The Second Explosion

"Nurse! Nurse!" Razor called. A nurse came in.

"Yes dear," she asked. I came out from behind the door and hit her in the head as hard as I could. She collapsed onto the floor. I stripped her of her clothes and put them on myself. I walked over to Razor and unhooked him from the machines. He got out of bed and I saw his wounds, which made me wince. Luckily, he had enough medicine to survive without the machines. I helped him out the door and into the hallway, where I put him into a wheelchair. There were nurses walking around the ward. Some of them gave me questioning looks, but i just told them that Razor was going to meet Vosch. We left the ward and I wheeled him down the hall. I kept my head low, hoping no one would see me. We made our way to the entrance of the ship. There were two guards at the door, which I knocked out with ease. I opened the hatch and threw down another rope, which I had also gotten from a closet. He awkwardly got out of his wheelchair and stood up.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay," I asked.

He nodded and lowered himself out the hatch. "I'll see you when you come down," he said. I nodded and bent down to kiss him. He slid down the rope.

I got up, closed the hatch, and walked toward the explosive room. On my way, I passed by another room with double doors. I peeked in the small window and saw Vosch sitting at a large table talking to someone. I smiled- glad to see he was distracted. There was a guard standing outside the explosive door, but it didn't take much to knock him out. I walked in and took the other rope from my pocket. I connected it to one of the crates of explosives. The other half of the rope was at the door. I took the lighter from my pocket and lit it. I didn't watch the fire travel down the rope to the crate of explosives. I bolted out the door and ran to the entrance. I opened the hatch and jumped out it. I heard a boom above me but I didn't look up. More booms- more crates had exploded. Debris came crashing down next to me. I landed on the ground and ran toward the woods where Razor was waiting for me. I ran into his arms and hugged him. We stood at the tree line and watch the mothership explode. We stood there for about an hour. No one got up out of the debris. I finally worked up the courage to go see if anyone had survived. I walked to the explosion and saw a dead Vosch lying there. That was all I needed. I smiled to myself and walked back to meet Razor in the woods. We would rest for a little while and then we'd set off towards the caverns to find Zombie and the others.
