
Summer/Natasha's POV

The next day went by slowly. I showered, ate food, sat on my bed until Andrew came in and said he was moving out. Then I went on a walk, avoided my brothers, contemplated smashing the thumb drive and got driving lessons from Walter.

I started calling Bekka and Walter, Mom and Dad. The girls came over but I didn't feel like hanging out so I took a nap.

I texted Brett that I would be coming to the party and ended up texting him for the rest of the day.

Brett: Hey, do you know what your wearing to the party?

                                                              No not yet, why? :Natasha

Brett: well its a pool party so if you want to swim bring a swim suit

Okay, I'll bring a swim suit. Thanks for the heads up :Natasha

We texted more and after dinner I dashed upstairs. I grabbed a one piece swim suit and a white t-shirt to go over it. I wasn't sure I wanted everyone seeing my scars.

Then I went to the bathroom, put the one piece on, threw the Wilshire t-shirt on over it and threw on a pair of ripped Jean shorts.

My cell phone 'dinged' and I glanced at the text.

Brett: I'm out front. At least I think I am. There are a bunch of little kids playing in a sprinkler.

Wrong house😂 I'm two doors down to the left. The house on the corner. There is a yellow truck outside. :Natasha

Brett: makes sense now🤦‍♂️

                                                              😂 :Natasha

Brett: Now I'm here😎

                      Okay, I'll be down in a sec :Natasha

I slipped my shoes on and dashed down stairs, phone in hand.

"I'm going to leave now. My friend is here to pick me up." I told Mom walking toward the door.

"Alright sweetie. I want you back here at 12:00 sharp. A minute late and you are grounded. Understood?" Mom asked me.

"Yes Mom. Now can I go?" I asked smiling.

"Yes you may." Mom said.

I dashed to the door and exited the house. I hopped in the passenger seat and Brett pulled out of the driveway.

"I didn't know you lived with the Whitlocks." Brett commented as we drove past the house with the kids playing on the lawn.

"Yeah, they adopted me a little while back." I told him.

"Cool," Brett said.

We talked more on the way over and I found out that the party was at his house and his house was on the same road as the park/beach I had went to before.

We pulled into the driveway and found many cars already parked there. We got out and Brett grabbed my hand. I blushed.

"Follow me. You'll get lost in the crowd." Brett explained.

I followed him through the mass of teenagers to the dining room which was mostly empty.

"If you want to get changed into your bathing suit I can show you the way to the pool." Brett offered.

I nodded and said, "My swim suit is underneath this." I gestured to the top and shorts. Betty's eyes scanned my body as he nodded. He took my hand again and led me out of the dining room to the back yard.

"I'll be right back don't move alright?" Brett told me, letting go of my hand and dashing inside again.

While he was gone I glanced around. There were groups of teenagers I had seen at school and other I had never seen in my life. There was one group of boys that were watching me closely.

I ignored them and waited for Brett. He returned a few minutes later wearing swim trunks.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Brett asked me.

"No thank you. I think I'm fine." I replied.

"Want to swim then?" Brett asked me.

I nodded as he tossed his shirt off onto a chair. I sat on a chair next to his and slipped the Jean shorts off. I put my phone under my shorts and followed Brett to the waters edge.

His house was on the water. Not literally of course. They had the house, then back yard and then the lake.

He was ripped. And when I say-no think ripped, I mean ripped. He might have had more muscles than Luke.

Brett looked over at me and grinned. His eyes trailed up my body for a second and then he cannon balled in. I stepped away from the edge as the water splashed around.

"Come on!" Brett called to me.

I sat down on the waters edge and stuck my feet in. Even though it was burning hot outside the water felt cold.

"Oh, come on! Don't leave me hanging!" Brett called swimming over to me. He tugged my ankle making me jump up to avoid getting pulled into the water.

"I'll come out and get you." Brett warned.

"Try," I teased.

Brett gave me a look and the climbed out of the water soaking and walking towards me. "Who wants a hug?" He asked opening his arms and letting the water drip off of him.

I shook my head playfully and backed away. "Aw are you sure Natasha?" Brett asked grinning evilly

(Okay I know I am making up words for this book but who cares!)

I stepped back further and bumped into someone. It was a random teen that had gotten in my way of escaping wetness.

Brett grabbed my arm and swiftly picked me up and walking to the side of the river. "No! Brett! No!" I shrieked.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you." Brett pretended to be deaf.

"Brett. I'm warning you. I have three older brothers." I warned him.

Brett just chuckled and jumped in the water still holding onto me.

I shrieked as I went under water, swallowing a lot of water. I came up coughing and found Brett. I splashed him and dunked him underwater many times.

Eventually he held up his hand and said, "Truce! I call a truce!"

I raised an eyebrow before splashing him one final time. "Hey!" Brett exclaimed before starting the splash fight again.

I jumped out of the river and crashed into someone back flopping into the water unintentionally.

My back hurt like nuts but that was nothing compared to the rock hitting my head. I had fallen into the water and sank to the bottom of the shallow part of the river.

My vision dimmed and I felt arms wrapped around me from no where.

I felt water rushing past my face and my face broke the surface of the water. Immediately started coughing up water. I blinked getting rid of the water in my eyes and realized it was Brett holding me.

He climbed out of the water still holding me and set me down on the grass.

"Are you okay? Do you need an ice pack?" Brett asked me.

"I'm fine and no I don't need an ice pack, but thanks." I told him. The person-or wall-that I ran into huffed.

"Good, now watch where you are going." He said before walking off.

'rude' I thought.

"Sorry about Drake. He doesn't get along with anybody." Brett apologized as he led me to where our things were.

"How do you know him?" I asked Brett curiously.

"He's my brother. Well... Adopted brother. I was the adopted one. Actually last month. I've only lived here for a little while. He doesn't exactly like me." Brett replied.

"Cool, and I'm sorry for you." I said.

"Why sorry?" Brett asked.

"I know what being in the adoption center is like. I spent five years there after both my parents died. How long were you there?" I asked him.

"Less than a week and I couldn't stand it. Sorry about the five years thing. And your parents." Brett said.

"Its fine." I replied.

"Okay, I'm still getting you an ice pack though." Brett told me.

"I fine, really." I insisted.

"No your not. Your eyes had dulled when I scooped you out if the water. Now I'm getting you an ice pack wether you like it or not. Do you want anything else? We have snacks, drinks I could steal some ice cream from Drake's personally stash?" Brett offered.

"Just water please." I replied.

"Stay here. Be back in a flash Natalie." Brett said. He winked and left to get our food and drinks.

Ten minutes later I was wondering where he went. Fifteen minutes later I got up to find him. Twenty minutes later I found him breaking up a fight in the kitchen.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked.

Brett whirled around at my voice. "I told you to stay there." Brett complained.

"Well if you had known me longer you know I am either the biggest rule follower or the worst. Not in between." I told him.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and a bag of frozen peas from the freezer.

He grabbed my hand and led my up a few flights of stairs before leading me out a set of double doors.

He made me sit on a chair that was out there and dashed back inside leaving the frozen peas and water bottle on a table. He came out a few minutes later with a fuzzy white cat blanket over one arm and the other arm cradling a big bowl of popcorn.

He gave me the blanket and sat down in the chair next to me.

Brett handed me the water bottle and frozen peas before placing the bowl of popcorn on his lap.

I reached over to grab some but Brett playfully jerked the bowl away.

I reached for it again and he held it above my head.

"You got the frozen peas, water and blanket. I get the popcorn." Brett said playfully, putting emphasis on the word 'and' like he had given so much to me.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip from my water bottle.

We watched the sun set and when it was finally dark we realized we had both left an article of clothing and our cell phones by the water.

Brett ran down, grabbed our things before grabbing ice cream and a lap top.

He came back up to the balcony and set the laptop up on a table across from where we were sitting.

"Is it me or did things just get really quiet?" I asked him.

Everything had quieted down significantly when he came back.

"Yeah, some doofus brought alcohol when they knew I wouldn't allow it. I sent everyone home." He replied logging into Netflix.

My lips formed an 'o' as he sat back.

"What's your favorite movie?" Brett asked me.

"Um, anything Marvel except for Guardians of the Galaxy. Or anything Star Wars except for Rogue One." I replied.

Brett smirked. "Then you might not like me. I'm a lot like 'star lord.'" Brett said as he logged out of Netflix and logged into Disney plus.

"You don't seem like star lord to me. From what I've seen at least." I told him.

"Are you saying your starting to like me?" Brett asked grinning over his shoulder.

"No! I've only known you for a little over a day doofus!" I exclaimed.

Brett chuckled sitting back as the first Avengers movie began playing. He grabbed the tub of ice cream, the paper bowls and the plastic spoons, setting them on the table in between us.

He dished out the ice cream and handed me mine sticking a spoon in my bowl for me.

We ate our ice cream and watched the movie when it was over Brett asked me, "What time do you have to be home?"

"Twelve" I replied.

We talked for a while and ended up playing The Winder Soldier.

At some part in the movie my eyelids grew heavy. I couldn't fall asleep here but the more I thought about it, the more heavy they became. In the end I gave up and drifted off into dream land.


I stirred in my sleep hearing a car door shut. I heard a motor but was too tired to open my eyes.

The motor shut off and I heard a car door open and close. The door beside me opened and I opened my eyes a little. Brett leaned in and scooped me up. He saw my eyes open a little and a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Hey there sleepy head." He chuckled.

I let a smile play on my lips and burrowed into his chest. That just made him chuckled again.

He knocked on the door and it was opened to a scowling Luke with the rest of my brothers behind him.

Brett smirked his movie worthy smile and set me down.

"What happened? Andrew moves out and you decide to do whatever?" Luke asked sternly.

I smiled warily at him. "And why aren't you wearing any pants!?"
Luke exclaimed.

"Uh, its called a swim suit Einstein. And Mom and Dad did say I could go to a party." I retorted.

Who was he to act like my Dad?

"Then why didn't you change out of it once you were done swimming? And why was he carrying you?" Luke asked crossing his arms.

"I went to the party in my swim suit so I didn't have anything to change into and he was carrying me cause I fell asleep during the movie. He must've remembered that I had to be home by twelve so he brought me home." I replied.

Seriously who did he think he was?

"Fine then. I'm sure mom didn't let you go to the party wearing that." Luke said gesturing to my t-shirt and one piece.

"I wore Jean shorts over the bottoms." I said taking the shorts and my Phone from Brett. I gave him a look that said 'can you believe them? Sorry' Before turning around.

"And since when do people watch movies at Highschool parties? I thought that was a date type thing." Luke stated.

"We were watching the movie on the balcony while the party went on down below us." I stated.

"So you went to someone else's party and watched a movie on their balcony without permission?" Luke asked.

"It was Brett's party." I stated.

Man my brother had nerve.

"Still, why were you watching a movie with him?" Luke asked.

"We wanted too." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Fine. I think its time for you to go." Luke said to Brett.

"Uh, no. You can't tell him when to leave" I told Luke angrily.

"You're acting like he's your boyfriend and I'm the mean Dad." Luke commented.

"Wait. Are you two dating?" Mason asked from behind Tyler who was behind Will who was behind Luke.

My cheeks flamed. "No he is a good friend though. So back off." I glared at them.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and found Brett. "I think I'm just making things worse. I should go anyways." He said quietly.

"Might not be so bad after all." Luke commented.

"Halti clapper!" I growled at my brothers.

Brett snorted while my brothers gave me confused expressions.

One of the things Brett and I had talked about was German. We both spoke it as a second language. In German Halti clapper meant shut up.

"Es tut mir leid, dass sie turds sind." I said apologetically.

Brett started chuckling. Luke glared at me.

"What did you say?" He asked.

No way was I telling him that. I had said, "sorry about them, they're turds."

Brett said bye and left. I walked inside and went for the stairs.

"I am going to tell Mom about this." Luke said.

"You sure you want to title of snitch?" I asked Luke.

Luke didn't say anything. I walked upstairs, showered, changed and crawled in bed.

I texted Brett saying sorry for my brothers actions again and then said goodnight.

I fell asleep soon after.


Wassup lovely hoomans!

How's it going?

Hope you liked that chapter.

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Have a great day/night❤

*whispers because I forgot* Dms are always open!

