The Hospital Ward

I ran to the hospital ward and burst through the door. "I need to see Razor!" I yelled at the nurse behind a desk. She nodded and showed me to his room. I opened the door and saw him lying in the hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of machines. He looked up in shock. We stared at each other for a while, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey," I finally said.

He smiled at me. "Hey." 

We looked at each other for a while longer, just taking each other in. Then I walked to his bed side and held his hand. "I thought you were dead. I was about to blow this place up," I informed him, my voice shaky and my eyes thick with tears.

He sighed and laughed a little bit. "That sounds like something you'd do. And I thought I was dead too. I woke up in here a few days ago. I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried," he said through tears.

I smiled at him. "I'm so glad you're okay" I whimpered. Then I kissed him. I started crying again, I'd missed him so much.

"It's okay Ringer. I'm here now. We're here now," he said soothingly.

"I know! It's just...I missed you so much and I thought you were dead. And I never even got to tell you...." I cried.

He raised an eyebrow. "Tell me what?" he asked.

I wiped my eyes and kissed him again. Then I smiled at him. "That I love you," I said.

He beamed at me and he kissed me again. I grabbed his hand again and we sat like that for a while...devising a plan.
