Wow you're still reading I'm impressed *claps* Thanks I guess

There it was, my corpse. Wow, I guess Gerald wasn't joking at all when he said I look like shit when I sleep. It's kinda funny actually if only I didn't feel like I was getting a lobotomy.

As Thoughts about the corpse at my feet and pain were rushing around my head I noticed a loud banging on the flimsy shacks door. Wait a second... Is that door... Made of Spruce? Oh my sweet Asian baby Jesus. "WHO SPLATTERED BLOOD ON THAT BEAUTIFUL SPRUCE DOOR?"

I know I was being extremely dramatic and all screaming at how they ruined the precious spruce, but who could blame me? I'm a dramatic piece of shit.

For some god-forsaken reason I feel like it was a terrible idea to yell and I came back to reality as the pain came over my whole body this time.

The door was kicked down and a bunch of men and women came in with pristine looking  uniforms on. Oh and guess what happened next! I, had guns and batons and all the like ready to shoot or whack the shit out of me, Funny right?

"Get down on your knee's and put your hands behind your head!" one of the bulky looking cops barked at me as I was in the middle of a death circle thing.

I was at a loss for words at that point, I was just trying to process everything that was happening from when I woke up to about this point but I was hella confused now.

So I did as the cop thingy said said and got on my knees, because I don't feel like being shot or whacked today. So with my hands behind my head and my knees on the ground I listens for further instruction.

As I am still in pain everything is hard to make out it was getting fuzzy things started to blotch together and a small beeping could be heard.

I think someone noticed because they started yelling something in my general direction. "Y-o —er t—re g— - med— NOW!"

I started to fall over as I barley felt my body hit the ground over the sharp pain radiating throughout my body.

I then fell near the corpse and looked into it's cold, dead eyes. It looked familiar.

Another powerful wave of pain want crashing throughout my body making me scream out in pain and causing a few of the people surrounding me falter in their stances.

as I started to pass out from the pain I saw about ten or so people rush int the room wearing white as the person who was yelling earlier was still giving orders to the other strangers.

"Is this how I die"  I thought
"Not yet, I can't die yet. I can't go out, not like this at least!"

I tried to fight through it and at least open my eyes, but the pain just got worse and worse until I gave up and let the darkness consume me.

As I was passed out I could start to hear bits and pieces of words again.

"Som—e —t - b—y —g a— - ———r"
"Y— -ir!"

Then everything went quiet and I felt nothing but pain and a constant ringing in my head.

Two days later~

Everything hurt. Literally. Everything. Hurt. As I started to open my eyes a little, but it was really bright.

After my eyes adjusted I sat up from the bed I was in and started to take everything in. "Okay so I woke up next to a corpse had a massive hangover and then a bunch of strangers with weapons bursted into...? Wherever I was and then I blacked out. That's fun. Very, very fun" I thought aloud.

I then looked around from where I was currently sitting. It seemed to be an hospital room...

"Oh shit... do I have to pay a bill?" I said with tired-ness laced into my voice making it sound lower and raspy.

I took the IV's out and got up from the bed. Once I actually looked around the room I saw long flowing and white curtains hanging from an open window viewing a busy city, a comfortable looking chair placed next to the bed, a few paintings here and there, a small counter, a spruce desk with a black rolling chair, and a decent looking bathroom.

I then looked to the door and noticed the key-pad with a red light shining dimly on it.

I then did what most all people would do and went to go try to open it. It was cold and smooth, probably metal.

As I was feeling the door I heard something beep on the other side disturbing me slightly and making me jump and hide on the other side of the room.

The door then proceeded to open and an important looking person walked in and looked to the bed. Whenever they didn't see me there they walked around the room probably looking for me. I then took a moment to look where I was. I was underneath the desk in a square place where the chair goes.

Why am I so short?

As I was going over the reason I was short the stranger walked over to the desk and pushed the chair in making me yelp, and causing them to look down to the sudden ruckus.

The person then pulled the chair away swiftly and stuck their hand out to me with a smile, and said "Hello! My name is Jackson!"

Do people actually read this shit?


