왜 - why


I knew those were thorns
Carried on a beautiful rose,

I knew I would feel pain
If I touched it.

But there was a feeling of affection
Towards that sweet rose

Which I couldn't hold back
Or hide it.


My hands started to bleed
By the pain it caused.

At first my hands,
Then my heart.

I started to fear the
phenomenon called "Love"
I was scared and suppressed
my excitement.


But why couldn't I let go?
Why couldn't I soften the grip?

I was just a fool holding
too tight onto it!

Until I realized that it
wasn't worth the pain
And neither was it worth
the least bit of patience...

I gave up on this fight,
this so-called Love Game.
My anticipation ran
out of persistence,

What a shame!
But will I later regret it?


