
Hello this is officially my first story that did not completely fail and yay-ness and stuff \_(•~•)_/

"SCATTER!"I heard one of my presumed friends yell. They had a very high-pitched and cracking voice making "Scatter" sound more like "SkAttER"

I started to try and sit up but it felt like a Tasmanian devil was making a burrow out of my skull. But damn, I was either drunk, high, or both but either way I was super faded.

And it hurt like my teenage pride.

I quickly sat up and braced for all the pain which was about to come upon my dome. I sat up way too fast and I then truly knew what it felt like to be hit by a semi truck.

I took a moment to collect myself and then got up fully . There was a lot of stumbling and falling and restarting the painfully long process. Wonder what messed me up like this.

When I finally had the chance to stand straight up and not flop down again or get super dizzy I took a good look around the room.  And all I could say was "Goddamn this place looks like a crime scene! Wait..."

That's when it hit me. It was, in-fact a crime scene.

I looked down to my feet and saw a dead body "shiiiiii-take mushrooms"

Thanks for reading this literal shit.
I guess..
Anyway comment, vote, and feel free to criticize me.


