
Nick's POV

I woke up to a thump.

I opened my eyes and found that I had fallen asleep on the couch.

Natasha had tripped over my outstretched leg. I pulled my leg and stood, walking over to her.

"Need some help?" I asked holding out a hand to her.

"Its not fair that you all have coordination and I have to be a clutz." She grumbled taking my hand.

I pulled her to her feet shrugging. She was light. Did she even eat?

"Thanks. I'm going to go shower." She told me.

I nodded and said, "Uh.. Is it okay if I use the downstairs shower? I want to shower before the others are up."

"Yeah, go ahead." Nat told me before walking upstairs.

I grabbed my backpack and took it downstairs. I showered and did my business before grabbing my bag and going back upstairs. The others were just waking up.

They each showered and came back to the island the hangout and eat.

I grabbed a bagel and slathered cream cheese on it before sitting back down at the island.

"Luke, do you know anyone named Brett?" Pamela asked out of the blue.

"Umm, no. I don't think I-wait. Yeah I do. What about him?" Luke replied. His attitude had entirely changed.

"Who is he?" Pamela asked.

"Some doofus that hangs out with Nat. He's a jerk." Luke replied.

"Then would you be worried if I told you he called Natasha at 5 in the morning?" Pamela asked.

Everyone at the island was silent and listening.

"Yes. I most definitely would." Luke said in a low tone. He got up and walked to the stairs.

"Natasha! Get down here." Luke called up the stairs.

Pamela bit her lip as the others looked towards the stairs awkwardly.

A few seconds later Natasha came halfway down the stairs.

"Yeah? Sorry, I lost track of time." Natasha said to Luke.

"Oh really?" Luke asked.

"Yeah," Natasha insisted. Her eyes flicked to the bagels on the island and her eyes lit up.

"Oo bagels!" She said excitedly. Nat came down the stairs but was blocked by Luke.

"What? I want food." She told him.

"What were you doing up at five in the morning?" Luke questioned her.

Her brows furrowed for a second and then something clicked.

"Oh, that. I had a bad dream, got up to grab Violet and water but a friend called. I talked with my friend for a few minutes and then went back to bed. Pamela woke up at some point and noticed I was gone. She came into my room while in was still on the phone." Natasha explained.

"Now can I eat food?" She asked.

Luke narrowed his eyes. "Who was that friend?" He asked her.

"Let me get food Br-Luke" Natasha said.

"What did you call me?" Luke asked her.

"I called you Luke. Now move so I can get food or I will move you." She told him.

Luke crossed his arms. "You said 'br-luke'. Who was the friend?" Luke asked.

Natasha sighed. She dropped to the ground and slipped in between Luke's legs.

"Ow! Hey! No pinching!" Luke exclaimed.

"Pinching?" Tanya asked giggling.

"Yes, pinching. She pinched me." Luke whined.

"Would you rather have been flipped on your back?" Nat asked grabbing a bagel.

Luke frowned as Nat sat down in the seat next to me.

"Pamela told me it was Brett." Luke said.

"Yeah, it was. So what?" Nat asked taking a bite of her bagel.

"Why was Brett calling at five in the morning?" Luke asked.

"He was bored." Natasha replied taking another bite.

"At five? Shouldn't he have been sleeping?" Luke asked.

"He told me he couldn't sleep. We just talked about random things until Pamela came in." Nat replied.

"How do I know you aren't lying?" Luke asked her.

"You'll just have to trust me." Natasha told him.

Luke glared.

Nat rolled her eyes and went back to eating her bagel.

"So what do you guys want to do?" She asked once she was done.

"No clue." I replied.

"Very helpful as always. Thank you so much Nick." Nat laughed.

I chuckled and bumped shoulders with her.

Luke's glare deepened.

Long story-short we ended up playing board games till twelve and then the girls headed home. Natasha went upstairs and I went downstairs to play video games with Luke and Will.

Three hours later-don't judge me the video game was fun-we decided we were hungry.

As we came upstairs we saw Natasha's back to us. She was laughing at something a guy had said. He was standing outside the front door while Natasha was tying her shoes.

"Okay, now I'm done. Let's go." Nat laughed.

"You are so bad at tying shoes." The guy chuckled. His voice was deep and huskie.

"You could have done it for me. It would have taken less time. Then you could be Brett the butler." Nat joked.

"Hey! I'm no one's butler." Brett/the guy exclaimed.

Nat started walking out the door but Luke called after her.

Seriously dude. Girls appreciate protective brothers but not helicopter brothers. I thought.

"Natasha, where are you going?" Luke asked her.

Nat turned and smiled sweetly. "Out. As in going to hangout with a friend." She replied.

"Did mom and dad say this was okay?" Luke asked her.

Bro chill  I thought.

"Yes they did. Bye!" She said.

Luke glared. Natasha smiled sweetly back at him.

Luke broke his stare from Nat but crossed the room to Brett.

Nat's smiled dropped and she stepped in front of Brett.

Luke glared at Natasha. This didn't seem good.

"Let me talk to him." Luke growled, so low I could barely hear him.

"Why?" Natasha asked.

"I just want to ask him a question." Luke said.

"Fine, but if you are rude to him, I will judo flip you in front of Tanya." I heard Nat growl.

She stepped away and let Luke by to see Brett.

Luke said a few things to Brett. Brett raised his eyebrows and chuckled before saying something. Whatever Brett had said must have eased Luke a little because I saw him relax a little. He stepped away and let Nat leave.

"Just out of curiosity, what did you say to him?" I asked Luke.

"I warned him if he hurt her in any way or made her uncomfortable he would not live another second." Luke replied.

I chuckled. "Isn't that something you would say to someone's date?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Nat's been different since he came along. Its weird. The only thing I don't want happening right now is her getting a boyfriend." Luke told me.

"Yeah, I get how that might be scary. But still, you have a girlfriend and she might like him as painful as that fact is." I told him.

"Yeah... Do you like her? Nat I mean. Whenever you talk about her your expression changes and you seem more relaxed." Luke asked me.

"Uh... Well.. Would you kill me if I said yes?" I asked.

"No, I know you and know you would never do anything to hurt her. On the other hand, I just met Brett. And the way I met him also wasn't the best." Luke said.

"How did you meet him?" I asked Luke hoping to draw the subject away from my crush.

"He brought her home after a party/date. She was still in her swim suit and had fallen asleep during their movie." Luke said.

For no reason at all that made my blood boil. Was I jealous? Yeah... Definitely jealous.

All I wanted was for Natasha to look at me the same way she looks at Brett. Laugh the way he had made her laugh and be goofy around me like she was Brett. She had never been goofy around me.

"Well, you wanna get back to kicking Will's butt in Apex?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, he is so dead after ditching us in the hot drop. We all died a because of him." I said.

"Yep," Luke said. We headed down stairs and continued playing Apex Legends.

(My favorite video game aside from Battle-front 2)

We played for a while until we finally beat Will. Then I went home and helped Mom make dinner. Dad got home and we ate dinner together. Then I cleaned up the kitchen while Mom read in her room and Dad finished his work he had brought in home with him.

Once I was done I went on a run, showered and went to bed.

I laid in bed thinking about Natasha all night until I finally fell asleep.


*weird laughter* Sorry. I'm weirdly excited for no reason today.😂

What did you think?

Sorry about the chapter title. I had no clue what to name it.😂

What is your favorite video game or movie?

Like I said before my favorite video game(s) are Battle front 2 and Apex legends. I'm horrible at apex but I like it.

My favorite movies are anything Star wars, anything marvel (except guardians of the Galaxy), Narnia, rampage, and I know there are more.

Anyway, Dms are always open! Feel free to spam me!😂

Have a wonderful day!!!!


