Embracing Pain

- "I only want you tonight...
Release my pain, please..." -

"Can you give me hugs and kisses?" She asked standing in front of his door speaking through the intercom.
Her eyes were lowered, facing the ground.
"I don't need much, really..."

The door opened and the lady wrapped her arms around that tall man. Tears started to well up in her eyes and the small pearls ran down her cheeks, leaving their wet traces behind.



A way of releasing pain by turning it into liquid


The tall guy embraced her and patted her back, caressing her hair softly.
"It's ok... I'll let you inside, you don't have to think about the contract..." His embrace tightened.

Taeri slowly broke the hug and looked up at him.
"No, you need the money, I know it,


I know it all too well, Jay.

How are their fates intertwined?
What contract might connect them?

Did you thought about this outcome?

I hope you are all doing well, my dear sweet hearts.
Please keep on voting and commenting! It motivates me !

I wish everybody a nice day.
Stay healthy.

