged you?"

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing's gentle eyes. He suddenly became discouraged. He stood on the back of the seat in front of him and said,

"It's okay!"

Qian Xiaoqing glanced at Zhao Lihua. She also shook her head helplessly. She couldn't help but take out Yuanhang's favorite rice dumplings from her backpack:

"Try it, it's delicious!"

Ning Yuanhang didn't want Qian Xiaoqing to treat him like a child. For what she expected His eyes couldn't remain indifferent, and he finally took the rice dumpling.

The car was driving rapidly on the road, and there were many blocked roads ahead. Not only did they have to find a way to continue westbound, they also had to be alert to dangers that might appear at any time.

Ning Yuanhang and Qian Yongkang took turns driving along the way, and finally found a place to stay after the sun came up.

"Fortunately, there were no dangers along the way. Let's rest here today!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the surroundings strangely.

The weather is hot and most rivers have dried up. This place is one of the few oasis because there is a deep lake.

"How come we didn't see anyone in the area we came to?"

Due to the extreme weather, most humans moved around before dawn, but they walked all the way but didn't see anyone near the lake.

"Is there any danger?"

Ning Dawei looked at the clean lake. There were several small villas near the lake. Although the villas were dilapidated, they were at least a place to stay.

"Probably not, after all, there are still a small number of mutated animals!"

As soon as Ning Dawei finished saying this, they heard a buzzing sound.

The sound suddenly appeared far and near, and soon appeared in front of them!

"No! It's a mutated mosquito!!!"

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Chapter 44 Chapter 44

Soon a swarm of mutated mosquitoes appeared in front of them.

Ordinary mosquitoes are as big as grains of rice, but the black mosquitoes in front of me are even bigger than birds.


Several mosquitoes rushed towards Qian Xiaoqing. Qian Xiaoqing held a gun in her hand and started shooting at them.

The mosquito that was attacking her fell to the ground.

She was once again grateful that the gun in her hand had an automatic shooting function. As soon as she fired it, all the mosquitoes would be dead.

Seeing that all the mosquitoes were dead, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did they have time to see clearly the true appearance of these mutated giant mosquitoes in front of them.

Those mosquitoes were lying on the ground in a dark mass, and everyone panicked when they saw the true appearance of the mosquitoes. Has anyone seen a mosquito bigger than a bird? If you were bitten by such a big black mosquito, half your life would be taken away!

No wonder there's no one around here.

Qian Xiaoqing lowered her face and looked at the group of black mosquitoes. They were huge in size and had red liquid inside their originally blackened belly. They had obviously just flowed out after sucking blood.

Their chest and abdomen are covered with a hard and smooth shell, which has excellent defensive capabilities.

Their heads are terrifying, with long and pointed hairs on them, and their mouthparts are even thicker and terrifying.

"Don't stay here, there are a lot of mosquitoes behind you!"

Ning Yuanhang, who had been holding his breath, spoke at this time, his eyes were deep and his expression was serious.

This kind of mutated mosquitoes are everywhere in the last days, and humans have paid a heavy price to subdue them.

Unexpectedly, mutated mosquitoes appeared so early.

"What is this?"

Zhang Xueer said, pointing to a dead mutant mosquito in front of her.

Everyone followed Zhang Xueer's finger to look at the mosquito, and saw that there was a number on the mosquito's abdomen in a very secret place? !

"81? What's going on?"

Zhang Haotian held a stick in his hand. He opened the mosquitoes one by one, exposing their abdomens.



"I have one here too, it's 21!"

When all the mosquitoes were opened, most of them had numbers on their bellies.

"Mosquitoes with numbers?"

Qian Xiaoqing had never heard of them in her previous life!

The numbers on the abdomens of these mosquitoes appear to have been written manually.

"What's going on?"

Everyone smelled a hint of conspiracy.

"Are all mosquitoes numbered?"

Qian Xiaoqing asked.

"It doesn't seem to be the case. There are a few smaller mosquitoes here that don't have them!"



Looking at these numbered mosquitoes, everyone fell silent, including Ning Yuanhang, who had just returned from the apocalypse. .

Even he had never heard of it.

But it also reminded him of something.

"Haha, how funny, we actually see human masterpieces in mutated animals?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the weird weather and doomsday disasters, as if there was something they needed to verify.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's get in the car quickly!"

Ning Yuanhang reminded him at the right time. He had already noticed that there were more mosquito swarms not far away.

Qian Xiaoqing quickly packed her things. She believed Ning Yuanhang's words. Since he said he couldn't stay here, it would be extremely dangerous.

The few people who had just taken out their luggage to rest were forced to climb into the car again.

As a small follower, Zhang Xiaochen and the others drove another car.

"It's so hot in the car!"

The temperature outside was close to 60 degrees, and the temperature inside the car was even more terrifying. In order to save fuel, no one dared to turn on the air conditioner and just opened the windows.

People nowadays have long been accustomed to staying up day and night.

The temperature outside is scorching to death.

"If you take these ice cubes, at least the temperature in the car can be lowered a little!"

Qian Xiaoqing took out the bucket of water that had been frozen in advance.

These buckets are all 5L buckets of farmer's spring water. She filled them with water in advance and put them in the refrigerator.

Zhang Haotian watched Qian Xiaoqing take out five buckets in one breath. The five buckets were filled with hard objects. In addition, she also took out a foam box wrapped tightly with a quilt.

"I've frozen some ice cubes here to eat on the road!"

The sun has risen high, and the scorching sun makes it impossible to stay outside for more than a minute.

After Qian Xiaoqing finished explaining, she ran back to her car.

Zhang Haotian was so moved that he almost cried while holding those ice cubes. He knew how difficult it was to get these ice cubes under the scorching sun.

"It turns out that the boss wanted those refrigerators to freeze ice cubes, but where did she get so much electricity?"

Zhang Xiaochen was not surprised at all: "Xue'er, don't guess, it's important to be on your way!"

Qian Xiaoqing returned to her seat. , also took out 5 large buckets filled with ice cubes.

They closed the windows and the temperature in the car finally dropped.

"Get out of here quickly, there are mosquitoes catching up from behind!"

Ning Yuanhang's expression was strange. He looked into the distance, where it was completely dark!

Qian Yongkang, who was driving, also saw the scenery over there: "Oh my god, such a swarm of mosquitoes?!"

- Ta-ta-ta!

The swarm of mosquitoes smashed into the car desperately, causing the car to rattle.


The two cars drove away quickly.

However, the scene just now was really nerve-wracking. Fortunately, the glass of the car that the comedian prepared for them was bullet-proof. Otherwise, I really don’t know if these ferocious mosquitoes would poke holes.

The car was driving fast on the road, and Ning Yuanhang used his perception ability to guide the way. Except for Ning Yuanxing's voice along the way, everyone in the car was silent.

Zhao Lihua held it in for a long time. She was really curious:

"Why do these mosquitoes have numbers on them?"

Zhao Lihua was the first to ask.

At this time, Qian Yongkang's expression was very solemn: "I have a little guess. Before the end of the world, I heard that a research department opened a biological research institute in this area, but it was for the study of agricultural products. Are these mutated mosquitoes related to them? Related?"

Qian Xiaoqing also tried hard to recall, but did not think of anything related to biological experiments. Is this all a coincidence?

It shouldn’t be!

The car was traveling very fast, and they finally understood why there was no one in this city.

Seeing the mummies on the roadside, they had been sucked dry by mosquitoes. Coupled with the scorching sun, the corpses had long been reduced to skeletons.

Anyone who sees such a scene will feel sad!

"It's better to find a place to rest quickly, the car can't be driven anymore!"

The car drove all the way, and everyone felt tired.

"Ahead, there is an inconspicuous farmyard, and there is no one inside!"

This time they were walking on the national highway, and there were many villages around them, but most of them were in ruins, with traces of burning, killing and looting everywhere.

Following Ning Yuanhang's instructions, they drove into the village, turned left and right, and walked to the deepest part of the village, a farmyard.

The farmyard is very tidy inside, and can even be described as a house with bare walls.


The door opened and there was nothing inside!

Maybe it's because there's nothing in it that this yard has been maintained so late, right?

"Old Qian, park the car in a wide area!"

Ning Dawei directed.

There was no greenery around and they could only park near a shed.

Qian Xiaoqing once took out vines from the space. This time there were not only vines, but also some moss.

Spread a thick layer of moss on the roof of the car and cover it with vines.

The originally green vines soon lost their moisture and turned yellow under the sun's rays.

Looking at it from a distance, I really thought it was a haystack.

After camouflaging the two cars, everyone came to the house.

The empty house contained nothing but dust.

Zhao Lihua already had a broom in her hand and started sweeping.

Zhang Baode then directed his grandchildren to splash the ground with melted ice water.

After a while, the small yard took on a completely new look.

Qian Xiaoqing took out the waterproof plastic sheet from the space again, and she planned to seal the doors and windows.

Although it was just a temporary residence, she was unwilling to compromise herself.

It was almost noon when everything was packed up.

It was very hot outside, and occasionally I could smell the burning smell. I didn't know where there was another fire.

She took out the tables, chairs, benches, mattresses and quilts from the space, and placed ice cubes everywhere in the room. All eight people crowded into the living room.

A large amount of ice cubes were piled up, and the temperature in the room finally dropped.

"Finally alive!"

Qian Xiaoqing wiped the sweat from her head. She planned to enter the space to freeze more ice.

"Mom, do you want to come with me to get some food?"

Zhao Lihua was still thinking about the chickens and the acre of land, so she readily agreed.

"I'll go too!"

When Ning Yuanhang saw that Qian Xiaoqing didn't invite him, he made a request directly!

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang's stubborn look and readily agreed.

Although Zhang Haotian and the others had long known that Qian Xiaoqing had awakened spatial powers, they were still shocked when they actually saw Qian Xiaoqing disappear before their eyes.

As soon as you enter the space, the cool sea breeze blows over, and the moist air makes you cry.

"Xiaoqing, you are busy with your business, I will prepare some food!"

Qian Xiaoqing agreed and took Ning Yuanhang into the misty forest. She had previously told the group of black spiders to lay some traps from the forest, mainly The purpose is to collect food and see if you can find lizards and butterflies to make wound medicine.

The two wandered half a circle through the woods and found a lot of ingredients.

[Dingdong, congratulations on catching a wild boar and getting wild boar food...]

[Dingdong, congratulations on catching a dodo. ]

[Ding dong, congratulations on catching a mouse and getting delicious mouse meat. ]


In addition to these captured animals, she actually saw a squid tentacle caught in a net.

Squid tentacles?

Shouldn't this exist in the sea?

[Ding dong, congratulations on capturing a squid tentacle. ]

[Tentacle spikes: It seems that it can be made into some kind of weapon. ]

[Spotted Tentacle Skin: The items produced seem to be sticky. ]

After walking a few steps, they saw a cactus from another net?

Why are the things caught in these spider webs getting weirder and weirder?

Qian Xiaoqing wrapped the cactus with the spotted tentacle skin she had just obtained and gently picked it up.

[Ding dong, congratulations on getting the stinging cactus. ]

[Cactus thorns: Cactus thorns are the top hidden weapons. They can penetrate into the skin and penetrate into the bone marrow upon contact, making people unable to survive or die. 】

Qian Xiaoqing took a breath when she saw the introduction on the cactus spine.

Cactus thorns should not be underestimated.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, let's go, it's time to eat!"

Zhao Lihua's voice came faintly, and Qian Xiaoqing walked back.

Ning Yuanhang finally glared at the yellow balloon hanging on the tree with resentment.

"Come on, come on, let's go now!"

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Chapter 45 Chapter 45

When Qian Xiaoqing came over, Zhang Ruiwen was drying fruits. The bag of fruits was of all kinds, including not only strawberries and mulberries, but also wild grapes and wild dates.

"Boss, you are here!"

Zhang Ruiwen said with a smile on his face: "These fruits are not enough to eat, and some of them are moldy. It would be a pity to throw them away, so I will dry them in the sun!"

Although Zhang Ruiwen is big and thick, he is indeed a delicate person. people.

Although the game space is still messy due to the Ghost Ship War, it has become much tidier after Zhang Ruiwen organized it in the past two days.

The most important thing is that as long as Zhang Ruiwen stays in the space, he can manage the resources in the space.

"Uncle Zhang, what we are in urgent need of now is ice. The temperature outside has reached over 60 degrees. If you are fine, just freeze it a little more!"

"Okay, no problem. I happened to see some empty buckets over there. "

While Zhang Ruiwen was talking, he kept playing with the fruits in his hands.

Zhao Lihua looked at the diligent Zhang Ruiwen and was moved in her heart. If he was in good health, he would probably be a good worker!

"Xiaoqing, do you think your Uncle Zhang has a chance of recovery?"

Qian Xiaoqing was busy with what she was doing, but she also showed hesitation after hearing her mother's words.

Zhao Lihua was kind-hearted and didn't want to see a good person feel sad. She whispered in Qian Xiaoqing's ear:

"Mom also knows that this is a fantasy. He earned it by saving your Uncle Zhang from those vampire bats! But who doesn't want to be good? , seeing that he can only sit in a wheelchair and can only move one hand, my mother is actually quite sad."

Qian Xiaoqing patted Zhao Lihua's hand. She knew that mothers in Huaxia Country were very kind.

"This matter cannot be solved overnight, and I don't know if there is a way."

Zhao Lihua nodded after hearing this. She held two baskets in her hands, which were already filled with food.

"Where did the rice dumplings come from?"

Qian Xiaoqing saw a pile of rice dumplings when she was packing her things. There were wild vegetable leaves on the rice dumplings. They looked very real and must have made her hungry!

"That was made by your Uncle Zhang. He asked us to take it out to eat. He said it was filled with seaweed and seaweed, and it tasted delicious!"

Qian Xiaoqing silently put the vegetable dumplings into the basket and continued to pack other things.

Zhao Lihua carried a big bag with some pots and pans in it, and there were a lot of ingredients in the basket next to him, most of which were meat.

The meat included the pork pieces Xiaoqing got from wild boar, the carp caught by Uncle Ning, and even Dodo eggs could be seen in them...

"Want to go out to cook?"

"Yes, your dad just said, We don’t have anything in the car, which is arousing suspicion. Take these things out and let’s cook and eat when no one is around!”

Qian Xiaoqing was carrying things to make room, but she found Ning Yuanhang sneaking up to reach her. Balloons tied to tree branches.


Ning Yuanhang made a sneaky move with the knife in his hand. When he heard Qian Xiaoqing's voice, he turned his head awkwardly. The knife in his hand had been put into his pocket at some point.

"What's wrong?"

Ning Yuanhang replied naively.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at his cover-up look, then looked at the balloon hanging on the branch. She said seriously:

"Yuanhang, that balloon must not move. Come here quickly!"

Ning Yuanhang was filled with resentment. He has already crushed the comedian to death countless times, and even regards him as his lifelong rival.

Qian Xiaoqing watched Ning Yuanhang standing there without moving, and reluctantly went to pick her up.

"I'll find other toys for you after you go out obediently."

Qian Xiaoqing walked over and pulled Ning Yuanhang back. In her subconscious, Ning Yuanhang was still the ignorant child.

Following Qian Xiaoqing, Ning Yuanhang's expression became increasingly ugly.

Even Zhang Ruiwen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, could feel the strong resentment of this young man. Holding a wooden board in his hand, he quickly controlled the wheelchair and retreated to a safe area.

He recently planned to build several chicken coops. As the chickens grow bigger, they need to be enclosed, otherwise they will easily get lost.

In Zhang Ruiwen's mind, Ning Yuanhang has been classified as a person who must not be provoked.

The three of them came out of the space together, and the heat wave suddenly rushed towards the three of them. Qian Xiaoqing's face was instantly covered with beads of sweat.

After they came out, the farmyard had been almost tidied up by the Zhang family brothers.

"We found some weapons and put them at the door. If anything happens, you can have them handy!"

Not only that, they also placed a few bells in the yard. These bells were found when they were searching for supplies. , people inside can hear it.

Qian Xiaoqing watched Zhang Haotian and Zhang Xiaochen arrange things properly, and she couldn't help but nod. These two people were cautious.

Zhang Xueer took out the nutrient soil she carefully stored from her backpack, sowed some seeds in it, and activated her powers to start ripening.

According to Zhang Xueer's current ability, she could only make the seeds germinate quickly. After an hour of hard work, the originally small seeds had grown more than ten centimeters high.

"Okay, Xue'er, these dishes are enough for a whole plate, stop!"

Qian Xiaoqing quickly asked Zhang Xue'er to stop. She really admired Zhang Xue'er.

Although they knew she had enough food here, they still insisted on ripening the plants every time they ate without slacking off at all.

"I brought your favorite wild vegetable dumplings!"

Qian Xiaoqing lifted the basket in his hand and placed the food in the basket in front of the brothers and sisters. In the basket were not only the wild vegetable dumplings made by Zhang Ruiwen, but also the ones he dried. Dried fruits.

Zhang Ruiwen has become Qian Xiaoqing's staff. He will collect fruits in the space whenever he has time. He picks these fruits bit by bit.

The Zhang brothers and sisters had obviously not eaten fruit for a long time. Their eyes lit up when they saw the fruits that were a little wilted due to drying.

"Boss, is this really for us?"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded!

Zhang Baode has already started cooking with Zhao Lihua and the others. The meal tonight is destined to be rich.

"Okay, Xue'er, hurry up and harvest the vegetables you planted. We'll set up traps in the yard later!"

Zhang Xue'er nodded obediently. She took a small knife and carefully collected the vegetables that had just sprouted. The two people walked out of the yard hand in hand.

The yard of the farmyard is very empty, with only one jujube tree in the middle. The leaves of the jujube tree have withered and turned yellow. It seems that the tree has been dead for a long time.

The trap Qian Xiaoqing planned to make was actually very simple, that is, placing domesticated spiders in the space in the yard.

There are so many mutant mosquitoes out there. Let’s not talk about the unique numbers these mutant mosquitoes carry. Just talking about their combat capabilities is enough to make people’s heads tingle.

In the previous life, Qian Xiaoqing and the others had seen mutant mosquitoes. The mutant mosquitoes at that time were quite crazy and left no one alive wherever they went!

Qian Xiaoqing witnessed a swarm of mutated mosquitoes sucking a person's blood dry, leaving no flesh and blood on his body, leaving only a pile of skeletons.

Therefore, she was extra cautious this time when she encountered a mutated mosquito again.

"Boss, how are you going to set up a trap?"

Zhang Xueer didn't understand. She looked at the bare yard and there was no handy tool in her hand. Didn't she say she wanted to make a trap?

"We don't need to make traps, we have natural helpers!"

Qian Xiaoqing waved her hand, and a giant spider suddenly appeared beside her.

People who didn't know it thought it was Qian Xiaoqing who had conjured it up.


During Zhang Xueer's brief exclamation, the mutant spider had already climbed up the courtyard wall.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt us!"

This mutant spider is much smaller than the previous one. Its body is like a short table, and its slender legs are stretched out randomly.

Although it is called a small mutant spider, it is many times larger than an ordinary spider.

One, two, three...

Qian Xiaoqing released a total of 5 mutant spiders.

"Go, protect this yard!"

After receiving the order, the five mutant spiders split up.

Zhang Xueer looked at those ferocious mutated spiders, instantly scattered to various locations in the yard, and her face was full of amazement.

"Boss, do these spiders just listen to you?"

Qian Xiaoqing smiled mysteriously, and she took Zhang Xueer to the window.

"Our mission is to guard the doors and windows!"

She took out the mutant spider webs she had collected before from her backpack. These spider webs are not only sticky but also poisonous, and can easily deal with ordinary animals.

The two of them unfolded a large spider web and carefully attached it to the door and window.

They even put four or five layers on just in case.

Watching the spiders climbing the walls in the yard, the spider webs they cut out were already quite large, so the two of them entered the house with confidence.

After returning to the house, the meal was almost ready.

Since they didn't have any handy tools, they were cooking indoors this time, so they used precious gas.

The sweet potato porridge in the pot has been cooked, and a whole basket of sweet potatoes is cooked in the basket next to it.

In addition to these staple foods, Zhao Lihua and Zhang Baode also prepared shrimp porridge and vegetable dumplings.

On the table was a plate full of vegetables, stir-fried pork and steamed carp.

Although there are not many dishes, this table of dishes has satisfied everyone.

"Okay, don't clean up anymore, hurry up and eat!"

A few people were so busy that they could eat no matter how much food they cooked.

After finishing the meal, Xiaoqing asked Xiaoqing to move the bucket outside to the space.

After just one meal, the ice in the bucket has completely melted. You can imagine how high the surrounding temperature is!

"Xiaoqing, stop cleaning up. You can go to bed first and let your dad and your Uncle Ning guard the door."

Qian Xiaoqing obediently shrank aside and prepared to sleep.

On such a hot day, I would be covered in sweat even if I moved even a little bit. Before it gets dark, I should go to bed quickly to replenish my energy.

"Uncle Qian and Uncle Ning will guard the first half, and Xiaochen and I will guard the second half." Zhang Haotian said proactively.

Everyone had no objections and went to find a place to rest.

The weather was hot. The temperature outside had reached over 60 degrees, while the temperature inside had dropped to over 30 degrees. Even if it still felt hot, everyone did not dare to neglect and hurriedly lay down to rest.

Ning Yuanhang was lying next to Qian Xiaoqing. He had been awkward for a day, but Qian Xiaoqing still didn't apologize to him.


Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing, who was sleeping soundly beside him, and felt very unhappy.

The sun is going down and the temperature outside is dropping.

Ning Yuanhang originally wanted to find a toilet, but suddenly his eyes changed.

"Get up, there's something moving outside!"

Zhang Haotian and Zhang Xiaochen, who were originally on duty, listened carefully and didn't hear any movement.

"What happened? Did you find anything?"

"A group of people came over!"

Ning Yuanhang stared straight at the door!

Qian Xiaoqing also woke up because of Ning Yuanhang's voice. She never doubted his words!

"Quickly, pack your things and get in the car!"

Ning Yuanhang's dark pupils were staring straight at the door. After traveling back in time, he always felt that his abilities had become weaker.


There was a strange noise outside, and suddenly several fierce shouts came over.

"Please open the door, please save us! We have old people and children here! Please open the door!"

The sleepiness in Zhao Lihua's eyes disappeared, and she stared at the door of the living room.

"Xiaoqing, what should I do? Someone is knocking on the door!"

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Chapter 46 Chapter 46

Ding Yu was holding an old man in his hands. The old man was leaning on Ding Yu. Only his slightly opened eyes let people know that he was still alive.

Ding Yu stared at this slightly ordinary farmyard. The door of the farmhouse was closed tightly, and there was no sign of anyone inside at all from the outside.

But the spider web on the wall caught his attention.

"Are you sure there is someone inside?"

Ding Yu asked the woman beside him.

Although Song Ling was wearing shabby and dirty clothes, her skinny body made people look pitiful. The only thing that was fair was her face and her dishonest eyes.

Song Ling held her brother's hand and said firmly:

"It's definitely here. I smelled the aroma of rice when I just passed by. Not only was there someone inside, but there was also a big fat sheep!"

Song Ling's eyes revealed excitement. , god knows how long it has been since she had a full meal.

"You better not lie to me!"

Ding Yu held the old man in his hands and knocked on the door.

"Is there anyone? Please help us. We were attacked by mutated mosquitoes! Is anyone there..."

The iron gate was banged, but there was no movement inside.

"Why are you still knocking on it? Why don't you just smash it open and break in!"

Song Qing, the little boy next to Song Ling, said with a pinched voice.

Song Qing is just a teenage boy who is in the stage of changing his voice, but he is the first one to awaken his powers. Even though he is young, he still has a voice in their small team of four.

Song Ling stood behind her younger brother and secretly observed Ding Yu. When she saw him frowning, she quickly smoothed things over and said,

"Xiao Qing, how can you say that? If we really break open the door, the people inside will definitely If we become our enemy, we will have to hold back Brother Ding Yu again."

More than a year after the end of the world, Song Ling and Song Qing met Ding Yu in the early days. As a recently retired soldier, Ding Yu had great skills and observation. Both of them were very strong, so the brother and sister directly grabbed him, and then they passed a year without any danger.

Even if Song Qing has awakened her powers, she still cannot live alone in the apocalypse. After all, Ding Yu's experience is there, and without him, they will be unable to move forward in the apocalypse.

Ding Yu saw that Song Qing was submissive under Song Ling's supervision, so he continued to knock on the door.

"Is anyone here? We are just trying to avoid disaster. There is no harm. There are all mutated animals outside. Please let us in?"

Qian Xiaoqing, who was standing inside, had already taken out the gun.

"Boss, should we open the door?"

Zhang Xiaochen took out his handy weapon and looked at the door warily.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the ice cubes and mattresses in the house. These things must not be shown to outsiders, so she quickly put them into the space.

"In the last days, people's hearts are sinister! If they want to come in, an iron gate alone won't be able to stop them. How about letting them in?"

Ning Dawei thought about it. The sun was going down anyway, and they would leave soon. Even if they Let these people come in and let them live in this small courtyard, and it will have no impact on them.

Everyone looked at Qian Xiaoqing, subconsciously waiting for her answer.

But Qian Xiaoqing turned to look at Ning Yuanhang and saw that he had no objection, so she said,

"It's okay to let them in, but we have to put away all the pots and pans here!"

Not only must they be put away, but also the pots and pans on the ground. Do not let go of any food residue.

Qian Xiaoqing took out a plastic box from her backpack and put all the pots and pans in the box.

The knocking on the door outside was still there, but the sound clearly revealed impatience.

Zhang Xueer ran to the corner, filled a handful of ashes, and wiped a handful of ashes on everyone's face.

The ice cubes originally placed in the room had been taken away, and the hot heat wave outside instantly washed away the originally cool room.

Originally, Qian Xiaoqing was still feeling refreshed, but after a little exercise, her head became covered with sweat.

Coupled with Zhang Xueer's handful of ashes, they looked dirty.

"Okay," Qian Xiaoqing covered the wet ground with hay: "Uncle Ning, please go and open the door with my father!"

Just when the people outside were impatient, they suddenly heard the sound of the door opening in the yard.

"Brother Ding, there is someone inside!"

Song Ling's eyes revealed excitement, and she couldn't wait.

She and her brother passed by here just now when they were searching for supplies, but they really smelled the aroma of food.

But in the end, the two of them were scared away by a large spider. Looking at the dense spider webs around them, Song Ling shrank her neck without leaving a trace.

Of course Ding Yu heard the movement in the room, and he could even vaguely hear their chatter.

But when the door was opened directly from the inside, everyone stared at each other critically.

Qian Yongkang opened the door and saw that the other party looked like a family, an unconscious old man, a strong young man, a delicate girl and a small boy.

Doesn't look threatening.

"Sorry to bother you!"

Ding Yu took the lead in lowering his body and appeared in front of Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang in a subordinate posture.

"I am a retired soldier, and I am trying to make a living with my girlfriend in the apocalypse. I have been wandering around here since the apocalypse. Because of the mutant mosquitoes, we want to go in and hide. Is it possible?"

Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang looked at each other.

Looking at the military officer's ID card that the other party took out, the certificate was somewhat damaged, but it could also be seen that the other party had indeed kept it well.

Based on the first words the man said, Qian Yongkang concluded that they must be familiar with the surrounding environment.

"Why do you have to come to us if you don't choose from so many empty houses here?"

Ning Dawei's words were very sharp. He always felt that these people had bad intentions!

"It's like this, look at my dad," Ding Yu revealed the old man he was carrying on his shoulders: "His health is dying, we want... to come to your place to ask for some water!" It's

hot in the summer, and outside The water source had long been dried up by the scorching sun, and they were indeed thirsty.

"We don't have water here!"

"I can exchange it for you with nearby information!"

The young man looked very experienced. Looking at his sincere eyes, Qian Yongkang still shook his head.

"I..." Ding Yu seemed to be cornered: "I know the activity areas of all mutant mosquitoes nearby. As long as you can give us a glass of water, I can tell you all."

Originally Qian Yongkang wanted to refuse again, but Was stopped by Ning Dawei.

It seems that the other party is determined to come in. If they block it blindly, they might launch a sneak attack.

"Dad, let them come in!"

Qian Xiaoqing appeared at the door, and her clear voice attracted everyone's attention.

Song Ling looked at the girl standing at the door. The girl's plump figure, rosy face, and dark and bright eyes attracted people's attention at a glance.

Although she is not fat, in the end of the world, with a figure like this, she must have never been hungry!

Song Ling's eyes flashed darkly, and envy and jealousy fermented in her heart. When she saw the girl, she noticed Ding Yu. When his eyes lit up, she directly took Ding Yu's arm.

"Brother Ding, let's go in quickly!"

Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei led the way. The two of them looked at each other and saw the greed in these people's eyes.

There was nothing in the house, just a few chairs made of tree stumps, a few backpacks and storage boxes.

There were not many people in the room, roughly seven or eight people, and most of them were young and strong young men.

Song Ling saw Ning Yuanhang as soon as she entered the door. Her eyes lit up. This strong young man was really handsome!

Even before the end of the world, handsome guys like Ning Yuanhang were rare!

Song Ling looked at the young man with clean clothes and clear eyes. Compared with the lean and slovenly Ding Yu next to him, there was a huge difference!

If, if she could follow him...

Song Ling's eyes showed longing.

As soon as Ding Yu entered the door, he felt the unfathomable strength of Ning Yuanhang. He was deeply threatened, and the nymphomaniac look of Song Ling, who had been following him for a year, made him even more unhappy.

Isn’t it just that he looks handsome?

But what struck Ding Yu most strangely was not the powerful people in this room, but the sense of coolness they felt as soon as they entered the room.

In this hot summer, there is no such thing as air conditioning, even a fan is a luxury!

Although the sun is fierce, it is rare to find solar energy now, and all equipment that can generate electricity from the sun have been exchanged as luxury goods.

But the feeling of coolness when entering the house is very suspicious.

These people are not simple!

Ding Yu quickly came to a conclusion.

"You said you know the activity range of nearby mutated mosquitoes?"

Qian Xiaoqing took the initiative to speak, interrupting Ding Yu's inspection.

"Um, right! We were active in Zhengcheng before the end of the world, and we haven't been out since the end of the world, so we still have a certain understanding of the nearby terrain and threats."

In Qian Xiaoqing's hesitant sight, Ding Yu said directly:

"There is a large forest in the south of the city. There is a low-lying pool in the forest. Because there is mountain spring water there, a depression is preserved. That depression has become the best place for breeding mosquitoes. That There are not many mosquitoes in the area, so try not to go south. "

"In addition to the mutated mosquitoes, there is also a nest in the mountain col in the north. There is a group of wild dogs living in the nest. The wild dogs bite people when they see them. I have already I’ve seen it many times, so now I suspect that those wild dogs must also be mutated! “

Wild dogs?

Qian Xiaoqing frowned deeply. Zhengcheng was a very big city before. How could there be wild dogs on the edge of the city?

This is very unusual!

Ding Yu seemed to see Qian Xiaoqing's hesitation, and he quickly explained: "Although there are wild dogs over there, the mountain spring water there is clearer and there are no mosquito eggs, so we usually go there to get drinking water."

"It's because there are a bunch of wild dogs there, so there are fewer and fewer people in the nearby villages."

Everyone goes there to look for water. Isn't this food delivered to their doorsteps?

Moreover, wild dogs act in a group. If they were not absolutely powerful, they would never be able to defeat them.

Qian Xiaoqing understood.

No wonder there are fewer and fewer people here along the way.

In addition to those whose blood was sucked by mosquitoes, there were also a group of wild dogs that might have mutated.

"We do have some water left here, but your information is not enough to make us give up the water!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at these people, she knew they were hiding something.


Ding Yu seemed to be struggling a lot:

"I don't know if you have ever seen mutant mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes have numbers on them. I know the hidden secrets inside..."

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Chapter 47 Chapter 47

Ding Yu finally said something that Qian Xiaoqing was interested in. Looking at his secretive expression, Qian Xiaoqing guessed that there must be some unknown secret in it!

"You mean, those mutant mosquitoes?"


"Then tell me what's the secret inside?"

Ding Yu looked at the eyes of the seven or eight people in the room staring at him, making people feel heavy pressure. Especially the young man who sat in the corner and remained silent.

Ding Yu has seen many ruthless people on the battlefield, and he has met many desperadoes in the past year, but no one has ever put such great pressure on him.

Under the young man's gaze, Ding Yu even felt his body trembling.

"I...I only know that those numbers were printed manually!"


Qian Xiaoqing quickly exchanged a look with her parents, and it was as expected!

She had made some guesses since she saw codes on mosquitoes, but why did they put numbers on mutant mosquitoes?

"What's the purpose of numbering mosquitoes?"

Ning Dawei really couldn't think about it.

"I don't know about this, but once we went out to search for supplies and met a group of people who seemed to specialize in killing mutated mosquitoes."

Qian Xiaoqing wanted to ask more details, but the man named Ding Yu had already Silenced.

There was no other way. It seemed that they really didn't know anymore. Qian Xiaoqing took out half a bottle of mineral water from her backpack and threw it directly to Ding Yu.

"I only have half a bottle of mineral water left here, so I'll use it as the money to buy this information from you."

Ding Yu hurriedly took the bottle of water. He hadn't drunk water for a day, and there were three dragsters around him. Bottle, even if he is agile, he cannot get enough water from the wild dogs.

Ding Yu hurriedly took a sip, and handed most of the remaining wine into Song Ling's hands.

Although Song Ling's lips were chapped, she took the water but did not drink it. Instead, she gave it to her brother.

Song Qing got the water and had no intention of giving it away. He drank half the bottle of water in two gulps, leaving nothing for Song Ling.

Song Ling picked up the empty bottle, opened her dry mouth, and waited for the last drop of water to fall from the empty bottle.

In the end, she only drank a drop of water.

But Qian Xiaoqing didn't have any mercy. She got up and packed her things to leave.

The sun had set and they had no time to delay.

"Are you ready to leave?"

Ding Yu was surprised. There were no travelers like them in Zhengcheng, but most of them would choose to stay.

Because if you go forward, there will be no water source at all. Before the end of the world, there was the Gobi Desert, where not a single blade of grass grows. There is only dry land and vast desert.

"Have you decided to go west?"

Ding Yu couldn't help but interjected as he saw that they were already packing their things.

Seeing that no one answered his words, he did not feel embarrassed, but said enthusiastically:

"Go further to the west, there is no water source at all, and with such bad weather now, you can't even see a cluster of plants. Not here, how can you eat and drink without these?"

Ding Yu's eyes turned slightly. People like them who are preparing to go west will always prepare enough food and water.

Maybe there is a lot of food in their car!

After realizing this, Ding Yu's eyes became even more excited. Anyone who appears in Zhengcheng heading west will be robbed, and it doesn't matter where they die.

"Don't worry!"

Qian Xiaoqing came to the yard and pulled away the camouflaged dead tree vines to reveal the two cars inside.

These two cars were driven in Doomsday Paradise. Not to mention, the comedian is really capable of modifying the two off-road vehicles to be more suitable for the current environment.

When the two off-road vehicles were revealed, Ding Yu could no longer hide the greed in his eyes. He saw two perfectly modified off-road vehicles.

In the end of the world, if you don't have the strength, you will never modify an off-road vehicle to look like this.

He took two steps forward excitedly, even imagining what it would be like to kill all these people and get these two off-road vehicles.

"Load the car!"

There were several storage boxes inside the house, and from the outside it could be seen that they contained some cooking utensils.

Ding Yu watched helplessly as they put all the storage boxes into the off-road vehicle.

Song Ling couldn't bear it any longer. She quickly walked over to Ding Yu and whispered in his ear:

"Brother Ding, what are you thinking about? Do you want to come up? They are leaving soon!"

Ding Yu was just behind him. Watching with helpless eyes:

"Don't worry Ling'er, Brother Sparrow will never let them leave alive when they get it!"

Song Ling didn't know what medicine Ding Yu sold in the gourd. She only knew that in these few minutes, they would The car is loaded and ready to go.

"Then you hurry up and think of a way. What are you waiting for?"

Ding Yu glared at Song Ling coldly: "Do you think I can defeat them alone?"

Ding Yu has lived in the apocalypse for a year, and he always looks at people. It's quite accurate. No one here is easy to mess with, especially that handsome young man. He has a vicious energy in his bones that has no place to be released. He can't be messed with at will!

"No matter how powerful they are, I don't believe they can break through that no-man's land."

Ding Yu looked like he had a chance to win: "Don't worry, I have put trackers on them."

After Song Ling heard Ding Yu's words , and then I felt relieved.

Several people watched helplessly as they drove away in two modified, almost perfect off-road vehicles.

After they left, Song Qing found some food scraps from the main room.

"Look, they really have something good in their hands!"

It was a grain of rice. The rice was covered with dust, making it difficult to tell at first glance. But when they got closer, the faint smell of rice penetrated into the nostrils of several people. They were already Have you not eaten rice in a year?

"It's actually rice?"

Song Ling couldn't help but swallowed dryly: "Look for anything else?"

Several people lay on the ground looking for it and finally found a very fine fish bone.

"They not only have rice but also fish!"

With this understanding, not only Song Ling and Song Qing were shocked, but even Ding Yu, who thought he had seen the world, couldn't believe it.

"There is no river at all near here. The nearest underground river to us is 200 kilometers away. Even if there are fish in it, in such hot weather, it will become a smelly fish when it comes here!"

They held it in their hands ! Definitely more good stuff!

Realizing this, Ding Yu also walked out: "Hurry up, we have to follow, don't let others get there first."

Song Ling cheered up when she heard this. She and her brother picked up the old man who was lying on the ground and hurried out.

And on the other side.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at a button-sized tracker attached to her body.

"Xiaoqing, why don't you throw it away?"

Zhao Lihua once again lamented that people are unpredictable. Unexpectedly, people who seem to be kind-hearted also do one thing to others.

"Why throw it away?"

Qian Xiaoqing put the tracker in her arms, pointed to the front and said, "Dad, drive quickly, let's wait for them from the front!"

Qian Yongkang didn't know what his daughter's plan was, he just kept it. Keep your foot on the gas.

Because it was approaching evening, people started to move outside Zhengcheng. Most of them carried a torn sack and ran into the large supermarket to search for supplies.

However, the supplies in Zhengcheng City have been searched over and over again, and now even the moldy rice can't be found, so someone started to think of robbery.

Qian Yongkang was sitting in front of the car and saw a group of people blocking the car directly in front of him.

These people were probably in their 20s, and they had weapons in their hands, some with sticks, some with machetes, and some with guns.

"Stop the car! Hand over all your supplies!"

I didn't know who had a loudspeaker, and they shouted in dialect with the loudspeaker.

Qian Yongkang looked at the group of people who didn't care whether they were dead or alive. He stepped on the accelerator without any hesitation.

Are you kidding me? This is an off-road vehicle designed by Xiaojiang!

"Hey, stop the car!"

Those people obviously didn't expect that someone was more aggressive than them.

"Hurry up and stop the car, do you hear me?"

- Bang!

A stick was thrown towards them and hit the windshield.

The group of roadblockers showed a triumphant smile. They originally thought that this car would be like the ones they encountered before, with the windshield smashed. However, they did not expect that when a stick was thrown over, the windshield turned out to be shattered. Nothing happened at all.

The car was still going very fast.


A machete was thrown from an unknown direction and hit the windshield, but nothing happened either.

"His grandma's, it's so outrageous!"

A young leader picked up the gun in his hand, and he didn't hesitate to shoot directly at the car.


"Boss, boss, it's bulletproof glass!"

- Bang!

——Bang bang! !

After several loud noises, several people flew into the sky, and others were stunned to find that their boss had been killed.

Sure enough, they encountered a serious problem, these cars dared to hit and kill the boss.

There is a nail zone ahead. As long as this car drives in, their tires will definitely burst!

However, what was expected did not happen.

That car just drove by!

"This... this is definitely a modified car!"

Unexpectedly, they failed to rob the road and were killed instead.

All this was seen by Ding Yu.

"Brother Ding, what should we do? Do we still want to follow?"

Ding Yu drove a very shabby car, which he had worked hard to get. He originally thought it was a big fat sheep, but he didn't expect that the other party not only had Fat, with barbs on his body!

"Why don't you follow? With such strength, they must have a lot of things on their hands!"

Ding Yu planned to make a desperate move.

The car quickly got into a small alley, and he drove forward in a familiar manner.

"I didn't tell them at the time that there was a radiation area heading west. As long as they entered the radiation area, no matter how powerful they were, they would be affected!"

Then it was time to reap the benefits.

Song Ling was satisfied after hearing Ding Yu's explanation: "When the time comes, you must leave that young man to me!"

Her eyes were shining. Who wouldn't want to play with a handsome guy?

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Chapter 48 Chapter 48

Two modified cars were driving rapidly in the alley. There were indeed people blocking the road, and some even dug a huge hole in the middle of the road.


Qian Yongkang stepped on the brakes and almost fell off the road.

This is an asphalt road, which was a national highway before the end of the world. There were many shops on both sides of the road, but now most of them are desolate.

And in the middle of the road, a huge hole 3 meters deep was dug. Several groups of people were already waiting here.

"Come out, come out quickly!"

Some people threw rocks at the car, while others used axes to chop open the glass.

"What should we do?"

It's too late to turn around now, the way back has been blocked by these people!

Qian Xiaoqing looked at these gangsters, she had long been accustomed to them.

In this doomsday environment, there is no humanity at all!

——Bang bang bang!

The bulletproof glass was smashed with a loud bang. When the irrational people saw that the glass could not be broken, they began to chop the front engine with axes.

People outside were crying and howling, but the people inside the car were not as panicked as expected.

Qian Xiaoqing stared at the deep ditch in front of her, and she calculated carefully.

"What should we do, Xiaoqing? Should we rush in?"

Qian Xiaoqing pondered.

"I'm getting out!"

Ning Yuanhang looked at the rampaging humans around him. If he wanted to control them, he must let them know what fear is!

"What are you doing out there?"

Qian Xiaoqing glared at Ning Yuanhang angrily: "You haven't caused enough trouble for me by going out!"

She grabbed a handful of dried strawberries from her backpack and stuffed it into Ning Yuanhang's hands.

"Wait from here, I have a way!"

Ning Yuanhang looked at the five strawberries placed in the palm of his hand. Although he knew that Qian Xiaoqing was using them to coax him, he still felt warm in his heart.

The buttocks were close to Qian Xiaoqing without any trace, and he wanted to get closer to her!

Ning Dawei looked at the increasingly violent humans. They had even taken out paint buckets and smashed them against their windshields.

The originally transparent and clear windshield was now blocked by these colored dyes.

Qian Yongkang brushed hard with glass of water, but fortunately he could see the road ahead clearly.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Qian Xiaoqing decided to take a risk!

"Dad, we have to drive over!"

"Drive over? How are we going to drive through such a big ditch?"

At this time, there were people outside with sharp spines ready to pierce the tires.

There is no protection on their tires. If they are punctured by this sharp spine, they will really sit back and wait for death.

Zhang Xiaochen and the others who were following them were also very anxious, waiting for the reaction of the car in front.

Suddenly, the car in front started to move, not towards their planned retreat, but towards the huge pit more than three meters deep.

"This, this, this, boss, is he desperate for his life?!"

Zhang Xiaochen roared while shifting gears!

What you say and what you do are simply not consistent.

His eyes were protruding, and there were even red bloodshot eyes at the corners. Even though he said that, he still stepped on the accelerator and followed him!


It's the sound of a car engine.

The group of robbers around them had a sure chance of victory. They knew that the two cars could not cross the trench, and the only way to retreat was waiting for them.

But the road behind them has also been blocked by traps set by them.

But they never expected that the people in these two cars seemed to be crazy and wanted to short-circuit themselves?

When the first car passed by, they only saw the girl sitting in the back seat with her window rolled down.

Through the car window, they saw clearly that it was a neatly dressed, white and fair little girl.

Because the car is fast enough to be a car. After passing through the ditch and flying into the air, there were instantly piles of scrapped vehicles right below the car!

Everyone's face was filled with disbelief.

A dozen of them dug this trench for several days and nights, and it was even filled with barbs from below.

—— Bang Dang Dang! ! !

Yellow sand flew up, and scrapped old cars appeared neatly out of thin air.

The first car hit the roof and went right through!

The second car follows closely behind!

Dozens of scrapped cars were piled inside the trench, and the trench they were proud of was instantly filled with cars.

The two modified cars sped away at the end of the sandy road without any hesitation.

The group of robbers who originally wanted to catch the turtle in the urn either held sharp awls or stones in their hands, just like primitive people, chasing them from behind.

"Hurry up and chase them! There are space powers among them!"

Someone shouted so loudly that the eyes of a group of people and several teams lit up.

In the end of the world, if someone awakens the power of space, that will be the target of competition for all teams.

How could anyone catch up with the car?

After a while the two cars disappeared.

Ding Yu, who had been hiding in the dark without daring to come out, witnessed everything from the corner.

"What should I do, Brother Ding? The other party has spatial powers!"

Song Ling's eyes were full of envy. She didn't understand why that woman could awaken her spatial powers?

"No wonder, no wonder..."

Ding Yu kept repeating, his eyes bright, looking very excited as he stared at the car exhaust.

"What's so surprising?"

Song Qing held a human hand bone in her hand and put it in her mouth.

He had just picked it up from the ground. The only meat he could eat now was the people running around on the ground.

"No wonder we didn't see the ingredients we brought. No wonder, even in the end of the world, they don't lack food and drink. It turns out they have spatial powers!"

"Brother Ding, what do you want to do?"

Song Ling looked at Ding Yu getting more and more crazy. The look in her eyes made her feel more and more uneasy.

In fact, Song Ling knew in her heart that the reason why Ding Yu still took her with her was mainly because of her beauty and youth, and her younger brother was a fire power user, so the three of them in a group would not pose much of a threat in this area.

But if that woman joins, and she is a beautiful woman with precious space powers, her status will be in jeopardy.

"That's a space superpower! That's a space superpower! As long as we control that woman, we will hoard more food!"

Ding Yu's eyes revealed madness, even though he knew that if he went further west, he would be Entering the radiation zone, he stepped on the accelerator resolutely.

Ding Yu drove up and down the alley, heading in the direction where Qian Xiaoqing and the others disappeared.

The situation on Qian Xiaoqing's side is also very bad.

"What should I do? It seems that the paint on the car window cannot be brushed off!"

Their windshield was covered with colorful paint. Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, the road in the distance was getting more and more desolate. If they didn't quickly Take the colored paint off the windshield and it will definitely hinder their ability to drive.

The sun in the distance had already set, and it was impossible to see the road ahead clearly because of the darkness.

Even though the neighborhood was still not safe, they still pulled over and prepared to clean the paint on the windshield before the paint was completely dry.

Qian Xiaoqing took out the remaining barrel of oil from the space, poured the oil on the windshield, and then quickly scrubbed it back and forth.

She even brought out a lot of water from the space.

If outsiders saw it, they would definitely be shocked.

Nowadays, it is a problem for human beings to drink water normally, but there are still people who have the luxury of washing their cars with clean water? !

Ten minutes later, the windshield looked brand new.

"Let's go. The map shows that there is a Gobi Desert in front of us. The road there should be easier!"

Everyone knows that the Gobi Desert has the most wind and sand. They only need to ensure that no sand enters the exhaust vent of the car to keep going west. open.

The further we go, the more remote and desolate we go.

But before they left for long, they saw a car chasing them vaguely from behind!

Ning Yuanhang seemed to have known for a long time: "Don't panic, it's Ding Yu and the others!"

Ning Dawei was surprised when he heard Ning Yuanhang's words: "You mean they followed us all the way here?"

Ning Yuanhang nodded.

"They must have also seen Xiaoqing using her space powers!"

"Then let them never come back!"

Ning Dawei had already picked up the weapon in his hand and looked through the car window slowly approaching them not far away. Ding Yu.

Qian Xiaoqing and his two cars were driving at a constant speed, and they seemed to be in no position to follow Ding Yu.

Ding Yu and the others stepped on the gas and jumped up directly.

The excitement on his face could not be concealed.


Qian Yongkang looked at the dilapidated car parked in front of him and stopped.

"What should I say? Do you want them to suffer a little?"

Qian Yongkang was no longer as kind-hearted as he was at the beginning. Instead, his face was full of excitement and expectation.

"Look how they want to die!"

Ning Yuanhang's expression was cold. His perception was super strong. He clearly felt that the man who was overestimating his own abilities dared to miss his Xiaoqing!

Ning Yuanhang, whose energy has not been released since time travel back, became furious!

"Haha, we meet again!"

Ding Yu got out of the car first, looking fawning.

"It's such a coincidence that it's in the barren mountains and wild mountains!"

Qian Yongkang had a smile on his face, but in fact he had already grabbed a weapon in his hand.

"Actually, I'm here to chase you. I forgot to tell you during the day. Going west from Zhengcheng is a radiation area. The radiation here is very powerful. Everyone who knows about it has evacuated."

Ding Yu looked at the mask on his face Everyone in the car was shocked!

Radiation zone?

Why is this a radiation zone?

I have never heard of a radiation zone near Zhengcheng!

As if he had guessed the thoughts of the people in the car, Ding Yu explained: "This is a radiation zone, and this is what happened in the past year. The radiation intensity here is very strong. If you stay here for a day, you will feel dizzy and sick." My heart feels like vomiting, even if I get out in time, I will die soon!"

Ding Yu admired the shocked expressions of everyone in the car with satisfaction, especially Qian Xiaoqing who was sitting in the back seat of the car.

The more he looked, the more frightened he became. Whether it was face or temperament, that girl was the best!

If, if he had that girl by his side...

Ding Yu's eyes glanced around dishonestly.

Ning Yuanhang stood directly in front of Qian Xiaoqing and stared back.

"If you really want to go west, you have to bypass this radiation zone!"

Ding Yu said in a sincere tone.

"I know the route. As long as you give me enough reward, I can take you there!"

Ding Yu was determined to win. He believed that with their wealth, they would never begrudge this reward.

"So, you mean to let us go with you?"

Ding Yu smiled slightly: "Otherwise, what else can you do?"

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Chapter 49 Chapter 49

Even though everyone knows why Ding Yu appears here.

Seeing them coming in a hurry, with weapons in their hands, it would be a bit far-fetched to say that they came specifically to show them the way.

"If you want to bypass the radiation zone, what do you want?"

Ning Dawei held a cigarette in his mouth, took out a box of matches from his body, and lit it with a swish.

It's already the end of the world, natural disasters occur frequently, and humans are hoarding supplies. Things like cigarettes have long become luxuries, but you didn't expect that the other party still has them? !

Everyone's eyes, including Ding Yu's, lit up.

Siblings Song Ling and Song Qing, who were standing behind him, looked at each other and looked at the group of people greedily.

"Sister, Brother Ding's intentions are not pure!"

Song Qing licked her chapped lips and looked at each other in understanding with Song Ling:

"Sister, please cover me!"

After all, they are siblings, and Song Qing is also Song Ling. The person Ling trusted the most, she nodded directly without hesitation.

Negotiations on the other side appear to be continuing.

"You want us to lead the way, you must show some sincerity!"

Ding Yu seemed to be afraid that they would not believe his words, so he pulled out a "You have entered the radiation zone" sign from the yellow sand pile not far away.

"I want half of your gasoline and 2/3 of your food!" He seemed to think for a moment and glanced at Ning Dawei: "And all the cigarettes in your hands!"

What a lion with his mouth wide open!

Qian Xiaoqing was immediately laughed out of anger. These people are really greedy!

"What if we don't give?"

Ding Yu had already expected that they would not obediently contribute food and oil. He shrugged:

"This is a famous devil's cave. You really don't think that all the people in Zhengcheng are here because of Are the mutated animals dead?"

He smiled contemptuously:

"There used to be a large distribution center in this place, and there was a large granary there, but it was because it was a well-known granary that so many people were desperate. We came here to collect supplies, but none of them survived for a week. They all bled to death. What do you think they did..."

In the end of the world, many things can happen. Since Ding Yu said that there is a radiation zone here, he should not be lying. .

"We can completely take a detour!"

Ning Dawei had almost finished smoking the cigarette in his hand. He shook off the ashes on the cigarette, squinted in the smoke, and looked at the greedy man standing not far away. Ding Yu.

"Of course you can take a detour. All the places here that can be detoured have been set up traps!"

Qian Xiaoqing squinted at the Gobi Desert filled with yellow sand. There were no tall trees near them. As far as the eye could see, Only the patch of thorns not far away still revealed a little green.

It would be really troublesome to get lost in a place like this!

"What if we don't agree?"

Ning Yuanhang, who had been standing at the end of the team and never spoke, said coldly.

Ding Yu, who had been staring at Qian Xiaoqing, was startled into a cold sweat by this abrupt sentence. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he had a natural fear of that man.

"Then we...will not accompany you..."

Ding Yu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his eyes moving very fast. He wanted to find a way to catch that woman, and then kill all these people.

He was holding a strange transparent test tube in his hand. There was a purple potion in the test tube. There were bubbles in the potion, which looked weird.

"Brother Ding!"

Song Ling quickly grabbed Ding Yu's arm. Her eyes showed anxiety. Song Qing has been there for a long time. It stands to reason that he should have succeeded long ago. Why has there been no movement yet?

"What's wrong?"

Ding Yu lowered his voice and looked at Song Ling sideways.

"It's Xiao Qing..."

Only then did Ding Yu realize that Song Qing had disappeared. They often did this kind of thing, so of course they knew the routine.

"What's going on? Why are you acting privately? This group of people is not a good person. Get Xiaoqing back quickly!"


Song Ling looked behind Ding Yu with her body trembling, where the silent man was like a ghost. man is choking a child.

"Xiao, Xiao, Xiaoqing...let him go quickly!!"

Song Ling took out the dart in her hand, which she collected in the fitness club, and shot it out without thinking!

That's her brother. Even if she dies, she can't let Xiao Qing die.

The Gobi Desert, which was originally sunny and sunny, suddenly stirred up sand, and the gusts of wind blew away a lot of the heat.

Ning Yuanhang held this "little mouse" who came to steal things in his hands without any mercy.

And the dart that appeared in front of him instantly appeared in Ning Yuanhang's hand the next second.

——Whoosh! ! !

Ning Yuanhang's movements remained unchanged and he looked straight at the "little mouse" struggling in his hand. The dart in his hand returned the same way and shot straight towards Song Ling's face.


"Help, help..."

Song Ling covered her eyes, blood burst out from her face, and her entire face and body were stained red by blood.

She saw that the dart he originally shot was now stuck directly in her eye.

"Brother Ding, help me, Brother Ding, help me!"

Song Ling rolled on the ground in pain, but at this juncture, no one could help her.

Ding Yu watched in shock as he stuffed the small test tube in his hand into his sleeve. Looking at the flames at the rear of the car, Song Qing actually dared to burn someone else's off-road vehicle out of anger? !

Isn't this asking for death?

"Everyone... everyone, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding. This is the child's independent behavior. It has nothing to do with me, not at all!"

Ding Yu quickly explained that now we are outnumbered, if Song Qing obeys Fortunately, there was still a possibility of a comeback, but the only one with a superpower among them was caught, and he knew he couldn't defeat this group of people.

"I don't know this child, he has nothing to do with us!"

"Brother Ding, brother Ding..."

Song Ling rolled on the ground in pain, but she still did not dare to give up her brother. After all, she grew up in a family that valued boys over girls. Coming out of middle school, the thoughts that have been instilled in me since childhood are to take care of my younger brother, serve my younger brother, and give all the best things to my younger brother...

"Save Xiao Qing, Brother Ding save him..."

On the other side, pinching Song Qing Ning Yuanhang was furious because when he changed it to Song Qing, he was smelling Qian Xiaoqing's underwear.

He is such a pervert!

Qian Xiaoqing had a bag of clothes in the car, but she didn't expect this bastard to dig them out.

When Ning Yuanhang caught Song Qing, he was taking Qian Xiaoqing's underwear and stuffing it into his trouser pocket.


"I'm going to make you...regret!!"

The suppressed anger was gradually released.

As waves of heat burst out around Ning Yuanhang, Song Qing, who had already taken a defensive stance, screamed in pain. He felt as if something important was being pulled away from his body.

"Let me go, let me go..."

In Qian Xiaoqing's shocked eyes, she watched the fire power representing Song Qing transfer directly to Ning Yuanhang.

——Stealing abilities? !

Ning Yuanhang can actually steal superpowers? ? ?

How could this kind of supernatural power, which could only be found in legends, appear in Ning Yuanhang?

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar feeling on his body, Qian Xiaoqing made a bold guess.

And Song Qing, who was caught in Ning Yuanhang's hand, screamed in pain and struggled, but like a turtle in a urn, he could never escape Ning Yuanhang's grasp and could only watch his most cherished things being taken away by the other party. Walk.

"Sister, save me..."

Song Qing, who was originally only a teenager, now looks haggard and has aged dozens of years in an instant.

"Xiaoqing Xiaoqing, younger brother, younger brother..."

Song Ling completely ignored the injury on her face and moved to her side on her knees.

Ding Yu, who witnessed everything, silently took a step back.

The dark heat wave around Ning Yuanhang gradually disappeared, and the perverted Song Qing could only breathe.

Song Ling crawled to her brother's side and watched Song Qing die.

"You bitches, I will die with you!"

More than a dozen darts were shot out at the same time, but in different directions, but her accuracy was very high, and three of them were actually shot towards Qian Xiaoqing.

Song Ling originally thought she could kill at least three people, but all the darts in her hand failed.

——Swish swish!

Several bamboo arrows were shot out quickly, and all those darts were shot down before they even got close to a few people.

Qian Xiaoqing held the machine in her hand and looked at Song Ling expressionlessly, who wanted to kill them.

If this group of people didn't provoke her, everything would be fine, but unfortunately...

Qian Xiaoqing shook her head and sighed.

Because there was another bamboo arrow shooting in the direction of Song Ling who was lying on the ground.


Song Ling died in pain, and the only person standing on the field now was the middle-aged man Ding Yu.

"You want to lead us? Where are you taking us?"

Ding Yu backed away in fear. He witnessed the cold man absorbing Song Qing's superpower, and also saw Qian Xiaoqing's weird and exquisite marksmanship. Originally, It's no match, and now it seems there is absolutely no chance of winning.

"No, no..."

Ding Yu is now ready to run away. His car is only 10 meters away. As long as he delays for a little time, he can run away!

"No? Then why are you installing trackers on us?"

Qian Xiaoqing smiled. The greed in these people's eyes almost turned into reality. They just didn't know the way, and they were not blind.

"Of course it's for -"

Ding Yu swung his arm and threw something out of his hand, hitting Qian Xiaoqing's team directly.

"I've given you a gift!!"

Ding Yu didn't hesitate at all, he turned around and ran away.

When Qian Xiaoqing saw something thrown by Ding Yu, she reflexively shot it directly with her gun and smashed the thing.


A clear test tube fell to the ground.

Ning Yuanhang was still absorbing Song Qing's powers, and suddenly he felt extremely uneasy.

"Be careful! Hide quickly!"

In response to Ning Yuanhang's prompt, Qian Xiaoqing almost reflexively pulled her parents and others who had not yet reacted and ran towards the car.

After the test tube shattered, the purple liquid fell to the ground.

Mosquitoes that were originally just pupae suddenly underwent a collective metamorphosis after being exposed to the air and turned into mosquitoes with wings.

Qian Xiaoqing witnessed this moment with her own eyes.

These mosquitoes are about the same size as normal mosquitoes. There are at least tens of thousands of mosquitoes.

In front of them are the bodies of Song Qing and Song Ling.

The mosquitoes flew over after smelling the smell.

Qian Xiaoqing watched helplessly as the two people who had just died were drained of their blood and turned into mummies.

The mosquito, which was originally a normal size, instantly became the size of a dragonfly after sucking the blood of two people.

And in their abdomens, there is a common code, all of them are -

103! !

how so? !

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Chapter 50 Chapter 50

Now is not the time to think about problems. Seeing those mutated mosquitoes sucking the blood of the siblings and then their bodies rapidly expanding and getting bigger, Qian Xiaoqing directly thought of the group of mutated mosquitoes she saw before.

"Were those mutated mosquitoes cultivated by humans?!"

This truth seems to be unexpected by everyone, but it is also reasonable.

"Now is not the time to discuss this, run!"

The eight of them quickly climbed into the car.

Qian Xiaoqing blocked Ning Yuanhang outside the car door.

"Xiaoqing, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Lihua was confused.

Because Qian Xiaoqing had already taken out the machine, and it was pointed at Ning Yuanhang's chest.

"Who are you?"

Qian Xiaoqing's face was expressionless, her finger tightly holding the trigger. As long as the man in front of her made any move, she would pull the trigger without hesitation.

Ning Yuanhang's lips trembled and he looked at Qian Xiaoqing who showed no mercy. He said in a panic:

"These mutated mosquitoes are very powerful. Let's escape first!"

Seeing that he spoke very logically and every move revealed his maturity, This person is definitely not just Ning Yuanhang!

Qian Xiaoqing regretted, why didn't she see the man wearing it earlier?

"I won't let you get in the car until you make it clear!"

The people who had climbed into the car all looked at Ning Yuanhang's familiar face outside the car in surprise.

"Xiaoqing, what's wrong with you? That's Yuanhang!"

Zhao Lihua was confused. Seeing a few mutated mosquitoes flying over with wings flickering, she quickly opened the car door: "Hurry and let Yuanhang get in the car!"

However, Tian Xiaoqing But she didn't give in at all:

"Tell me clearly who you are and what your purpose is?"

Seeing Qian Xiaoqing's face turned cold, Zhao Lihua also realized that something was wrong. She stopped persuading blindly and looked at Ning Yuanhang with doubts.

"I am Ning Yuanhang!" Ning Yuanhang said with a serious face: "I am Ning Yuanhang, Xiaoqing, 20 years after the end of the world!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Qian Xiaoqing's heart skipped a beat.

What is 20 years after the end of the world?

He also traveled through time?

So is he someone who traveled back in time 20 years later in her current life, or is he someone who traveled back in time 20 years later in her previous life?

Seeing the doubts on Qian Xiaoqing's face, Ning Yuanhang held Qian Xiaoqing's hand that pulled the crossbow.

"Now is not the time to reminisce about old times, those mutated mosquitoes are about to attack!"

A force came from Qian Xiaoqing's wrist. This person was very strong, but he did not scratch her.

Get out of the way and get in the car!

The movements were completed in one go, and he was still sitting next to Qian Xiaoqing, but it gave her a feeling that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

She should have noticed it earlier!

Qian Xiaoqing kept recalling that the first time she felt strange was probably after Ning Yuanhang recovered from a high fever.

They were also delayed for a long time this time.

And the car still didn't start.

"What's wrong, Old Ning?"

Qian Yongkang looked at Ning Dawei sitting in the driver's seat.

Ning Dawei's face was full of annoyance:

"The car was damaged!"

Everyone here was shocked, and the first thing they thought of was the dead boy who just sneaked into their house while everyone was not paying attention. Beside the car, something must have been done at that time.

Qian Xiaoqing turned to look at Ning Yuanhang and said:

"Stay in the car first, don't go out, those mosquitoes shouldn't be able to get in!"

Looking at the overwhelming giant mosquitoes flying towards them, because of the obstruction of the car, the mosquitoes did not get in. Come in, but don't leave either.

Zhang Xueer's voice came from the intercom.

"Sister Xiaoqing, how are you? Why haven't you come here yet?"

Qian Xiaoqing took the walkie-talkie: "Our car has been damaged and cannot be started. We have to wait until all the mosquitoes have dispersed before we can go out. You go Chase Ding Yu, and remember that there is an old man following him, bring them both back!"

"Okay, don't worry, Sister Xiaoqing, I promise to complete the mission!"

There was no reply from the other end of the intercom, and their driver The car followed the ruts and soon disappeared.

Five people in a confined space have never been so awkward.

Looking outside, there were still mutated mosquitoes lingering near the car, and no one got out of the car.

Facing Ning Yuanhang, Qian Xiaoqing was still wary.

Zhao Lihua originally wanted to admonish these two people, but the next second Qian Xiaoqing disappeared with Ning Yuanhang.

Standing by the beach.

Zhang Ruiwen is sitting in an electric wheelchair. The wounds on his body have healed, but the broken leg and arm still have not improved at all.

When Tian Xiaoqing appeared in the game space with Ning Yuanhang, Zhang Ruiwen had already finished harvesting a crop of kelp.

"Boss, you're here!"

Zhang Ruiwen originally wanted to go up and say hello, but seeing the two people at war with each other, Zhang Ruiwen smiled awkwardly, controlled the electric wheelchair remotely and ran to the side to feed the chickens.

"There are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Qian Xiaoqing did not take out the gun this time, because she knew that no matter who the man in front of her was in the game space, she was confident in controlling him.

"Xiao Qing, in the third year after the apocalypse, our parents both passed away, leaving us alone and helpless. At that time, you bit off one of your fingers trying to grab a piece of moldy bread for me."

Ning Yuanhang's The expression was nostalgic. God knows how much he regretted it at that time. If he didn't pester Xiaoqing to go out to find food for him, she would be fine.

"In the fifth year after the apocalypse, we came to the Lhasa base. Although life there was hard, at least it was what human beings should be like. Although we lived there in a house with dozens of people to one room, and we didn't have much to eat. Dun, but you went deep into the polluted area to celebrate my birthday, just to pick the flowers inside and make a flower hat for me..."

Although Ning Yuanhang's expression was distressed, it could be seen that he was happy at that time.

"The wish I made for my birthday that year was to live with you forever!"

His eyes became determined, and when he saw tears gathering in Qian Xiaoqing's eyes, he reached out his hand and wiped them gently. wipe.

"It's a pity that my wish did not come true. You died in the tenth year after the end!"

"Xiaoqing, it was me who failed to protect you!"

Although what Ning Yuanhang said was true, Qian Xiaoqing saw that Ning Yuanhang, who is now clearly in control and has no such silly energy at all, still can't believe it.

"Before I came, 20 years had passed since the end of the world. In the 10 years since your death, I have been looking for your enemies everywhere, and I have been deceived and bullied..."

Ning Yuanhang chuckled:

"I am no longer the Ning Yuanhang who was so closely protected by you at that time. I have the ability to protect you now, Xiaoqing!"

Qian Xiaoqing never expected that Ning Yuanhang also came from time travel?

And he only traveled back in time 20 years after the end of the world.

She looked at Ning Yuanhang in surprise as his temperament suddenly changed from inside to outside.

I can't believe that Ning Yuanhang also came through time.

This person is Ning Yuanhang, who has accompanied her for 10 years.

Is this person Ning Yuanhang, who has been supporting each other since the end of the world?

This person turned out to be the stupid Ning Yuanhang? !

"Far, far away?"

Qian Xiaoqing's voice was trembling, and there was even some disbelief.

From the examples Ning Yuanhang gave, the bits and pieces he mentioned, and the difficult life he had after she died.

Qian Xiaoqing believed it!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you were here! Wow -"

Qian Xiaoqing finally couldn't control it and broke down crying!

The only thing she couldn't worry about after traveling through time was that she was living in a difficult apocalypse, and the very simple Ning Yuanhang died.

Since crossing over, they have encountered countless difficulties along the way. There is no one to talk to and no one to bear. Going all the way west is her only obsession.

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing who collapsed and cried bitterly, and gently held her in his arms:

"Okay, it's all over. Isn't it okay? And we are reunited!"

Back to the past, It's the best thing to be together again and be able to continue with the rest of our lives!

"I shouldn't, shouldn't have left you there alone..."

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing's self-blame, as if he had returned to the time when he was protected by Qian Xiaoqing more than ten years ago.

"It won't happen this time, it won't happen for sure..."

Qian Xiaoqing, who traveled back in time, felt that she hadn't seen the old Ning Yuanhang for more than a month, but Ning Yuanhang had been suffering from pain for more than ten years.

After crying bitterly, Qian Xiaoqing finally let down her guard. Looking at the mature and steady Ning Yuanhang, Qian Xiaoqing felt relieved.

"As long as you are not wronged later, I will be relieved. We have all lived in the apocalypse for more than ten years. With the two of us, we will definitely live a better and better life in the apocalypse."

Qian Xiaoqing's eyes Determined, she vowed to live a better life this time.

Ning Yuanhang kept his eyes on Qian Xiaoqing, not missing any movement on her face.

"Xiaoqing, I'm afraid I have to leave for a while!"

Qian Xiaoqing was surprised. She originally thought that Ning Yuanhang would decide to take them to Lhasa.

"You guys go west first. I still need to solve some things."

In Qian Xiaoqing's confused eyes, Ning Yuanhang did not explain. In his previous life, he killed all the people who tried to harm Qian Xiaoqing, but not in this life. They Still a threat!

He does not allow any hidden danger to exist in the world.

"You can go to Tibet with peace of mind. I will definitely come to you after I finish my work!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang's expression and saw that he was really unwilling to answer. Only then did she realize that Yuanhang was no longer that stupid person. Xixi followed Yuanhang behind her, but it was Ning Yuanhang who was independent, thoughtful and well-planned.

Actually, this is quite good.

Qian Xiaoqing was a little sad.

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, I still support you! But in this apocalypse..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to the life in the apocalypse."

Ning Yuanhang raised his hand and tentatively touched Qian Xiaoqing's brain. top.

Touching the soft and furry head, Ning Yuanhang felt a little nostalgic.

He decisively withdrew his hand.

"Come on, let's go out. I wonder if the mosquitoes have dispersed."

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Chapter 51 Chapter 51

After calming down, the two of them walked out of the game space one after the other.

Zhao Lihua and Qian Yongkang were very nervous. They always felt that Yuanhang seemed to have become much smarter, but how could he have a conflict with Xiaoqing?

"I said Dawei, you know your son best. Do you think what Xiaoqing said just now is true?"

Ning Dawei sat in the driver's seat and rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Who said I know that brat best? If someone really dares to pretend to be my son, I dare to kill him!"

Just as Ning Dawei finished this sentence, Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang appeared.

"Mom and Dad, we're back!"

Zhao Lihua looked at her daughter's rosy face. The relationship between the two was not as complicated as she had imagined. She was full of doubts.

"Xiao, Xiaoqing?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at her mother's cautious look, and she still felt that she had to talk things out.

"Hey, am I not overthinking it?" Qian Xiaoqing was still a little uncomfortable when she explained: "Yuanhang has come to his senses since he had a high fever. I always felt that there was something wrong with him, which was reasonable."


"What, son, you came to your senses!"

Ning Dawei, who originally didn't care, looked back in a panic, and just happened to see Ning Yuanhang, who was smiling and looking at Qian Xiaoqing eagerly.

Whatever Xiaoqing said was what it was!

Ning Yuanhang had no choice but to nod: "The high fever during those days really made my brain confused. After waking up, I just felt that my mind was clear, so... this is considered enlightenment, right?!"

"Great, great!" Ning Dawei was very happy: "This way you and Xiaoqing have hope!"

Ning Dawei said the last sentence in a low voice, and everyone just thought he was very happy and excited and didn't investigate further.

Only Ning Dawei himself knew that he had actually regarded Qian Xiaoqing as his daughter a long time ago.

Seeing that her parents were very happy, Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang tacitly.

Somehow, when I usually look at Yuanhang, I just think he is a child, but now, when Qian Xiaoqing looks at Ning Yuanhang, what flashes in her mind is Ning Yuanhang's huge biceps and...


Qian Xiaoqing turned her head in panic and coughed twice awkwardly. There was a suspicious blush on her cheeks, which made people imagine.

"Um... Zhang Xiaochen and the others haven't come back yet?"

Qian Xiaoqing finally got to the point. The mosquito outside the car updated various resources every day. Welcome to join the Antarctic Biological Valley. There are fewer and fewer of them, only a few scattered around, and the surroundings are desolate, worthy of being a dry desert.

"Zhang Xiaochen and his team just called us on the intercom," Qian Yongkang said with a smile on his face, "He said they caught Ding Yu, but the old man in his car didn't seem to be in good condition and might die soon."

Qian Xiaoqing frowned immediately after hearing this.

She and Ning Yuanhang looked at each other, and Ning Yuanhang said,

"The old man is problematic, and these mutant mosquitoes are even more problematic. I guess these mutant mosquitoes should be related to the radiation here."

The few people didn't wait too long, and soon they saw a car driving towards them from the desert with rolling yellow sand.

Ning Yuanhang got off the car first. He took a plate of mosquito coils from Qian Xiaoqing and lit them around the car. He carefully checked the surroundings and made sure there were no mutant mosquitoes. Ning Yuanhang let Qian Xiaoqing and the others get off the car.

Opening the car door, Qian Xiaoqing felt a little warm in her heart when she saw Ning Yuanhang's hand stretched out. She gently handed her hand over.

For safety reasons, Zhao Lihua and the others did not get off the car, but stayed in the car obediently.

After getting off the car, she saw Zhang Xiaochen and Zhang Haotian holding Ding Yu down and getting off the car.

"Boss, look!" Zhang Xiaochen said excitedly, "If his car hadn't run out of gas, we wouldn't have caught him!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ding Yu, who was limping after being hit:

"Tell me, what did you just throw out?"

Ding Yu was restrained by someone. He didn't expect that he would be caught because he was hit by a car.

"Since you caught me, you can kill me or torture me!"

Ding Yu knew some torture methods. In the past year or so of the apocalypse, he had already prepared himself mentally.


Qian Xiaoqing couldn't help laughing:

"Is the thing in that bottle so important? So important that you would risk your life for it?"

Ding Yu raised his head hesitantly. He looked at this group of people. It would be a lie to say that he didn't regret it. He was the only one left in the original team, and he still didn't know the details of this team.

"Go ahead, as long as you tell me everything you know, I will consider letting you go!"

Qian Xiaoqing held a crossbow in her hand, and she had already seen two or three mosquitoes buzzing towards her.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh -

three arrows shot out at the same time, just killing the three mosquitoes that surrounded her.

Ding Yu knelt on the ground with trembling lips: "You, don't think I don't know, even if I tell the truth, you won't let me go!"

He had seen this kind of scene many times in the end of the world, and most of the time people would be killed directly after telling the secret.

"Believe it or not, anyway... we still have that person!"

Qian Xiaoqing stretched out her hand and pointed, and it turned out to be the old man who had been staying beside Ding Yu.

"Him?" Ding Yu's expression was a little panicked: "He is my father, he knows nothing!"

Ding Yu seemed to be afraid that Qian Xiaoqing would wake up the old man.

He, who was originally stubborn, actually began to struggle.

What is the identity of that old man?

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the old man who was breathing in less than breathing out, and told Zhang Xueer to give him some water, and then took out a bag of snacks from his pocket and asked him to feed these things into the old man's mouth.

The old man's lips were dry and cracked because of thirst, and the whole person was weak.

Zhang Xueer fed him two large bottles of water before he responded and slowly opened his eyes.

Ding Yu ignored the ropes tied around his body and rolled and crawled to the side, as if he was afraid that the old man would eat him.

"I said! I'll tell you everything I know, you, don't kill me! And don't order others to kill me!"

Everyone looked at Ding Yu and began to panic. He seemed to be really afraid of this old man, and even struggled to run to the side, but was soon held down by Zhang Xiaochen.

Seeing Ding Yu's reaction, Qian Xiaoqing became even more curious about the identity of this old man.

Zhang Xiaochen held Ding Yu tightly and said viciously in his ear:

"We are already giving you enough face by not killing you. As for whether others kill you or not... we have no right to control it!"

On the other side, Qian Xiaoqing walked over curiously, looking at this plain old man, and indeed did not see anything wrong.

"Are you awake? If you are awake, answer the question!"

When the old man woke up, he found himself tied up. His eyes were murderous. He struggled hard, but it was useless.

During the struggle, a strange pattern appeared on his shoulder. It was a tattoo.

The tattoo was very delicate, as if it had just been drawn with a pen.

Ning Yuanhang, who was originally standing not far away with little interest, frowned instantly after seeing the pattern on the old man's body, and quickly walked to Qian Xiaoqing:

"Xiaoqing, leave this man to me, I will interrogate him about everything he knows."

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang's serious expression, and she realized that this old man might be hiding a huge secret.


Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang with disdain as he pulled the old man far away, so far that she couldn't see what Ning Yuanhang was doing.

It was the first time she saw Ning Yuanhang's expression so ugly, and Qian Xiaoqing immediately thought of the totem.

What on earth was that?

While thinking, Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ding Yu, and she was not polite at all:

"Ding Yu, you'd better tell me everything about the old man, otherwise you won't be as simple as just dying."

Qian Xiaoqing would hold a grudge against him for damaging her car.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you..."

Ding Yu listened to the faint screams in the distance. The screams of the dying old man were so terrible. His eyes flashed and his tense neck shrank:

"I'll tell you everything, I just ask you to let me live."

"Well, I picked up that old man on the road. At that time... At that time, he was wearing a blue suit, and the mark embroidered on the clothes was the mark he had tattooed."

"Who is he?"

"He, he is a researcher at the research institute!"

Research institute?

Qian Xiaoqing's heart sank suddenly. In her previous life, she had never heard of any research institute!

"Yes, it's the research institute! The can of experimental subjects I just threw away was taken out of the research institute by him!"

Ding Yu was anxious to escape. His eyes looked back frequently, as if he was really afraid of the old man.

Qian Xiaoqing didn't understand. Since Ding Yu was so afraid of him, why did he take him with him?

"What kind of research institute is that?"

Qian Xiaoqing felt mixed emotions. She always felt that after staying in the apocalypse for such a long time, there were still many things she didn't know.

"It's that abnormal research institute. They studied mutant animals and plants. They released these experimental subjects and destroyed the order of the whole world..."

Qian Xiaoqing wanted to say that this was not true. If this statement was true, it would mean that humans were largely responsible for the apocalypse.

"Impossible, how could this be possible?"

Qian Xiaoqing didn't believe it at all. If this was true, it would subvert her worldview!

"Let me go, let me go..."

Ding Yu crawled to the side with difficulty.

Qian Xiaoqing was very curious: "Why are you so afraid of that old man?"

Ding Yu's eyes were bloodshot. He stared at Qian Xiaoqing for a while before saying:

"All the people in their research institute are monsters, all perverts. They can control mutant animals. Yes, they can control mutant animals..."


Qian Xiaoqing didn't even dare to imagine it!

No wonder Ding Yu felt like he saw a ghost when he saw the old man wake up.

If the old man can really control mutant animals, Qian Xiaoqing stood in the desert and looked around.

Then, the biggest threat now is the group of mutant mosquitoes that just broke out of their shells!

"Xiaochen, let Ding Yu go!"

"Ah? Boss, we finally caught him!"

Zhang Xiaochen didn't want to give up. In his opinion, letting Ding Yu go was like letting a disaster go, which would do more harm than good.

"It doesn't matter, let him go! After all, I just promised him."

After being untied, Ding Yu ran away. He rolled and crawled into the desert. Now the only thing in his mind was to stay away from the researcher who had woken up.

"Yuanhang! Are you ready? Get in the car!"

As far as the eye could see, thousands of mutant mosquitoes had gathered in the direction where Ding Yu fled.

The group of mutant mosquitoes surrounded Ding Yu in an instant like a tornado. In just a few seconds, only bones of Ding Yu were left.

"The mutant mosquitoes are coming! Run!"

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Chapter 52 Chapter 52

The mutated mosquitoes that had disappeared unexpectedly appeared again. They were like tornadoes, spinning towards Qian Xiaoqing and the others.

Qian Xiaoqing decided to let Ding Yu go directly, and Ding Yu's escape direction was exactly opposite to theirs.

And the group of mutated mosquitoes seemed to have intelligence. They buzzed and changed their direction and flew straight towards Ding Yu.

Seeing this, Qian Xiaoqing's face turned dark. It seemed that what he just said was right. The old man seemed to really be able to control these mutated animals.

If what Ding Yu said was true, it would be terrible!

They had to speed up and get to the Lhasa survivor base as soon as possible.

Watching Ding Yu's body turn into a mummy, Ning Yuanhang came back from a short distance away.

His hands were full of blood, it seemed he had asked for something valuable!

"Dad, have you packed the car?"

During the interrogation process by Qian Xiaoqing and others, Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang took out their toolboxes and were repairing the car.

Fortunately, Qian Xiaoqing collected enough vehicles in the game space. After checking the route, they only needed to connect a wire to repair the car.

"Pack it up!"

Qian Yongkang also noticed the situation over there and saw a group of mosquitoes buzzing towards them. They could not delay any longer.

"Quick, shout Yuanhang, hurry up and get in the car!"

Several people jumped into the car directly, and the two cars drove quickly in the yellow sand-filled desert, directly getting rid of the group of mutated mosquitoes.


Qian Xiaoqing's expression was serious. She explained the entire process of interrogating Ding Yu to the people in the car. Everyone in the car was shocked.

The end of the world, frequent extreme weather, and the intrusion of mutated animals have made mankind miserable in this world.

The original population of 1.4 billion has grown to less than 500 million in just one year.

It is hard to imagine that mutated animals and plants are related to humans.

"Yuanhang, what do you know about the situation there?"

Qian Xiaoqing tilted her head and asked Ning Yuanhang when the people in the car were shocked.

Ning Yuanhang's expression was heavy: "According to the researcher, this laboratory does exist. They have studied many mutant animals and plants. At first, the mutant animals and plants were still under their control, but now, they can only control some mosquitoes. And ants, like mutated rats and mutated hunting dogs, are simply not within their control."

Ning Yuanhang said more and more seriously.

If this institute already existed in the previous life, what was their purpose?

can not imagine!

"The worst thing now is that mutated animals and plants are all over the earth. They can't control them at all. Moreover, mutated humans will appear!"

"Mutated humans?!"

Qian Yongkang and Zhao Lihua asked in surprise:

"They actually mutated Humans?!"

The first thing Qian Xiaoqing thought of was that a few years after the end of the previous life, humans appeared like zombies.

At that time, everyone thought that there would be zombies because of the emergence of mutated animals and plants.

Now it seems that this is largely a mutated species developed due to human beings' own greed.

Qian Xiaoqing broke out in a cold sweat.

The car was driving rapidly in the desert. They didn't know which place was the radiation zone. Fortunately, Qian Xiaoqing had found a safety equipment store in the building materials market where they had several sets of radiation protection suits.

Regardless of whether it's useful or not, put it on first.

Everyone wore a radiation protection suit.

The radiation suit was a little bulky, and the sky was completely dark, but the surrounding temperature did not drop at all.

Qian Xiaoqing took out ice cubes frozen from water bottles from the game space.

A dozen water bottles, the ice cubes inside quickly turned into water in the car.

"Why is it getting hotter and hotter?"

Qian Xiaoqing always felt that something was about to happen. Her voice was muffled when she spoke. She held two water bottles frozen into ice cubes in her arms, but she still felt the heat in the air.

"Dad, let me drive!"

Ning Yuanhang said proactively.

Along the way, Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang took turns driving. Although they changed every few hours, both of them felt tired.

Ning Dawei was still worried about whether Ning Yuanhang could drive, so Qian Xiaoqing directly agreed.

"Okay, Yuanhang is driving, and we happen to be sitting in the front."

The car prepared by Xiaojiang is very comfortable. It is an off-road vehicle in itself. Apart from high fuel consumption, it has no other problems.

Ning Dawei stopped the car, and his body was covered with yellow sand.

Ning Yuanhang got out of the car wearing a radiation-proof suit. A gust of wind blew, and the sand rustled on his body. The wind suddenly started blowing.

"Is it going to rain this night?"

Qian Yongkang looked at the yellow sand in the sky, which was so obvious even in the dark night.

Several people exchanged words quickly, and Ning Yuanhang's expression was very bad.

"Inform Zhang Xiaochen and their car that a sandstorm is coming!"


Everyone looked at the sky. Wherever there were lights, the sky was yellow.

"Will it rain during the sandstorm?"

Zhao Lihua looked curiously. Although she was also uneasy, she still looked forward to rain.

"Maybe there will be a tornado!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the tornado.

It is conceivable that a tornado in the desert will be devastating.

"Boom -"

the roar of the car sounded. Ning Yuanhang was the driver of the car, and the speed was more than twice as fast.

"Tell them that car to leave quickly, or it will be buried in the yellow sand!"

As if it came true, after Ning Yuanhang said these words, the wind outside began to get stronger.

If there really is a tornado, their car will also be devastated!

Sand will enter the car's engine. If the sand in the exhaust hole cannot come out, the car will also be scrapped!

Qian Xiaoqing took out the compass from her arms, and they drove westward, turning the car's power to maximum.

Because the car was driving on sandy ground, the car's fuel consumption was very high, so they tried their best to set off on flat ground.

The weather was sultry, the sky was full of yellow sand outside, and the car was driving hard on the sand.

Fortunately, there are enough ice cubes in the car to cool down the temperature in the car.

"Yuanhang, how can there be light in front of me?"

Qian Xiaoqing was sitting in the co-pilot, and she vaguely saw light in front of her.

Ning Yuanhang's car stopped suddenly, and he even turned off his high beam headlights.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone was surprised, but Ning Yuanhang had a serious expression:

"I'm going to get off the car, you go in another direction, don't get close there!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang's actions and had a guess in her heart:

"Do you suspect that there is the laboratory that the old man mentioned?"

Ning Yuanhang nodded:

"This place is in a remote location. It is difficult to enter without an off-road vehicle like ours, and if you walk on two legs, you will need to walk for four or five days. Come here, and there is extremely strong radiation here!"

This means that you can't get here just by walking.

If you drive here, you will be surrounded by them and shot to death.

"So what do you want to do?"

Ning Yuanhang raised his hand hesitantly and couldn't help but touch Qian Xiaoqing's head, his eyes were firm.

He had been investigating this mysterious organization in his previous life. Although he killed the culprit who directly caused Qian Xiaoqing's death, he never understood what this totem meant.

But in this life, by accident, he knew the meaning of this totem, and it was impossible for him to ignore it.

What experiment? What controls mutated plants and animals?

Even if the other party can control the zombies, he must eliminate all possibilities.

"I'm going to blow it up!"

Blow up the lab? !

"I'll go too!"


Qian Yongkang and Zhao Lihua listened to the two people's questions and answers from behind, and she felt uneasy in her heart.

"Both of you can't go. They can control mutated animals and plants. If you go, wouldn't it mean that there is no return?!"

Zhao Lihua's voice was filled with tears, although she was used to it in the apocalypse. It's life and death, but if it's really your turn, who would be willing to do it?

"Listen to me, don't go!"

Qian Xiaoqing was silent, and Ning Yuanhang silently started the car.

Their car was far away from the luminous point, trying hard not to let the other party discover their traces.

All night long, strong winds howled and yellow sand filled the sky.

When we reached the edge of the desert, the sky finally dawned, and we finally saw traces of human activity.

Looking at this poor little village, further ahead there are mountains and plateaus, and it is necessary for them to take a rest here.

"Let's find an empty house to stay first!"

Several people discussed, Qian Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang who was worried and hesitated to speak.

"Give me a car!"

Ning Yuanhang has been to Qian Xiaoqing's game space, and he knows how rich her collection is.

"You want to go back?"

Qian Xiaoqing immediately guessed what Ning Yuanhang was thinking. She didn't know why Ning Yuanhang was so persistent in that laboratory, but every time she saw his determined eyes, she blushed a little and her heart beat.

"I want to go with you!"

"No, I will be back soon. If we both go, who will guarantee the safety of uncle and aunt?"

"Then you can't go either!"

The two of them stood in the car. There was a stalemate on the side.

Although it has reached the end of the world, this simple little village still has order.

Standing at the entrance of the village was the village chief. There seemed to be few outsiders here. They looked at Qian Xiaoqing and others with vigilance.

"Xiaoqing, hurry up, take out the dried sweet potatoes we collected!"

Zhao Lihua happily ran to Qian Xiaoqing, winked at her hard, and whispered in her ear:

"Let's hand over some food so that we can be protected by the village. , bring something out, just in time to exchange with the villagers."

Ning Yuanhang stood beside Qian Xiaoqing stubbornly, expressing his attitude without saying a word.

"Okay, Mom, wait a moment!"

Qian Xiaoqing pretended to get into the car, but actually returned to the game space.

She first prepared enough dry food for her parents, not only dried sweet potatoes, but also some dried kelp, dried small fish and some edible salt.

These things were all dried by Zhang Ruiwen. Although he couldn't move around, having him cook them in the space saved a lot of time.

After handing all these things to Zhao Lihua, Qian Xiaoqing came to Ning Yuanhang with a serious face.

"I agree with you blowing up the laboratory, but I want to go with you!"

Ning Yuanhang was about to object, but Qian Xiaoqing stopped him:

"Listen to me first, I have to prepare in the game space for a few more days. It just so happens that we have to rest in this village for a few days, and I want to go with you then!"

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing's stubborn look. He didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either.

Qian Xiaoqing sighed:

"In a while, we will enter the game space together, go to the sea, and go to the volcanic island to find gunpowder!"

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Chapter 53 Chapter 53

This is a small village called Beicun. Beicun is located on the edge of the desert and lacks resources.

But the arrival of the apocalypse will not have much impact on them. After all, they are on the edge of the desert, without the intrusion of mutated animals and plants, and there are not many outsiders who have traveled thousands of miles across the desert to come to their village. Although it is already the apocalypse outside, But for the people in the village, life is just getting tighter.

Fortunately, the village chief was in charge, so everyone in the village didn't die.

"There are five of us. Here are 50 kilograms of dried sweet potatoes, 20 kilograms of dried kelp, and 20 kilograms of dried small fish!"

Qian Yongkang pointed at the five people and said.

Next to them, Zhang Xueer took out 10 kilograms of fresh vegetables, and the village chief directly arranged a very shabby small yard for their family.

The walls in that yard were down and the yard was very messy, but they were very satisfied.

After all, no one has eaten vegetables since the end of the world. They are already in a desert, and they are even more thirsty for fresh vegetables.

The dried fish in Zhao Lihua’s hand is also everyone’s favorite thing.

With these dozens of kilograms of things, Zhao Lihua successfully secured a large and clean yard.

It looked like the yard had just been built a few years ago, and the concrete floor in the yard had been cleaned very clean.

Ning Yuanhang drove the car to the entrance of the yard and moved everything in the car into the house.

After shaking off the yellow sand on their bodies, everyone was very happy, visible to the naked eye.

"I can finally have a solid sleep."

Everyone felt a sense of relief.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qian Xiaoqing took out all the food that could be exchanged in the space to see what other useful things could be exchanged from the village.

Zhao Lihua and others were very excited. They were sorting out supplies and packing things at the same time.

Qian Xiaoqing brought Ning Yuanhang to the game space.

They first walked around the woods and caught a lot of things from the spider web traps.

Five wild boars, one ox, two wild goats, more than twenty pheasants, and various insects and reptiles.

Qian Xiaoqing made several more healing ointments, handed them all to Zhang Ruiwen, and asked him to wipe them every day.

Experiments have proven that these ointments are indeed very powerful. Zhang Ruiwen was able to recover from such a serious injury, but he didn't know if his residual limb could be recovered.

"Boss, I caught this from the sea. Didn't you find a place to stay? Take it out to eat!"

Zhang Ruiwen was like a child waiting for praise, while Qian Xiaoqing looked straight at the seafood in front of her.

"Here, where did you get them?"

"Didn't you leave some spider webs? I saw that these spider webs were quite tough, so I tried to piece them together into a big one and threw it directly into the sea. I didn’t expect it to be collected!”

The pond dug by Zhang Ruiwen was full of seafood.

Crabs, clams, razor clams, green shrimps, sea urchins, crabs, and even abalone and sea cucumbers...

"Uncle Zhang, you are so awesome!"

So much seafood would be spoiled if you don't eat it, she pulled Ning The voyage sent out these sea goods, and just a few of them would definitely not be able to finish them all.

"Mom, why don't we exchange these seafood for supplies!"

Zhao Lihua watched Ning Yuanhang transporting seafood bucket by bucket. She thought she had poked a hole in the seafood nest and left enough for her own portion. Qian Yongkang It’s up to you to exchange all these seafood into oil.

"You said there are people selling oil here?"

Qian Xiaoqing was pleasantly surprised. According to the previous plan, they originally thought that the oil in their hands was enough for them to squander, but judging from the facts, the oil in their hands was about to bottom out.

"Your dad has already inquired about it. There is an oil field here. Although oil is a hard currency, there is a lack of physical capital here, which makes the oil here extremely cheap. I think we can exchange these seafood for a lot of oil."

What an unexpected surprise!

Qian Xiaoqing couldn't help but nod: "That's the time to stock up more! Mom and Dad, just go ahead and exchange it, I'll ask Uncle Zhang to catch more seafood!"

If there is plenty of oil here, Qian Xiaoqing doesn't mind exposing herself Stock up on more, too.

After all, in the next ten or twenty years, there will be many places where oil will be needed!

"Okay, your father and I mean the same thing!"

After several people reached an agreement, Qian Xiaoqing entered the game space. This time, she did not continue to transport supplies, but took the ghost ship to the deep sea.

——Tuk! !

Amid the roar of the ghost ship, the ship began to move toward the deep sea.

Two people were sitting on the bow of the boat. Qian Xiaoqing had a large backpack made of rabbit skin on her back, while Ning Yuanhang had a backpack on his back.

The two of them held pickaxes in their hands and looked at the volcano getting closer and closer not far away.

As the volcanic island got closer, they saw a brown volcanic vent.

On the top of the volcano, there are red rocks and gurgling lava.

[Ding Dong, congratulations on unlocking the volcanic island. The volcano on the island often erupts, causing the sea around the island to be filled with hot magma, making the volcanic island a dangerous place. 】

As soon as Qian Xiaoqing set foot on the island, she already had a deep understanding of what a dangerous place is.

The shoes made a squeaking sound as soon as they set foot on the island, and soon the soles melted.

Ning Yuanhang cut a few handfuls of grass from the side as quickly as possible and put them at Qian Xiaoqing's feet.

"Be careful, the ground here is too hot!"


The two of them stood there and did not dare to move. Ning Yuanhang could only put the grass next to it, while Qian Xiaoqing took the grass and simply knitted a shoe sole.

Fortunately, the grass would not melt, and the two people were out of danger.

The two people walked in together, and soon they smelled a strong burning smell, which came from the rocks on the mountain.

The ore all over the ground looks like a mine nest.

They actually found a large amount of gold ore inside, and they even found jade in the cross-section of the rock?

"Are the minerals here so rich?"

Qian Xiaoqing could imagine that before the end of the world, she would own such a mine and become a billionaire!

But in this apocalyptic world, these things are not as valuable as a piece of steamed bun.

Volcanic rocks, volcanic crystals, sulfur...

Qian Xiaoqing became excited when she saw sulfur.

"Voyage, found sulfur!"

There are sulfur ores all over the ground. Sulfur ore is a yellow ore. It is the main material for making gunpowder and can also be made into fertilizer.

Qian Xiaoqing wore gloves on her hands and started to pick up stones from the ground with quick legs and feet.

Then she picked it up:

Sulfate ore, which can be crafted into alum and gypsum.

Pyrite can be made into iron blocks as long as it is purified.

In the volcanic ash, Ning Yuanhang discovered charcoal powder, which is the main material for making gunpowder.

The last saltpeter was found on a shady rock wall, which was dry and cool.


[5 saltpeter + 10 sulfur + 3 charcoal powder = gunpowder]

The volcanic island lived up to its reputation. In a short time, Qian Xiaoqing collected all the resources needed for gunpowder.

According to the proportion, she and Ning Yuanhang worked separately and collected 100 gunpowder raw materials in one afternoon.

Qian Xiaoqing put all the ores in Ning Yuanhang's basket into her rabbit backpack.

"Okay, let's take a rest."

The two people sat on a huge gold nugget and made rice balls. Not only was seaweed added to the rice balls, but some sesame seeds were also put in them. It was delicious.

"It turns out that the volcanic island is not barren!"

Qian Xiaoqing sighed while eating. She looked at the lichen growing in the corner, there were volcanic mushrooms there, and there were a few weird volcanic birds not far away.


"Be careful!"

I saw the ground rolling continuously, and soon thick smoke was emitted from the crater, and lava was flowing from the crater. Continuous eruptions erupted, and a large number of ravines and gullies were produced on the ground.

In the middle of these ravines, there is lava that can kill people.

"Come on, it looks like this volcano is going to erupt again!"

Ning Yuanhang didn't even think about it, he picked up Qian Xiaoqing and ran all the way.

Qian Xiaoqing was held in Ning Yuanhang's arms. She had no time to be shy at the moment, and instead stared straight at the lava like sea water behind her.

"Hurry, faster!"

The magma is about to catch up with them.

Ning Yuanhang ran quickly, as if he had never been so fast before.

The ghost ship is close at hand.

And the magma behind has spewed out to the heels of the voyage.

Qian Xiaoqing's heart beat like a drum: "Yuanhang, put me down!"

She was his burden now, and if he put her down, he would definitely go faster.

Ning Yuanhang did not speak, but jumped directly onto the ghost ship.

The magma rushed towards us, but fortunately it did not cause any damage to the ghost ship.

"How are you? Are you injured?"

The two of them were originally wearing simple straw sandals made by Qian Xiaoqing. After this run, Ning Yuanhang's shoes had been lost somewhere.

Qian Xiaoqing hugged his burned and blistered feet, feeling an inexplicable urge to cry.

"Why are you so stupid? You even lost your shoes and you didn't say anything? Are you stupid? Don't you feel the pain?"

Ning Yuanhang smiled, but did not refute. Instead, he watched Qian Xiaoqing carefully hugging his foot.

Fortunately, I prepared pain medicine using lizard tail and butterfly scale powder before I came here.

She took out the needle, gently punctured the blood bubbles, and squeezed out all the pus inside. Then she raised her head guiltily and looked at Ning Yuanhang: "If it hurts, just scream..."

Her feet were almost cooked, and they would have been burned for a long time. There was no consciousness anymore, so Ning Yuanhang certainly couldn't feel any pain.

But he still said cooperatively: "It hurts!"

Qian Xiaoqing's hands shook and she didn't dare to move any more.

"It seems to hurt more if you don't move."

Ning Yuanhang said aggrievedly.

"Then, what should we do?"

Looking at Ning Yuanhang, whose feet were burned and soaked, she felt filled with self-blame.

Ning Yuanhang looked at her tangled look and said more thoughtfully: "You have to break through the pain, otherwise I won't be able to hold you in the future!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Qian Xiaoqing's face turned red and she held a hand in her hand. The needle popped all the pus bubbles without mercy at all.

This series of movements made Ning Yuanhang scream in pain.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it really hurts this time..."

"Huh? Could it be that the last time was fake?"

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Chapter 54 Chapter 54

After finally taking care of Ning Yuanhang’s foot, Qian Xiaoqing even put a bandage on his foot.

The two of them just sat on the deck, watching that the magma did no harm to the ghost ship. Qian Xiaoqing directed the ghost captain to drive the ship to a place with grass next to it. She wanted to cut some grass back.

"Shall I help you?"

Ning Yuanhang struggled to get up, but Qian Xiaoqing pushed him down: "Do you want me to be criticized by Uncle Ning?"

His feet were hot, even if they were broken, There were pus blisters and the soles of the feet were dripping with blood.

On the other hand, she herself was not hurt at all.

"I'll go by myself and stand on the boat!"

The ghost ship was moving slowly. Qian Xiaoqing stood on the ladder hanging outside the ship. She held a sickle in her hand and successfully cut a lot of grass.

While mowing the grass, she actually picked up a lot of colorful crystal diamonds from the ground.

These diamonds are extremely translucent, each one is like a pigeon egg, and will definitely be worth a lot of money before the end of the world.

After working for a long time, she finally climbed onto the boat, and Ning Yuanhang applied the powder again.

Fortunately, the wound medicine produced by Space is very effective, and now his foot has begun to heal.

"Let's go! Go back quickly!"

They had been busy all afternoon, and they still didn't know what was going on outside?

When he returned to the beach, Zhang Ruiwen had just finished feeding the chickens. He was used to the pastoral life now and even enjoyed it.

Qian Xiaoqing came directly to the workbench and threw all the materials in his hands into the workbench.

[Gunpowder: A very deterrent thermal weapon. It can ignite and explode after triggering the mechanism, causing certain damage. It can be used to make explosives, rockets, etc., to attack enemies or destroy obstacles. 】

After reading the introduction to gunpowder, Qian Xiaoqing started making it.

[5 saltpeter + 10 sulfur + 30 charcoal powder = gunpowder]

[Do you want to make 100 gunpowder? 】

--yes? no?

Qian Xiaoqing clicked yes directly, and the production started.

It takes 20 minutes to make one gunpowder, and 33 hours to make 100 pieces of gunpowder.

It looks like we have to wait until tomorrow to get the gunpowder.

After setting everything up, Zhang Ruiwen also returned from exploring the woods.

"You are back, are you not injured?"

Various small baskets were hung on his wheelchair, and many things were collected in the baskets.

Various wild vegetables, blueberries, strawberries, wild pears, wild mushrooms, and a handful of nuts.

Hearing Zhang Ruiwen's inquiry, Qian Xiaoqing smiled awkwardly:

"Yuanhang's foot was burned!"

When he heard that he was burned, Zhang Ruiwen was not very worried. After all, he knew how magical the medicine in his boss' hands was.

"I went into the mountains this afternoon and picked up these eggs. You can take them out and eat them!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the basket of various eggs and nodded.

"I'll dry the rest of the food if I can't eat it. Then you can exchange it for supplies."

With Uncle Zhang in the space, Qian Xiaoqing really feels a lot less worried.

"Okay, Uncle Zhang, let's go first!"

The two of them walked out of the space, and Zhao Lihua was the only one cooking at home.

Qian Xiaoqing placed Ning Yuanhang on a chair.

"Apply the medicine for five minutes and you are not allowed to walk around. Do you hear me?"

Looking at Ning Yuanhang's obedient nod, Qian Xiaoqing walked out of the door and said to herself:

"Huh, little boy, I can't control you anymore!"

Ning Yuanhang Looking at Qian Xiaoqing's back, my heart felt warm.


Qian Xiaoqing called her mother when she entered the yard. Zhao Lihua came out of the kitchen:

"Why are you shouting? I'm cooking!" Zhao Lihua said angrily.

"What are you cooking?"

"It's all your favorites, stir-fried clams, seafood in sauce, braised prawns, steamed scallops with garlic vermicelli, spicy crabs, there's a whole table of seafood!"

Qian Xiaoqing She was so greedy that her mouth was watering. Looking at the steamed scallops, she couldn't help but take two, eating one for herself and leaving the other for Ning Yuanhang.

"Mom, hasn't my dad come back yet?"

"Not yet. They went to exchange for oil. When I just went out, I exchanged dried sweet potatoes and dried fish for a lot of cotton. Didn't you say it might be very cold this year? ?"

Zhao Lihua said while cooking.

They have everything in their space, but no winter clothes.

Now that we have cotton, we can make a few thick clothes when we are on the road.


Qian Xiaoqing didn't interfere too much as to what Zhao Lihua had changed. They had no worries about food and drink now, and the only thing they were in short supply was oil.

Qian Xiaoqing stole a lot of seafood from the kitchen and put it into a small bowl. She ran into the house with the small bowl in hand.

Ning Yuanhang was indeed sitting on the chair obediently. He was applying plaster with a cotton swab in his hand.

"Your medicine really works. It's only been a while now, but my feet have already started to scar!"

Ning Yuanhang said when he heard someone coming in and knew it was Qian Xiaoqing.

Qian Xiaoqin held the bowl in her hand. She peeled off a shrimp and stuffed it directly into Ning Yuanhang's mouth.

"Stop talking, try it quickly!"

Ning Yuanhang has not eaten seafood for more than ten years. Although he knows that Qian Xiaoqing has awakened the power of space and that there are mountains and water in the space, this is his first time since his rebirth. Eat seafood once.

"Is it delicious?"

Ning Yuanhang nodded and couldn't help but glance at the bowl in Qian Xiaoqing's hand, indicating that he still wanted to eat.

Qian Xiaoqing was not stingy either, not only prawns, but also crabs were scooped up for him.

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

Qian Xiaoqing realized later, with annoyance in her tone.

"My hands are dirty, I just touched my feet..."

Ning Yuanhang felt aggrieved.

Just as they were feeding and eating, the door suddenly sounded from outside.

"Back, back!"

This time Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang drove two cars. When they came back, the cars were full of gasoline.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, come out!"

Qian Yongkang's loud voice sounded from the yard. Qian Xiaoqing looked out curiously. Unexpectedly, what he saw were two off-road vehicles. Not only were the vehicles filled with gasoline , there was even a gasoline barrel dragged outside.

This scene is really shocking!

"Dad, did you redeem all these things?"

Qian Yongkang was very proud: "Of course! In today's society, gold is not as valuable as food, and the things we brought are dry goods that are easy to store. Look, we got so much gasoline in exchange!"

Qian Yongkang opened the door proudly. While talking at the car door:

"They are in the desert here, but there is no sea. When Dawei and I took out the seafood, their eyes were straight!"

Ning Dawei also laughed. They both felt that they had made a profit this time. flipped!

"Seafood is a rare thing in the inland. Besides, our seafood has just come out of the sea!"

Qian Xiaoqing put all the gasoline into the game space without ceremony.

With this gasoline, they will definitely have no shortage of gasoline for the next journey, but what about the next ten or twenty years?

"Dad, you said they like to eat seafood? Then let's discuss it with them and bring back some oil tomorrow?"

Qian Yongkang touched his chin, considering the possibility of this matter.

"There are many oil fields here, and there are also many private oil fields. If we can eat seafood, I think they wouldn't mind giving us more oil! If it doesn't work, let's go to a few more!" With

so many people, social order is still there . Before stability, oil was a hard currency.

To put it simply, they got lucky this time. It will definitely not be easy to get so much oil in the future.

Just do it!

"Well, Dad, Uncle Ning, you two will go to the village chief's house right now, tell the village chief our demands, and ask him to inform people with oil fields nearby that you can exchange oil for seafood!"

For these seafood, Qian Xiaoqing has no plans to hide it.

"If they ask where these things come from, how should we answer?"

"I have space powers, so let's just say they were brought from the seaside!" Anyway,

they came all the way from the seaside, so it doesn't matter. Wear gang!

After several people discussed it, Qian Yongkang went out. When they walked out, they had already thought of all the words.

Taking advantage of this time, Qian Xiaoqing took Ning Dawei back to space and asked Zhang Ruiwen to use spider webs to make more fishing nets.

And Ning Dawei rowed a bamboo raft to cast a net in the sea.

Try to catch more seafood tonight.

Not long after, Qian Yongkang came back with news, while Ning Dawei and Qian Xiaoqing were still in the game space.

In such a short time, they had already caught two nets of fish.

Casting a net in the sea can catch more fish.

Counting the time, it was almost time to have dinner, and Qian Xiaoqing took Ning Dawei out of the game space.

"It's done!"

"It's done!"

Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang spoke at the same time, and they looked at each other and laughed.

It seems to be settled.

After finishing the seafood feast, Qian Xiaoqing took her family back to the game space.

The injured Ning Yuanhang and Zhang Ruiwen were responsible for setting up the fishing nets, Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei were responsible for fishing, and Zhao Lihua and Qian Xiaoqing were responsible for collecting fish.

An industrial chain was formally formed.

Several people were busy at the beach all night.

The seafood next to it has piled up into a mountain.

They went out to catch up on their sleep when it was almost dawn.

——Dong dong dong!

At 5 o'clock in the morning, people started knocking on the door.

"Wake up, wake up, I'm here to pull oil for you!"

The first person to come turned out to be the big businessman who came to exchange seafood yesterday.

They haven't had such fresh seafood in almost two years.

My family was originally in the oil business, so we were rich!

But after the doomsday came, although many people from other places came to their house to buy oil and there was no shortage of food, they didn't even see fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and seafood.

Finally, a person with spatial powers came to the village, and their space actually stocked a large amount of seafood. He had no reason not to come and buy the bargains!

"Hurry up and open the door! I'm here to buy seafood!"

Are you kidding me?

Who comes to buy seafood with three big tanker trucks?

Qian Xiaoqing opened her eyes drowsily, opened the curtains and looked outside, good guys, three oil tankers!

She originally thought she had caught enough seafood yesterday, but looking at it today, she still underestimated how rich it was here!

"Mom, I think you should go back to space and catch some more seafood quickly. I'm afraid there won't be enough to grab by then..."

Zhao Lihua looked at a convoy rushing over not far away, and she nodded silently:

"It's time to catch some more . !”

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Chapter 55 Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 Chapter 55

Dong Dahai is a famous oil tycoon nearby. He contracted this oil field before the end of the world.

Because there are oil fields as protection, their family does not have to worry about food and drink.

Yesterday, he heard that a few foreigners wanted to exchange seafood for oil. He was not willing to do so at first. They all knew that they were far away from the sea. They wanted to transport the seafood, but it would take a long time. Whenever there is seafood, , it must all stink!

Never expected that! !

The seafood provided by the other party was actually fresh, even alive!

The most important thing is that someone on the other side has awakened the power of space, and it is said that he has stocked up a large amount of seafood in his space.

That night, the family had seafood.

Dong Dahai even had the luxury of taking out his only remaining bottle of Moutai, opened it and drank.

"Dad, can we eat seafood every day? The baby doesn't want to eat corn buns anymore!"

Dong Dahai looked at his innocent daughter and his wife's questioning eyes. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet:

"Yes! There will be seafood tomorrow. Eat!"

The cute little girl jumped up happily after hearing this: "Oh, great, there will be fish to eat tomorrow!"

- Dang Dang Dang!

It's already dark outside. Who can knock on the door at this time?

Dong Dahai immediately became vigilant. Unexpectedly, the person standing at the door was the old village chief.

"Haidaidai, I'm just here to tell you that that team of foreigners still has seafood in their hands. He said that they will continue to collect oil tomorrow, so be prepared!"

The old village chief did not wait for Dong Dahai to open the door. He shouted outside and left.

"I have to go to other places to report the news, so hurry up and prepare the oil!"

After hearing this, Dong Dahai put on his clothes and ran out.

His wife who was washing dishes came out of the house: "You are so panicked, what happened?" Dong Dahai

just said hastily: "Seafood, I will earn seafood for you!"

Without stopping, Dong Dahai found someone to drive three tank trucks over.

Qian Xiaoqing opened the door to the yard and saw a dark-skinned man jumping out of an oil tanker, asking for seafood!

Behind his car, there was also a small oil tanker truck, which was obviously not a group of people!

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to call Xue'er and the others for help!"

Qian Xiaoqing ran toward the dilapidated yard next door with a toothbrush in her mouth.

It was rare to get a solid sleep. The brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were not awake yet, but the little-known old man of the Zhang family was practicing Tai Chi in the yard.

"What's wrong, girl Xiaoqing?"

"Grandpa Zhang, are they awake yet? I'm here to help them!"

Zhang Baode opened the door directly and called his grandchildren up.

"Wake up quickly, little girl Xiaoqing is here to help you!"

Having lived in the apocalypse for a year, Zhang Xiaochen and Zhang Haotian have become very vigilant. They were already awake the moment the old man entered the door.

"Okay, okay, grandpa, let's get up, get up..."

Zhang Haotian stood up while yawning: "Last night Xiaochen had a high fever. I suspect that he is awakening his powers. Grandpa, please take care of Xiaochen today. "

Zhang Baode was in good spirits and strong: "Don't worry, go help, I'm here!"

Finally, Qian Xiaoqing led Zhang Xueer and Zhang Haotian away.

On the way, she briefly explained it to the two of them, and they accepted it well.

"Sister Xiaoqing, don't worry, I will definitely help you!"

But when they arrived at the entrance of the yard, they found a noisy and bustling crowd.

The originally spacious outside was actually filled with cars. Oil tankers of all sizes blocked the door. There were also many people whose cars were piled with supplies, probably wanting to exchange for seafood.

"So lively?"

After the end of the world, they had never seen so many supplies.

"Is there any seafood left?"

A strong man rode a tricycle filled with corn kernels.

If he didn't want something fresh, he wouldn't be willing to exchange so much corn for a luxurious seafood meal!

Another person was riding a bicycle, and there were two puppies in the bicycle.

"My little one was just born, can I exchange it for seafood?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the two furry Labradors and hugged them over: "Exchange!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked over with joy. The two Labradors looked so stupid that they looked like they were just born.

It seems that this family is considered a wealthy family, otherwise his dog would not be so white and fat.

"My female dog has given birth to 7 pups in total. These are the last two. I think you like them very much. Just give us some seafood!"

The owner of the house was not greedy. He just wanted to find some for his dog. Just a good family.

Qian Xiaoqing also saw what the villager was thinking: "Come with me!"

She took the lead and led Zhang Xueer, Zhang Haotian, and the villager into the yard.

Zhao Lihua had a headache looking at the supplies in the yard, and happened to see Qian Xiaoqing coming back holding two puppies.

"Oh, it's so cute. Where did the puppy come from?"

Qian Xiaoqing pointed to the man following her and said to Zhao Lihua: "Mom, weigh him 50 kilograms of seafood! In addition, get some dried fish and kelp. Give it to this uncle!"

The uncle who sold the dog didn't plan to ask for much. He had long heard that there was seafood here, but they only charge oil, and the seafood is not cheap.

I originally thought that these two puppies could be exchanged for a meal of seafood, but I didn't expect that they opened their mouths and gave them 50 kilograms.

He is a real person!

He immediately had a better impression of Qian Xiaoqing's family.

Qian Xiaoqing first put the two puppies into a cardboard box, and then took out some minced meat and fed them to them.

"50 liters of gasoline for one pound of seafood!"

Zhang Xueer and Zhao Lihua were busy weighing the seafood. The injured Ning Yuanhang was responsible for the accounting, and Zhang Haotian was responsible for the transportation.

Qian Xiaoqing came to the space and watched Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei fishing boat after boat for seafood from the sea. Zhang Ruiwen was responsible for mending the net, and she was responsible for transporting the seafood out.

Everyone is busy.

In order to take care of all the villagers, she even pushed Dong Dahai, who came first, to the end.

After all, one of his oil tankers has to hold 10,000 liters, and he actually drove three of them at once. How much seafood is that?

In just one morning, all the seafood in their hands was exchanged.

Each villager bought an average of thirty or forty kilograms of seafood.

The seafood includes not only crabs and shrimps, but also big and small fish, all of which are packed with food.

Qian Xiaoqing pulled out the last batch of seafood from the space, and Dong Dahai was impatient to wait.

"I'm the first one here. You've all divided the seafood here and didn't take my turn. This is unreasonable!"

Zhao Lihua could only apologize from the side.

Qian Xiaoqing came out wearing water shoes, smelling of seafood:

"We don't have that much seafood, your three oil tankers are too many!"

Dong Dahai saw the open door, and he squatted here for a day, He probably guessed that the girl in front of him was the one who awakened the space power. He

suddenly became polite and said:

"Girl, I've been watching you all day. The seafood in your house has been depleted a long time ago. How can I have anything to do with you?"

Dong Dahai was so anxious that he was sweating. He didn't know what to do when he went back. Tell your wife.

"Don't worry, there's more!"

Qian Xiaoqing opened the door. The empty room was wrapped in plastic sheeting, and the whole room was filled with seafood!

Dong Dahai had never seen so many fish in his life, filling the entire room, which shocked him!

"This... this..."

Qian Xiaoqing took off her gloves and rubbed her sore arms: "The seafood here belongs to you. We only need gasoline for two tank trucks!"

Qian Xiaoqing made a slight estimate. , the fish in her house is only about four to five hundred kilograms, which is about the same as two cans of oil for him!

Dong Dahai didn't expect that they would leave so many fish for him!

"These are really all for me?"

Qian Xiaoqing nodded: "As long as you have a place to keep them, these are all yours!"

Dong Dahai was almost knocked unconscious by the surprise.

He has a cold storage. Although it is not big, it is enough to hold all these seafood.

"Yes! I want these! All the oil for my three cars belongs to you, and I want all the fish in your house!"

Dong Dahai also had a small plan in mind. This is both abalone and sea cucumber. Looking around at the fish, he actually saw tuna, salmon, and dragonfish from inside. These things are not cheap!

The most amazing thing is that these fish are still alive!

Dong Dahai immediately decided that all the oil in the three tank trucks would belong to them, and he would take all the fish away!

Qian Xiaoqing didn't expect the other party to be so generous!

"That's good, I want two cans of oil. You can leave the last can of oil with me. If there is a chance in the future..."

Xiaoqing didn't point out the remaining money, but Dong Dahai understood!

"Okay, have fun!"

Dong Dahai found a few more helpers and transported all the fish back.

After working all day, Qian Xiaoqing was so tired that her back ached, but she still couldn't rest.

After dinner, she discussed with her family how to build a house from the play space.

"I have already drawn the structural diagram, and Yuanhang and I discovered a large amount of ore on the volcanic island. Now we just need to lay the foundation and collect the materials!"

Everyone gathered around. Qian Xiaoqing was right.

At the beginning, there was no house because there was no need. Now there are more and more things. The space contains not only Zhang Ruiwen, but also the chickens and silkworms they raised, and now they have two dogs.

Coupled with the materials collected today, the items to be dried in the space need a serious place to store them.

"I agree with Xiaoqing, our villa should have been built long ago!"

Qian Yongkang agreed with both hands.

Not surprisingly, Ning Dawei and Ning Yuanhang did not object.

"Well, while it's safe in Beicun now, why don't we spend a few days to build the framework first?"


Just do it!

They have been wandering around and finally plan to make a home in space!

There is strength in numbers!

The most important materials for building a house are stone and wood.

Wood is easy to collect, there are plenty of them in the nearby woods, but the stone has to be collected from the volcanic island.

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang looked at each other and gave him a knowing look.

They want to take advantage of their parents' time to build a villa in space and secretly blow up the research institute in the desert!

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Chapter 56 Chapter 56

Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei are digging the foundation. Since they plan to build a big villa, they must be upright.

"Mom and Dad, I'm taking a voyage to the volcanic island. It's more dangerous there. It may be very slow to collect ingredients. Don't worry, just take

your time to build it!" "Okay, we'll leave this place to us. Slow down!"

Qian Yongkang and Zhao Lihua watched their daughter and Ning Yuanhang leave the island on the ghost ship.

They are also full of energy now and look forward to building the villa quickly.

But Qian Xiaoqing's expression was very heavy. She stood on the bow of the boat and looked far into the distance. All she saw was the sea level and seagulls flying everywhere.


Ning Yuanhang wiped the injured sole with ointment for the last time.

The wounds on his feet have healed to some extent, but there are still some scars that have not faded away.

"Ready, 100 gunpowder, plenty of arrows, various tools, 5 fully charged trams, and a solar panel to ensure that no one at home can detect it."

The two of them prepared to enter the volcanic island Just make space and drive the tram into the desert when the time comes.

Ning Yuanhang looked at Qian Xiaoqing's serious look, and his heart felt warm, as if he had the same feeling as before.

He was sitting on the bow of the boat preparing to make tougher straw sandals.

The ghost ship quickly docked, Qian Xiaoqing put on straw sandals and set foot on the volcanic island.

The volcanic island is still very hot, the hot magma has solidified into rock, and a large number of gold mines are exposed.

"Are you ready? Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

The two people walked out of the space and came to the clean and tidy little yard.

Qian Xiaoqing took Ning Yuanhang to find Zhang Haotian first and told him to rest for the next few days and there was no need to look for them again.

Then she sneaked out of the village. After no one was around, Qian Xiaoqing took out the fully charged electric car from the space, put the solar panel on the roof of the car, and connected a charging cable to the charging port. .

The driving range of a Tesla is about 400 kilometers to 600 kilometers. Even if the weather outside is hot, it can run 700 to 800 kilometers a day after installing solar panels.

"Get in the car and let's go!"

The high temperature outside has been over 60 degrees, which is the point where we need to take the human test.

Qian Xiaoqing was sitting in the car. Even if she took out enough ice cubes, she could not lower the temperature inside the car.

The two of them were silent along the way and put on their radiation protection suits silently.

There was no words all the way, both of them were silent.

It wasn't until evening that they vaguely saw the strange building in the distance.

The two of them got out of the car, and Qian Xiaoqing put the Tesla into the space:

"How about you also enter the space? The goal of the two of them is too big, it is enough for me to sneak in alone!"

Ning Yuanhang looked at it with deep eyes. Qian Xiaoqing firmly shook her head and refused:

"No, I want to go with you!"

Since he had decided to take Qian Xiaoqing out for adventure, it was even more impossible for him to let Xiaoqing leave his sight for even a moment.

Qian Xiaoqing knew for the first time that Ning Yuanhang was so stubborn. Seeing how he refused to agree, she could only compromise.

The two of them were wearing radiation-proof suits, which were too bulky, and a lot of unnecessary time was wasted along the way.

The sky was getting darker little by little. Unexpectedly, the moon tonight was very big and round. Although the wind was blowing hot, the two of them still continued to approach in an orderly manner.

The moonlight shone on the oval laboratory dome, outlining a dim shadow. Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang squatted in the shadow and observed carefully.

At the periphery of the laboratory, radiation levels reached their peak.

There were no patrollers around.

The two of them were hiding in the dark, quietly observing the access control gate not far away.

There is a red light at the door that sweeps up and down like a scanner.

"What is that?"

Qian Xiaoqing asked carefully.

"Infrared shooting device, anyone who wants to enter this gate without access control will be shot by the red light!"

Ning Yuanhang seemed to know this infrared shooting device very well.

"I know his method of cracking, but we need to get closer!"

He looked up at the ubiquitous cameras above. He wanted to destroy all these things. It was almost impossible to enter the laboratory silently.


Unexpectedly, the door to the laboratory was opened from the inside!

A man wearing a heavy radiation-proof suit came out, holding a cigarette in his hand. The smoke flickered, making it hard to see clearly.

"Old Deng, why are you out?"

Then a person came out. The two of them faced the yellow sand and seemed helpless:

"This time the experimental question failed again. Swallowdie has given the final order. , If we can't find out the reason for the violence, we will both be finished!"

The man who was replaced by Lao Deng snorted: "What's the use? We have been trapped here for three years, just like being imprisoned in a cage. No matter what happens, it will end in death!"

Another person didn't seem to think so: "I don't want to become a pile of rotting carrion, so what if my speed and strength are improved, I will still be the same. Control!"

The two of them stood in a hidden position, and the rare moment of relaxation passed quickly, and the cigarette butts in their hands burned to the end.

When Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang appeared inside the laboratory wearing special protective suits, the people inside knew nothing.

"Don't talk, follow me!"

Entering the inside of the laboratory, it was a long corridor, which was as white as a piece of white paper. There was not a single stain on the walls or the floor.

The two people were calm and calm, pretending to be familiar with each other, and walked forward boldly.

Their protective clothing was wrapped tightly from head to toe, and the only thing that distinguished them was the name on their chest and back.

Walking further ahead, there is a long glass corridor. It was originally on the ground. However, looking out of the glass, it turned out to be a laboratory dozens of meters deep. The capsules in the laboratory were densely packed, and each capsule They all represent a kind of creature.

Qian Xiaoqing was shocked by the scene in front of her.

She actually saw an unformed fetus in a capsule, with various instrument data lines connected to the fetus, recording its attributes.

Qian Xiaoqing pretended to be normal, but when she turned around, she discovered that the child's back had been cut open directly, but a pair of large dragonfly wings had been attached from above.

Qian Xiaoqing had never seen such big dragonfly wings before, and there was a faint sweat on her back.

What exactly is this place?

How cruel and inhumane to an unborn fetus!

Qian Xiaoqing's mood collapsed the further she walked through the corridor, and she was struggling painfully in the cage.

He has a human body, but with a bull's head. The sutures on his neck are ugly and glaring. Half of his arms have begun to grow hairy, and the other leg is extremely thick.

There are many humans similar to him, it looks like they are a batch of experiments!

Qian Xiaoqing's heart sank to the bottom. She had never felt that someone in the same human being could be so heartless.

What do they do with these mutants?

How many people were brutally murdered?


Ning Yuanhang walked in front. He walked very fast, as if he knew the road.

Qian Xiaoqing quickly followed from behind. She tried hard not to think or look, and tried hard to breathe steadily.

It's not time for revenge yet!

All the way down the spiral staircase, she didn't see any normal people among the experimental subjects.

She was in a daze all the way. Fortunately, Ning Yuanhang was leading the way, otherwise she might have exposed her secret.


A robot flew in mid-air like a bee. It kept circling Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang, as if to confirm their identities.

If she hadn't known that this was the end of the world, or if she hadn't known that this was a laboratory, she would have thought she had traveled to the future.

There is a robot next to it that is responsible for complicated and monotonous work, and there is a little bee robot flying around overhead.

Everything is full of science fiction, and everything is full of blood.

"Where are you two going? Why don't you go to your work stations!"

It was an electronically synthesized voice!

Qian Xiaoqing didn't know if there was anyone behind the robot that resembled a little bee. She only saw countless robots on the ground turning around and scanning the two of them.

"I'm going to see the boss!" Ning Yuanhang's voice became thicker, as if he was deliberately imitating someone's voice: "I've had enough, I don't want to stay here all day anymore, take me to see the boss quickly! Qian

Xiaoqing looked at Ning Yuanhang as if he had had enough.

He was imitating the man he had just seen outside.

Qian Xiaoqing followed Ning Yuanhang and looked impatient:

"When will we be let out? When will this day end! I also want to see the boss, take me to see the boss quickly!"

The little bee was suspended in mid-air, as if judging something.

"Don't be impatient, don't be impatient..."

Qian Xiaoqing, who was still worried at first, calmed down a little when she saw that the little bee made no other unusual moves.

But how can we enter the core area of ​​​​this laboratory?

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the piles of experimental subjects and rolled her eyes:

"Old Deng, I don't think the boss will go back on his word. He promised us at that time that as long as we find out the reason why the new experimental subjects are violent , just let us go!"

The suspended bee robot moved up and down: "The reason why the experimental subject is violent?"

- Didi!

The indicator light on the little bee lit up, and it seemed to have received a new command.

"Since you want to see the boss, then come with me!"

Little Bee led the way.

Qian Xiaoqing walked forward step by step behind Ning Yuanhang.

And the experimental subjects passing by became more and more terrifying.

She actually saw the rotting human beings who appeared in the late apocalypse in her previous life - zombies!

And there are more than just zombies.

Thinking back to a society attacked by zombies, Qian Xiaoqing shrank her neck and suppressed the fear in her heart.

It turns out what they said was true!

Viruses are really being studied here. In addition to viruses that mutate animals and plants, there are also viruses that target humans!

What is their purpose?

How abominable!

Qian Xiaoqing walked forward step by step. The more she walked forward, the more she wanted to blow up this place!

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Chapter 57 Chapter 57

The little mechanical bee led Qian Xiaoqing and the others all the way down. Unexpectedly, they had already gone tens of meters underground before the elevator stopped.

After passing through the long corridor and passing through one door after another that confirmed the information, I finally stopped in front of a seemingly ordinary door.

"Dr. Kun is inside, you go in!"

The little bee took Qian Xiaoqing and the others to the boss's door and left.

Maybe he felt that it was absolutely safe here, so he was so relieved to let Qian Xiaoqing and the others go to see the so-called Dr. Kun alone?

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the empty corridor with cameras everywhere.

Indeed, if you want to do something from here, it will be difficult to escape their eyes.

——Dang Dang Dang!

Ning Yuanhang knocked on the door with his finger, but there was no movement inside.

Ning Yuanhang looked back at Qian Xiaoqing and knocked on the door again.

After two knocks on the door, there was finally some movement behind the door.

"Come in!"

It was a hoarse voice that was hard to hear.

Click -

the door was opened, and what came into view was a room full of scratch paper.

There is a sharp contrast between this place and the outside. If the outside is a clean and flawless piece of paper, then this room is a scratch paper filled with messy formulas.

"I heard that you have found the reason why the human experimental subjects are violent?"

At this time, a little old man who was only 1.5 meters tall came out from among the pile of draft papers. This old man wore glasses and had gray hair. Messy and unkempt, but he seems to love what he does.

Dr. Kun looked up from a pile of documents and seemed to have never seen these two researchers at all.

But he didn't mind:

"Talk about it!"

Ning Yuanhang gave Qian Xiaoqing a look and asked her to hold off the old man first.

In this room he discovered a sophisticated electronic computer.

This computer seems to be performing complicated calculations without stopping for a moment.

Looking at this old man, there was an occasional flash of shrewdness in his cloudy eyes. Qian Xiaoqing never thought that this guy was the one who managed the entire institute.

She stuttered and said:

"The reasons for the violent behavior of those experimental subjects are nothing more than genetic mutations, radiation, radiation, drug experiments, and genetic engineering disorders!"

What Qian Xiaoqing said did not seem to attract the old man's attention, because He ignored it.

"And I think the reason for their rage is probably the radiation here!"

"Radiation? No, it's impossible! Even after high doses and long-term exposure to radiation, radiation only affects cells and genes. Effect, but it can only cause genetic damage, cell mutation or physiological function impact."

After hearing this, the old man directly denied it. He shook his head while searching for information, and seemed to disagree with what Qian Xiaoqing said:

"Radiation may cause cancer. , the immune system may be damaged, and there may be reproductive problems, but it will definitely not be violent!"

Qian Xiaoqing is a layman with this knowledge, and of course she can't provide more concrete evidence.

While Qian Xiaoqing was chatting with the old man, Ning Yuanhang had already touched the computer and even touched the mouse.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Unexpectedly, Dr. Kun was very fast. He passed Qian Xiaoqing directly and was about to catch the disobedient mouse!

"Put down the mouse, I'm warning you!"


the alarm began to sound in the room. Qian Xiaoqing didn't know where the sound came from, and she didn't hesitate at all. Dr. Kun lived.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your research on these experimental subjects?"

The shell knife in Qian Xiaoqing's hand was already pressed against Dr. Kun's neck, and the doctor seemed to be more concerned about the computer that was constantly calculating.

Science geek? ! " If

you don't tell me, I will destroy this computer!" The alarm sound continued, and it even extended to the outside of the house. Through a door, Qian Xiaoqing could hear the clanging sound of someone running over from outside. "I...I said, I said..." That computer is Dr. Kun's lifelong effort. As long as the computer is used as a threat, he will definitely say it. "We did the experimental questions to..." "-Be careful!" ——Explode! ! ! Qian Xiaoqing was knocked down directly! Dr. Kun, who was standing next to her, had been blown into a puddle of flesh. "How...how could this happen..." Isn't he the boss of this laboratory? how come? Listening to the sounds outside getting closer and closer, Ning Yuanhang held Qian Xiaoqing in his arms: "It's too late, someone is clearing the computer!" In a hurry, Ning Yuanhang unplugged a small USB flash drive and directly turned off the power supply. , using brute force to tear off the entire huge computer. "Put it in the space!" Qian Xiaoqing was not idle either. She didn't even clean up the flesh foam on her face. The books on the floor, the drafts in the trash can, the experimental data on the table, and everything in the whole house were Move into space. --Da da da! "Warning, warning, come out immediately or shoot!" There was still an electronic synthesized voice outside. It looks like a big guy is here. Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang didn't pay attention. Instead, their hands moved faster and faster. As long as they could take away everything, they moved everything into the space. "Warning, the first time!" "Warning, the second time!" "Warning, the third time!" "Get ready, shoot!" "Sail away, quickly!" The light of the shells could already be seen outside, and Qian Xiaoqing couldn't care less. The others pounced forward, and both of them rolled down into the game space. "How's it going? You're not hurt, are you?" Qian Xiaoqing asked worriedly. Ning Yuanhang shook his head. They were careless. They didn't expect that the boss in this base was someone else. The place where they were after entering the game space was the ghost ship. The ship had begun to dock, and underneath the ship was the volcanic island. "Take a rest first. This matter is not that simple. Let's go out later!" Believing that the artillery fire outside could not stop so quickly, Qian Xiaoqing organized her mind and gathered all the documents she had grabbed in one place.

She and Ning Yuanhang couldn't understand these things, so they had to find professionals!

But this is the end of the world. Where can I find such professionals?

Turning her grief and anger into strength, Qian Xiaoqing took Ning Yuanhang to quarry stones.

There are not many rocks on the volcanic island, but these rocks contain a lot of minerals. In addition to gold, silver, copper and iron, there are also many jade products.

The two of them didn't think much about it and just kept digging.

One big stone after another was carried onto the ghost ship. In just a short time, the two of them had dug half a shipload of ore.

"Let's go out and take a look together!"

The two of them wiped the sweat from their foreheads and calmed down, planning to go out and find out.

After going out, there was no gunfire, but there were still people patrolling the house.

Finally, what I saw was no longer a robot!

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang looked at each other, took out the advantageous thing in their hands, and attacked directly.

Although the opponent is a kind of bodyguard, they have been fighting for ten years since the end of the world, and their experience in fighting the enemy is much stronger than that of the bodyguard.

In just a few seconds, all these bodyguards fell to the ground.

Qian Xiaoqing took out the gunpowder from the space and threw it into the room.

The two men put on the bodyguard's clothes and walked out of the crime scene in a dignified manner.

"Who are you?!"

The dozen or so people guarding outside originally thought that their companions had come out, but when they looked up, they saw two unfamiliar faces, and a battle broke out in an instant.

Qian Xiaoqing took out her gun and fired directly!

The group of bodyguards who were about to stand up and fight back were completely defeated and fell down!

The commotion here did not cause chaos elsewhere.

When the two people groped out of the elevator, they saw the researchers still walking around in the experimental capsule with various data.

They seemed not at all interested in what was going on outside.

Looking at the various people, animals, and plants that have mutated inside...

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang's only thought is that these things must not leave the laboratory!

Go all the way forward, throwing gunpowder along the way.

They're going to blow this place up!

After killing a group of bodyguards again, Qian Xiaoqing and the others finally reached the bottom of the core of the entire laboratory.

There are a dozen smart robots with thermal weapons there.

These robots have been developed to such a degree that their arms have become cannon barrels.

Behind these robots, stood a man in his 50s. This man's eyes were red and he stared at Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang fiercely.

"I didn't expect that someone could come here?"

The man laughed exaggeratedly: "You are also considered talents. What do you think, do you want to consider joining me?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at the various instruments around him. , there are some small flying insects crawling inside this instrument.

It is this most inconspicuous thing, perhaps the most deadly!

Qian Xiaoqing silently took a step closer to Ning Yuanhang and whispered to him:

"Stay close to me!"

"For the sake of your extraordinary skills, I can spare your lives, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." !"

That person seemed to be confident, and he was very interested in the human beings who could appear in front of him.

How powerful would it be if these two powerful guys were made into experimental subjects?

"Sorry, I'm not interested in being your experimental subject!"

Qian Xiaoqing kept raising her weapon, aiming at the man in front of her.

"I, the vulture, have never lost before. If you don't want to, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

- Bang!

A button was pressed and thousands of flying insects flew out of the capsule.


A sound like a small flute was blown by a vulture, and the group of small flying insects flew straight towards Qian Xiaoqing as if they had received some kind of order!

Ning Yuanhang stood in front of Qian Xiaoqing coldly. Qian Xiaoqing originally wanted to take him into the space to hide, but unexpectedly, there was a roar and a huge ball of flames spurted out from the palm of his hand.

Just burn all those little flying insects to death!

"Fire power!"

The vulture's eyes seemed to be even more excited: "You can't find anything even after you've worn iron shoes, it takes no effort to get it! Give it to me, I want to catch them alive!"

Qian Xiaoqing finally knew at this time Why are the vultures protected by a group of robots? They will not be disturbed by mutated animals and plants, and they have strong combat effectiveness!


The bamboo arrows on the robot were shot out repeatedly, corresponding to the weak parts of the robot.

For example, the lines on the knees, elbows, and necks...

Vulture didn't seem to expect that the accuracy of the machine was so high.

He quickly retreated with the remote control in his hand.

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Chapter 58 Chapter 58

The whole ground is shaking. It seems that this is the laboratory's self-protection procedure.

There seemed to be gears turning in the originally white laboratory, and a row of cylindrical barrel launchers rose up in the corner.

"Xiaoqing, don't let him run away!"

Ning Yuanhang was dealing with those invulnerable robots. Because the robots had projectiles in their hands, he was very fast and had very tricky angles, so he could barely escape the robots. shots.

The more times like this, the more rational Qian Xiaoqing becomes.

She looked at where the vulture ran away, took out the backpack she had put on, and took out a large amount of spider webs from the backpack.

The vulture was already out of the shooting range of the two of them, and his expression was very bad. Even if there was a rare person with awakened powers between the two of them, his anger could not be quelled.

He hurriedly entered the elevator and took out the walkie-talkie: "Catch these two intruders. I will make them receive the cruelest treatment!"


The person on the other side of the walkie-talkie was cautious, something bad happened tonight. , everyone heard that there were two intruders in the base.

They didn't know how the two men got in, let alone why the boss was so afraid.

The elevator door slowly closed.

The vulture looked at Ning Yuanhang who was surrounded and finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The door that had been closed was suddenly blown open from the outside.

The elevator, which was about to ascend, sensed abnormal vibrations and the ascending movement came to an abrupt halt.

Qian Xiaoqing appeared in front of the vulture like a ghost.

"Hey, where do you want to run?"

The vulture was shocked: "You, how did you get here?"

"Don't worry about how I got here, you just need to know that you are finished now!"

The spider web in his hand went to Dropped in the elevator.

Meanwhile, Vulture pulled out a small pistol. He had had enough.


The Vulture, who originally thought he had succeeded, did not expect that the big living person standing in front of him actually disappeared on the spot.

"Sora, space powers?!"

He had heard of space powers, but as far as he knew, all the people who awakened space powers only awakened small spaces of a few square meters, and it was difficult to let people live in those spaces. , after all, there is no oxygen inside.

But now...

the woman who originally despised him the most turned out to have a rare space power, and...

Vulture looked at the spider web in his hand, and he couldn't break free.

"Don't waste your efforts. You've already been stuck by my spider web, and you have no chance to escape!"

- Click, click, click!

Ning Yuanhang behind him quickly ended the battle and placed a pile of robot parts on the ground.

"Xiaoqing, put all these back, they are all energy!"

Looking at the cannon barrels on the ground, Qian Xiaoqing was speechless. These robots have been torn into pieces, and the remaining cannon barrels can still be used. ?

Ning Yuanhang walked to the elevator step by step.

A look of anger and despair appeared on the Vulture's face:

"I haven't lost yet! Haha, I haven't lost yet!"


a group of private soldiers have appeared at the end of the corridor, wearing uniform blue overalls. Gradually approaching, they wore gas masks on their faces and held thermal weapons in their hands. Before they got closer, a large amount of poisonous gas was emitted from the side.

The poisonous gas soon filled the entire corridor.

Ning Yuanhang stood behind the vulture, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, which was pressed tightly against the vulture's neck.

"You're done, you're done..."

Even though he was being held hostage, the vulture was still arrogant.

Thick smoke rushed toward Qian Xiaoqing and the others.

Qian Xiaoqing quickly took out the gas mask from the game space.

"Quickly, bring it with you!"

Ning Yuanhang didn't expect that the vulture turned out to be a madman. He seemed to really not care about his own life.

"Haha, it's useless. Gas masks are of no use against this poisonous gas! You will eventually die of ulcers all over your body!"

There was regret in the vulture's eyes. One has a fire power, the other has a space power. These two people There is no research value at all if he dies like this!

He completely ignored the knife on his neck:

"You still don't understand?" He said in a hoarse and low voice: "This world has long been doomed to destruction, and we are the judges!" The

vulture's tone was high and full. Face of pride!

"It's useless even if we can poison us, we will blow up the entire laboratory, and the results of your painstaking research will be in vain!"

Qian Xiaoqing also stood behind the vulture, and she took out a Manage the gunpowder and point to the corner for the vulture.

There were several powder barrels piled in that corner.

It seemed that he had touched the vulture's pain point. His eyes were red and crazy, his chest was rising and falling, and sweat was dripping down. He seemed to be answering Qian Xiaoqing's question or comforting himself. He said:

" Impossible, such a small amount of gunpowder can't blow up my laboratory!"

"If you don't believe it, try it?"

"No, no..."

The vulture struggled violently, but its body was firmly adhered to the spider web. At the entrance of the stairs.

Soldiers not far away fired with weapons, the power of which could not be ignored.

There was no other way, Qian Xiaoqing could only take Ning Yuanhang and quickly hide in the game space.

The moment she entered, she gave Ning Yuanhang a tube of medicine.

"Drink it quickly!"

It was made of butterfly scale powder, which is very precious even now.

Qian Xiaoqing covered her body. Her body had begun to rot. It seemed that the vulture was right, those poisonous gases were highly corrosive.

"You wait here, I'll deal with them!"

Qian Xiaoqing dodged out again, and shot out a few weak and boneless bamboo arrows.

The guards who had already relaxed their vigilance fell to the ground one after another.

Enter space again!

After waiting for tens of seconds, he rushed out again.

After several rounds of back and forth, all the guards who were rushing towards him were shot to death.

"How about it? What other options do you have?"

Vulture's face turned gray. He opened his eyes and looked at everything in the laboratory, laughing loudly.

"Even if I have no last resort, do you think you can win? The world is still heading towards destruction. Not only will there be mutant animals and plants outside, but in the future, there will also be mutant humans. By then, the world will rule and lead humanity. Only ourselves!"


I don't know what button he pushed, but his face showed madness.

"I can't survive, and I have to let you be buried with me!"

"Oh no, this laboratory is going to explode! It's a self-destruction program!"

Ning Yuanhang hugged Qian Xiaoqing and couldn't care about anything else, and ran forward desperately.

Although Qian Xiaoqing's game space can be entered, as long as the laboratory explodes, they will be buried underground.

By then, I'm afraid I'm really going to die!

Time is running out!

——Didi didi!

The beeping sound in his ears became more and more obvious. Whenever there was a roadblock ahead, Ning Yuanhang would just use gunpowder to clear the way.


The entire laboratory collapsed, and the white laboratory that was originally built in the desert finally disappeared into the desert.

The sky is still full of yellow sand outside, but the temperature seems to be starting to drop, and the vibrations on the ground can be felt by people in Bukchon hundreds of kilometers away.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Zhang Haotian suddenly looked outside, but didn't find anything strange.

"Where did this sound come from?"

There are also villagers looking around in the village. Although their village is remote and they still have surplus food, this is the end of the world after all, and they are not at all vigilant.

"I have never heard such a loud noise. Could it be that there was an explosion somewhere?"

Dong Dahai scratched his head and walked out. Yesterday was the fullest he had eaten, and he was full of seafood.

Now that he had just woken up, he was suddenly awakened by a loud noise, and he immediately sat up vigilantly.

After searching to no avail, they finally relaxed.

In the remote desert, Ning Yuanhang and Qian Xiaoqing dug sand bit by bit. Because the sand was prone to landslides, their progress was extremely slow.

Especially since there is no oxygen underground, the two of them can only take turns returning to the space to breathe fresh air.

"Hey, we finally dug it out!"

Qian Xiaoqing lay down in the desert and breathed in the hot air.

"Finally out!"

They climbed out of the sand and looked at the dark, burned pit next to them.

"Although we didn't do it, we finally destroyed this laboratory."

Recalling the experimental subjects in the laboratory and the horrific appearance of their transformed bodies, Qian Xiaoqing only felt terrified.

"Stop standing there stupidly and leave quickly!"

Time is indeed not short!

They lied to their parents in the game that they were going to a volcanic island to collect ore. Who knew it would take so long?

Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, Qian Xiaoqing quickly took out another tram.

The two of them entered the laboratory and dug out sand again, and they were already exhausted from exhaustion.

The two of them were silent along the way, and they could only remember what happened that night.

It wasn't until evening that they hurried to the vicinity of Beicun.

After putting away the car in a deserted place, the two people quickly walked home.

After returning home, they didn't dare to delay any longer and quickly entered the game to board the ghost ship and set off back to the beach.

After one night, Ning Dawei and the others had dug a huge hole.

He patted the soil on his gloves, stood up holding his waist, and said to Ning Dawei with a sense of accomplishment:

"How is it, Dawei, do you feel a sense of accomplishment? We have dug half of the house!"

" Hey, don't tell me, I really underestimated you!"

Ning Dawei was also full of pride.

Only Zhao Lihua looked at the sea worriedly. It has been a long time. Why haven't the two of them come back yet?

"Is it that difficult to dig out rocks? Why haven't Xiaoqing and Yuanhang come back yet?"

Qian Yongkang seemed to be a little bit behind the scenes.

"How about I go to the beach and wait?"

Zhao Lihua put down what she was doing and walked back and forth on the beach.

After waiting for a long time, they finally saw the ghost ship from the sea level when they were getting impatient.

"It's coming, it's finally here!"

Zhao Lihua looked relieved.

After seeing Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang come back intact, she was completely relieved.

"Why is it so slow? Why did you come back after more than 10 hours?"

Qian Xiaoqing hugged Zhao Lihua's arm like a baby: "The ore is really difficult to dig. Besides, look what I found?"

Qian Xiaoqing He took out a bird from his backpack. The bird was covered in flames, just like a mythical beast!

"Hey, what is this? I've never seen this before! It's a rare thing!"

Qian Yongkang immediately gathered around.

"This is called the Flame Bird!" Qian Xiaoqing said mysteriously.

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Chapter 59 Chapter 59

[Flaming Bird: A unique creature of the volcanic island, its body is covered in flames, and its feathers can be made into a cloak, which not only resists fire damage, but also increases thermal insulation. ]

Qian Xiaoqing was ready to raise it after reading its introduction.

So it’s hot now, but it will cool down significantly in a few days.

By that time, the car would not even be able to start, let alone drive in the snow.

So they had to get to Lhasa before the temperature dropped.

Qian Xiaoqing exchanged water for an excavator from Dong Dahai. As long as there is oil, the excavator can work.

With the help of the excavator, the work of digging the ground became much easier, and the foundation was dug in half a day.

The next day, Qian Xiaoqing and the others were ready to hit the road.

The villagers in Beicun were very nice. Although they did not see him off, they sent a lot of things to his home the day before.

One of them turned out to be a radio.

This thing Ning Dawei couldn't put down.

This was given by the villager who gave the dog to Qian Xiaoqing. His family used to recycle electrical appliances, and he had a lot of radios piled up in his house. In the past, these things were all junk, and not many families wanted them. But since the end of the world, After there was no Internet, this thing became a treasure again.

Along the way, Ning Dawei kept playing with the radio.


"Hey, it's connected!"

Everyone looked at the radio expectantly, hoping to get some useful information from it.

After all, they had little information and were always on the road, so they had no idea what was going on outside.


Ning Dawei adjusted the knob of the console, but all he heard was hissing and buzzing.

"Zizi... emergency notice... city... floods... precautions..."

After hearing the news, everyone was silent.

"I didn't expect that there would be heavy rain in the south again."

Although they knew that there would be extreme weather after the apocalypse, but with high temperatures and floods, would there be any survivors there?

After a brief silence, the radio began to buzz again.

"According to... the report, the Lhasa Base, the Holy Land for Survivors, is located in... The Survivor Base will be built in two years... Survivors are invited to... build..."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the news.

Except for Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang, no one else knew that the Lhasa survivor base would definitely be built.

Qian Yongkang and Zhao Lihua had always been trying to find out, but they didn't expect... they didn't expect that they would actually wait.

"Okay, how old are you to cry?"

Qian Yongkang's eyes were moist, he took his wife into his arms and comforted her softly.

It was originally an unattainable dream, but I didn't expect that one day the dream would come true.

Ning Dawei calmed down. He concealed his excitement and said with a trembling voice:

"I hear this, the Lhasa survivor base is still under construction and it will take two years to complete!"

"Don't panic! Don't rush! As long as we know it's safe and orderly there!"

Qian Yongkang's attitude was very clear. Looking at the Lhasa survivor base in front of him, he seemed to be motivated again.

Qian Xiaoqing and Ning Yuanhang did not participate in the adults' discussion. You must know that their parents were so happy and excited when they heard the news. She had already told them that the Lhasa survivor base would be established!

And it will become the largest survivor base in the future.

Along the way, this radio became a treasure. I kept changing channels 24 hours a day, hoping to hear new sounds.

Although there were indeed new voices coming intermittently, they were all bad news. In addition to flooding, an epidemic broke out in the south. Those who survived had no medical equipment and could only wait to die.

An earthquake occurred in the east. The earthquake triggered a tsunami, which directly submerged Qian Xiaoqing's home.

The only good news is that the Lhasa survivor base has been controlled by the military district and there is order.

This is inspiring enough.

But soon their attention was no longer on the radio.

Because we have entered the plateau, the altitude has reached more than 2,500 meters.

Because the air pressure and oxygen concentration dropped, everyone in their car had reactions of varying sizes.

The symptoms of Qian Yongkang and Ning Dawei were relatively mild. They only felt difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, fatigue and weakness, and even a little dizziness.

But Zhao Lihua is much more serious.

She had such a headache that she could only lie down. She was dizzy and nauseated. She refused to eat and even collapsed.

"Mom, why don't you go into the space to rest?"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at Zhao Lihua's face and turned pale. She couldn't bear it.

But Zhao Lihua is a sensible person after all: "Why are you still going into space? It's only over 2,000 meters away now, and I can't stand it anymore. If I stay in space all the time, I won't be able to adapt to it when I get to Lhasa!"

Anyway, Zhao Lihua didn't let it go. Enter the space.

There was no other way, Qian Xiaoqing could only collect oxygen from the space and put it in a small bottle for Zhao Lihua to breathe.

The further west you go, the more people there are.

This place is very close to Lhasa, and along the way you can often see people carrying heavy baggage and dragging their families to Lhasa.

Fortunately, the weather is no longer so hot, but the sun is still dazzling on the plateau.

"Let's take a rest here today!"

The two off-road vehicles have stopped. They parked on a flat ground. The two vehicles formed a V shape. They took a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, preparing to do it here. dinner.

It can be seen that this is a gathering place for travelers.

Before they came, the place was already full of people.

In the last days, everyone hugged together to keep warm. Most of them were in teams, and there were at least 50 groups of people on the entire plain.

There was a Raptor parked next to their car, and the back of the Raptor was filled with supplies.

It was a family of three. The child was only two or three years old. The hostess held the child gently and virtuously, while the male host was watching the family warily.

It can be seen that the man driving the Raptor is definitely not an ordinary person. Otherwise, it has been almost two years since the end of the world. How could his children and wife be so decent?

Qian Xiaoqing just nodded to him slightly, indicating that she posed no threat.

Who would have expected that the man had no sense at all and walked away with a stinky face.

"Xiaoqing, what are you doing?"

Ning Yuanhang walked out from behind Qian Xiaoqing. He frowned at the man's back. Unexpectedly, he saw an old acquaintance!

"It's nothing, I just think that child is cute!"


Ning Yuanhang stretched his head and looked around, and indeed saw a fair little girl in a woman's arms.

"I was thinking about letting the two puppies out!"

After these few days of traveling, the puppies were not taken out often. They were kept in the space and asked Zhang Ruiwen to help carry them.

Two squeaking Labradors were released, and they were very lively. They circled around Qian Xiaoqing, stumbling and running around, and laughter soon broke out around them.

"This puppy is so cute!"

Qian Xiaoqing was feeding the puppies with dried fish. She named the two puppies, one named Naite and the other Naisi.

Suddenly a woman's voice sounded from behind.

She turned around and saw a heroic woman.

"Hello, my name is Bai Duoduo! You can call me Duoduo!"

The little girl seemed to be in her early 20s. She was wearing a military uniform and stood neatly behind Qian Xiaoqun.

"Hello Duoduo!"

"Can I play with your puppy?"

Duoduo's expression was shy, but he kept glancing at the two puppies on the ground from the corner of his eyes.

"Well, of course!"

Although you should be wary of strangers in the last days, looking at the shy expression of the little girl named Duoduo, you can tell that she is not experienced in the world.


Bai Duoduo knelt down and called the little puppy softly.

Naite and Naisi stumbled towards Bai Duoduo, sniffing the dried fish in her hand.

When Qian Xiaoqing saw Bai Duoduo playing happily with the puppy, she quickly went about her own business.

There are many people in the station, so of course there are people around who don't have enough to eat and are waiting for an opportunity, but there are also people who are cooking instant noodles and living a comfortable life.

For example, the one next door.

Qian Xiaoqing could smell the smell of his instant noodles from afar, so she stopped hiding them and took out the rice from the space, peeled off a few large shrimps and threw them into the pot.

Ning Yuanhang was responsible for lighting the fire. He first dug a shallow hole in the ground, then took out a few pieces of coal from the car, and quickly lit it.

Ning Dawei started cooking the pot from the fire.

These days, there are not many people who can eat stir-fried vegetables, and soon there are people craning their necks to look here.

Including the one next door.

The mother of the house next to her took her daughter to play with Bai Duoduo, leaving only the male owner who was cooking instant noodles.

"Hello, can I give you some shrimp in exchange? I'll use this in exchange."

The man's voice was cold and hard to touch at first sight. At this time, he was holding several packs of compressed biscuits in his hand.

Qian Xiaoqing turned around and saw the biscuit. This thing was definitely a life-saving thing for outsiders, but it was too unpalatable to them, so there was no need to wrong herself.

Before Qian Xiaoqing could reply, Ning Yuanhang raised his head and met his eyes. He said lightly:


Gao Yifeng only felt the other person looking at him with a smile, and he felt familiar in his eyes. .

"Sir, do we know each other?"

Ning Yuanhang shook his head of course: "No!"

He took out a bag of shrimps from his backpack, threw it directly to Gao Yifeng, and then continued to poke the coal in the pit with a fire stick.

"Compressed biscuits, don't you need them?"

Gao Yifeng held a heavy shrimp in his hand. To his surprise, he felt a hint of coldness from the shrimp.

The prawns were fresh and fresh from the refrigerator.

He looked at the car Ning Yuanhang and the others were driving, and it didn't look like it could fit an entire refrigerator.

"This thing is too unpalatable, we don't like it!"

"What about these shrimps?"

Gao Yifeng didn't want to take advantage of others, but his wife and daughter hadn't eaten seafood for a long time, and he couldn't bear to let go.

"It's for you. We can't eat it anyway."

Ning Yuanhang took out a spoon and stirred the white porridge in the pot.

The white porridge is full of shrimps, except for some sea vegetables.

"Then, thank you!"

For some reason, Gao Yifeng always felt that the other party was familiar with him.

He turned around to leave with the shrimp in his hand, but was soon attracted by his daughter's cry.

"Puppy, puppy... Daddy, come here... Wow!"

The little girl's cry attracted the attention of many people.

His wife Song Wenjing hugged her daughter tightly and backed away.

Three tall and thick men were already standing in front of Bai Duoduo, snatching the puppy.

The little puppy was having fun with Bai Duoduo and the others when suddenly someone grabbed his neck and howled wildly.

Qian Xiaoqing immediately got up and walked over there.

Bai Duoduo: "Put it down, or I'll kill you!"

The strong man also did bad things in the last days. He looked at Bai Duoduo contemptuously:

"Little things like this are not enough to fill the gap between our brothers' teeth." , since you are eager to throw yourself into your arms, then our brothers don’t mind it either!”

Qian Xiaoqing saw Bai Duoduo fighting before she even got there!

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Chapter 60 Chapter 60

Qian Xiaoqing had heard it clearly when she passed by. It turned out that those strong men had evil thoughts when they saw Bai Duoduo playing with the two puppies.

They haven't eaten dog meat for a long time.

And looking at these two little puppies making milky sounds, it looks delicious at first glance!

"Put them down!"

Bai Duoduo stood in front of the sturdy man, looking extraordinarily thin. She raised her head and pointed at Naite and Naisi who were carried in their hands, and her whole body was full of menace.

"Put it down? What should we do if we put down our dinner? Our dinner is nowhere to be found!"

Another strong man held a piece of withered grass in his mouth and picked the meat from between his teeth.

Qian Xiaoqing has already walked over at this time. Of course she will not sit idly by and ignore it. Since you dare to offend her, don't blame her for being unkind!

But before Qian Xiaoqing could show off her power, Bai Duoduo threw a strong man over his shoulder and knocked him to the ground.

Qian Xiaoqing paused as she walked forward. When she saw the scene in front of her, she stood there holding her chest and watching the fun.

Although Bai Duoduo has a small body, she is very good at using her strength to knock a man to the ground with her index finger. The man lay on the ground screaming while holding his finger.

They had offended many people in the last days, but they didn't expect that this seemingly thin little girl could have such explosive power!

This time it can be considered as a kick on the iron plate!

Bai Duoduo's movement quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the camp.

In the last year of the apocalypse, everyone has long learned to protect themselves wisely, and no one wants to join in the fun or meddle in other people's business.

Almost as soon as they met, Bai Duoduo knocked down the three people, stepped on their heads viciously, and carefully hugged Naite and Naisi.

"Humph, if my aunt doesn't show off her power, you guys think I'm a sick cat!"

Bai Duoduo turned around and saw Qian Xiaoqing in front of her, holding her chest and watching the fun.

For some reason, her face turned red and she walked to Qian Xiaoqing's side shyly:

"Sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let them take away Naite and Naisi..."

It was obvious that this little girl was indeed I'm really sorry.

"It's okay, aren't they okay?"

Qian Xiaoqing took Naite and Naisi and looked at the two puppies coquettishly. No wonder a girl as cool as Bai Duoduo liked this little one with squirting milk. dog.

"Who hit my brother?!"

Several burly men walked over with weapons in their hands.

The three people who had fallen to the ground finally recovered. They got up from the ground, pointed at Bai Duoduo and said:

"Boss, we originally wanted to catch two dogs for you to beat them as a sacrifice, but we didn't expect this woman to dare to sneak attack. Us!"

The man called the boss snorted: "What a waste, he was knocked to the ground by a bitch!"

The three people also felt ashamed. They just felt that they were careless, so they clapped their chests and promised:

"Brother, you don't need to take action this time, I'm going to kill these two stinky bitches!"

They stared at Qian Xiaoqing and Bai Duoduo fiercely.

How could two women as skinny as a mantis be able to fuck a 200-pound man like them?

This disparity in strength can be seen at a glance.

Everyone watching around felt a little regretful.

In the last days, there are not many bright young girls like them. Most women are sloppy, submissive, and dependent on men.

"Aren't you going to help?"

Gao Yifeng held the shrimp in his hand. He blocked his wife and daughter behind him and turned to ask Ning Yuanhang.

Ning Yuanhang sat on the stone, holding a fire stick in his hand, watching the farce in front of him boredly.

"I can't get involved. It's better to continue cooking from here!"

Ning Yuanhang's attitude was lazy. He watched Zhang Xueer's family update various resources every day. Welcome to Antarctic Biology. Er Er Er Wu Jiu Yi Si Qi is already next door. After cooking the noodles, Ning Dawei and Qian Yongkang took the dried fish to other teams to find out information, while Zhao Lihua was sorting supplies in the car.

He was the only one in the entire team who had nothing to do.

If he leaves the stove again, dinner will probably be late tonight.

Shaking his head, he can't leave!

Gao Yifeng saw that this man really had no intention of helping. He handed the shrimp in his hand to his wife and asked her to take her daughter back to the car.

Wary of the apocalypse, the wife and daughter walked to the car with shrimps in hand.

"Be careful."

He left the last words to Gao Yifeng and left.

Three men surrounded the two women.

Bai Duoduo apologized a little: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault for causing such a big trouble due to my negligence. Just wait a moment and hide behind me. I'll protect you!"

Qian Xiaoqing looked at this powerful boyfriend in surprise. The little girl, she didn't show off, she just nodded while holding the puppy.

Seeing Qian Xiaoqing's reaction, Bai Duoduo rushed forward.

The punches hit the flesh, but they didn't have much impact on those strong men.

"Damn it, if you dare to hit me, I'll kill you!"

This time Bai Duoduo didn't attack directly, but instead looked for weak points to attack.

The inner side of the arm, the crook of the leg, the eyes...

watching Bai Duoduo's series of movements flow smoothly, if this kung fu was not practiced in the apocalypse, then this girl's identity should be very special.

After suffering a loss, the three strong men changed their strategies and no longer fought hard with Bai Duoduo. Instead, they wanted to buy the bottom and attack Qian Xiaoqing.

Even if she changed her strategy, Bai Duoduo could handle it easily. Just like what she said, Qian Xiaoqing was only responsible for holding the puppy and standing there without her taking any action.

The boss who was standing not far away slammed the cigarette he was holding on the ground: "You guys, get up here and get these two women on the bed! Let us brothers have a good time tonight Ha!"

As soon as they heard that they were having fun, the other brothers gained strength and rushed towards Qian Xiaoqing and Bai Duoduo with great interest.

Bai Duoduo could deal with three or two of these tough guys, but when four more came, she couldn't handle it anymore.

"Hey, little sister!" Bai Duoduo turned around and said to Qian Xiaoqing when dealing with them: "You can run away when you get the chance and leave me alone!"

Qian Xiaoqing had already seen Bai Duoduo's difficulty.

She carried the two puppies in her right hand and took out the gun from the space with her left hand.

Soon people gathered around.

Qian Xiaoqing looked at them staring at each other eagerly, and finally said:

"I'll give you the last chance to regret. If you still insist on rushing up, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The lewd thieves laughed. They touched their chins and looked Qian Xiaoqing up and down.

"I have never seen such a clean and beautiful girl. My brothers are so lucky tonight!"

I feel happy just thinking about it.

They can't wait to join hands even now.

Qian Xiaoqing's eyes gradually became cold. She never had much patience for such scum.

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

A few bastards thought Qian Xiaoqing was joking. When they walked over with a smile and said such dirty words, Qian Xiaoqing's bamboo arrow was so powerful that it swung. The child flew out.

——Bang bang bang!

The sound of several heavy objects falling to the ground.

In just one moment of meeting each other, all four people fell down, with a bloody hole in the same position on their chests.

It turned out that the bamboo arrows had penetrated their bodies and were nailed to the ground behind them.

Bai Duoduo was always paying attention to Qian Xiaoqing's developments.

She was playing in a disorganized manner, and all she wanted to do was escape quickly and help the young lady next to her.

Never imagined!

But I never expected it!

He didn't need his help. All four of them died in one encounter.

Qian Xiaoqing did not stop after killing these four people, but instead aimed her gun at Bai Duoduo.

Without much aim, the three arrows were fired in unison.

The three strong men who were attacking Bai Duoduo with their fangs and claws bared only felt a chill behind them, and then they stopped breathing.

Accurate shooting!

There was little hesitation.

Super high accuracy.

Three arrows and four arrows were fired in unison.

Every one of them is shocking.

Gao Yifeng silently took back the weapon he had taken out. When he turned around, he glanced at the mysterious man who had never left his seat or even raised his head.

No wonder they can live comfortably in the last days. It turns out that they are not simple.

Putting the weapon back into his pocket, Gao Yifeng walked back to the car.

Qian Xiaoqing looked harmless, holding the dog in one hand and the machine in the other, and slowly walked towards the boss standing on the edge.

"You just said, what's going on tonight? I'm a little deaf, I didn't hear clearly just now!"

Looking at this clean and bright face, looking at this pure smile, the boss is no longer as arrogant as before.

I thought she was just a chick before, but now it seems that she is even comparable to an eagle in the sky.

"No, it's okay, I'm sorry, Heroine, I'm sorry, Heroine, it's my fault, it's my fault, I don't dare to do it anymore, please spare my life, Heroine!" The

arrogant man who was originally called the boss The man is now kneeling on the ground, kowtow pitifully and admitting his mistake.

In the nearly two years since the end of the world, almost everyone has smoothed their edges and become able to bow their heads and submit to the weak, and will never raise their heads to be stubborn.

"Oh, what should I do?"

Qian Xiaoqing thought about the dirty words they just said. It was absolutely unforgivable. Besides, she knew that wildfires can never be burned out, and the spring breeze will blow them again.

"I don't want to forgive you!"

The man in his hand did not let down his guard. Just when Qian Xiaoqing finished saying this, the man who was kneeling on the ground picked up the dagger in his hand and stabbed her.

Qian Xiaoqing hates people who do one thing in front of others and do another thing behind their backs.

The bamboo arrow in his hand was shot directly.

He raised his leg and kicked the dagger away from his hand, then kicked the body away.

That kick, which was neither light nor heavy, directly kicked the strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms dozens of meters away.

Everyone took a few steps back in fear.

It’s true that people can’t be judged by their appearance!

I thought she was a weak little girl, but I didn't expect her attack power and explosive power to be so amazing.

This incident once again reminded everyone present that in the last days, you should never underestimate a clean and beautiful girl.

They are either strong in their own strength or strong in their background.

"Duoduo, are you not injured?"

After the matter settled, a mature middle-aged man walked up to Bai Duoduo's side.

The man was wearing a uniform, and ordinary people wouldn't be able to tell which uniform it was from, but Qian Xiaoqing recognized it at a glance as a regular uniform issued by the military headquarters of the Lhasa Survivor Base.

The other party is from the Lhasa Survivor Base!

And, at least he's an officer!

Qian Xiaoqing was shocked. She watched in surprise as the man talked familiarly with Bai Duoduo.

"It's okay, boss, I just scratched a layer of skin!"

Bai Duoduo seemed to be in a good mood. She excitedly led the man to Qian Xiaoqing:

"Quick, boss, let me introduce you..."

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